• last year
مسلسل القروية الجميلة,مسلسل تركي,مسلسلات تركية,القروية الجميلة,القروية الجميلة الحلقة الاخيرة,مسلسلات تركية قروية,دبلجة عربية,مسلسلات تركية قروية 2024,مسلسلات تركية مترجمة,مسلسلات تركية قروية كوميدية,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة,مسلسلات قروية تركية 2024,مسلسل,مسلسلات تركية ريفية,مسلسلات تركيه قرويه,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 1,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 2,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 3,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 4,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 5
مسلسلات هندية,مسلسل هندي رومنسي,مسلسل هندي دوبلاج عربي,مسلسل هندي,مسلسلات هندية مدبلجة بالعربية,مسلسلات هندية حزينة,مسلسل,مسلسل هندي دراما,مسلسلات هندية رومنسية,سيلسيلا مسلسل هندي,مسلسلات هندية دوبلاج عربي,مسلسل هندي مدبلج بالعربية,مسلسلات هندية رومانسية,مسلسل هندي سواراغيني,مسلسلات هندية مدبلجة بالعربي,مسلسل هندي ومن الحب ما قتل,مسلسل جديد,مسلسلات هندية درامية,مسلسلات,عميلة سرية مسلسل هندي,60 سيلسيلا مسلسل هندي,مسلسل هندي الروح العاشقة
مسلسل هندي,مسلسلات هندية,مسلسل,مسلسل هندي مدبلج,مسلسل مجاني,مسلسل ببلاش,مسلسل هندي دوبلاج عربي,مسلسلات هندية رومنسية,مسلسلات زي الوان,مسلسل هندي دراما,مسلسلات هندية دوبلاج عربي,مسلسلات هندية حزينة,مسلسلات هندية درامية,مسلسلات هندية رومانسية,مسلسل هندي رومنسي,مسلسلات هندية مدبلجة بالعربي,اسماء جلال,مسلسل هندي سواراغيني,مسلسلات هندية مدبلجة بالعربية,مسلسل هندي ومن الحب ما قتل,مسلسل جديد,مسلسل هندي الروح العاشقة


00:30can't hear me?
00:32I can't hear you.
00:50Raju, what are you doing here?
00:52Why are you sleeping in my bed?
01:02Raju, answer me!
01:14What happened?
01:16Why are you sleeping here?
01:30What happened?
01:44What happened to her now?
01:48Where did she go?
01:50When I was in the room,
01:52Baiju was sleeping on my bed.
01:54What happened to her?
01:56Oh yes!
01:58She sprained her ankle while cleaning the house.
02:02Mother said that she has to clean the entire house.
02:04And you know sister.
02:06She carried the entire house on her head.
02:08She was doing all the work alone.
02:10And then she came to the room.
02:12She was doing something near the stool.
02:14The stool fell on her leg and she got injured.
02:16What happened to sister?
02:18I told her to rest here.
02:20Did I do the right thing?
02:24Hold this. I will get tea for you.
02:38Do you know?
02:40You should have met me earlier.
02:46Nandi Maharaj!
02:48What kind of a test is this?
02:52Last time,
02:54when I felt this way,
02:56I felt so bad.
03:00How can I say this with confidence?
03:02You are me and I am God.
03:04There is no one better than you in this world.
03:08Nandi Maharaj!
03:10What kind of a test is this?
03:12Last time,
03:14when I felt this way,
03:16I felt so bad.
03:26I shouldn't have slept on your bed.
03:28I didn't know when I got hurt.
03:30It's okay.
03:32You don't have to say sorry.
03:34Jaya told me.
03:36What happened?
03:40Raju, I know it's not your fault.
03:42Every time,
03:44the situation turns out to be
03:46that we want something else
03:48and we get something else.
03:50It doesn't matter what we want.
04:04Raju, we have faced this situation so many times.
04:08We can't make the smallest mistake.
04:12No matter what we do,
04:14we have to be very careful.
04:26how is your leg?
04:28It's fine now.
04:30You ran so fast,
04:32I thought something will happen again.
04:34Take this.
04:44Lord Ganesha is about to come.
04:46Thank God,
04:48the house is clean now.
04:52we have a lot of work to do.
04:54We have to decorate the house
04:56and prepare for the veneration.
05:00do one thing.
05:02You look after the guest list.
05:06you get the rest of the stuff
05:08from the market.
05:12And Jaya,
05:14you are responsible for
05:16father's offerings.
05:18I have trusted you.
05:24all this is fine.
05:26But, what will we do?
05:30you will do the work of doing nothing.
05:34Just do this much.
05:36Mother, why are you saying like this?
05:40I am telling you from my experience.
05:44you will go to do the work.
05:46But, do you know what you will do?
05:48Mother, where have you kept this?
05:50Mother, where have you kept that?
05:52This will increase the work.
05:54It will take more time.
05:56We will do the work of women's kitchen.
05:58You just stay calm.
06:00And, if we do all the work,
06:02without asking you,
06:10This is called
06:12sister, hit me.
06:14Brother, what new drama
06:16are you starting?
06:22Wait a minute.
06:24What do you mean?
06:26All the household chores,
06:28like washing utensils,
06:30cooking, cleaning,
06:32will you do all these?
06:34Of course.
06:38please pinch me.
06:40I am not dreaming.
06:44Hey, sister.
06:46You are laughing a lot.
06:48Did I joke?
06:50Wasn't it a joke?
06:52What work
06:54are you thinking of doing?
06:56You just
06:58run your computer.
07:00I will run the household chores.
07:02You just leave it.
07:04When you made tea for the first time,
07:06I still remember.
07:08If you can make it, I will do it better than you.
07:12Isn't it?
07:14I used to do all my work in college.
07:16Now, cooking is not rocket science.
07:18I will do it a few times and learn.
07:22And, if you learn everything quickly,
07:24then you cook
07:26for lunch today.
07:28Hey, sister.
07:30You shouldn't
07:32take everything so seriously.
07:34Isn't it?
07:36Let her do it.
07:38I will do it later.
07:40No, Nagraj.
07:42She is absolutely right.
07:44So, it is decided.
07:46Today, women will rest
07:48and all of you
07:50will work in the kitchen.
07:52Do it, Sundar.
07:54Sundara, you mean
07:56you are challenging
08:02You will cook something
08:04but we will decide
08:06who is the
08:08best cook.
08:10Challenge accepted.
08:28Are you
08:30going to fight a war?
08:32I think
08:34we should throw turmeric in the kitchen
08:36and make it a turmeric pot.
08:40Are you all ready?
08:44Okay then.
09:06What is it?
09:08Why are you looking at us
09:10like a board examiner?
09:12Go from here.
09:14When the food is ready,
09:16it will bring you here.
09:18No, everything is fine.
09:20But remember one thing.
09:22In this kitchen,
09:24we have to work
09:42I said yes.
09:44What do I have to do?
09:46Ask him.
09:48He wanted to be a hero.
09:50Now he will tell you what to do.
09:58is not an easy task.
10:00You accepted this challenge.
10:02I will go and eat in the nearby restaurant.
10:06This is a matter of self-respect.
10:08We have to prove
10:10that if women can
10:12earn money
10:14then we can also run our house.
10:16And better than them.
10:20You saw
10:22how all the women laughed at us.
10:24Now it is a matter of self-respect.
10:26Now we have to
10:28show them that
10:30we can cook
10:32even better food than them.
10:36Come on.
10:38What will you cook?
10:50What kind of gas is this?
10:52What is this?
11:12What did you do, Rana?
11:16Come on.
11:18Work with focus.
11:20Come on.
11:28What is this?
11:30Coriander, cumin, soda, salt.
11:32What is this?
11:36Do I have to boil it or cut it?
11:46Look at this.
11:48Don't act smart.
11:52You also do it.
11:54Do I have to peel the tomato?
11:58Why didn't you peel it?
12:08I know Ranvijay's intention is good.
12:10And also that he doesn't like to lose.
12:12But he doesn't know how to cook.
12:14Now I have to think of something.
12:16I will definitely make Ranvijay
12:18win this cooking battle.
12:22I haven't even started
12:24cooking yet.
12:26How will I win?
12:38What are you doing here?
12:42Are you spying on us?
12:46Spying what?
12:48You focus on your cooking.
12:54I came to fill water.
13:02What is this?
13:12Take this.
13:16Thank you so much.
13:18Just don't tell anyone about this.
13:20Trust me, I won't tell anyone.
13:26How can I not let Ranvijay win
13:28when I am here?
13:30I will cook something and give it to him.
13:36How do you make roti?
13:38You are cheating.
13:40I am not cheating.
13:42I will make it.
13:44How do you make it?
13:46A little.
13:48I taught you once.
13:52You are still here.
13:54Didn't you fill water?
13:56Are you sure you are spying on us?
13:58What are you doing
14:00that I will spy on you?
14:02My work is done. I am going.
14:06You are very interested in water.
14:08What is there in water?
14:10Go and tell someone.
14:12It is not right to help Rana.
14:14But I can't let her lose.
14:20I will make something simple.
14:22Everyone will think that Ranvijay has made it.
14:26Ranvijay will win.
14:34Hello, Salim.
14:36You want to make roti?
14:38I will teach you.
14:40What to do?
14:42Take some wheat flour.
14:44Take it quickly.
14:46Take one bowl.
14:52Take it quickly.
14:54What to do now?
14:56Take some water.
15:00Start kneading.
15:04Don't take so much water.
15:06Reduce it.
15:08Take more flour.
15:10Take more flour.
15:14Add more flour.
15:20Start kneading.
15:30I forgot to add peanuts.
15:32They are in the kitchen.
15:34I will have to do something.
15:42Salim, you don't have to drink it.
15:44You have to eat it.
15:46Take some rice.
15:48It is so complicated.
15:50I don't know where I am stuck.
16:06Where did she go?
16:08I am stuck.
16:22I am stuck.
16:50Take more flour.
16:54Everyone will eat together.
16:56Fat roti.
17:02That's it.
17:04Now salt.
17:06Add one spoon of salt.
17:10How can I take such a big spoon?
17:16Spoon with spices.
17:30That's it.
17:34Knead the dough.
17:40Like this.
17:50Like a round ladoo.
17:56Like this.
18:00Like this.
18:04Now press it.
18:06Like this.
18:16What country is this?
18:22Take that fat roti.
18:24Press it.
18:26Like a round ladoo.
18:30Press it.
18:32Like a round ladoo.
18:34Be careful.
18:40Let's go.
18:50Let's go.
18:56Leave it on the pan.
19:00Take water.
19:02Press it.
19:04Not like this.
19:08Take water.
19:20Now press it.
19:32Flip it.
19:34No problem.
19:36All the best.
19:48Is it good?
19:50If you win, let me stay here.
19:58Nandi Maharaj.
20:00Please forgive me.
20:02But Ranaji has a pure heart.
20:04And he has a good intention.
20:06I couldn't control myself.
20:08That's why I helped him.
20:18Very good.
20:20Decorate the entire house like this.
20:22And not like this.
20:24Put more red flowers.
21:12How can I dream like this?
21:14I am sitting in Jaya's place.
21:16What is happening to me?
21:18What's wrong with me?
21:20Oh God.
