• last year
(Adnkronos) - "La prima persona a cui devo chiedere scusa è mia moglie, una persona eccezionale". E' un passaggio dell'intervista di Gennaro Sangiuliano, ministro della Cultura, al Tg1. Sangiuliano nell'intervista si sofferma sul rapporto con Maria Rosaria Boccia: "Ho avuto un rapporto affettivo, una relazione sentimentale".


00:00Who do you feel sorry to?
00:03Look, the first person I have to apologize to,
00:07because she's an exceptional person,
00:10is my wife.
00:15Then I apologize to Giorgia Meloni,
00:18who trusted me for the embarrassment
00:21I created for her and, evidently, for the government.
00:25I also apologize to my collaborators,
00:29who, even though they didn't do anything,
00:32find themselves involved in this matter.
00:35Last night you met the President of the Council.
00:38What did he say to you?
00:40Well, the first thing I told him
00:43was that I was willing to resign,
00:46a minute after she asked me to.
00:51Then I also told him that, however,
00:54and I also assured him with the documentary evidence,
00:59that this is all a gossip story.
01:02Which, I realize, is annoying.
01:05But I repeat,
01:07not a single euro of the Italian citizens
01:10has ever been spent in this matter.
01:13And no reserved or classified document
01:17or, in any case,
01:20deliberate activity has ever been circulated.
