• last year
The Piasa Bird


00:00The payasaw bird, a creature of legend and terror, dwells within the rugged bluffs overlooking the
00:05mighty Mississippi River. The indigenous people of the Illinois region have passed down the legend
00:10through generations, a tale that speaks of an ancient and fearsome entity.
00:14According to the legend, long ago, the payasaw bird was a creature of immense size and malice.
00:20Its wings stretched wide, casting shadows over the land. With sharp talons and a maw
00:25that could consume whole villages, the payasaw bird was a harbinger of doom.
00:29The indigenous people lived in constant fear of the creature, which was said to swoop down from
00:34its cliffside lair to snatch unsuspecting victims. It would carry them away, leaving nothing but
00:39echoes of their terrified screams. As the legend goes, a brave warrior
00:44named Watoga devised a plan to rid the land of this monstrous menace. He sought the guidance of
00:49the Great Spirit, who provided him with a powerful potion. Watoga painted his body with symbols of
00:54protection and drank the potion, imbuing himself with otherworldly strength.
00:59Armed with a bow and a quiver of enchanted arrows, Watoga ascended the cliffs where the
01:03payasaw bird dwelled. He waited, blending with the rocks, until the creature emerged from its nest.
01:09With unerring accuracy, Watoga let loose his arrows, each finding its mark on the vulnerable
01:14underbelly of the beast. The payasaw bird screeched in agony as the enchanted arrow struck true.
01:20Weakened and unable to fly, it plummeted to the ground. Watoga, displaying unmatched courage,
01:26delivered the final blow, banishing the creature from the land forever.
01:31In gratitude, the indigenous people created a mural on the bluffs, depicting the heroic
01:36triumph of Watoga over the payasaw bird. The mural, known as the Payasaw Bird Painting,
01:41became a symbol of courage and resilience for generations to come.
01:45The legend of the payasaw bird endures, captivating the imaginations of those who hear it.
01:50The cliffs along the Mississippi River, once a source of fear, are now a testament to the
01:55bravery of Watoga and the enduring spirit of a people who faced down a monstrous threat and
01:59emerged victorious. Yet, some say that on moonlit nights, the shadows cast by the bluffs seem to
02:05take on the form of wings, a reminder that legends, even conquered ones, may linger in
02:10the hearts and minds of those who dare to remember.