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Tomb of Fallen Gods Season 2 Episode 5 Sub Indonesia
Tomb of Fallen Gods Season 2 Episode 5 Sub Indonesia
Tomb of Fallen Gods Season 2 Episode 5 Sub Indonesia
Tomb of Fallen Gods Season 2 Episode 5 Sub Indonesia
Tomb of Fallen Gods Season 2 Episode 5 Sub Indonesia
Tomb of Fallen Gods Season 2 Episode 5 Sub Indonesia
Tomb of Fallen Gods Season 2 Episode 5 Sub Indonesia
00:51沧海乌鸦仍我漂泊 The vast ocean and the crows are still floating in the sky
00:53你我皆在岁月途中 You and I are in the journey of time
00:56别怕转眼万里成空 Don't be afraid to turn around and face the sky
00:59愿把繁历冲破 I'm willing to break through the difficulties
01:01挥剑去斩巨浪狂风 I'll use my sword to cut through the giant waves
01:04你这汹涌波涛滚滚洪 You're a raging wave, a raging wave
01:07流也不闪躲 Flowing but not hiding
01:09求求命运之所 I'm begging fate
01:12请你困住我的魂魄 Please trap my soul
01:15迎着风去看天高海阔 Facing the wind, I'll see the sky is high and the sea is vast
01:21祝妖艳的梦 I wish for a dazzling dream
01:32求求命运之所 I'm begging fate
01:34请你困住我的魂魄 Please trap my soul
01:38迎着风去看天高海阔 Facing the wind, I'll see the sky is high and the sea is vast
01:44祝妖艳的梦 I wish for a dazzling dream
02:15Three Months Later
02:21今天前院好像有些吵闹啊 Today's front yard seems to be a little noisy
02:25哎呀 爷爷 一点小事而已 Grandpa, it's just a little thing
02:28冷风学长已经料理好了 Senior Cold Wind has already taken care of it
02:31哦 那就好 Oh, that's good
02:34可别让谭台派那丫头一来就看了笑话 But don't let the girl from Tan Tai Sect come and laugh at us
02:38啊 梦姐姐要来 哎呀 您怎么不早说呀 我去接 Sister Meng is coming. Why didn't you say so earlier? I'll pick her up
02:43受不着了 她已经到了 I can't help it. She's already here
02:51谭台派孟可儿求见东方院长 I, Meng Ke'er from Tan Tai Sect, ask to see President Dong Fang
02:55孟可儿见过东方院长 凤凰妹妹 Sister Feng Huang, I, Meng Ke'er, greet President Dong Fang and Sister Feng Huang
03:16梦丫头无须多礼 问你师父好 You don't need to be so courteous. Say hello to your master
03:20梦姐姐 你可算来了 我就说这次谭台派的交流生八成会是你 Sister Meng, you're finally here. I told you that you would be the interlocutor of Tan Tai Sect
03:25上次一别已有三年 妹妹果然出落得落落大方 姐姐说笑了 走 我带你去吃 The last time we parted, it's been three years. You've really come out of nowhere
03:30姐姐说笑了 走 我带你去吃 Sister is kidding. Let's go. I'll take you to eat
03:33妹妹稍等 这是师父带给东方院长的 Sister, wait a minute. This is what Master brought to President Dong Fang
03:45你师父这也太客气了 Your master is too polite
03:48这玉峰穷江千年酿可是极其珍贵罕见啊 This is a rare wine that has been brewed for thousands of years
03:56那有什么要求就直说吧 If you have any request, just say it
04:00果然什么都瞒不过院长 此次晚辈确实奉师命前来接约贵院藏书阁古籍 用以复原我谭台派失传秘法 I can't hide anything from the president. This time, I did come to the library to retrieve the ancient books of your school by my master's order
04:07以复原我谭台派失传秘法 但临行前 师父交代晚辈需谨守院规 与其他学生无异 Master told me to follow the rules before I left, and I had nothing to do with other students
04:17研学的事嘛 小事一桩 不过按照学院的规矩 借阅藏经阁中的秘籍可是需要学分的 Studying is a small matter, but according to the rules of the school, it is necessary to learn the secret books in the library
04:28学分我有啊 梦姐姐拿去便是 I have the tuition. Sister Meng can take it
04:32学分不得转让 否则作废 The tuition must not be transferred, otherwise it will be invalidated
04:36妹妹无需担心 院长只需告诉可儿 有何可以效劳的便可 Sister, you don't have to worry. All you have to do is tell Ke'er what you can do for her
04:44还真有啊 你看啊 在这片山林之中 万年前曾有神魔交战 在此陨落 这本来没什么稀奇的 直到有人在这里找到了一块神骨 There really is one. Look, in this forest, there was a battle with a demon ten thousand years ago, and it fell here
04:55这本来没什么稀奇的 直到有人在这里找到了一块神骨 There was nothing strange about it until someone found a piece of divine bone here
05:05神骨 Divine Bone?
05:28好霸道的气息 这感觉好熟悉 What a domineering aura. It feels so familiar
05:33倒是和神魔灵源有些相似 难道这里真的埋藏着神魔的尸体 It's a little like the Spirit of the Demon God. Is there really a body of the demon buried here?
05:43不对 这战意很强 No, this is a very strong war
05:49来者不善 你们在这里等我 Good or bad, wait for me here
05:52怎么 看不起人啊 又想自己逞英雄 What? You look down on me? You want to be a hero again
05:56老大 上次考试我的确受了你们的照顾 这次就让我证明我自己吧 Boss, I did take care of you in the last exam. Let me prove myself this time
06:01比起单独留在这儿 还是带上我吧 I'd rather stay here than stay alone
06:06那你们可跟紧了 Then follow me closely
06:31不行了 本宝宝再不吃东西可是真没力气再打了 No, I can't fight anymore if I don't eat
06:45小燕 Xiao Yue
06:53陈达 这样下去没完没了的 你确定我们走的方向是对的吗 Chen Da, we can't go on like this. Are you sure we're going in the right direction?
06:58不入虎穴 焉得虎子 If you don't go into the tiger's den, you'll be caught by the tiger
07:02可是我肚子饿呀 But I'm hungry
07:04等一下 咱们一出去就请你吃 Wait a minute. I'll buy you a meal as soon as we get out of here
07:12你再不看路 我们可都要吃蟋蟀了 If you don't move, we're all going to be eaten
07:17果然没路了 There's no way out
07:31走 Go
07:51老大 你这是 Boss, what are you doing?
07:54只有我感应到了吗 看来此处真的是神魔陨落之地 Only I can feel it. It seems that this place is really a place where demons and gods fall
07:59让开让开 都退后 Step aside. Step back
08:01又来了 神经兮兮 Here it comes again. It's so creepy
08:19居然是隐蔽结界 It's actually a hidden barrier
08:21陈南 你怎么发现的 Chen Nan, how did you find it?
08:24我天赋神通 我要找的东西应该就在那里 I have a gift for magic. If I want to find something, it should be there
08:29但 我们要怎么过去呢 But how are we going to get there?
08:33飞过去就是了 你们等着吧 一会儿我就把神海取回来 We'll fly over. Just wait. I'll get the magic sea back soon
08:58看起来也不过瘾 等等 糟糕 走不了了 It doesn't look like it's going to work. Wait. Oh, no. I can't go
09:13小公主怎么还不回来啊 Why isn't the little princess back yet?
09:29这边 我们掩护你 This way. We'll cover you
09:33不对劲 他没有在躲那些龙 他好像是朝着我们来的 He's not hiding from those dragons. I think he's coming for us
09:40什么情况 那些龙又是哪儿来的 What's going on? Where did those dragons come from?
09:59爸爸不行了 小公主怎么翻脸不认人了 Daddy can't do it. Why is the little princess turning away from us?
10:05小魔女好像被控制了 看样子是中了赵慕之术 The little witch seems to be under control. It looks like she's under the spell of Zhao Mu
10:10不管是那黑龙恐龙还是什么 还好后玉宫的神力能克制这种蛮人邪术 No matter what the black dragon monster is, it's a good thing that the power of the Houyu Palace can restrain this evil
10:17耗子 分头对付他们 Haozi, let's split up and deal with them
10:19好嘞 Okay
10:28陈南 你不会是要杀了赵姑父吧 Nan, you're not going to kill Uncle Zhao, are you?
10:39她是在救他 She's trying to save him
10:58这个交给我 Give this to me
11:09这是怎么了 What's going on?
11:13你 你抱着我干嘛 Why are you holding me?
11:17你突然神志不清 带着小玉追着我们轰了半里地 You suddenly lost your mind and chased after us with Xiaoyu
11:21要不是我用后玉宫帮你净化神志你都还没醒过来呢 If I hadn't used the Houyu Palace to purify your mind, you wouldn't have woken up
11:25什么 What?
11:26一会儿再说吧 一会儿再说吧 Let's talk about it later
11:28他们又来了 They're coming again
11:31瞧瞧他的眼睛 Look at his eyes
11:44爹 Dad
11:46小玉 挂后 小心 Watch out, Xiaoyu
11:57长男 你要干什么 Changnan, what are you doing?
12:00事已至此 顾不得那么多了 I can't take it anymore
12:19看 下面有湖 Look, there's a lake
12:20湖 湖 滚进我的宝贝 凉了山水 Lake! Lake! Go to my baby! Get cold water!
12:33真是财迷心窍 要钱不要命啊 You're so greedy. You want money but not your life
12:37这包袱里虽然不是钱 但的确是我的命啊 The bag is not full of money, but it's my life
12:42你的命 你的命 什么东西啊 Your life? What is it?
12:45里面都是辣椒粉 进了凉水就变味了 It's covered with chili powder. The cold water will change the flavor
12:48You can't eat spicy food.
12:50You have a strong taste.
12:52Chili powder.
12:58I'm not done with you yet.
13:00We are the most disgusting chili powder.
13:02How dare you...
13:08Aren't you going to eat the whole world?
13:10Why are you still picking poop?
13:12You don't understand.
13:14Chili powder is the enemy of the dragon.
13:16It can't be cast in a short time.
13:20It can't be cast?
13:22How long can it last?
13:24Even if it's a very powerful dragon,
13:26it needs at least one minute to...
13:30One minute?
13:36Guan Hao, how much chili powder do you have?
13:38It's weak, heavy, and perverted.
13:40I can't control it all.
13:42I have an idea.
13:46What idea?
13:48Are you going to provoke those three evil dragons again?
13:52Not me.
13:54It's you.
14:06Don't look at that eye again.
14:08Don't look at that eye again.
14:10Sister Huang gave up her revenge.
14:12Now we're finally on the right track.
14:36Little dragon, run!
14:40Little dragon, run!
15:04You got it.
15:10You got it.
15:22Xiao Bai, over here.
15:40This giant beast is really something.
15:42The sacred fruit must be here.
15:44But what was that sound just now?
16:10Is it down there?
16:12Mr. Chen, hold on.
16:26Miss Meng?
16:28Why are you here too?
16:30Are you here to find the sacred fruit too?
16:32This place where the demons fight
16:34is indeed a little strange.
16:36It's just that those dragons
16:38have already evolved their powers.
16:40It really took a lot of effort.
16:42Miss Meng,
16:44let's make this clear.
16:46This sacred fruit is very important to me.
16:48Don't try to steal it from me.
16:50Mr. Chen,
16:52you have a lot of mysteries.
16:54The Houyi Palace
16:56is a sacred item given by my ancestors
16:58to the Eastern State of Chu.
17:00Why did you pull it out?
17:02Good guy.
17:04You've found out my secret.
17:06What do you have to do with the Houyi Palace?
17:08Can you tell me the truth?
17:10You won't believe me even if I tell you.
17:12Maybe Tan Taixuan from your sect knows.
17:14Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be here.
17:16Mr. Chen, you know
17:18the names of my ancestors.
17:20You've gone too far.
17:22If that's the case,
17:24please forgive me for not being able to give you this sacred fruit.
17:26Do as you please.
17:28This treasure is quite to my liking.
17:30If you insist on stopping me,
17:32I'll give it a try.
17:36I'll give it a try.
17:42That was a heavy blow.
18:00I'll show you what I'm made of.
18:06I'll show you what I'm made of.
18:22How despicable.
18:30He's so weak.
18:32He's as strong as a dog.
18:36What is this?
18:42This girl is so stubborn.
18:44She won't kill anyone, will she?
18:46The sacred fruit is still mine.
18:50It's not that simple.
18:52You want to compete with me?
18:54Defeat these guys first.
18:56How despicable.
19:00Have you seen Meng Ke'er?
19:02I've been tricked by that guy.
19:04I must reveal his true face.
19:06Trust me.
19:08I'm telling the truth.
19:10I knew he wasn't a good person.
19:12What a nuisance.
19:34I'm sorry.
19:36I'm sorry.
19:38I'm sorry.
19:40I'm sorry.
19:42I'm sorry.
19:44I'm sorry.
19:46I'm sorry.
19:48I'm sorry.
19:50I'm sorry.
19:52I'm sorry.
19:54I'm sorry.
19:56I'm sorry.
19:58I'm sorry.
20:00I'm sorry.
20:02I'm sorry.
20:04I'm sorry.
20:06I'm sorry.
20:08I'm sorry.
20:10I'm sorry.
20:12I'm sorry.
20:14I'm sorry.
20:16I'm sorry.
20:18I'm sorry.
20:20I'm sorry.
20:22I'm sorry.
20:24I'm sorry.
20:26I'm sorry.
20:28I'm sorry.
20:30I'm sorry.
20:32I'm sorry.
20:34I'm sorry.
20:36I'm sorry.
20:38I'm sorry.
20:40I'm sorry.
20:42I'm sorry.
20:44I'm sorry.
20:46I'm sorry.
20:48I'm sorry.
20:50I'm sorry.
20:52I'm sorry.
20:54I'm sorry.
20:56I'm sorry.
20:58I'm sorry.
21:00I'm sorry.
