• last year


00:00Saddle Sore, Chapter 2, The Cowgirl's Secret. By Yu-Mei.
00:06As the decorative rawhide belt bit across her bare butt cheeks, Jamie gasped, her eyes snapping open.
00:12Looking back at the marks left by her self-inflicted spanking, Jamie pouted,
00:17It's just not the same.
00:19The problem with spanking herself is she could never quite forget that she was the one doing it.
00:24She always either hesitated at the last moment, bringing down an unsatisfying slap,
00:29or else the stroke would land so hard it woke her up from the daydream.
00:33What was it Mama had said earlier, while Jamie lay obediently, bent over the knee?
00:38Be brave, and hold still, and I will spare you your father's belt.
00:43A small part of Jamie had wanted to call Mama's bluff, to squirm and sass
00:47until she heard the tell-tale snick-snick-snick sound of Pop's belt being pulled through the loops.
00:52Maybe Pops would hand it to Mama with a wry joke at Jamie's expense.
00:56Be quick Mama, I'd like to keep, my, pants up today at least.
01:01Over the years, Jamie had grown used to being the butt of many a spanking joke.
01:06Then again, if Pops thought his precious, little firecracker was defying Mama's authority,
01:11he might just as easily have escorted Jamie to the woodshed himself.
01:15That had only happened three times in Jamie's entire life,
01:18and no matter how much Jamie was tempted to earn another for real trip to the woodshed,
01:22she always chickened out in the end.
01:25Jamie winced as she traced the lines of fresh, raised wheels left by her own belt,
01:29complementing another set of oval-shaped welts left by her own wooden hairbrush.
01:34She could even still feel the lingering marks left by Mama's wooden spatula,
01:38though those didn't hurt anymore, so long as she didn't bend over too much.
01:42It always surprised Jamie how quickly her bottom recovered after a spanking.
01:46As she spotted a spare saddle resting on a sturdy, wooden rack,
01:50a tempting new idea occurred to Jamie.
01:53While standing, she could aim the belt in a wide arc, whipping it across her back,
01:58and could usually land it across both of her cheeks.
02:01The hairbrush was more unwieldy.
02:03God just hadn't designed the arm to deliver a proper hairbrush spanking at this angle.
02:08But Jamie recalled how, months ago, when she tried this in her own room,
02:12she'd managed to spank herself perfectly, so that her fantasy became real within her mind's eye.
02:18On that occasion, she had laid down on her own bed,
02:21her hips propped up by a pillow, and delivered a hand spanking to both of her cheeks,
02:25before adding a second dose with the hairbrush that left her near tears,
02:29and a warm, glowing sensation all over her body, especially her posterior.
02:34Unfortunately, it turned out the walls of the old farmstead were too thin.
02:38Jack and Jill had overheard strange, slapping sounds,
02:41and Jamie had been forced to abandon spanking herself in her bedroom.
02:45Thank God Dad bought that it was just raccoons, Jamie thought out loud.
02:49As Jamie set down her belt and hairbrush within easy reach,
02:52and experimentally lay herself over the saddle,
02:55she found the rack could easily support her weight.
02:58This is comfortable, and my bottom,
03:01Jamie patted it playfully,
03:03is in the perfect spanking position.
03:05With a deep breath, Jamie cleared her mind of her surroundings,
03:09and tried to reflect on her many, many cherished memories of being spanked.
03:13There was her first ever bare-bottom spanking she'd received
03:16after she'd disobeyed her parents' instructions
03:19not to touch the fireworks in the garage before the 4th of July
03:22with explosive results.
03:24Then there were the many spankings she and Joanne had earned
03:27for brawling with each other.
03:29Mama and Pops were very fair.
03:31They never spanked Jamie if she hadn't started or escalated the fight,
03:35but on the one occasion when Jamie had started an unprovoked fight,
03:38she'd earned her first thrashing with Pops' belt,
03:41and never repeated the same mistake.
03:43More recently, as a freshman at Redfield Christian High School,
03:47she'd endured Pops' belt thanks to letting her grades slip out of pure,
03:50stubborn laziness.
03:52Jamie repeated Mama and Pops' words on that dire occasion
03:55as they escorted her to this same woodshed.
03:58We don't expect you to be perfect,
04:00but we do expect you to make an effort.
04:02But as Jamie caught sight of her own pink,
04:05cowgirl panties falling gracefully,
04:07to join her pajama bottoms around her knees,
04:09something new pressed into her mind.
04:11In reality, Jamie's parents never spanked her so harshly, nor so cruelly.
04:16But sometimes, Jamie couldn't help but wonder, what if?
04:20As she kicked her feet playfully,
04:22she could almost hear Mama saying,
04:24Stop squirming.
04:26Oh, that does it, Jamie.
04:28You've earned yourself a bear butt blistering.
04:31Ooh, no, Mama! Not on the bear!
04:34Jamie whimpered, her cheeks burning
04:36as she remembered being punished in front of her siblings.
04:39She was back in the kitchen,
04:41the wooden spatula before her,
04:43her entire family behind her,
04:45all eyes on her now-naked mates.
04:47Please, just wait till we're in my room.
04:49Please! I'm too old for a spanking.
04:54Jamie used her left hand to land a hard,
04:56resounding clap to her left butt cheek,
04:59followed by a quick, crisp smack to her right cheek,
05:02using her right hand.
05:04It felt real.
05:05No more backtalk, Jamie.
05:07You will never be too old for a spanking.
05:10And your brothers and sisters need to see
05:12what happens to naughty girls
05:14who break the Ten Commandments.
05:16Tears dampening her eyes,
05:18Jamie turned her head to plead with her beloved Papa.
05:21But, but, you said I only get spanked
05:23on the bear bottom in private.
05:26That's the rule.
05:27Please, Papa, tell her to stop.
05:30I'm sorry. I'll do better.
05:32But her father only shook his head.
05:34I know you'll do better, Firecracker.
05:37But you're not nearly sorry enough.
05:39Not yet.
05:40From now on, the rule of this house is
05:43all your spankings end with your bare,
05:45bright-red bottom on display in the corner.
05:48Regardless of whether or not your siblings are in the room,
05:51or any guests, for that matter.
05:54Whined Jamie, before Mama landed a single,
05:57deliberate spank with every ounce of her considerable strength.
06:01The next spank didn't land immediately,
06:04and Jamie rasped as she felt the impression
06:06of a handprint rise across her buttock,
06:08licking at her like a tongue of flame.
06:10She saw all her siblings' expressions
06:12of concern and amusement.
06:14Her older brother and sister, Joseph and Jessica,
06:17looked sympathetic, but nodded with agreement.
06:21As a second, slow spank landed
06:23on the exact same spot,
06:25Jamie held back a scream and kept her eyes
06:27fixed on the scene behind her.
06:29Fourteen-year-old Joanne was twiddling her thumbs,
06:32flashing a toothy smirk.
06:34Then she casually tossed aside her lanky black hair
06:37to get a better view of the action.
06:39In contrast, the twins, 11-year-old Jack and Jill,
06:43watched nervously, thinking about how they were never,
06:46ever going to take the Lord's name in vain,
06:48like Jamie had.
06:49Six-year-old Juniper watched, wide-eyed,
06:52as she sucked her thumb.
06:54Everyone in the room knew that Jamie had earned
06:56every single swat she was getting, including Jamie.
06:59Finally, as the third, slow spank landed
07:02on the exact same spot,
07:04Jamie turned away, shame-faced.
07:07No, not the saw-same spot!
07:10Spot, Mama!
07:11Oh, no, no, no!
07:14But Mama landed the fourth spank
07:16on the exact same spot anyway,
07:18picking up the pace.
07:19Jamie bucked and reared like an unbroken bronco
07:22at the rodeo, before a whale escaped her lips.
07:24Oh, yes, yes, yes, Jamie dear.
07:27In fact, after this hand spanking,
07:30I think we'll finish with the hairbrush.
07:32But not until you learn to hold still,
07:35assuming you ever want this spanking to end.
07:39As the fifth spank landed, unmercifully,
07:41on the exact same spot,
07:43Jamie's world became hazy.
07:45She heard Pop's voice from far away.
07:47Be thorough, Mama.
07:49I'm taking her to the woodshed for a taste of my belt
07:51as soon as you're finished.
07:54Near ecstasy, Jamie used both her hands
07:56to quicken the tempo of her self-spanking,
07:58finally aiming spanks at other areas of her bottom.
08:01Soon enough, she would even out the color
08:04to a consistent, cherry red.
08:06It was almost perfect.
08:08She had almost forgotten this spanking wasn't real.
08:12The sound of a metallic clatter
08:14awoke Jamie from her reverie.
08:16Hopping up from the saddle,
08:17Jamie tottered over to the door to take a peek.
08:20A shadowy, cylindrical shape
08:22rolled on the ground near her house
08:24before two shining eyes caught the light
08:26from the incandescent bulb lighting the woodshed.
08:29A raccoon had knocked over their trash can,
08:31for real this time.
08:33A light flicked on through a window.
08:35Jamie recognized it as the master bedroom.
08:38Mama or Pop's was awake.
08:40Even then, Jamie remembered not to cuss.
08:43Using naughty words was a spankable offense,
08:45after all.
08:47She hissed as she tried to simultaneously
08:49tiptoe as silently as a deer
08:51or sprint as quickly as a cheetah.
08:53Instead, Jamie found herself flying
08:55towards the soft grass.
08:57Her legs flew up behind her,
08:59entangled by both the pajama pants and panties
09:01she'd forgotten to pull back up.
09:03One leg of her pajama pants went flopping
09:05as it nearly came clean off her leg.
09:07Jamie spat out a grassy clod of mud.
09:11Spooked by the noise,
09:12the raccoon darted along the wall,
09:14right under her parents' bedroom window.
09:16Hopping on one foot,
09:18she pulled her pajama pants roughly back on,
09:20feeling her undies bunch between her thighs.
09:22Jamie ignored it and bolted towards the front door,
09:25away from the light of the woodshed
09:27and her parents' window.
09:29Even if the raccoon drew their attention for a moment,
09:31Jamie was still within a clear line of sight.
09:34She heard muffled footsteps inside the house,
09:37and without thinking,
09:38threw herself behind one of Mama's
09:40prize-winning begonia shrubs,
09:42inches away from the front door.
09:44A tall, burly man burst out the front door,
09:46leaving it ajar behind him.
09:48Who's out here?
09:50barked Pops, aiming a flashlight around the bushes.
09:53Jamie saw the light flicker across her bare toes.
09:56Is it a raccoon?
09:58squeaked Mama, in an unusually shrill voice,
10:00echoing from around the corner.
10:02Jamie guessed Mama must be poking her head
10:04out the bedroom window.
10:06The light pulled away from Jamie's toes
10:08as Pops circled around the house
10:10towards the same window.
10:12I think so.
10:13Either that, or a possum.
10:15Well, looky here.
10:16Little booger tried to pull the bungee cord
10:18off the trash can.
10:20Definitely a coon.
10:22Realizing that her father was out of sight,
10:24Jamie began to inch her way toward the front door.
10:27She froze as she saw the glow of the flashlight
10:29point towards the woodshed,
10:31its door still ajar.
10:32She could barely make out Dad's voice
10:34around the corner of the house
10:35as he mused out loud.
10:37Huh, that's odd.
10:39The light's on in the shed.
10:41Mama practically screeched.
10:43Don't go, baby.
10:45Someone's out there.
10:47Pops' rich laugh boomed across the front yard.
10:49Aw, relax, hon.
10:51I probably just left it on
10:53when I was working out there.
10:54Huh, must've been last Sunday.
10:56Jamie felt the cool metal of the doorknob
10:58against her sweaty palm.
11:00Don't shoot.
11:01Mama wailed.
11:02Easy, easy.
11:04No one's gonna get shot.
11:06Go to bed, honey.
11:07Fuck, thought Jamie.
11:09Of course, Pops owned a handgun
11:11for home defense.
11:13What if he was armed?
11:15How could she forget?
11:17Once, when Jamie was 12 years old,
11:19she had tried to crack into Pops' gun safe,
11:21furious at being told she was not yet old enough
11:23to learn to use a firearm.
11:25She'd managed to guess the passcode correctly,
11:27but Pops had wisely decided
11:29to keep the bullets and cartridge
11:31stored separately.
11:33After he caught her red-handed holding his handgun,
11:35Jamie had received the definitive spanking
11:37of her life with Pops' belt in the woodshed,
11:39followed by two weeks' worth of bedtime spankings
11:41to reinforce the lesson in gun safety.
11:43The day after her final bedtime spanking,
11:45Pops had invited a thoroughly repentant
11:47and red-bottomed Jamie to join him
11:49at the gun range to learn proper firearm handling.
11:51Jamie still felt fuzzy,
11:53tingly butterflies in her stomach
11:55whenever she thought about those
11:57daddy-daughter sessions,
11:59both the spanking and the shooting.
12:01At the present moment,
12:03Jamie had butterflies in her stomach,
12:05but not the fuzzy, tingly kind.
12:07What if she startled Pops by mistake
12:09and he assumed she was a trespasser?
12:11But if she announced herself,
12:13that meant exposing herself
12:15to questioning about why she was hiding
12:17in the front yard.
12:19As Pops made his way to the woodshed,
12:21Jamie knew she'd be back within his line of sight soon.
12:23It was a choice between
12:25potentially getting shot
12:27and potentially exposing the reason
12:29for her secret nighttime trips to the woodshed.
12:31Jamie slowly turned the doorknob.
12:33Easiest decision of her life.
12:35Jamie felt her blood run cold
12:37as the door hinge whined a musical cry
12:39and she ran bump into someone
12:41standing on the welcome mat.
12:43Jamie read the words,
12:45knock, and it shall be opened unto you,
12:47Matthew 7,7b on the mat beneath her bare feet,
12:49then snapped her head up to find Joanne,
12:51her messy, jet-black hair
12:53covering one of her eyes.
12:55She was wearing black pajamas
12:57with creepy cute cartoon images
12:59of skulls and animals in a gothic style.
13:01The pants were frilly and voluminous,
13:03like pantaloons,
13:05and the matching, ornate, spaghetti-strap shirt
13:07revealed Joanne's belly button.
13:09In Joanne's many carefully chosen battles
13:11to persuade her parents to allow her
13:13to wear some goth-style clothing
13:15while also staying within the dress code
13:17of Redfield Christian School,
13:19these pajamas were her prize trophy.
13:21One of the straps of Joanne's top
13:23flopped off her shoulder as she blinked,
13:25still half-asleep.
13:27Jamie, how'd you get ahead of me?
13:29Jamie sensed Pops' flashlight
13:31shining from behind her.
13:33Who's there? Joanne, is that you,
13:35little Miss Sunshine?
13:37Joanne craned her neck to peer over
13:39Jamie's shoulder.
13:41Yes, Pops. Me and Jamie are here.
13:43Firecracker, you alright?
13:45Asked Papa.
13:47Stupidly, Jamie felt her temper flare up,
13:49remembering all the times
13:51Joanne had played Tattletail during their
13:53fourteen years of sisterhood.
13:55Then Jamie remembered that the gig was up anyway.
13:57Her feet were bare,
13:59her pajamas grass-stained and rumpled.
14:01Beneath them, she felt
14:03her freshly spanked hindquarters tingle
14:05and clenched her glutes taut.
14:07While her panties were still bunched up
14:09below her cheeks, the scratchy inner
14:11lining of her pajamas teasingly reminded
14:13Jamie that she was practically going commando
14:15and her pajamas were hanging low
14:17on her hips. One cursory
14:19inspection of her behind would immediately
14:21reveal fresh, angry red marks
14:23from her hairbrush and belt.
14:25Those self-same spanking implements,
14:27along with her missing moccasins,
14:29were currently sitting right where she'd left
14:31them, next to the saddle rack in the
14:33woodshed. As Jamie
14:35turned to face her pops, one look at
14:37the loving, concerned look on his face
14:39made her want to come clean and confess
14:41all. But she couldn't force the words
14:43out. Dad turned his light
14:45back to Joanne. Both you girls
14:47heard it too? Sharp ears?
14:49Yeah. I came running
14:51to the door in a flash the second I
14:53heard it, answered Joanne, neutrally.
14:55She snapped her head up
14:57to catch Jamie's eye. Right.
14:59Jamie? Jamie heard
15:01her own voice answering, as if her
15:03lips didn't care what her brain had to say on the
15:05matter. Right, Joanne. I
15:07heard the raccoon, then hopped right
15:09out of bed. The words of the lie
15:11sounded strange to Jamie's ear.
15:13You little fibber. You deserve
15:15a spanking just for that.
15:17She thought, as if a little cartoon
15:19angel was sitting on her right shoulder.
15:21Wait. Who said
15:23anything about a raccoon?
15:25Why do you have to suck at lying?
15:27She thought again, as if a little
15:29cartoon devil was sitting on her left shoulder.
15:31Jamie was sure that Pops
15:33could see right through the guilty look on her
15:35face. She glanced down,
15:37ashamed to look him in the eye.
15:39Sure enough, Poppa's pistol was secure
15:41in his leg holster. He wasn't
15:43brandishing it now, but he'd had it
15:45the whole time. Thank God
15:47for trigger discipline, thought
15:49Jamie. As he made eye contact
15:51with Jamie, Poppa smiled reassuringly
15:53and patted the holster gently.
15:55Jamie knew instantly he'd seen
15:57the cagey look in her eyes, and assumed
15:59that Jamie was nervous at the sight of the
16:01firearm. Good guess, Firecracker.
16:03It's just our little local
16:05trash panda, sneaking around and
16:07causing trouble again. Nothing to worry
16:09about. I'll bring the cans
16:11into the garage tonight, so he won't
16:13bother us. You girls toddle
16:15off to bed now.
16:17Jamie felt herself turn and march robotically,
16:19as obediently as ever she had
16:21since being sent to bed with a
16:23stern warning at age two.
16:25The effect was only heightened by the fact that
16:27her bottom was currently sore, stinging,
16:29and smarting from a sound self-spanking.
16:31She and Joanne both
16:33froze as Dad called after them.
16:35Wait, girls, I have something
16:37else to say to you. Both Jamie
16:39and Joanne's hands reflexively flew to
16:41their bottoms. Of course,
16:43they were out of bed after bedtime.
16:45That was one of the very first
16:47house rules they'd learned to think of as a
16:49spankable offense.
16:51Dad beamed. Love you,
16:53Firecracker. Love you, Sunshine.
16:55Love you, Pops.
16:57Both girls answered together.
16:59As they approached Joanne's bedroom,
17:01Jamie did a double take as her little
17:03sister spun on her heels to fix
17:05Jamie with a minx-ish smile.
17:07You okay, Jamie?
17:09Jamie answered without pausing to breathe.
17:11Yeah, course, I am just a bit rattled. Why?
17:13Well, you were
17:15walking all stiff. What?
17:17You still sore from the spanking you got
17:19this morning? You can't resist,
17:21can you? Anytime I get spanked,
17:23you just have to get your little digs in?
17:25Joanne rolled her eyes
17:27dramatically, a stunt that would have
17:29earned either of them an instant spanking
17:31if they dared to try it in front of Mama or
17:33Papa. That's not what I-
17:35Joanne caught her breath before regaining
17:37her cool composure. Look,
17:39I'm not trying to razz you,
17:41I'm just mulling over what just happened.
17:43Pretty wild, right?
17:45You must have hopped out of bed
17:47pretty quick to get all the way to the
17:49front yard, huh? As Jamie
17:51peered down the hall toward her own room,
17:53she immediately saw the hole in her
17:55flimsy lie. Jamie
17:57pictured Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
17:59standing alongside her,
18:01examining the crime scene.
18:03But Holmes, how did
18:05Jamie manage to run all the way down
18:07this hall, past Joanne's
18:09room, without anybody noticing?
18:13my dear Watson, our seemingly
18:15innocent Miss Jamie was not in her room.
18:17She was in the woodshed, spanking
18:19herself with a hairbrush and a belt.
18:21Jamie shook her head, forcing
18:23herself to think. Yes,
18:25her story was implausible at best,
18:27but not impossible, depending
18:29on how long Joanne took getting out of bed.
18:31Jamie flared her nostrils
18:33as she prepared for a bluff.
18:35Yeah, I hopped out of bed the
18:37second I heard it. Well,
18:39what's so funny? Joanne yawned
18:41dramatically before leaning against
18:43her heavily decorated bedroom door
18:45nonchalantly. Neither satanic
18:47nor occultic imagery were allowed
18:49under the Schmidt family roof, but Joanne
18:51had managed to convince their parents that
18:53the ornate, upside-down cross was
18:55meant as a symbol of St. Peter's martyrdom
18:57and not of the devil. Nothing.
18:59I was kind of groggy
19:01when it woke me up. Your lucky dad
19:03didn't catch you outside.
19:05You might have gotten shot.
19:07Joanne said the words
19:09didn't catch you as though they were a succulent,
19:11forbidden sweet she was rolling over her tongue.
19:13Jamie wanted to slap the
19:15smug look right off Joanne's face.
19:17She would have to, if not for the
19:19many lessons on the virtue of self-control
19:21Jamie had learned while sitting upon
19:23or bent over one of her parents' laps.
19:25Jamie fixed Joanne
19:27with what she hoped was her best mom look.
19:29Dad would never do that.
19:31And there's no such thing as luck,
19:33Joanne. It was the grace of God.
19:35You think it's funny,
19:37me getting shot?
19:39Finally, Joanne's cavalier attitude
19:41disappeared. What?
19:43No. That's not
19:45funny, man. I suck at
19:47this. Look, I'm
19:49not happy you got spanked.
19:51I get spanked, not as often
19:53as you, but I hate getting spanked
19:55just as much as you.
19:57And I'm not sad because you didn't get
19:59shot, either. It's just
20:01been a weird night.
20:03Jamie was momentarily at a loss for words.
20:05She loved all her brothers
20:07and sisters, but her relationship
20:09with Joanne was the most complicated.
20:11Joanne might rip her for getting spanked,
20:13but she was somehow also the easiest
20:15person for Jamie to talk to about certain
20:17things. Joanne was
20:19easily in second place behind Jamie
20:21for the most spanked child in the household
20:23contest. The prize for winning
20:25the blue ribbon was another spanking,
20:27Jamie mused. Not waiting
20:29for Jamie to answer, Joanne shrugged
20:31and offered a hand. So,
20:33truce? Jamie wasn't quite
20:35sure if she believed Joanne, but
20:37she shook hands anyway, strangely
20:39touched by the gesture.
20:41Truce? Feeling lighter than air,
20:43Jamie made her way to her bedroom,
20:45rubbing the lingering sting from her
20:47throbbing buttocks with both hands.
20:49With a start, Jamie turned to catch
20:51a glimpse of Joanne's cat-like eye disappearing
20:53behind her heavily decorated door.
20:55In Sunday school,
20:57church, private school, and at home,
20:59Jamie had learned the importance of controlling
21:01her tongue. Obviously,
21:03if you said naughty words, like
21:05the f-word, you could expect a trip across
21:07a knee. An important aspect
21:09of that was to control yourself in thought,
21:11word, and deed. Jamie didn't
21:13just want to avoid saying the f-word
21:15to avoid a spanking. She
21:17wanted to avoid so much as thinking the f-word.
21:19Because, in her heart
21:21of hearts, Jamie believed that any
21:23use of the f-word was a sin, and rightly
21:25merited a long, hard, bare-bottom
21:29F-ck! F-ck! hissed Jamie.
21:31Joanne was on to her.
21:33This was all part of some devious
21:35scheme. Why did God hate her?
21:37Why did the good Lord delight
21:39in punishing her so?
21:41Jamie rested her forehead against the simple
21:43arts and crafts cross decorating the
21:45front of her room. She remembered
21:47her second favorite Bible verse,
21:49Proverbs 17 3.
21:51The fining pot is for silver,
21:53and the furnace for gold,
21:55but the Lord trieth the heart,
21:57recited Jamie from memory,
21:59instantly repenting of her sinful thoughts.
22:01Still massaging her aching
22:03bottom, furiously, Jamie
22:05nudged her bedroom door open with her forehead
22:07and collapsed onto bed.
22:09She'd screwed up badly today.
22:11She'd nearly gotten caught.
22:13She'd lied to her dad's face.
22:15For a moment, the fiery pain
22:17emanating from her backside felt
22:19comforting. At least she'd gotten
22:21spanked. Not that it should
22:23really count for the lying.
22:25Spanking wasn't nearly hard enough,
22:27not for lying, huffed Jamie.
22:29Jamie twisted as she felt
22:31her tangled undies bunch uncomfortably
22:33against her pajama bottoms.
22:35So, that's why they say not
22:37to get your knickers in a twist,
22:39she mused as she finally fixed them.
22:41Jamie curiously glanced back,
22:43wondering if she'd catch a glimpse
22:45of her naked ass glowing bright red,
22:47like Rudolph's shiny nose.
22:49It certainly felt like it should be glowing
22:51in the dark. No more risks
22:53like that. I can't get caught,
22:55Jamie told herself,
22:57as she pulled her pajama bottoms back up.
22:59Lying in the dark, a quiet
23:01little voice in her heart answered,
23:03then don't get caught.
23:05As Jamie drifted off
23:07to sleep, she recovered a long forgotten
23:09memory. She was four years
23:11old, taking a long shower.
23:13As she washed the shampoo from her hair
23:15and glanced down at herself,
23:17she realized that, sooner or later,
23:19she would probably need a spanking for
23:21something or other. Little Jamie
23:23immediately delivered a firm spanking to her
23:25own dripping wet bottom, sending
23:27droplets flying with each firm swat.
23:29She even added a lecture
23:31in a stern, parental voice,
23:33just like she remembered hearing Mama and Papa
23:35do while spanking her or one of her siblings.
23:37She didn't stop until she
23:39felt tears welling up in her eyes,
23:41and the sting had built to the point it was unbearable.
23:43After drying off,
23:45she'd march smartly to find her parents,
23:47wrapped in a towel, to explain
23:49her clever idea.
23:51See? My bum is bright red.
23:53Now you don't have to spank me ever again.
23:55I can spank myself for you.
23:57She remembered the hoots of laughter,
23:59remembered the serious talk about not needing
24:01to do that ever again, and remembered
24:03blushing with humiliation as that funny
24:05kid say the darndest things anecdote
24:07was repeated over and over, first to
24:09siblings, and later to guests.
24:11You can't just spank yourself,
24:13and have that count as a punishment for later, Jamie.
24:15Don't you see?
24:17Spanking is supposed to teach you right from wrong.
24:19You get a spanking
24:21after you do something wrong.
24:23Papa had explained gently.
24:25But as far as Jamie was concerned,
24:27both then and now, she needed
24:29all the spanking she could possibly get.
24:31End of Part 2
24:33To Be Continued
24:35Spanks for watching.
24:37If you enjoy my spanking stories,
24:39please like and subscribe.
24:41You may spank it once.
