• last year
Strawberry thinks popularity will help her baking dreams come true and decides to compete to win best float at the flower festival. Pumpkin Spice, not wanting to be outdone, teams up with the Purple Pieman to stop Strawberry from winning.


00:00Ah, Big Apple City, the Big Apple, from seeds to sweetness, if you bake it here, you can
00:16bake it anywhere.
00:17Cut off that car alarm!
00:18Stop yelling about the alarm!
00:19Don't tell me what to do!
00:21Okay, yeah, it's a little rough around the edges, but there's just something special
00:27about this city.
00:28Living here, working at the Berry Works, it's the perfect place for a young baker to make
00:34her baking dreams come true.
00:36It's all happening!
00:37The Flower Festival is happening and right on schedule, Mayor Molasses.
00:42Oh, it is an organizational nightmare, but you've got me.
00:47Oh, it is an organizational nightmare, but you've got me.
00:51And no berry is organized like me.
00:55Holy hazelnuts!
00:56It's 8.15 already!
00:58It's time for the festival launch!
01:01Sup, Spice Squad!
01:03Is that...
01:04Pumpkin Spice here!
01:05I am, like, so honored to be announcing the Flower Festival!
01:09As my many, many followers know, this is a dream come true for me.
01:14It is?
01:15Dreams are like seeds.
01:16They start small, but grow bigger each day.
01:19And this berry is gonna make her dreams bloom live when I win Best Float at the Flower Festival!
01:26Keep following for updates!
01:28Click like, subscribe, and share this video!
01:30Love you!
01:31Mean it, Spice Squad!
01:35Did not know Pumpkin Spice liked flowers so much.
01:38Oh, her Berry Gram is all about flowers!
01:41Huge following!
01:42The mayor asked us to hire her to promote the festival.
01:44I thought I was doing all the things I needed to make my dreams come true!
01:48But no berry is asking me to promote a festival.
01:51I don't have a huge following.
01:53I just bake.
01:58Uh, do you and that flower need a moment alone?
02:03I brought this flower with me from Berryville so we could grow together.
02:07Maybe we both need to speed things up.
02:09How long until all my dreams bloom?
02:13Well, sometimes the bigger the dream, the longer it takes.
02:17And you, my little baker, have bigger dreams than any berry I know.
02:22Be patient.
02:24And inspirational moment over.
02:26This festival is not gonna run itself.
02:28Have an amazing day! Bye!
02:33I know Aunt Praline is right, but I wouldn't mind if we both bloom just a little faster.
02:39Seeds start small, grow bigger every day.
02:43But my dreams are big already, will they grow in the same way?
02:48I know I should be patient, just take it day by day.
02:53But maybe I could speed it up, so my dreams come true today.
02:59Cause I'm ready for my dreams to grow.
03:04Make room, it's my time to bloom.
03:06Hey future, please get here soon.
03:08I'll show the whole world just who I can be.
03:13Enough of slow, now let's go.
03:15I'm ready for my dreams to grow.
03:20So ready for my dreams to grow.
03:25Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
03:33Work real hard.
03:35Get better every day.
03:37Show the world what you can do.
03:39Wow them all, blow them away.
03:42I know one day I'll get there.
03:44I know it's meant to be.
03:46But can we speed things up a little faster?
03:50That would be OK with me.
03:53Cause I'm ready for my dreams to grow
03:57Make room, it's my time to bloom
04:00Hey future, please get here soon
04:02I'll show the whole world just who I can be
04:07Enough of slow, now let's go
04:09I'm ready for my dreams to grow
04:14So ready for my dreams to grow
04:19Oh a seed one day becomes a tree
04:23And I wonder if there's something great out there for me
04:28So much I want to do, so much I want to see
04:34So I'm ready to embrace my destiny
04:44And I'm ready for my dreams to grow
04:48Make room, it's my time to bloom
04:51Hey future, please get here soon
04:53I'll show the whole world just who I can be
04:58Enough of slow, now let's go
05:00I'm ready for my dreams to grow
05:05So ready for my dreams to grow
05:11My dreams to grow
05:16For my dreams to grow
05:19Oprah Nutter!
05:20How long have you all been standing there?
05:22A while. You've been bake singing for like 20 minutes.
05:26You are totally in the zone.
05:28I was right there in the zone with you.
05:31You've got some moves, buddy.
05:34Not bad. You should bake sing more often.
05:37We have an emergency!
05:39Is this a real emergency or a bread pudding emergency
05:43like the time you wore two different colored socks?
05:45One argyle sock and one herringbone sock is an emergency, Lime Chiffon!
05:50This is way bigger!
05:52I want the Berry Works to win Best Float at the Flower Festival!
05:57And that's an emergency. How?
06:00Think of the publicity for the Berry Works.
06:02It could be huge!
06:05So, I was hoping we could get some additional flower power.
06:09I don't know, Brad.
06:10If I want to make all my baking dreams come true,
06:12I should really focus on that.
06:14She just sang a whole song about it.
06:17But maybe helping a good friend with their dream
06:19to get the Berry Works name out there will, uh, inspire you.
06:27That does make sense.
06:30Okay, you got me. I'm in!
06:33I know, Strawberry.
06:35You throw words like dreams and friendship out there
06:37and she'll do whatever you need.
06:39We are totally gonna win!
06:43Ugh, we're never gonna win.
06:45Come on, Brad. Winning isn't really what matters.
06:49What matters is that we work together and have fun.
06:52Is every berry having fun?
06:55You know what would be really fun?
06:59Then look no further!
07:01I give you my latest lemonvention, the Smell-Ya-Later 3000.
07:06This baby can smell like any flower you want!
07:15I can fix that.
07:18Stay positive!
07:21Positive! Right!
07:23Sour grapes paint happier flowers!
07:27It would be more historically accurate to arrange the flowers in groups.
07:31Each borough of Big Apple City had a specific flower
07:34that grew there when the city was founded.
07:37But flowers love to mix and mingle and become bestest friends.
07:42Except the roses. Roses are snooty.
07:45Oh, sure. Roses look pretty.
07:48But they say the nastiest things when the other flowers aren't around.
07:52She still thinks flowers can talk, doesn't she?
07:57Where are you going?
08:00Brad, flowers aren't my thing.
08:02Your name is literally Orange Blossom.
08:05Well, this Orange Blossom is about action and adventure.
08:09I'm not really feeling the flower festival.
08:13Sometimes to feel something deep inside,
08:15you need to start on the outside.
08:19See? You're practically blossoming before my eyes.
08:26I don't know.
08:28I trust today's global rotation has been satisfactory thus far?
08:34Apologies. How is your day?
08:38Oh, got it. It's good.
08:41And how is your global rotation, Plum Pudding?
08:46I'm here to get Lemon's assistance with the experimental
08:49fast floral formula I'm developing for the festival.
08:54Oh, what does the fast floral...
08:57That thing do?
09:02Wow, that's flantastic!
09:06I'm not sure where Lemon...
09:11I can fix that!
09:13You might need this.
09:21This is really good, Raspberry.
09:24Of course it is. I made it.
09:25And I decided, since you're the second best baker at the Berry Works,
09:29equally talented in a different way baker at the Berry Works,
09:32whatever, I decided that we should work together to bake petal pastries!
09:36Then we can pass them out on the float!
09:38Yes! Let me grab my lucky spoon!
09:42Sup, Spice Squad!
09:43I'm about to pick up some fab flowers from Flower-topia
09:47for my soon-to-be-winning float!
09:49Check their website! Promo code SPICE!
09:51And I wanted my fans to be the...
09:55Look who's dumbled into my livestream!
09:57Amateur bakers! Strawberry shortcake!
10:00Anything you want to say to the, uh,
10:02323,692 fans currently viewing?
10:08Hi, Berries! Shortcake here!
10:11Wop, wop, wop!
10:12Let's all get out there and we're gonna do the thing!
10:16And that's awkward enough for today!
10:20Check back here for all your Flower Fest content!
10:23Love you! Made it, Spice Squad!
10:27Promoting the Flower Festival for the city is a big deal!
10:30I had no idea you liked flowers so much!
10:33What's your favorite?
10:40Okay, you got me.
10:42I don't actually love flowers.
10:44But you're Berry-gram!
10:46I get paid to tell berries what to love!
10:49I love shoulder bags, they start trending.
10:51I love bedazzled napkins, they start trending!
10:54Sure, those were a mistake, but I moved on
10:56and now I'm paid to love flowers!
10:59Next month it'll be rainbows, or roller skates,
11:02or whatever the newest trend is!
11:04But what do you love?
11:07Being popular!
11:09Every fall, every berry is all about Pumpkin Spice!
11:12I get tons of traffic, but the rest of the year?
11:16Now I'm popular all year round
11:18because I tell berries what to like!
11:21That's what you use Berry-gram for?
11:23Uh, what do you use Berry-gram for?
11:27Pictures of pastries, your friends, inspirational quotes...
11:32Free advice?
11:33Icing cupcakes alone in your truck
11:35isn't gonna do anything for your baking career!
11:38You want berries to obsess over your baking?
11:40Follow the trends, bake what's popular,
11:43and do whatever you need to stay popular!
11:46Now I have to go keep my fans happy
11:49and when best flower float!
11:53Is that what I have to do?
11:55Is that what I have to do?
11:57Bake what's popular to become popular?
11:59I don't know.
12:01But I do know that if I want to get my name out there,
12:04I could start by winning best flower float!
12:07Hey girl, ready to bake?
12:09No time to bake, gotta win!
12:12Is there cake batter in my ears?
12:14Or did Strawberry Shortcake just say she didn't have time to bake?
12:19Every berry, listen up!
12:21I know I said winning isn't everything
12:23and that what matters most is having fun together.
12:27But we are totally winning best float this year
12:29so that every berry knows that the Berry Works
12:31is where you can find Strawberry Shortcake
12:33and her flantastic food truck!
12:37That was oddly...specific.
12:41What I meant was that we're all a team
12:43and we totally got this!
12:45Let's bake the magic happen!
13:16Maybe telling Strawberry to be more than some baker was a bad idea.
13:20Not that I'm like worried about them winning,
13:22but also I need to win.
13:24My followers expect it!
13:26I need help.
13:28Some berry who knows what makes strawberry tick.
13:31Some berry who's dealt with her before.
13:33Some berry who...
13:35Oh, that's just the berry I need.
13:40Gotta hand it to you Shortcakes,
13:42flowers may not be my thing,
13:44but this turned out pretty great.
13:46It did, didn't it?
13:49She bakes.
13:51She makes flantastic flower floats.
13:54Every berry's gonna know her name.
13:56Look out, world!
13:58Strawberry Shortcake and her flower are blooming big time!
14:02All right.
14:04First, we're going to go and...
14:08Big announcement!
14:10I'm not the only flower lover in this city.
14:12Some berry very exciting asked
14:14if you could help me spice things up.
14:16It's the peculiar Purple Puppet!
14:25Hello, Snortflake.
14:29What are you doing here?
14:32I wanted to wish a fellow baker
14:34for whom I have so much respect,
14:37good luck.
14:41All you ever do is try to make me look bad.
14:46You're the one who accuses me of being rotten.
14:48Because every time I try being nice to you,
14:51you do something totally rotten.
14:53Ooh, negativity is not a good look for you.
14:57Getting lots of thumbs down right now, Strawberry.
15:02But I know he is...
15:06Good luck.
15:08Mwah! Super sweet.
15:11Click like, subscribe, and share this video.
15:13I love you. Get it, Spice Squad?
15:17Pumpkin, listen.
15:18The Pie Man is not a good berry.
15:21Whatever he told you,
15:22he's just here to mess with me
15:23and cause a bunch of drama.
15:25Wow. Thanks for that.
15:28But, you know, drama gets more clicks.
15:31Good luck on that float, though.
15:33Ooh, you'll need it.
15:35And maybe a new paint job.
15:37And those mismatched flowers.
15:38Honestly, I expected more from you, Shortfake.
15:42I know what you're doing.
15:44Just friendly observations.
15:46But hey, as long as you're having fun,
15:48who cares if berries say it's embarrassing
15:51and looks ridiculous?
15:53Who's saying that?
15:54No berry's saying it yet.
15:56I'm sure you'll be fine.
15:58No berry expects big things from you anyway.
16:03Told you I could get in her head.
16:08Oh, she's so embarrassing.
16:13Oh, they won't get in my head.
16:16All that matters is that we're having fun.
16:19Except if I want to make a name for myself
16:22that I need to win.
16:24And if berries think our float is ridiculous,
16:26then we won't.
16:27And oh, they're in my head.
16:30So, like I was saying,
16:33might not be a bad idea
16:34to maybe rethink a few things about the float.
16:38Yeah, nothing major.
16:41Just, you know, repaint it,
16:43fix those mismatched flowers,
16:44and I don't know, lose the smellulator.
16:45You know, maybe we should just totally start over.
16:50Come on!
16:51Make the magic happen!
16:54Shortcakes, what's going on?
16:57I just don't want any of us to be embarrassed by the float.
17:02Why would we be embarrassed?
17:04I didn't mean...
17:05It's just...
17:06It needs...
17:08Look at this flower.
17:09This isn't going to wow any berry.
17:11We need to be bigger, better, more...
17:15Hold the scone.
17:17That's it!
17:18Plum, where's your formula?
17:20Well, uh, it has yet to be tested for or peer-reviewed, so...
17:30Oh, yeah, science.
17:36What is that?
17:38Whoever uses that on their flowers will slay the parade.
17:42Think of the likes.
17:44I could go viral.
17:46I need to have it.
17:49No problem.
17:51Stealing other berries' ideas is what I do best.
17:55Well, filling pies with artificial pie filling is what I do best,
17:59but stealing is a close second.
18:07Okay, Bloomer.
18:09Using this on our flowers will make us unbeatable!
18:13Every berry will be obsessed with our float.
18:15They'll love me!
18:17Us. I mean us.
18:19Oh, and to clarify, the formula is experimental
18:23and should be used with caution.
18:26Also, there's not enough for the whole float.
18:29Then there's no way we can win.
18:32No berry's going to care about one silly flower
18:35that moved to the city from Berryville.
18:37Shortcakes, this, uh, flower
18:41shouldn't worry so much about what other flowers think of her.
18:44Uh, I mean it.
18:47Uh-huh. Her flower friends like her way more than roses.
18:52What would we do without our favorite flower baker?
18:57I think Strawberry might be the flower.
19:02Oh, there's not much.
19:05We'll just make more.
19:08My patented artificial pie filling.
19:10You can mix it with anything.
19:12When I'm running low on ingredients,
19:14I just add this and shake vigorously.
19:17Are you sure that will work?
19:20Works every single time.
19:32Well, maybe not every single time.
19:41Get out of my way!
19:48Uh, pardon me.
19:51Has any berry perchance seen my formula?
19:55I'm guessing that's not good.
20:07Okay, we have to...
20:10Panic and scream uncontrollably!
20:15Help as many berries as we can!
20:19Oh, no.
20:21Sour, get down!
20:23That's an order from your assistant manager.
20:32Blueberry, what are you doing?
20:35Oh, don't worry.
20:36The universe wants us to go this way.
20:38Come on!
20:39The universe?
20:46We could use a little help here.
20:48Actually, so could we.
20:54Go ahead, make my spread.
21:01Why did you stop?
21:03I feel like the universe wants us to wait right here.
21:06Why would the universe want us to wait right here?
21:11That's why. Come on!
21:14This is not how I saw today going.
21:24I can fix that!
21:39What are you doing?
21:41These are limited edition fluffy chiffon.
21:48You are surprisingly light.
22:01Ah, fluffernutter.
22:22I can't win best float if my float is covered in vines.
22:26What is the rest of the city going to think?
22:30It's not like any berry knows we did it.
22:33You mean you did it? I'm not...
22:36Wait. You're right.
22:39Of course I'm right. About what?
22:42No berry knows what happened.
22:45They'll think what I tell them to.
22:52Whoa! Spice Squad!
22:55Things are getting a little too spicy and cold in Delicious Pork!
23:01Everything has been overtaken by giant vines!
23:05And I have the exclusive on how that happened!
23:08Strawberry Shortcake and her horrible friends attacked the Purple Pie Man and I!
23:14Strawberry said she wanted to win at any cost and poured something on my float and...
23:20I'm sorry. This is just very traumatic.
23:25Despite the danger, I will continue to send you updates on this developing story as we get them.
23:31Please send thoughts and prayers.
23:34Click like, subscribe and share this video. Love you. Mean it!
23:38Now, Strawberry's the villain and I'm the tragic yet still popular victim.
23:45This did work out. Shall we?
23:48You're welcome!
23:59Good news. Those creepy vines stopped moving.
24:02Bad news. Now we're stuck in here.
24:07Shortcakes! Are you okay?
24:09Yeah. We're fine. Where are you?
24:11Red and I are outside the Berry Works helping berries.
24:14I just stepped in something and I do not know what it was!
24:18Okay. I'm helping berries.
24:22They're pretty in a scary, tried-to-crush-us kind of way.
24:25Blueberry and I are fine. Sour!
24:29Where are you?
24:30Stuck on the High Lime with Huck and Plum.
24:33We're trapped in my truck.
24:34We'll get down there to help you.
24:36We'll find Lime and Blueberry and help Sour.
24:38Who's gonna help us?
24:40The universe helps every berry.
24:42We'll handle it.
24:44On it.
25:01Did you find them? Is it over?
25:09Well, that nightmare fuel is gonna stay with me forever.
25:17If I didn't know better, I'd think you were enjoying all of this.
25:22I thought flowers were boring, but an adventure like this?
25:26This is the kind of thing I dream of.
25:29Well, I'm dreaming of the five-star Coco Poco Resort and Spa I'm checking into when this is over.
25:35But you do you.
25:38My favorite superhero, Tangerine Smash, says there's a hero inside every berry.
25:43But she's never met Bread Pudding.
25:46Bread, our friends need us.
25:48No, they need you.
25:50Look at me.
25:52I'm not hero material.
25:58Some berry told me that to feel something deep inside, you need to start outside.
26:03See? You look more heroic already.
26:10Now come on, hero.
26:12Um, right. Hero!
26:15Okay, it's a look.
26:23This one smells angry.
26:25Please focus.
26:26Don't mind me. I'm fine.
26:29Hang tight, Sour!
26:32We need to get her down.
26:34If only we could ask the vine to let her go.
26:37Blueberry, you can't speak vine.
26:40I know, silly.
26:42I thought she was about to say something ridiculous.
26:45I can speak plant, shrub, oak, pine, and a little bit of cactus, but I don't know vine.
26:53Something like that.
26:55How hard can vine be?
27:04Oogie oogie!
27:12Maybe try to growl again, but lower and stronger.
27:21This fills me with confidence.
27:26A few more tweaks and this baby will be back in the vine-busting business.
27:29Don't need that. Stick that inside.
27:32Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
27:35Clearly the vines were created utilizing my missing formula, but they were so aggressive.
27:42Sober, we're finished, we're all gonna...
27:45Sorry! It's just...
27:47Look, you've got your inventions, and Plum is so smart, and I just...
27:53I play when I'm nervous, and right now, I'm pretty nervous!
27:58There's no reason to be nervous.
28:03Not entirely accurate.
28:06Very little is known about these vines.
28:08They could attack again at any minute, or destroy the berry works entirely.
28:21You know what, Huck?
28:23A song might be nice while I work on fixing the Smellulator 3000.
28:28Strawberry's not here, so guess I have to be the nice one.
28:32Ugh, gross.
28:41What Strawberry probably needs right now is a calm, supportive friend.
28:46What is up with you?
28:48I'm not that kind of friend.
28:50I don't know.
28:52I wanted to get noticed, win best float, I tried using Plum's flower formula, and then vines suddenly attack?
28:59I just feel like this is all my fault somehow.
29:03Since when do you care about that stuff?
29:06If I want to be the biggest name in baking, I need to get my name out there.
29:10Icing cupcakes alone in my truck isn't gonna do it.
29:13Who told you that?
29:15Pumpkin Spice said that there was...
29:17Ah, Pumpkin Spice has an unhealthy addiction to social media and only cares about getting likes.
29:22Don't listen to her.
29:24As long as I've known you, your dream was to bake the world a better place, right?
29:30Well, you need the best ingredients.
29:32Start with one sweet baker who is true to herself and does what she loves because she loves it.
29:37Not for the likes.
29:39Add a large grouping of supportive friends who do what they love too.
29:44Inventing, building floats, being the best baker at the Berry Works.
29:48Different but equally good baker at the Berry Works.
29:51Mix them all together and voila!
29:54You're already baking the world a better place.
29:58The world is better when you just focus on being the amazing baker and friend you already are.
30:05Thanks, Raspberry.
30:07I need a t-shirt.
30:14When I said you were baking the world better, I didn't mean it quite so literally.
30:19After how Strawberry betrayed our close personal friendship, your likes have been so much to me.
30:28Ah, this is so boring.
30:32Gotta go, Berries. Love you, Minute.
30:35What is wrong with you?
30:37I was promised devious and malicious.
30:40But as far as schemes go, your flower vest is a snooze vest.
30:46If you're that bored, then go!
30:49I can clearly handle this without you.
30:53Please, you're no survivor. You won't last.
31:00As like I was saying, we're in this together.
31:03Care to get me out of here, partner? Amiga? Berry Bestie?
31:07Spikes, run! You won't believe this!
31:10The Purple Pie Man ditched me in the middle of this two-berry tragedy!
31:15This is scary. I'm so helpless. I have to go. Love you, Minute!
31:21How's that for devious?
31:25Okay, Bloomer!
31:27That's not even how you use it!
31:30Now try two growls, then a rustle, or maybe...
31:33No, wait!
31:36That's mildly terrifying.
31:38Oh, hello there.
31:50It's working!
32:00What are you saying now?
32:02The vines were angry because they ate something nasty.
32:05Now they want something sweet.
32:07I said we'd help.
32:10What exactly did you say?
32:13I said we would make them food!
32:17Right, you silly me.
32:19I said we would be their food!
32:22Oh, that's not great.
32:24Back away from those berries!
32:30Orange brought out my inner hero.
32:32Through fashion?
32:35Dinner's cancelled!
32:37We're, uh, booked up.
32:39And there's also a dress code!
32:42His hero banter needs work.
32:44Too much, right?
32:46My spare ribs!
32:48I'm so hungry!
32:50His hero banter needs work.
32:52Too much, right?
32:54Less banter, more scamper!
32:56Let's go!
32:57Oh, see, that was good.
33:01What new horrors will we see
33:04As we're trying to break...
33:09That's not natural.
33:11If we identify the substance,
33:13we may be able to deduce what occurred.
33:16But without my lab equipment?
33:21Don't put it in your mouth!
33:23You don't know what it is!
33:26Smells like Purple Pie Man's pies.
33:29Are you certed?
33:30I'd know that smell anywhere.
33:34I do have another skill!
33:38Who's out there?
33:43How'd you get out?
33:45You are not gonna believe this.
33:53Oh, fascinating.
33:55Let's find the others!
34:02Found him!
34:03Finding berries!
34:05Another skill!
34:07Is everybody okay?
34:08Well, we almost got eaten by vines
34:10until Orange and Bread saved us.
34:12The vines were hungry for something sweet
34:14after eating something bleh.
34:16Purple Pie Man's pie filling!
34:18Huck smelled it.
34:20My hypothesis is the Pie Man's unpalatable filling
34:23and my formula created the aggressive megaflora.
34:26That's why Strawberry's delectable manner
34:29reverted the vines to a passive state.
34:33Pie Man makes plants mad.
34:35Strawberry makes them happy.
34:39Left unchecked,
34:40the vines could destroy the berry works
34:42and grow beyond the park,
34:43endangering the city and its residents!
34:49So, slather the vines with Strawberry's batter
34:51and then we're good!
34:52With the vines so widespread,
34:54we would need to target the batter where they originated.
34:56The source!
34:57Giant vine monster?
34:59We saw it.
35:00We can never unsee it.
35:06I'm sorry for the way I was acting.
35:08I was so focused on the things I didn't have
35:11that I forgot how lucky I already am.
35:14Because I've got all of you.
35:16Someberry reminded me that
35:18baking the world a better place
35:20is all about different ingredients
35:21blending together in just the right way.
35:24All of us?
35:25We're a perfect recipe.
35:27And together I know we can do anything!
35:36Maybe now is the time for that inspirational catchphrase?
35:41Let's get out there,
35:43pull some weeds,
35:44and make the magic happen!
35:51But like, how exactly?
35:54We need save-the-day music!
36:12A challenge so immense,
36:13the pressure is intense.
36:15Scared and worried,
36:16can we make it through?
36:18Then I turn and see,
36:19you are next to me,
36:21and there's nothing we can't do!
36:26The world can be scary when it's just me.
36:32But together we're the perfect recipe.
36:38Perfect recipe.
36:41A friendship like ours is destiny.
36:47And together we're the perfect recipe.
36:52Unbelievable, inconceivable,
36:55barely made it, I can't breathe at all.
36:58There is no way it's gonna be okay.
37:01This thing has gone too far.
37:06I'm really scared, I'm so freaked out.
37:09But there's no time to scream and shout.
37:12To save the day, ignore the doubts.
37:17We've come this far,
37:19cause we know who we are.
37:23The world can be scary when it's just me.
37:26Just take a break and don't freak out.
37:29But together we're the perfect recipe.
37:35A friendship like ours is destiny.
37:39Ignore the doubts.
37:41And together we're the perfect recipe.
37:49When I don't know what to do,
37:52I stop and turn to you.
37:55We're better as a crew.
37:57Unstoppable is true.
38:00We're strong and we are brave.
38:03We're gonna save the day.
38:06It will be all okay,
38:08cause I'm with you.
38:11The world can be scary when it's just me.
38:14To save the day, ignore the doubts.
38:17But together we're the perfect recipe.
38:22A friendship like ours is destiny.
38:26We'll be here with you throughout.
38:28And together we're the perfect recipe.
38:34The world can be scary when it's just me.
38:37And now you'll be angry.
38:39But together we're the perfect recipe.
38:45A friendship like ours is destiny.
38:48We're gonna save the day.
38:51And together we're the perfect recipe.
39:06And then Strawberry Shortcake said that if she couldn't win,
39:11nobody would.
39:13And that's when...
39:19Well, good!
39:21Strawberry Shortcake's jealousy didn't destroy the park!
39:25Okay, I think we've heard enough.
39:27I've been updating the mayor,
39:29and I think it's about time we get some real answers here.
39:38Don't worry, everybody.
39:40It's okay.
39:42We took care of the vine problem
39:44that Pumpkin Spice and the Purple Pie Man caused.
39:50The Purple Pie Man left me in that vine jungle.
39:54Once I post an update about how horrible that loser is,
39:58the whole city will know!
40:00Oh, no you don't!
40:03That rotten little pumpkin was behind it all!
40:06She's the mastermind!
40:08I was framed!
40:10By her!
40:14I was framed!
40:16By her!
40:18She was obsessed with winning.
40:20Yeah, I was obsessed with winning.
40:24I even thought about using my friend's flower formula on our float.
40:28Good thing there wasn't enough of it.
40:30Why did you mix it with the Purple Pie Man's pie filling?
40:34That wasn't my idea!
40:36He was sure it would work!
40:38I told him I wanted to...
40:40You wanted to what?
40:42I'm sure your followers are very interested.
40:48Clearly there's been a misunderstanding.
40:51As my loyal followers know, I...
40:54Wait! Don't give me a thumbs down!
40:56You have to believe me!
40:58Click like! Click like!
41:01Um, a little advice?
41:03There's more to life than likes.
41:05Maybe put the phone down once in a while.
41:08This all sounds very far-fetched to me.
41:11And without any proof.
41:13Slow your roll there, pie guy.
41:16Huck stepped in the goop coming out of those vines.
41:19The shoe is covered in your pie filling!
41:22Uh, I'll just take this down to City Hall and have it analyzed.
41:27Um, can I get another shoe?
41:30I, uh...
41:32Um, well...
41:37You're not leaving me here to take the blame!
41:40Get back here!
41:42Should somebody go after them?
41:44I texted the authorities. They won't get far.
41:46And I'm pretty sure the mayor is done working with Pumpkin Spice.
41:50I'd ask how your day was, but honestly, I'm scared to find out.
41:54You know, just a typical spring day in Big Apple City.
41:58So that's your float, huh?
42:04Yep. And no matter what anybody else says, I think it's a winner.
42:10Actually, after saving the park, every berry else thought our float was a winner too.
42:16But off-roading and attacking a vine monster kind of wrecked the track.
42:20So instead of taking the float to the parade, berries came to us!
42:35Oh, excellent job, Lemon!
42:41Roses! The nastiest flower fools the world once again!
42:48Now this is some good publicity!
42:52Heads up, hero!
42:54Oh, yeah!
42:55All right!
42:56Nice look.
42:58What can I say? Flowers are kind of growing on me.
43:02Nice to have Strawberry Shortcake the Baker back.
43:06It's nice to be back.
43:08Still worried about making all your dreams bloom as soon as possible?
43:12Nah, I've got plenty of time to make the world a better place.
43:16And in the meantime, I get to do what I love next to my favorite berries.
43:20Everything else will work out eventually.
43:23After all, I've got all the right ingredients in my life.
43:26And with a recipe like this, anything is possible!
44:38See you next time!
