• last year
Pavel Durov, CEO of messaging service Telegram, was arrested by French authorities. Is that an overdue step against criminal activity on the platform? Or a threat to free speech?


00:00Pavel Durov, CEO of social app Telegram, has been arrested by French authorities.
00:06They accuse him of not cooperating with them in investigating crime on the platform.
00:11Crime such as spreading child sexual abuse material.
00:15He has since been released after paying 5 million euros bail,
00:19but is not allowed to leave France for the time being.
00:22A social media CEO detained in a European country?
00:26That's big news!
00:27What does this mean for freedom of speech online? And why Telegram?
00:32Telegram offers two main services to its 900 million and more active users worldwide.
00:39Messaging and social networking.
00:41Pavel Durov sees himself as a defender of free speech
00:45and has previously refused to share user data with governments.
00:49In 2014, he was asked to hand over personal data of Ukrainian users
00:54of his social network VKontakte to Russian security agencies.
00:59He didn't. As a result, he was forced to sell VKontakte and went into exile.
01:04Because of Durov, Telegram is regarded as a safe haven by many.
01:09Especially by those with non-mainstream opinions, but also by criminals.
01:14A double-edged sword.
01:15Telegram has played a vital role in political conflicts.
01:19It was a key tool for protesters during the 2019 Hong Kong demonstrations.
01:24Unlike Facebook and Instagram, Telegram is reluctant to censor content such as information from Gaza.
01:31For many in the West, Telegram is also seen as a powerful amplifier of Russian propaganda.
01:37Apart from that, it is also a fact that Telegram is very popular
01:41among cybercriminals and political extremists.
01:44But criminal activity is not only a problem on Telegram.
01:48Meta, for example, has faced a lot of scrutiny for not regulating Facebook's marketplace enough.
01:54Experts argue it is facilitating illegal trade from child sexual abuse material to human trafficking.
02:01But while Meta says it cooperates with authorities to get a grip on these severe problems,
02:06Durov and Telegram are generally trying to resist requests from governments.
02:12How anonymous is Telegram really?
02:15Interestingly, while WhatsApp offers end-to-end encryption by default, Telegram does not.
02:21All messages can be read by Telegram unless users set up a secret chat, which many simply don't do.
02:29And despite Pavel Durov's strong stance on user privacy, Telegram faces limits.
02:35If the service ignores local laws, it risks being banned.
02:39Here are two examples.
02:40In 2022, Telegram shared data with German police on suspected terrorists and child abusers
02:47and deleted far-right extremist accounts.
02:50In Russia, Telegram must follow a law that forces channels with over 500,000 followers
02:56to provide user information to the government.
02:59So if Telegram is already cooperating with some authorities, why doesn't it do more to fight online crime?
03:06In a blog post statement, the platform reacted to Durov's arrest like this.
03:11It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform.
03:17Do you think that's a valid point?
03:19What could all that mean for social media in general?
03:23Digital privacy advocates argue France's action could encourage other countries
03:28to prosecute platform CEOs for failing to hand over user data.
03:33There's pros and cons here.
03:35Some user data will help fight crime.
03:38Other user data will help governments to surveil and oppress their citizens.
03:43Still, online crime is a huge problem.
03:46And if the events lead to a broader debate on whether social media companies carry some responsibility,
03:52all of us could benefit.
03:54Telegram is not the only one to play the
03:56I'm-not-responsible-for-what-my-users-do card.
04:00We've heard similar arguments from Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk.
04:03What's your opinion on all of this? Let us know.
