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Al - Adiyat By Abdul Rahman Mossad |Whatsapp Status | Islamic Records | Islamic Status | Abdul Rahman Mossod

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00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:08And the transgressors will be slain, and the believers will be slain
00:18And the transgressors will be slain in the morning
00:22And We will cover them with a veil, and We will cover them with a veil
00:37Indeed, man is to his Lord a burden
00:48And indeed, he is a witness over that
00:57And indeed, he is severe in love of good
01:04Does he not know when that which is in the graves is scattered?
01:20And that which is in the breasts is obtained?
01:26Indeed, their Lord, on that Day, is Acquainted
