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00:00["The Star Spangled Banner"]
00:30["The Star Spangled Banner"]
00:57["The Star Spangled Banner"]
00:59I fought with him.
01:03Yeah, that's mighty nice, O'Hara.
01:05Are you a friend of Mommy's?
01:07Inspector O'Hara's wife and I were friends quite some time ago.
01:13My name's Oliver Wells Jr. I like Ollie better.
01:17Okay, Ollie.
01:19Pat Susie.
01:22Come on, Ollie.
01:24all right all right in a minute well I guess we better be going huh aren't you
01:36coming home with us mommy not today dear we'll visit mommy again real soon you
01:44take care thanks a little harrow for taking the time come on kids Jim could I
02:01ask a favor sure Amy ask could you find a way to take his mind off this he's
02:10worried to death about me the expense the uncertainty tomorrow Saturday I'll
02:20see what I can do thank you oh he said he's going out of town tomorrow business
02:28I suppose but if you could stop and looking on the children they'll be with
02:33the sitter yes that table hold two inspectors oh yes she was right Oh your
02:54secretary find a bummer's man in the cafeteria you'll be my boss I'm her to
02:59you what is it Jim rough case no rough visit hospital sorry anyone I know Amy
03:10Wells married Oliver Wells no no he works out of intelligence what's wrong
03:15with abdominal surgery about two months ago everything was fine and then
03:19complications peritonitis they hung a fancy tag on it something called a
03:24fistula they operated again last week she's borderline but lift your spirits
03:30any if I tell you they got a conviction in the Johnson case I heard 12 years
03:36with a story the guy blows it for a lousy bride and go figure a guy like
03:39that a man doesn't enter the service with blinders on take time to learn the
03:45rules even more time to live in or through the training yeah who's he
03:49cheating in the end anyway himself he's a taxpayer pays part of his own salary
03:53why Jim no maybe because all we have to recruit from is the human race that is
04:00where we found agent Johnson his only trouble was he thought the only thing
04:04behind his badge was his wallet I turn it around Smitty 99% stay clean
04:11what's left is what keeps us in business that lousy 1% more bad news
04:18Thomas J. Galt is in my office and wants to see me the Thomas J. Galt IRS
04:29inspection tell me that's exactly what is an inspector do I think you know the
04:37answer to that mr. go maybe I gotta be sure I'm talking to the right man you
04:44know what I mean inspection is charged with maintaining the integrity of the
04:48internal revenue service by investigating allegations of bribery
04:52collusion and conspiracy involving IRS employees got it from memory huh or non
04:58employees who try to bribe or improperly influence service employees
05:04well one of your boys has decided to go on business for himself 50 big ones to
05:14take care of a certain matter to take care of what a charge of income tax
05:21evasion are you under investigation for income tax evasion mr. go forget the
05:27car no I'm always under investigation for something I got nothing to be spooky
05:32about I think I'm tax wrap I can beat any time but a kinky government man that
05:41turns my stomach you know what I mean
05:47besides I I don't like shakedowns they're illegal yes Washington calling
05:57sir just one minute anything you say inspector
06:13can I call you back later thank you
06:28yeah Mac this is O'Hara this is confidential are you people interested
06:37in Thomas J. Galt
06:42who's handling the investigation
06:46thank you special agent Oliver Wells
07:00do you claim that someone in the service is off to fix an investigation for 50
07:06grand who he wouldn't give his name he phoned me last night well then you're
07:10not certain he's an internal revenue agent he had information inside stuff
07:15that only a snoop would be interested in how do you know it isn't someone in
07:18your own organization someone in my organization tries to shake me down I
07:22handle it when he phones you what did he say did he suggest a meeting tonight
07:27the Gold Coast nine o'clock I don't need your cooperation what do you think I'm
07:34doing now up to now you've made allegations we need proof
07:45so I play along how does it go you keep you meet at the Gold Coast with your
07:57permission I'll try to get clearance to put a transmitter on you I don't know
08:01about that we need the evidence what if he panics
08:06stalled him if I decide to step in introduce me as a friend what about the
08:1150 G's that comes later a friend
08:27wait for me
09:41Mr. Galt say I it's a real real treat to meet you Mr. Galt a real treat I'm sure
09:56glad you decided to come tonight but then again I guess a milk make it a tall
10:01one can I get you a drink you got one keep the change I don't like to mix
10:08liquor with pleasure you make him
10:22what kids he's a friend friends let's talk a little business nice to know who
10:33you're doing business thank you just call me Willie little buddy why not
10:39everybody else does Willie does that look like IRS who's Iris I've heard the
10:44voice before yeah well anyway huh it keeps coming back like a song mr. golf
10:53just likes a song with the most unforgettable lyrics you ever heard I
10:57employees pension fund local 21 item a special expense account local 116 item
11:04okay maybe we can make a deal now that's what I had mine five big ones may I have
11:13a look at that be my guest mr. gold and the price is 50 thou for thou which is
11:21cheap when you consider the fact that I have to split it right down the middle
11:25with my contact on the inside you're pushing I don't like being pushed it's
11:31better than a long term at a hard time what a copy was the original lock guys
11:39got to keep some insurance funny
11:43looks authentic there's no signature sure we trust each other punk I never
11:48laid eyes on before Willie maybe somebody can vouch for you somebody you
11:53know somebody you know Tom I haven't been in town too long it is Al Connors
12:03Al Connors Connors and Cicero used to agent pro-athletes on the coast yeah
12:10yeah yeah yeah that's that's that's Ali I stubbed his toe on a point shaving set
12:15up it fell real hard real hard poor guy we spent a lot of time together in LA I
12:19had to look him up I do Connor says you're okay I guess it'll have to go
12:31any reason why we can't know your IRS contact Wells all of the world rings
12:47Wells you know him you know I'm wired for sound
13:40mr. G yeah those windows open no I can't believe it you tied in with a big
13:53G this guy Fowler yours is with me oh we gotta have a drink on this we skipped
14:06the social amenity forget that you know him Willie how well really used to be my
14:16buddy you remember that night in LA those were models now you're in a big
14:25time how long you been in shot about a week baby why didn't you get in touch I
14:33have it busy oh yeah you got a deal with mr. G little man finally cashed a
14:41big deal big enough just want you to say so on Willie you trust
14:52with my life with my own life just like I said
15:00where you staying one eight seven Green Street second floor front well we can
15:07wrap it up tomorrow it's gotta be tomorrow we have a box of the Dodger
15:11game tomorrow now noon the village still get to the ballpark have a good cigar
15:21thank you I was thinking yeah ain't it I have one happy yeah he's got his
15:29compensations I think I'd be more useful up town maybe in your setup pretty
15:36useful out on the coast call me sometimes I'll do it you stick around
15:40Willie we got a lot to talk about it's Friday night in the man in town and I
15:44got all the right connections
15:51I'm off the air now I'll be in touch in the morning we'll set up for the payoffs
16:09there's something troubling you a few things you want out your kinky agent's
16:16name is Wells you've immortalized it on tape what more is there I don't like it
16:21you don't like it we still have to deliver evidence it'll hold up in court
16:24and there's one more thing what's that the law says a man is innocent until
16:28he's proven guilty I suppose so if anyone should appreciate that you should
16:32mr. gold
16:36you want to lift I'll find my way home
16:41Willie's upstairs Barney you play it tight with him and I'll see you back in
16:53the office sorry I had to get you out of bed Oh
16:58Harrah yeah Wells conspiring to accept a bribe I can't buy it well you got your
17:03job I got mine last week Ollie and I went over that file together everything
17:07he's been able to put together on Galt plenty of suspicion but nothing to bite
17:11on I told him to wash it out for the time being so so he completed the usual
17:18withdrawal memo I saw it last night or at least a photocopy where the original
17:28of the memo isn't him he said he mislaid it said he tried to find it
17:35mislaid it love O'Hara I know about the careless handling of official documents
17:41but he's been under a lot of strain lately I think the guy's done a good job
17:46considering I mean his wife you know about her yeah well I don't have to tell
17:53you Mike this remains confidential is there anything else that's all I'm gonna
17:56keep these for a while I think you could use some sleep hey Mike yeah this
18:05yesterday morning Amy Wells told me her husband was going away for the weekend
18:10on business is he on assignment now
18:38would you like a Danish Jim hmm no thank you
18:44Ed do you know Wells I've seen him a couple of times background information
18:54Oliver Wells graduate degree in law four years Port Huron Michigan private
18:58law firm five years special agent Internal Revenue Service intelligence
19:03three years Los Angeles transferred to Chicago two years ago family wife name
19:10is Amy got a son and a daughter how's his record Jim it's clean
19:19Thomas J. Galt also known as Tim Gilling suspicion violation of the Mann
19:25Act suspicion violation of ADW suspicion labor racketeering a dozen suspicion in
19:3220 years and not one single conviction bigger they get the hotter it is to fall
19:39Irwin Williams also known as little Willie also known as we Willie last
19:45address Los Angeles for arrest two convictions both misdemeanors small-time
19:51operator like a little man's gonna try for the big gold ring last known address
19:56Los Angeles you said Wells served three years in LA you put Willie to bed he
20:03killed last night in Cicero mostly with Connors and he took a cab to an
20:07apartment on the south side he's pounding the pillow now very relieved
20:10me he's watching the apartment I'll get some rest but stay loose I may need you
20:14in a couple of hours thanks missing one withdrawal memo
20:24Willie has the photocopy who's got the original would you mislead it I'm glad
20:32to say I didn't Wells knows there is not sufficient evidence to recommend for
20:39prosecution but gold doesn't perfect set up for a shakedown you said that
20:45Wells's signature was blanked out on Willie's photocopy yeah along with the
20:49part that says insufficient evidence cannot recommend for prosecution well
20:54Wells could have done that to convince his go-between that calls headed for
20:57heavy trouble unless he meets the payoff only one could have made the copy yeah
21:03anybody would access to the original
21:12Gold's number tell him I want him here by 11 use the secretary's phone isn't
21:17kind of early that she's expecting the call
21:24this is O'Hara inspection I'd like $50,000 in marked bills on my desk by 11
21:30please 1030 thank you
21:43third floor Wesley and mrs. Oliver Wells please yes I understand about visiting
21:51regulations I just want to talk to her I see there's no message thank you
21:57both says okay if you shall make the ballgame let's go where we going see a
22:04baby sir
22:13hello I know that can I help you you a team man like my dad yes I am very
22:24anxious to get in touch with mr. Wells is it mrs. Wells no he's gone somewhere
22:32maybe he mentioned where he'd be no I'm afraid not
22:36dad made a phone call before he drove away that was just before supper last
22:40night why don't you leave your number I'll be happy to ask mr. Wells to get in
22:43touch with you if he calls mr. Wells say anything before he left no please try to
22:53remember it's very important to us well he did say something but I'm afraid it
22:58was rather personal something we can help with maybe well mr. Wells is such a
23:04fine man and the children too just like their parents but the bills do have a
23:09way of piling up don't they I see oh but he assured me everything would be taken
23:13care of when he returns tomorrow tomorrow
23:18thank you
23:31two beautiful kids yeah and we get back to the office check DMV put out a tracer
23:39on Wells car detail a man to stay on it
23:56the man the receipt
24:0711 o'clock Jim yeah he's late
24:13Oh Aaron
24:17do you mind telling me why mr. go I see you wouldn't care to be more specific
24:25would you
24:30he changed his mind he said the IRS can wash its own dirty
24:35laundry without his help
24:39I quote him loosely
24:44great sitting on Willie from the room across the hall he'll drop me in front
24:49and take your position you better get the limo I'll be wired transmission
24:53should be loudly clear after I make the delivery I'm gonna stay on top of Willie
24:59until he splits the payoff with his inside contact if he has an inside
26:05if you read me give me a long and a short
26:25yeah you're late where's big man couldn't make it couldn't make it is that
26:33it that's it come on
26:40let's uh let's have a look
26:58oh it even smells good I always did like the smell of bread when I was a kid I
27:03used to hang around a bakery just smelling it stuff enough bread in the
27:08guy's mouth he can't do much talking can what stuff enough bread in the guy's
27:13mouth oh yeah yeah that's that's that's funny that's that's real good that's 50
27:21big ones well it's all there how about some insurance what do you mean well 50
27:28big ones ought to buy us the original of that report you got from your IRS King
27:32what's his name well not now later mr. gold isn't used to waiting well I got
27:40the original you see I don't get that until until I get make the split with
27:44Wells you see that's his insurance dig what's the split Willie hello you tell
27:50mr. golf that he's got nothing to worry about all right you tell him to fix us
27:54in tell him he's got little Willie's word on it okay suppose he won't buy
27:58wait a minute last night Galt said he didn't like being pushed well I haven't
28:06pushed all my life oh my life I got a gut full of it up to here and I'm tired
28:12I'm tired of big operators with it for their hot cars and that fancy dame that
28:16two-way bank and cost 50,000 50,000 to them is nothing you imagine that not
28:22$50,000 half of that that's that that's the that's the end of that pot at the
28:30end of the rainbow for me look living in crummy flea bags scrambling that every
28:40little crumb playing con for nickels and dimes wearing hand-me-down clothes well
28:46that's all over now little Willie who's gonna live with a little style from now
28:50on that what I tell him tell him tell him anything you want tell him last
28:59night you were dealing but at this moment I'm holding the wildest cards I
29:04ever been dealt
29:08you're holding
29:28signal check
29:37I want a cab by the way 187 Green Street yeah I'll be right up
29:58I'll stay with him
30:17baby man well I told you last night I'd cut you in for a finders fee soon as I
30:26get mine you get yours it's a worry penalty too early after 12 you want to
30:32mess up the whole deal it's a one-on-one setup
30:35Colt sees you here he's like a rabbit we trust each other don't we just wanted
30:41to save you some trouble baby five yards 10% of the take that's still your end
30:45you sure the deals for five years after the split I only clear $2,500 I'll come
30:52on a scramble you and I'll drop by your place tonight okay I see it now baby
31:16signal the limo to stay with a car that's just leaving
32:29don't play him too tight
33:20I know where he's going buy a ticket and walk him
33:50Jim the boys got company
33:56Oh you think he made it it's hard to tell
34:17let's go
34:31I hold it
34:41listen you gotta help me you've been given your rights you know you can have
34:46an attorney I take a grand theft bus but Galt gets wind of this and I'm dead
34:51what'd you say to Willie at the station don't put out a contract on him I told
34:56him you were the hitman sold him to didn't that you know Galt hired to make
35:02the hit yeah any idea why mr. gold backed out of the setup must have said
35:08something to someone anyway word got around he was playing footsie with the
35:14Treasury and the big boys told him to cool it so he decided to cool Willie
35:18permanently because he tried to put the arm on him for 50 G's and you know
35:23there's a contract out him and still you risk trying to lift the pair oh that
35:27Brad I got hungry we got a deal ain't we I mean I'm cooperating and how to be
35:36worth something I couldn't make a deal if I wanted to you're in Chicago PD
35:41custody after you book this as evidence I'm gonna hold on it from my office
35:46you got hungry yeah what is running and he's running scared there's $45,000 in
35:59that attache case that means he's got close to $5,000 on it oh that's enough
36:03for a token payout hardly enough to live in style he's got a ticket to Cleveland
36:07not anymore bus company said he bailed out at
36:10Riverton that's 20 miles away one more thing Jim
36:12Wells Carson spotted by Detroit police heading toward Riverton request to
36:16continuing tracer and stay on it let's go
36:31looking for a man about five six very slight blue suit nervous he was wearing
36:37check Ted I remember a guy looked like he was scared of something you know he
36:41hopped in cab number 16 you have any idea where he went I have no idea 16 was
36:46pulling out as I pulled in
37:05supervisor please United States Treasury official business
37:11yes your cab number 16 picked up a fare at the bus terminal oh yes I see
37:17yeah well thank you third and spruce someplace called
37:24Constantine in love what's that what you wear
37:32well the United States Treasury agents I'm Jim O'Hare this is Ed Miller IRS
37:38inspection yes we're looking for a man slight sandy hair calls himself Willie
37:44well indeed that must be mr. Williams mr. Williams did he meet anyone when he
37:50was here no no I took care of him personally a fine little man well it be
37:55a pity that he has to go where'd he go no he hasn't not yet but very very
38:00shortly as we all eventually must go he made arrangements himself very
38:07handsomely $4,000 in cash are you telling me he bought a funeral for
38:14himself so wise a terminal illness you know there's one strange thing he knew
38:21exactly when and where we could claim his remains where at the morgue his
38:28sanitarization demanding orchids over his beer such taste good style they're
38:36just what are you supposed to claim his body mr. Williams suggested I call the
38:41morgue later this afternoon you know where he went when he left here he
38:46wanted to cut away for the service so I recommended the haberdashery they just
38:51one block over and two blocks down that $4,000 sir hold on to it belongs to the
39:00you figure the little guys cracking up because he knows there's a contract out
39:03I don't know but if we don't find him head alive
39:10Wells is gonna have a little trouble clearing himself if he's clean
39:34something we can do for you today gentlemen I'm looking for a man who
39:37either bought or rented a cutaway within the hour may have called himself
39:41Williams yes sir our finest ensemble needed some sprucing up but we delivered
39:45it on a rush order well the hotel it's about a block and a half down the
39:50street I don't believe it even has a name it's well it isn't a place I'd
39:54want to visit any room number the driver would know but he's out on delivery
39:58right now and I don't expect him back for some time explain about the money
40:01then make the hotel right
40:48lady get some sleep hello
41:16it's you I figured it just right I beat you I beat big mr. gold
41:31I've been a mom Jim I'll get an ambulance and get it quick
41:38oh I didn't I didn't get the big brass ring but little Willie little Willie's
41:55going up and style I even feature a lousy contract
42:14no hits
42:18no runs
42:27Come on.
42:30Come on, we'll walk.
42:32Come on.
42:34Walk it, Willie.
42:37Come on, Willie.
42:52Anything on Willie, Jim?
42:53Huh? No, nothing yet.
42:54Two messages.
42:55Chicago police picked up the hitman and he's implicated Galt.
43:00Mr. Connors must have sung loud and clear.
43:03And the tracer you put out on Wells.
43:05They lost him someplace between here and Detroit.
43:10Come on, Willie. Come on.
43:13This way.
43:25He never enjoyed the stomach bump, but he'll live, Inspector.
43:37It's my duty to inform you of your constitutional rights.
43:40That, uh...
43:42paper you wanted, it's...
43:45my inside jacket pocket.
43:48We have it, Willie.
43:49It's, uh...
43:50It's, uh...
43:52turned out to be insurance, after all.
43:55You want to tell us about Wells?
43:58I never met him in my life.
44:02I found that, uh...
44:04the day I hit Chicago.
44:06You found it where?
44:10Inside the hospital.
44:11Oh, yeah.
44:12I had the game set up real good, too.
44:15You're just in the wrong ballpark, Willie.
44:17All right, Ed, hang around. Read Willie his full rights.
44:19Also get a statement for the record.
44:41Special Agent Wells would like to see you.
44:45Send him in.
44:47All right.
44:55Just wanted you to know my wife's gonna make it.
44:58And to thank you for looking in on the kids last Saturday.
45:00My pleasure.
45:02It's been kind of rough, hasn't it?
45:04And then some.
45:06But I got some help over the weekend that should see us through.
45:09I managed a loan from a couple of people I met when I was with a law firm in Port Huron.
45:13Well, if there's a next time, and I hope there is, then do me a favor, all right?
45:17Remember, you got a couple of friends here.
45:23Hey, Alan.
45:30That's yours, isn't it?
45:32It sure is.
45:34I've been looking all over for this. How'd you come by it, Jim?
45:36Somebody found it.
45:39You know, if this had gotten into the wrong hands, it could have been a lot of trouble.
45:47Oh, hell.
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