• last year


00:01Christina Crawford. She's picking up the pieces.
00:05Tonight at 7, 30 and 11 on FOX 25.
00:13Welcome to Relatively Speaking.
00:15The show that climbs into the branches
00:17of the world's most celebrated family tree.
00:19And to play today's game, here's our celebrity panel.
00:22Annie Bloom.
00:25Tom Poston.
00:28Marsha Wallace.
00:30Bill Kirkendall.
00:32And here's the star of Relatively Speaking,
00:34John Bynard.
00:36Still hasn't appeared yet.
00:39Hey, thank you.
00:40We've got a great show for you
00:41and a great panel to help us play it.
00:43Let's meet them.
00:44Hiya, panel.
00:45Hi, John.
00:46Hi, John.
00:47Tom, you're starting your seventh season
00:48on the Newhart Show.
00:50Confidentially, is Bob Newhart
00:51really the mean, cruel tyrant
00:53everybody says he is?
00:55I guess you both are after that.
00:59Bob Newhart is one of the nicest guys in show business.
01:01Yeah, we all know that.
01:02I have to say that.
01:03We all know that.
01:04I'm glad you did.
01:05I'm glad you said that.
01:06Yeah, she'll tell you.
01:07She'll tell...
01:08Oh, of course.
01:09I know, I've been passing myself.
01:10Of course, you worked with him many, many years also.
01:12And now, to tell us the rules of this show,
01:15Relatively Speaking,
01:16here's a barbarian.
01:18Good evening, ladies and gents.
01:19I'm Jackie the Barbarian.
01:21A sorcerer put an evil curse on me
01:23and now everything comes out rimshot.
01:25Boom, boom, boom.
01:26Take my dragon, please.
01:27Bah, see what I mean?
01:28Boom, boom.
01:29A wizard gave me this incantation
01:30to help me out of this,
01:31so here goes.
01:32The panel will be introduced
01:33to the relative of a celebrity,
01:34past or present.
01:37They must guess the celebrity's identity
01:38by asking yes or no questions.
01:41If a contestant is able to stump the panel
01:43with eight no answers,
01:45that contestant will win our super stumping jackpot.
01:49Hey, it worked.
01:50The spell is off.
01:51I'm back to being me.
01:53Only problem is now,
01:54I don't get any respect.
01:58Boom, boom, boom.
02:03Hey, who was that guy?
02:04What a strange delivery.
02:07And now that we all know how to play,
02:08relatively speaking,
02:09let's get to it, Stacey.
02:10Bring out our first contestant.
02:11As our announcer,
02:12John Holland tells us who it is.
02:14John, we'd like you to meet Stephanie X.
02:17How you doing?
02:21All right, Stephanie,
02:22tell us a little bit about yourself, please.
02:24I'm a homemaker.
02:25I enjoy gardening,
02:26but I really enjoy playing the piano.
02:28Well, that's wonderful.
02:29That's nice.
02:30We all get to hear you sometime, huh?
02:33You folks at home,
02:34if you want to play the game along with our panel,
02:36just close your eyes right now
02:37as we show the audience the name
02:39of Stephanie's famous mother.
02:46Okay, panel, here's the clue.
02:48Stephanie's mom is a woman
02:50who is known for her big tooth.
02:52Let's begin the questioning with Annie Bloom.
02:54For her big tooth?
02:57That's a silly clue.
02:58It's a silly show.
03:01Hi, Stephanie.
03:02Well, gee, your mom with her big tooth.
03:06Is she in show business by any chance?
03:09Does she have a big smile?
03:11Is that what this is?
03:13Is she known for her mouth?
03:19Is this big tooth something
03:21that she has grown personally herself?
03:27That's too old indeed.
03:28That was a no.
03:29Mine's good.
03:30Well, did she talk about her teeth a lot?
03:35I mean, were her teeth a focal point in her work?
03:40All right.
03:42Does she do something other than look toothy?
03:46Is she a singer?
03:49Not known for singing.
03:51Annie Bloom.
03:53Does your mother perform on television?
03:59Is your mother a comedian?
04:06Was she the star of her own show by any chance?
04:09Or has she been a star of her own show?
04:11She has been.
04:12She has been.
04:13Was that show a variety comedy type show?
04:19I don't want to get a no.
04:20So I assume that it was not a sitcom.
04:23That's correct.
04:24That's correct.
04:25That's a yes.
04:28Does your mom have red hair?
04:35You have to wait to turn.
04:37I'm deferring to the lady on my left.
04:39Oh, thank you.
04:40She may never happen again.
04:41She's punched me black and blue.
04:44I'm so sore on one side, I could just paint and die.
04:48But you enjoyed it, didn't you?
04:49I don't know who it is to, but I'll defer to my...
04:51Oh, bless you.
04:52All right.
04:53Is your mom also known for her infectious laugh?
04:56Ha, ha!
04:57That was a bad impression.
04:59For all of us who do comedy, she's fabulous.
05:02Phyllis Dillard, is your mom Phyllis Dillard?
05:03That's right.
05:06This is Stephanie Waldron.
05:11That was a fan.
05:14Stephanie Waldron, your mother is one of America's funniest comedians.
05:17In her routine, she's always talked about her husband, Fang.
05:20Did she ever say anything about you?
05:22Oh, definitely.
05:25She said all sorts of things.
05:27You know, there were five of us, and when we were kids,
05:29there were a lot of wet diapers, and we used to have rainbows over the playpen.
05:35Rainbows over the playpen.
05:37I like it.
05:38It's a new song.
05:39Well, what was it really like at home?
05:40Was it kind of a little kooky, or what?
05:45It wasn't Ozzie and Harriet.
05:46It was more like the Addams family.
05:49All right.
05:50I remember one summer, we were in Cape Cod,
05:52and Mother gave each of us a driving lesson,
05:55and then we all insisted that she show us the right way.
05:58She backed into a tree.
06:00Always had to have a punchline, Phyllis, right?
06:02That's right.
06:03Well, you brought us some pictures.
06:04You want to tell us about them while we show them on the screen?
06:08Here she is, 1953, two years before she went in the business.
06:13Love the earrings.
06:16And here are the five rainbow makers.
06:22Very sweet.
06:23And this is a recent picture at a fashion show.
06:27We're into fashion.
06:28I guess so.
06:30All right, Stephanie, you got five no answers.
06:32Let's see what you've won.
06:34We'll fly you and your guest round trip
06:36to New Orleans via Southwest Airlines.
06:38You may enjoy special service while onboard one of their 737 jets
06:41furnished by Southwest Airlines.
06:43And while in New Orleans, you may enjoy seven days
06:45luxurious Sheraton New Orleans Hotel
06:47overlooking the fabulous French Quarter
06:49furnished by the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel.
06:51Your New Orleans trip is valued at more than $1,600.
06:55That's fine.
06:57Well, Stephanie, you did fine.
06:59Thanks for being our guest.
07:00And we'll be right back, relatively speaking, right after this.
07:05If you are a relative of a famous person
07:07and would like to be a contestant on Relatively Speaking,
07:09please call us at 213-474-6554.
07:13The rules of Relatively Speaking were taped at the Universal Studios Tour.
07:19♪ I've had the time of my life ♪
07:23Looking for a great Christmas gift?
07:25Now you can have the time of your life
07:27giving some of the best videos of the year.
07:29Just buy two selected best-drawn videos,
07:31send in the wrappers from ten Nestle candy bars,
07:33and you get a third video free.
07:35Hot titles like Dirty Dancing, Hoosiers, and Platoon.
07:39Look for this offer where candy and videos are sold.
07:41So give someone a video and watch what happens.
07:44♪ I've had the time of my life ♪
07:50When you weigh one diet against another, consider this.
07:53If you don't get enough protein when you diet to lose fat,
07:56you might lose muscle.
07:58Protein can help you keep muscle while you lose fat.
08:01And Special K has the highest level of dietary protein available in a cereal.
08:05So exercise your good judgment, too.
08:08Include this Special K breakfast in your balanced diet
08:11and make a firm commitment to your body.
08:14Special K.
08:16Keep the muscle.
08:18Lose the fat.
08:20Look out! It's the Dinosaurs!
08:23From the planet Reptilon, they have arrived on Earth.
08:26This is gonna be so neat!
08:28Joining forces with the Secret Scouts.
08:31Way to go, team!
08:33They do battle with their bumbling archenemies,
08:35such as the evil Tyrannos.
08:40Don't miss all the excitement!
08:42We now have the power to shape the Earth!
08:45Dinosaurs, tomorrow morning on Fox Channel 25.
08:49♪ Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays. ♪
08:58There is no place like home for the holidays.
09:01And home is the place where all children belong.
09:04At the New England Home for Little Wanderers,
09:06our care and commitment have helped thousands of children and families
09:09have happier holidays and brighter New Years.
09:12This holiday, remember the New England Home for Little Wanderers.
09:15There's no place like home for the holidays.
09:23Okay, we're back.
09:24And, panel, we're gonna move the QE2 over this way
09:27because you just might recognize this person.
09:29We wouldn't want to give it away,
09:31so, Stacy, bring out our next contestant.
09:34John, here is David X.
09:38Hi, David.
09:40Have a seat there.
09:43Okay, panel, you cannot see our guest because I can't see you.
09:46No, we can't.
09:47All right, tell us a little bit about yourself, David.
09:49Well, I'm single, and I sell cellular phones in Studio City.
09:53Does your sister sell seashells by the seashore?
09:56Okay, let's begin by showing the audience
09:58the name of David's famous great-uncle.
10:04Okay, panel, here's your clue.
10:06David's uncle is famous for his off-Broadway smashes.
10:11We'll begin the questioning with Tom Poston.
10:16Is one of your great-uncle's smashes a musical?
10:21Okay, right then, over to you, Marsha.
10:24Well, is the aforementioned uncle a producer?
10:30Bill Kirkenbauer.
10:31Well, is the aforementioned uncle, is he a performer?
10:38Three down, back to Annie.
10:40Yeah, are you trying to confuse us?
10:44Okay, is it your uncle or your great-uncle, David?
10:46It's my great-uncle.
10:47Great-uncle, okay.
10:50Can I presume that your great-uncle is not, was not in, is not, is,
10:56is not in the entertainment business?
10:58We've already established that, I think.
11:02Just answer the question, John.
11:04Yeah, thanks, John.
11:06Two yeses for that.
11:08In the political arena.
11:10No, he's not.
11:11No, he's not.
11:12Four down.
11:13Is he in the demolition business?
11:16You got it.
11:17No, he's not down.
11:19No, five down.
11:21All right, no, no entertainment.
11:24No politics.
11:25No politics.
11:26No bananas.
11:28For his off-Broadway hits.
11:30He's famous for his off-Broadway hits.
11:32All right, is he in sports?
11:35Yeah, so perhaps I bet he is in the, how about Mr. Baseball?
11:40Would be, perhaps have been a great slugger?
11:44I see.
11:45And if he was near New York, perhaps with the New York Yankees?
11:51So perhaps Mickey Mantle?
11:57Over to you, Bill Kirkenbauer.
12:00Was he, did he play baseball?
12:04Yes, he did.
12:05Oh, yeah.
12:07Did he, I don't know much about baseball.
12:14No kidding.
12:15No kidding.
12:16We never would have guessed.
12:17Did he use that bat?
12:18Here's another possibility.
12:19He used a bat.
12:20Yes, he did.
12:21Oh, did he use a bat?
12:22Okay, okay, okay.
12:23Gee, I'm, I'm, if, I'll, I'll, okay.
12:29Did he also sell coffee makers?
12:34Aha, aha.
12:35He knows about coffee.
12:37He doesn't know about baseball.
12:38I'm gonna pass to Annie.
12:40You're gonna pass to me?
12:41Well, um, do you have the same last name as your, your, uh, yes, you do, because that's why.
12:47No, no.
12:48No, David.
12:49It's just that you might recognize him is what I said the law was coming out for.
12:51Oh, you might recognize him.
12:53Well, okay.
12:54Was your uncle, um, Italian descent?
13:00Was he Joe DiMaggio?
13:01Yes, he was.
13:02Yes, he was.
13:04Okay, roll back to QE2.
13:09This is David Corbin, great nephew of Joe DiMaggio.
13:13David, there's not a kid in America who hasn't heard of the Yankee Clipper.
13:18Joe DiMaggio set a record for hitting in 56 consecutive games, a record that hasn't been approached in almost 50 years.
13:26But he looks like, uh, he looks like his dad.
13:29What's your dad's, or your, your grandfather's name, I guess?
13:33My grandfather?
13:34On which side?
13:35I don't know.
13:36What's, uh, Dom?
13:37Same great uncle and Vince.
13:38Same great uncle.
13:39How about Vince?
13:40They're all brothers.
13:41See, you would have recognized him if we hadn't had the wall up there.
13:43Who was your antecedent?
13:47Who was your what?
13:48My antecedent?
13:49Who was the ancestor that was one of their brothers?
13:53Who was your dad?
13:54It was on my mother's side of the family.
13:56This is so confusing, I need a nap.
13:59You need a map, not a nap.
14:01Okay, now you played ball in high school, didn't you?
14:04Now, did Joe ever teach you any of his secrets?
14:05He certainly did.
14:06He, he used to try to tell me to ignore all the other distractions that were going on
14:10and concentrate just on the ball.
14:12And by doing that, he said that the ball would seem bigger and appear to be coming in more slowly.
14:17I got a mirror like that on the side of my car.
14:21Well, okay, tell us what Joe's up to these days.
14:24Well, he's an avid golfer and fisherman, and he splits his time between Florida and San Francisco.
14:28Well, that's great.
14:29Wish him luck for us.
14:30I will.
14:31Say hello.
14:32You brought along a photo.
14:33You want to tell us about it?
14:35This is a picture of us at the more rugged and hairy version of myself.
14:40We were at the Super Bowl, and that's my cousin Paula.
14:42And it was the Rose Bowl a few years back.
14:45Well, you lost weight since then.
14:48All right, David, you got six no answers.
14:50Let's find out what you've won.
14:52We have an assortment of Krupp's quality kitchen and bathroom products,
14:55including the Espresso Maker, Food Slicer, and Bathroom Scale,
14:58all designed for reliability, furnished by Krupp.
15:00Plus, Tappan's complete cook center range features four burners,
15:03a big microwave on top, self-cleaning lower oven,
15:05and high-waste high broiler, furnished by Tappan.
15:08This kitchen package is valued at more than $1,800.
15:12All right.
15:16All right, David.
15:17David, it's been a lot of fun.
15:19Thank you for bringing it.
15:20Uncle Joe wanted me to let you have this autographed vase, Paul.
15:24Thank you very much.
15:26Appreciate that.
15:27We'll be right back with our Celebrity Round right after this.
15:31Some of today's participants will receive the following.
15:33Backed by popular demand, your favorite all-time chewing gum.
15:36Beeman's Blackjack & Clove, a totally different taste experience.
15:39Beeman's Blackjack & Clove, available for a limited time only.
15:42And Tootsie Roll Bitches, as good as you remember, only 27 calories.
15:45Why not try some today?
15:46Tootsie Roll, as good as you remember.
15:48Plus, Sunny Delight, Florida's signature punch brand.
15:50Morning through the night, nothing delights you like.
15:52Sunny Delight, now available in chilled and frozen.
15:57Today at 3.30, we've got lots of Stone Age fun with the Flintstones on Fox 25.
16:04Hey, Fred, do you see what I see?
16:06When Fred and Barney get together, there's never a dull moment.
16:10Oh, what is it, Barney?
16:13Especially for Wilma and Betty.
16:15Imagine coming up with a story like that.
16:20Don't miss the laughs with the Flintstones.
16:23Today at 3.30 on Fox 25.
16:27Cedar Point, near Sandusky, Ohio.
16:30An amusement park that harkens back to a bygone era, with its whirling centerpiece, the carousel.
16:37Ornately hand-carved and decorated animals.
16:44Lions and tigers.
16:45All gliding round and round in this moving musical delight for children of all ages.
16:51Caught up in this spinning excitement,
16:53what child or adult cares that the carousel can trace its roots back in time,
16:571,500 years to the Byzantine Empire?
17:00Or who might think to single out and ride this one-of-a-kind king horse?
17:04One of the rarest and most beautiful of all carousel animals.
17:08With its intricate armor, jeweled ornaments, and meticulous detail.
17:12A century of summer fun commemorated by the U.S. Postal Service.
17:17A menagerie of tiny tributes to America's hand-carving artistry.
17:22Coming soon to your post office.
17:27♪ I've had the time of my life ♪
17:31Looking for a great Christmas gift?
17:33Now you can have the time of your life giving some of the best videos of the year.
17:37Just buy two selected Vestron videos, send in the wrappers from ten Nestle candy bars,
17:41and you get a third video free.
17:43Hot titles like Dirty Dancing, Hoosiers, and ...
17:46Look for this offer where candy and videos are sold.
17:49So give someone a video and watch what happens.
17:52♪ I've had the time of my life ♪
18:02All right, panelists, you can see we're changing the set for our celebrity round.
18:06That's because not only do we have the relative, we have the celebrity as well.
18:10And there's a time limit on this game.
18:11The celebrity will be playing for the charity of hers or his choice.
18:15So tell us who it is, John.
18:17John, here's Mr. X and his famous wife.
18:25Come and have a seat over here.
18:32Have a seat, please.
18:36Okay, panel, now that we're sure that you cannot see the guests, we'll start the questioning off.
18:41Here's your clue.
18:42In this woman's country, she's royalty.
18:46Let's begin the questioning with Marsha Wallace.
18:51All right, mystery peoples.
18:53Is this country other than the U.S. of A?
18:58Aha, a trick.
19:02All right, Tom.
19:03Or rather, Bill.
19:05That's all right, Larry.
19:06How about Harry?
19:07All right.
19:10So is this woman in show business?
19:18I see.
19:19Is she a singer?
19:26Does she sing well?
19:29You know that's going to be a yes question.
19:33I see.
19:34The type of music she sings...
19:36Oh, is it country music?
19:38It is.
19:39I see.
19:46Would she have appeared at the Grand Old Opry at one point?
19:50At one point.
19:51I see.
19:53Does she have other sisters with which she performs?
20:02Okay, two no's.
20:03And back to you, Annie.
20:05So I can presume that when she performs, she performs by herself?
20:10That's right, Annie.
20:12Well, no.
20:13She could have had a...
20:14She could have had a dog or a cat.
20:15She could have had other people in the...
20:17A monkey, a horse.
20:19She could have had other people in the act that she wasn't related to.
20:22Oh, I see.
20:25But, all right.
20:26Let's see.
20:28Is this famous country singer?
20:31Country singer.
20:32Does she have blonde hair?
20:33Beg your pardon?
20:34Does she have blonde hair?
20:35Does she have long hair?
20:36Long hair?
20:39Blonde, yes.
20:40Blonde, yes.
20:41Yes or no?
20:42Oh, blonde, yes.
20:44Just like sometimes, John?
20:45She has blonde hair.
20:46Well, this is blonde hair, yes.
20:47I thought you said long hair.
20:48Oh, blonde.
20:49I beg your pardon.
20:50Does she perform on television in variety shows from time to time?
20:53Time to time, yes.
20:57Has she ever had a show of her own?
21:01All right.
21:02We've got three nos.
21:03Does the royalty that she is in country refer to a nickname that she has?
21:13What is that nickname?
21:17Not so fast, Mr. Poston.
21:21Is she a woman who is younger than 40 without giving anything terrible away?
21:31But she looks it.
21:33That's right.
21:34That was a good recovery.
21:37Is this woman also known for her fabulous and unusual wardrobe, especially hats?
21:47Bill Kirkenbaugh with five down.
21:50Has this woman had a film done on her life?
21:56She has.
21:59Is this woman Loretta Lynn?
22:05I don't think so.
22:07Six down.
22:08She has blonde hair.
22:09Oh, yeah.
22:11See, I can't tell the difference between blonde hair.
22:15He never likes to look at that area.
22:16I never bother.
22:18Well, gee.
22:20Does this woman have a song in the top 20 country music charts right now?
22:34All right.
22:35We have seven down.
22:36One more chance.
22:37I can tell you've got it.
22:38I can tell by the look in your eye that you've got it.
22:40I pass.
22:42No, just kidding.
22:44Is this lady from the south originally?
22:46She is.
22:47She is?
22:48Is she from Tennessee?
22:56So, that's eight no's.
22:57You've stumped the panel.
22:58Roll back the Dewey two.
23:01George Rattia and his wife, Tammy Wynette.
23:05The queen of country music.
23:11Tammy, you've had so many great hits over the years.
23:13A lot of them you wrote with George before you were married.
23:16But you haven't written together since.
23:18Why is that?
23:19Well, I think I did a lot of writing because I was so unhappy and miserable in the beginning.
23:23And I'm totally happy now, so there's no sad songs.
23:26Too happy to write a million-seller country hit?
23:29Explain that, George.
23:31Well, maybe part of it's you're not hungry anymore.
23:36Now, when we first decided to be married, we went into her producer at the time and mentor, Billy Sherrill.
23:43Told him that we were going to get married.
23:45And his reply was, well, I suppose there'll be no more sad songs.
23:49And that's been the case.
23:51That's all we ever wrote was ballads about, you know, what love lost.
23:57What one had that he or she didn't want or what they didn't have they'd like to have.
24:03We don't write that anymore.
24:04I don't see the reason to write that anymore.
24:05I see.
24:06So, if you ever really have to pay the rent, you'll pick a fight.
24:08Isn't that the way it is?
24:09That's the way it is.
24:11What gift will be given to your favorite charity?
24:12Tell us what it is, please.
24:13The Oasis Center in Nashville.
24:15They help abused children, abused wives, battered wives, and unwed mothers.
24:21Well, that's a great thought.
24:22Thank you very much.
24:23We'll be right back right after this.
24:27Today, our Celebrity Charity will receive Jules Jerkinson's elegant quartz watch in a 14-karat gold case
24:32with adjustable mesh bracelets set with 24 fiery diamonds that total three-eighths of a carat.
24:37Plus, Jules Jerkinson's handsome man slimline watch styled in a 14-karat gold case
24:42with 12-diamond dial and leather strap furnished by Jules Jerkinson.
24:45Or Hitachi's Hi-Fi component system with receiver, dual cassette deck, semi-automatic turntable,
24:51two-way tower speakers, and custom-designed wood grain cabinets furnished by Hitachi.
24:57Dad, which side of this Crispix cereal is the crispiest, the rice or the corn?
25:03The corn, son.
25:04But Crispix is supposed to be good and crispy on both sides.
25:07Both sides are real crispy. Tasty, too.
25:10But around here, everybody knows which side's the crispiest.
25:13The rice, definitely.
25:19Hey, this is not your ordinary mix.
25:22Nope, I made it with Crispix.
25:24So it's crispier.
25:25No kidding.
25:27The new Remington ElectroBlade vibrating blade system has been an amazing success
25:32for those who prefer shaving with a blade.
25:35ElectroBlade's high-speed motor and vibrating twin blades glide so easily,
25:40you'll get the closest, smoothest, most comfortable blade shave you've ever imagined.
25:44If you don't, I'll give you your money back.
25:47Safe, immersible, and cordless.
25:49The new Remington ElectroBlade vibrating blade system.
25:53A blade shave like you've never imagined or your money back.
25:58It's Fox 25's new smash-hit blockbuster with the greatest cast ever.
26:03You! It's Hey, That's Me on TV!
26:06Hosts Joe and Andy of WROR Radio want your home videos.
26:10The mailman's wedding.
26:12Your vacation.
26:14Your pet's best trick.
26:16You'll choose and they are the most creative entries.
26:19And a brand-new camcorder goes to one top tape.
26:21So get your videos non-returnable to Fox 25.
26:24100 2nd Avenue Needle Mass.
26:26Deadline January 13th.
26:29A few years ago, people treated cars like a ...
26:32In a while, then, get rid of them.
26:34The high cost of new cars has changed all that.
26:36And because people are keeping their cars longer, good mechanics are in demand.
26:40Get training at a good automotive school.
26:42Then you could be indisposable, in demand, and in the money.
26:47Call TAD Technical Institute today.
26:49730-4150 for an informative brochure.
26:53Call Collect.
27:02If you wanna be cool, then hear what I say.
27:04You gotta go to school every school day.
27:07Cause if you want a good job, there's a very simple rule.
27:09You gotta get an education, gotta go to school.
27:12You gotta get it all together if you wanna make it pay.
27:14Gotta stay in school till graduation day.
27:16So be cool, stay in school.
27:19Be cool, stay in school.
27:22If you wanna be cool, stay in school.
27:31Looks like we're just about out of time.
27:33Tammy, George, thank you for being our guest.
27:36Panel, you were great, as usual.
27:38And remember, always speak kindly of your relatives,
27:41because you never know who they'll be talking to about you.
27:44This is John Biner, I'll see you later.
27:46Some of today's participants will receive the following.
27:48Sticklets, it's the naturally flavored gum
27:50that gives you more sticks for facts than any other gum.
27:52Natural flavor, more sticks, sticklets.
27:54And protect your hands and your dishes
27:55with the incredible ultra-gift latex gloves
27:57from Ansel, Ansel, for quality latex gloves.
28:00Plus Q-tips.
28:01There's no softener, safe and suave for your family.
28:03Just because it's suave by any other name,
28:04just isn't the same.
28:07John Biner's wardrobe, furnished by Rip Palace.
28:10All trips won on the show originate from Los Angeles.
28:13All trips won on the show originate from Los Angeles.
28:40A valuable message for accident victims.
28:42After accidents like yours, everyone is sorry,
28:44but no one wants to pay.
28:46It takes tough, smart lawyers to make everyone at fault pay up.
28:50Fernald Blumenthal are tough and smart.
28:52Call 1-800-341-1950 for a free appointment.
28:56Fernald Blumenthal.
28:57They have the brains to drive the hardest bargains.
29:00They have the guts to go after every dollar you have coming.
29:03Fernald Blumenthal.
29:04Tough, smart lawyers who get results.
29:10Summer or winter.
29:12Rain or shine.
29:14Providing climate comfort demanded by business, industry and homeowners
29:18has become a growing and demanding career field.
29:21A career that ATI can train you for in only seven months.
29:25Racing around.
