Enjoy this epic cartoon animation revolving around a mysterious green goo that transforms the Rainbow Friends into terrifying mutants. Witness Cyan and Purple's shocking mutations after coming into contact with the green substance. With the mutants wreaking havoc on Odd World, Blue and Yellow must work together to find a cure. Watch this thrilling journey filled with suspense, action, and unexpected twists. Don't miss out on the exciting continuation of this gripping storyline in this captivating YouTube series!
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00:00Hey, Cyan, whoa! You didn't let any of that green stuff get on you, did you, Cyan? Cyan?
00:24Oh man, if I can't outrun normal Cyan, then I don't think I can stand a chance outrunning whatever this thing is!
00:30I've got to come up with something fast!
00:33A minecart! That's perfect!
00:50Woohoohoo! Now we're talking! I could get used to this!
00:55Oh no, what's happening? I'm starting to slow down!
01:01Come on, propeller! Time to shine!
01:13Monster! Ugly dino freak!
01:20This is it! This is it! So long, cruel world!
01:30Oh wait, I forgot I could fly!
01:33I'm not so sure what's gotten into Cyan, but whatever it is, I've got to go warn the others before it's too late!
01:39Purple? Purple!
01:44Ha ha ha, gotcha!
01:46This is no time for jokes, Purple! Something really bad is going on!
01:50There was this green mysterious goo that got onto Cyan, and now she's huge, with a spine and rows of sharp teeth and a...
02:01Run for it!
02:04Don't worry, Yellow! I'll save you!
02:09Whoa there, girl! Whoa there!
02:12Ouch! Oh no, please don't! Please don't!
02:17Purple! No!
02:20That was disgusting! What the heck is this stuff?
02:24Wait, what's happening? I don't feel so good!
02:43Hmm, something fishy's going on in Oddworld tonight, and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.
02:49Oh, there you are!
02:51Yellow, what's going on? Purple and Cyan, they... they turned into these beasts!
02:54I know! They... they mutated! There was this strange green goo down in the mines, and it infected Cyan, and now she's spread into Purple!
03:04Strange green goo? Hmm, I wonder if that has anything to do with the incident I saw earlier today.
03:10Earlier today I was walking around, minding my own business, eating some delicious cotton candy, when all of a sudden I heard this incredibly loud bang!
03:21I thought I heard the noise come from the laser tag plaza, so I ran over to go check it out, but when I looked inside, I found the place to be completely empty!
03:30I started to wonder if I had maybe just imagined the explosion sound, and was about to turn and leave for good when...
03:36I almost got hit by a huge glob of some green liquid! It's a good thing, too, because that stuff is no joke!
03:43It burned a large hole in the ground! It was the strangest thing!
03:47Hmm, that is weird.
03:50What was that?
03:53Help me! Somebody! Help!
03:57It's Green! And Purple is right on his tail!
04:00Come on! We have to go save him!
04:03It's so hard to run away when you can't see where you're going!
04:10Oh man, I think Green's really in trouble now! Purple's right on top of him!
04:14We're too late!
04:19Talk about a shock to the system!
04:24Oh no! I think Green's about to be Spidey food!
04:33Huh? What the?
04:37Hmm, I don't think these things are big fans of water. That could be helpful.
04:42Please don't do this, Purple! I... I have so much more to live for!
04:50Oh no! It's happening to me! I think... I think I'm mutating!
05:04Wow, that was hard to watch! I really don't want that to happen to me!
05:08Then we better get a move on, because it looks like Green's headed right this way!
05:14Come on!
05:23Run faster, Blue! Green's almost caught up to us!
05:26Yellow, listen to me! You've got to go to the Laser Tag Plaza and figure out where this green goo came from, alright? It's our only hope!
05:32Me? What do you mean, I have to? Aren't you coming with me? We were supposed to solve this together!
05:39But it looks like if you're going to make it, you're going to have to go on without me. I wish I could, Yellow. I really do.
05:45No, Blue! Wait! You don't have to do this!
05:48He's too fast! I'll stall him as long as I can! Go! Go!
05:52I'll find a way to fix all this, Blue! I promise!
05:57Come on, you big, awful beast! Come and get me!
06:02Oh boy, here it comes!
06:06Oh no! It's starting! I'm transforming!
06:18The Laser Tag Room! I'm going to make it!
06:21Come on! Open, you stupid doors! Open!
06:26No! Blue, please! I'm so close! I can solve the mystery and fix things! I can get everyone normal again!
06:36What happened? Am I in heaven?
06:39No, not yet.
06:41Huh? Red, you saved me!
06:44For now, but there's still danger around every corner.
06:46Red, what's going on? I don't know if you've seen, but the others, they've all turned into terrifying monsters!
06:54They're not monsters. They're mutants. Now listen to me very carefully. You didn't get any of that green goo on you, did you?
07:00No, I swear! It hasn't touched me!
07:03Good. Then follow me. We've got a lot of work to do if we're going to save the others.
07:08Holy moly! Has this always been back here? What is that thing?
07:13This yellow is my nuclear reactor. It's incredibly dangerous, which is why I've hid it back here for all these years.
07:20But for as long as I've been working on it, it's always stayed dormant. Until earlier today, that is.
07:25I was working on the reactor when all of a sudden there was a change in the pressure. I tried to do everything I could, but it was already too late.
07:34The reactor had exploded, and its contents, its very dangerous contents, had already seeped deep down into the Earth.
07:43So what's the plan, Red? What do we do now?
07:46We fight back.