Alien vs Depredador : La Historia en 1 Video - Fedelobo
00:00What's up, people? Welcome to a new video on FedeWolf's channel.
00:03It's time to talk about one of the most epic movie crossovers.
00:07How great! You're going to talk about Timmy Turner with Jimmy Neutron.
00:11Then, Ninja Turtles with Power Rangers.
00:16Then, Mia Khalifa against Carla Kush.
00:19No, no, no. We're talking about Alien vs Predator.
00:23Let this video begin. Please, little brother, push the play button.
00:26Our story begins with a satellite that suddenly detects a heat wave in Antarctica,
00:32which turns out to be a pyramid buried in ice.
00:35The multimillionaire businessman Charles Bishop Weyland
00:39contacts an expert in very Antarctic areas called Alexa Woods,
00:43an archaeologist named Sebastian,
00:45and other scientists, engineers and mercenaries,
00:48whose names I don't even remember.
00:50The mission will be to go to Antarctica to find the famous pyramid.
00:54Alexa Woods asks for time because all these people don't know what they're going to face,
00:59and they're not prepared.
01:00But Bishop is determined that they need to get there fast.
01:04He won't let another multimillionaire get there first.
01:07What they don't know is that in this structure,
01:09they're going to find the deadliest aliens in the world and in the universe.
01:15That's how this story begins. Play the intro.
01:19Alien vs Predator.
01:22I'm so excited! I'm so excited!
01:25Alexa is still a bit stubborn,
01:26because it's too risky to go without knowing what they're going to face.
01:29So she says, I'm not going. Fuck you.
01:32But after talking to Sebastian and another friend,
01:35she says, well, I'm always in.
01:37I travel, I travel. I arrive, I arrive. I explore, I explore.
01:40Bishop asks this strong woman to let him go with them,
01:44even though he has a terminal illness.
01:46But Alexa refuses, because she once lost a loved one in the middle of an expedition.
01:51Bishop insists, because he doesn't know how much he has left to live,
01:55and he wants to leave a legacy in this world.
01:57This is where things start to get weird,
02:00because the group discovers that someone arrived before them,
02:03and they've already drilled a tunnel that goes all the way to the pyramid.
02:06Well, there's no way around it, they all say.
02:08Let's go down this way, less spending and less time.
02:12But what our protagonists don't know is that the ones who did this drilling
02:16were none other than the Predators.
02:20No manches, Predator, I'm your fan, wey!
02:22We give you an autograph, right?
02:23In your fight against Arnold Schwarzenegger, I beat you, wey.
02:25That wey, the Schwarzenegger, fucking old nyango.
02:28Why are you dancing, wey?
02:30Because I want to go to the bathroom, wey. Where's your bathroom?
02:32The group manages to get down to the pyramid,
02:35and when they enter, Sebastian tells us that this structure
02:38has characteristics of the Aztec, Egyptian and Cambodian cultures.
02:42Why these three cultures came together to build a pyramid,
02:45we don't know yet.
02:48But what we do know is that when they enter,
02:51the group activates a mechanism that, in turn,
02:53wakes up a xenomorph queen,
02:56who was frozen for many years.
02:58That's right, friends, someone has returned.
03:02How ugly.
03:03The group also finds a sacrifice chamber
03:06and a room where they find, nothing more and nothing less,
03:09than the weapons of the Predators stored in a vault
03:12that had the Aztec calendar engraved.
03:15There they were with how good we got one or two,
03:17and with this we rest for today,
03:19let's see how much they give me to stick the eggs.
03:22By moving these things, the pyramid begins to change.
03:26Walls around here, walls over there.
03:28In all the mess, many are separated and lost,
03:32while Alexia tries to take those who remain to the exit.
03:36But the ones who suffer the most are those who stayed in the sacrifice chamber,
03:40because Queen Alien already put several eggs,
03:43and do you know what comes out of these things?
03:46That's right, the famous Abrasakaras,
03:49who just get out of the eggs and start attacking.
03:52Now the chill comes.
03:53In case you didn't know, the fucking Abrasakaras
03:56put an egg in your mouth and you only wake up for a few minutes before you die,
04:01because an evolved alien comes out of your chest.
04:04At the same time, the Predators also come to the place to start the hunt.
04:08The chaos begins, the destruction begins.
04:13In the middle of the chaos, a Predator tries to attack Alexia,
04:17but Bishop sacrifices himself to defend her.
04:19The old devil was already killing this man,
04:22but when he sees his terminal illness, he leaves him,
04:25because in case you didn't know, this race only seeks to hunt,
04:28and when he meets creatures that are not a threat,
04:31they get bored and leave them.
04:33You're not going to turn your back on me, dog, says the old man,
04:37who takes a lot of time to hunt.
04:39You're not going to turn your back on me, dog, says the old man,
04:43who takes a lot of time to hunt.
04:46He fights back like a bitch, and now he kills him.
04:56And what's the use of being alive if you're a fucking idiot?
04:59And then we saw Bishop in the Alien saga,
05:02first as a robot in Alien 2, and then alive in Alien 3.
05:06Then I didn't understand.
05:08If in 3 he came out alive, this was before or after those movies, I don't know.
05:12Ah, the mysteries of life.
05:15By the way, we already talked about these data in the Alien and Predator summaries.
05:19Once again, I remind you that I leave them in the description
05:22so you can go see them and subscribe and share,
05:25and leave a comment if you want, and...
05:27I get bored.
05:28Well, well, now.
05:29Now we're going to the good part,
05:31because an Alien finally meets a Predator.
05:34And now, yes, the guamazos are going to get together.
05:38Shut up!
05:41Sit down, bitch!
05:42I'm going to kill you!
05:50In this epic fight, the winner is the Alien.
05:53Which of the two sides will be the strongest?
05:55Who will kill more enemies than the other?
05:57We'll find out.
05:59Another Predator arrives in the area, and this one is a real bastard.
06:03Look how he kills an Alien without seeing him, look how he does it.
06:06After killing the Xenomorph, this guy takes some of his blood,
06:09which reacts as acid,
06:11and uses it to mark his helmet with the mark of a warrior.
06:15His ritual is interrupted when a Brassacaras appears and attacks him.
06:19What will happen to this Predator?
06:21We'll see it later, okay?
06:23We'll see what happens.
06:25But it's time to tell, now yes,
06:28the story of why there was a Xenomorph Queen in a pyramid,
06:31and why the Predators arrived at this precise moment.
06:35Everything is told to us by Sebastian, after analyzing signs in the pyramid.
06:39Let me tell you that it turns out that the Predators arrived to Earth thousands of years ago,
06:44and they taught humans to build in exchange for human sacrifices.
06:49That's how a ritual began where these guys hunted just for pleasure.
06:53In case the Aliens won,
06:55the Predators detonated one of their bombs to kill everyone.
07:00This cycle is repeated every 100 years.
07:03The Predators come down, the Aliens are born,
07:05and then they fight and fight.
07:07I repeat!
07:08Sebastian then deduces that the heat wave at the beginning of the movie
07:11was a trap to attract humans,
07:13since the ritual would start again.
07:16Fucking aliens with nothing to do!
07:18Why don't you go to another planet to see?
07:20To bother, but to your fucking mother better!
07:23That you're messing with humans.
07:27Sebastian starts to think that humans won't be able to face so many Xenomorphs
07:33and so many Predators,
07:35so maybe it's a better option to join a gang.
07:38Then an Alien arrives, and fuck him!
07:41Well, Xenomorphs are not the option, says Alexa.
07:44Let's try it with the Predators.
07:46Then when he finds one, he gives him the gun they found before,
07:51and also defends him from a Xenomorph that came to attack him.
07:54When he sees that this woman is very strong,
07:56the Predator agrees to accompany him.
07:58He gives him a spear and also takes the head off one of these things
08:02so that he can use it as a shield.
08:03A new alliance has been born.
08:05Son of a bitch!
08:08The Amiguitos have many adventures.
08:10Together they face many Aliens,
08:12and they also find the nest where Alexa helps her friend Sebastian so that he doesn't suffer.
08:17Then the Predator kills a baby,
08:19then they put a bomb where the eggs are,
08:21then they run and run,
08:22and then they escape from some Aliens that were already killing them.
08:25What a beautiful friendship of these two!
08:30The couple manages to get to the surface,
08:33and the Predator accepts that his new partner is just as warrior as him.
08:37Then he takes off his helmet,
08:38shouts I don't know why,
08:40and then he takes a fragment of Alien to draw the same mark that he made before,
08:44recognizing her as a warrior.
08:47Not so fast, dogs!
08:49Because the Aliens have released their queen,
08:52and she comes out very angry that all her kids have been killed.
08:56Here the final fights against the alien queen are going to be armed.
09:04Run, bitch, run!
09:09Give me a kiss.
09:10This is murder!
09:12The fight is very fierce,
09:14but our heroes manage to chain the queen to a huge cistern.
09:18Now you're going to see, they say.
09:20Let's see if you stop screwing up.
09:24The Predator is sadistic,
09:26and the queen was already celebrating her victory.
09:28No shit, says Alexa,
09:31that she knocks down the cistern and so the queen is defeated.
09:39Alexa was already saying goodbye to her little friend,
09:41but in that appear more predators that come for the body.
09:45As in the second movie, do you remember?
09:47The leader sees in Alexa the mark of the predators,
09:50and they let her go.
09:51But first they give her a spear,
09:53and everyone is happy, everyone is happy.
09:55Not so fast, friends.
09:56Because do you remember that before the predator was attacked by an Abrasacaras?
10:00That's right, friends.
10:01The time has come for a new alien to be born.
10:07Well, we agree that the duel was won by the predator officially.
10:11They killed like 50 aliens and even the queen.
10:14And of predators, only 2 or 3 died.
10:16Do you agree or not?
10:17Yes, sir, I agree.
10:18Well, it was already signed by the notary,
10:20you can no longer change the answer or the victory.
10:23Announce the People's League.
10:25No, sir, they're going to fire him.
10:26Oh, yes, right. No.
10:27Announce the Kings League, so we can go out.
10:31Well, I can go out of both, I don't care.
10:32That's right, sir, you're right.
10:35The story continues in Alien vs Predator 2.
10:38A new alien race has been born.
10:40X-ray Xenomorph and X-ray Predator.
10:43That's why we'll call it Xeno-Predator.
10:46He said Xeno.
10:47The Predator Xeno grows up very well,
10:50and he alone fights all the other normal predators.
10:54The ship loses its course and will fall once again to the ground.
10:58Before dying, one of the predators manages to send an aid signal
11:02that is received by this lonely guy,
11:04who gets up very angry and throws himself to the ground.
11:08Oh my God, this is going to be epic, Papus.
11:11Well, not so much,
11:11because now we will meet the protagonists of this story.
11:14Dallas Howard, an ex-convict who finally gets home,
11:18where his brother Ricky is,
11:20a pizza delivery guy who is in love with a blonde girl named Jessie.
11:24They flirt and look at each other.
11:26Be careful, Ricky, be careful.
11:28The blonde girl's boyfriend is very cunning,
11:30and when he discovers that the girlfriend was flirting with him,
11:33he looks for him and together with his friends, they beat him up.
11:37Poor Ricky, look how they left him.
11:39We also meet Kelly, who has just returned home
11:42after spending a few years with the military,
11:45and meets her husband and daughter.
11:47The bad thing is that like all this time she has been absent,
11:50because the girl does not love her.
11:52Poor Kelly, they sent her out of the house
11:55while her father read a story to her daughter.
11:58Things get interesting when Ricky and Jessie
12:01keep it a secret and start kissing.
12:04She takes off her clothes and then they were about to make the delicious and...
12:07Hey, yes, very tasty, delicious and everything, right?
12:10How nice, but why are you telling us the story of these people that we don't even know?
12:14I came to see the alien and I came to see the predator.
12:17Fuck off!
12:18Of course, the Lord is right.
12:21Let's talk about the real protagonists.
12:23When the ship of the predators fell to the ground,
12:26some aliens were born from a man and a child who walked through the forest,
12:30which begins the massacre.
12:32Meanwhile, the lone predator arrives on Earth,
12:36and I didn't understand very well, but I think he's more worried
12:38about destroying the evidence that aliens exist on Earth
12:42than fighting them.
12:43First the ship that crashed disappears,
12:46then he eliminates the bodies of aliens,
12:48and more evidence with a blue blob.
12:50Maybe in his world, this guy is not one of the predators that fight,
12:54maybe he's just one of the predators that clean.
12:57Wow, I don't find flaws in his logic.
12:59The truth is that this movie is a bit weird,
13:01you don't see a damn thing because everything happens at night,
13:04but well, let's go see the chaos,
13:06let's go see the xenomorphs slaughtering people.
13:23A xenomorph kills Kelly's husband,
13:25so now mother and daughter will have to survive.
13:28Other aliens kill those who hit Ricky,
13:31and others went into a kitchen to kill more innocents.
13:34People begin to realize that in the town
13:37there are extraterrestrials very bloodthirsty.
13:39The sheriff of the place, Eddie, manages to contact the National Guard,
13:43who promise to send help.
13:45Along with Ricky, Jesse, Kelly and Dallas,
13:47they take shelter in a building and take weapons to defend themselves.
13:51But in that comes the predator,
13:52who now comes willing to slaughter,
13:55and fuck them all.
13:57After the aliens slaughter the soldiers who came to help,
14:00Eddie now contacts a high-ranking colonel,
14:03who tells them that all the survivors gather in the center of the city,
14:07where helicopters will arrive to save them.
14:10Kelly and Dallas suspect that they are being deceived.
14:13Why do they want everyone to go to the center if it is the most dangerous place?
14:17Here the group is going to separate.
14:18Eddie along with a couple more survivors go to the center,
14:21and trust 100% in the government.
14:24While Kelly, Dallas, Jesse and Ricky,
14:27will look for a helicopter to escape on their own.
14:30Which of these two groups is right?
14:33Which of them is going to survive?
14:34That is an excellent question.
14:36Hey, and the Chichon predator?
14:38Or what was that one called?
14:39Predator Breast.
14:41That one, where is it?
14:42Oh, yes, right.
14:44The Predator Breast also did a lot of mischief.
14:47He faced the lone predator in the sewers,
14:50killed people here and there,
14:51and then the very bastard
14:53came to a hospital where he deposited eggs in pregnant women,
14:57and incidentally, he also killed the pediatrician.
14:59Fucking naughty old man, isn't it?
15:02The Predator also arrives at the hospital.
15:04He fucked several aliens,
15:05and then he used one of his most powerful weapons
15:08to slice others.
15:10In the middle of the fight, Jesse gets scared
15:12and runs away.
15:13Bad idea, friend, because then...
15:20They already have me to the mother, says Ricky,
15:23who begins to shoot the Predator
15:25and chases him away for a moment.
15:27But mocos, he ends up badly injured by an alien.
15:30As they can, Kelly and Dallas continue to advance.
15:33The latter takes one of the Predator's weapons
15:36and with it, he blows up several aliens.
15:38Run, run, advance, advance.
15:40Our protagonists find a helicopter,
15:43and Dallas stays behind
15:45so that his friends arrive safe
15:46in what he fights against some more xenomorphs.
15:50Mocos, the Predator arrives.
15:52Mocos again, the Predator Breast arrives.
15:55Now, my friends,
15:56the time has come to see
15:58these two legends of science fiction
16:00and meet for a last duel.
16:03The guanmazos are armed, of course.
16:08Come closer, old man, come closer.
16:14Both rivals are badly injured.
16:17Meanwhile, Dallas, Kelly and Ricky
16:19manage to escape in a helicopter.
16:21Eddie arrives in the center of the city
16:23ready for the evacuation,
16:24but here he is going to go backwards
16:27because what the government wanted
16:29was for everyone to meet in the center
16:30to send a missile and annihilate them all.
16:33Poor Eddie trusted the government too much
16:36and ended up dead.
16:37Fucking government, bitch!
16:39Everything in the town is exterminated,
16:41even the Predator Breast
16:43and the normal Predator.
16:45Because of the explosion,
16:45those who were in the helicopter
16:47fall into a forest
16:48and miraculously survive.
16:50When they wake up, they are found
16:52by a couple of soldiers
16:53who promise to take care of them.
16:55This is where this story ends.
16:56Put the credits, but with a song like Alien,
16:59a song like Martianitos.
17:06Wait a minute!
17:07There is still a post-credits scene.
17:09The government kept one of the weapons
17:11of the Predators
17:12and it is taken by a very important woman
17:14from a company called Chutany.
17:16She says something like people are not ready
17:18for so much technology,
17:20so better close the briefcase
17:21and now yes, here ends this story.
17:24Why wasn't there a third movie?
17:26We all love Predators and Aliens,
17:28but we love to see them break their mother.
17:32It's over!
17:33And well, people,
17:33until here we leave the story
17:34in a video of Alien vs. Predatorator.
17:38That's how you say it in English, right?
17:39I hope you liked it, that you had fun.
17:40In the part of the description
17:42I leave you my social networks,
17:43Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok
17:46and also my additional channels,
17:48Fede Lobo, where we summarize videogames
17:50and also my podcast with Chris Martel,
17:53La Pension.
17:54I say goodbye until the next video, friends.
17:55Thank you very much!