• l’année dernière
00:00🎵Sindhi Adiyal Dil Soy Na🎵
00:07🎵Sukhi Aankhon Se Roy Na🎵
00:11🎵Dil Roy Na🎵
00:15🎵Baati Hunni Raaton Se🎵
00:19🎵Kuchh Adhoori Baaton Se🎵
00:23🎵Pyaas Nahi Marni Hai🎵
00:26🎵Kehne Hai Anda Se🎵
00:31🎵Marma Ji Hai🎵
00:33🎵Marma Ji Hai🎵
00:35🎵Marma Dil Jaa🎵
00:37🎵Marma Dil Jaa🎵
00:39If you don't find anything related to Mr. Bakhtiyar
00:42then ask Ms. Rudaba.
00:44She knows everything.
00:46Do you have Rudaba's number?
00:49🎵Sukhi Aankhon Se Roy Na🎵
00:53Tell me.
01:23🎵Sukhi Aankhon Se Roy Na🎵
01:28🎵Sukhi Aankhon Se Roy Na🎵
01:30🎵Sukhi Aankhon Se Roy Na🎵
01:32🎵Sukhi Aankhon Se Roy Na🎵
01:42Sorry, were you sleeping?
01:49Actually, do you know anything about dad's case?
01:53What case?
01:55Wardrobe case.
01:58I have that.
02:00I am so sorry.
02:02I forgot to give it to you.
02:04Actually, uncle got two sets made.
02:07One used to be with him
02:09and he kept the other one with me.
02:12It was in my purse.
02:14I am so sorry.
02:16No, no. It's okay.
02:18Please don't be sorry.
02:20I just wanted to take everything that belongs to dad
02:26and see it in my own hands.
02:40Uncle's set is in his medicine box.
02:44You can check it.
02:46Medicine box?
02:48I can't see it anywhere.
02:50It's in the second drawer of his bedside table.
02:54You said second drawer on the left?
03:09Dad was right.
03:13That you used to take more care of him than me.
03:19More than me.
03:26Good night.
03:28Good night.
03:48Good night.
04:19Dad, should we try it?
04:23Tell me one thing.
04:25Why do you get old people's dresses for me?
04:27Why don't you get your own?
04:29There is no difference in my size.
04:31Dad, for God's sake.
04:32There is a lot of difference in your size.
04:34And this color suits you according to your age.
04:36I see.
04:37So I raised you for this day
04:39that you make me count my abs.
04:41I don't want your...
04:42Dad, I swear. It's looking good.
04:49There is only a 25 year age difference between you and me.
04:52Didn't I tell you too much?
05:05I'm sorry, dad.
05:10I wasn't with you.
05:15I'm really sorry, dad.
05:18I'm really sorry, dad.
05:19I was a bad son.
05:23I didn't know anything.
05:33You called me a bad son.
05:39If I was worthy, I would have been with you.
05:43I wouldn't have been alone.
05:46I'm sorry, dad.
05:49I'm sorry, dad.
05:52I'm really sorry, dad.
06:16Sit, uncle Ramzan.
06:19Why are you sitting here? Sit upstairs.
06:21No, I'm fine here.
06:23I'm absolutely fine.
06:26Now tell me, how was your night?
06:30It was bad.
06:33Your dad used to drink tea at this time.
06:37Of course, I'm his son.
06:41Did you get the keys?
06:44Dad's set was right here.
06:46Rudaba knew it.
06:47I told you, didn't I?
06:49Rudaba knows everything.
06:52She used to take care of both of them like children.
06:57Not everyone is like me.
06:59What do you mean?
07:01I mean, everyone took care of my dad.
07:05Except me.
07:06No, no, sir.
07:08Don't say that.
07:11Mr. Bakhtiyar used to like you a lot.
07:16He used to tell everyone
07:19that my son is my pride.
07:24My son is my life.
07:28You used to take care of this house too?
07:33I used to take care of both the houses.
07:38that house became desolate without Mr. Rehmat.
07:43Mr. Adil took his sister with him.
07:47Although she didn't want to go.
07:51Mr. Adil used to love his daughter a lot.
07:55He didn't leave his brother's house even for a couple of days.
07:59He used to say that my daughter
08:02gets scared in that house.
08:05When he came to America with Mr. Bakhtiyar,
08:10he left his brother's house helplessly.
08:16is such a thing.
08:19It doesn't let a person live as he wishes.
08:23Otherwise, the house we went to at night,
08:27if our sir was alive
08:29and Mr. Adil had left his sister with his brother-in-law
08:33it would have been a disaster.
08:40he didn't like Mr. Adil's in-laws.
08:44He never wanted to keep any relation with them.
08:48Why didn't you like them?
08:53Mr. Adil's brother-in-law
08:56is not a good person.
08:59He has earned a lot of money.
09:04And I...
09:06If you need anything else,
09:09call me.
09:10I am in the next room.
09:12Okay, sir?
09:20A cup of tea
09:22with a spoonful of sugar.
09:24With a spoonful of sugar.
09:28Just like you, dad.
09:32I miss you.
09:54I miss you too.
10:24I miss you too.
10:41Are you okay?
10:46Just like that.
10:48You came late yesterday.
10:49I kept waiting for you.
10:50Then I went to my room.
10:52Was everything okay?
10:53Why did the servant come?
10:59He came with Pulaan.
11:02He reached yesterday evening.
11:05He came straight from the graveyard
11:07to meet me.
11:09Where was he for so many days?
11:12South Africa.
11:14The day he reached there,
11:16dad and uncle passed away.
11:21he was busy for a long time.
11:24When he tried to call,
11:26he couldn't connect.
11:28You know,
11:30the dacoits took their cell phones.
11:33Actually, it's our fault.
11:35We should have got dad and uncle's sims.
11:39They were so worried.
11:41When they didn't get a call,
11:43they came straight here
11:45to ask about uncle.
11:49And when they came here,
11:51uncle wasn't there.
11:53How did you feel?
11:57Totally opposite.
11:59Not like I thought.
12:02What do you mean?
12:04I mean,
12:05he's not that English.
12:09he speaks Urdu very well.
12:11In fact,
12:12he spoke Urdu with me.
12:20Why are you getting so much ready?
12:22Only 4-5 people are coming.
12:24So what?
12:26It's a big occasion.
12:28And I have only one son.
12:30Very good.
12:32Look at me, son.
12:34Are you sitting here
12:36or everyone is waiting there?
12:38Yes, let's go.
12:39I have some important work.
12:41Let me do that.
12:43Show me your lovely finger.
12:46Look, Buland.
12:48I'm wearing your engagement ring.
12:53And one more thing.
12:57this dupatta,
12:58my mother
13:00gave it to your mother-in-law
13:02when she came here for the first time.
13:04I'm giving it to you today.
13:05Look, Buland.
13:06I've sent your stuff.
13:07Don't say that I left something.
13:09Let's go.
13:10There are so many people outside.
13:12Yes, let's go.
13:18Let's go.
13:39Look, Buland.
13:40I'm wearing your engagement ring.
13:42Look, Buland.
13:43I've sent your stuff.
13:45Don't say that I left something.
13:47Look, Buland.
13:48I've sent your stuff.
13:50Don't say that I left something.
13:52Look, Buland.
13:53I've sent your stuff.
13:55Don't say that I left something.
14:17Look, Buland.
14:18I've sent your stuff.
14:50Good morning.
14:55I want to meet you.
15:06I'll come to pick you up
15:08in the evening.
15:13Can I come?
15:16Can I come?
15:18Is there a problem?
15:20there's no problem.
15:23You don't sound confident.
15:26If you don't want to come with me,
15:29you can come to your house.
15:30I'll come there and talk to you.
15:33there's no problem.
15:35I'll come with you.
15:40Be ready.
15:42At 6 in the evening.
15:48I'll be ready.
15:56He wants to meet me.
16:00He wants to talk about something important.
16:03Why are you so worried?
16:05You get happy at such moments.
16:07Okay, tell me.
16:08What will you wear?
16:13I'll wear this.
16:14No way.
16:15Come with me.
16:16Let's go.
16:17We're coming in the evening.
16:19come on.
16:20I'll never let you go like this.
16:22Come on.
16:29If you want to impress an oriental girl,
16:31there can't be a better dress than this.
16:34I don't know.
16:37I don't know what he wants to talk about.
16:41You asked this question 12 times.
16:43Instead of being happy,
16:44you're constantly tensed.
16:47what's there to be happy about?
16:49Now look,
16:50you've overdressed me so much.
16:52And if I go there and find out
16:54that he wants to call off the engagement,
16:56then I'll be so embarrassed.
17:01Engagements don't break like this, Rudaba.
17:05No one breaks an engagement
17:06with so much respect.
17:08And he doesn't even ask you to get ready.
17:11If he wanted to call off the engagement,
17:13he would've gone to America without informing you.
17:16He never comes to meet you
17:17in that monsoon rain from his father's grave.
17:20Oh God,
17:21I'm so sorry.
17:24have you put on my polish?
17:27What difference does it make?
17:29it makes a difference.
17:30When a person is well-dressed,
17:32his confidence level increases even more.
17:34You're right.
17:35When a person is well-dressed,
17:36his confidence level increases even more.
17:38Let me get the nail polish for you.
17:48Here's the nail polish.
17:50Put this on.
17:53Oh God,
17:54you've made me wear such bright clothes
17:56and on top of that,
17:57you're making me wear such bright nail polish.
17:58You're looking very perfect.
18:00You're not looking over the top at all.
18:01We get ready to go out this much.
18:03You sit here
18:04and apply this nail polish.
18:05I'll go check on Farizi.
18:06You're looking very over the top.
18:07You're not looking over the top at all.
18:08I am.
18:35Mr. Bashir, you?
18:39let me wear the dupatta.
18:42Oh no!
18:45I didn't drop it.
18:48I dropped it.
18:50Sorry, Mr. Bashir.
19:33Listen now,
19:34if you like that,
19:35then you get it out off the car
19:37and let me know.
19:38And if you don't like it,
19:39get it out of your house.
19:40If you end up doing this,
19:41If you do this, I'll understand that you like it a lot.
19:44I'll call him and ask him for tea or coffee.
19:48Why are you looking so tense?
19:50What else should I do?
19:51Relax. Smile.
19:57Oh God!
19:59See, I can't smile like this for no reason.
20:03I'm so overdressed because of you.
20:06Okay, relax. Don't smile.
20:07Just breathe and be confident. Okay? Go now.
20:12This is too much.
20:14Oh God, Rudaba! It's not too much at all.
20:16You're looking really good. Okay?
20:17Go now. Go, go, go, go, go!
20:40Oh God!
21:10You're the peace of my soul.
21:13Your love is my bond now.
21:20You're my prayer.
21:23You're the voice of my heart.
21:26You're my loyalty.
21:29Oh God!
21:32You're my dream.
21:35You're mine.
21:37You're the one who resides in me.
21:40Oh God!
21:52Please, come.
22:04Welcome. Please.
22:08Who is he?
22:10Sir, he's Mr. Buland.
22:12He came last night with Mr. Adil's servant.
22:15Mr. Adil's servant says that these are his sisters.
22:38You might feel uncomfortable with me.
22:44No, it's nothing like that.
22:47It's not a bad thing to feel uncomfortable.
22:50That's why there's no need to hide it.
22:54Obviously, when a person meets a stranger for the first time in such a situation,
22:57he feels a little uncomfortable. It's okay.
23:03Actually, I've been alone with a guy for the first time.
23:08So, I feel a little uncomfortable.
23:11But it's not a big deal.
23:13You should feel uncomfortable.
23:17I'm attracted to girls who are uncomfortable and distant towards men.
23:25You can see that dad knows me very well.
23:29He has chosen you. He takes care of each and every choice of mine.
23:35How can you say this now?
23:38We just met.
23:40Dad didn't have anything else to discuss you and Rehmat uncle.
23:44That's why I had an update of your day.
23:47And I also know that the kheer you made for the first time was good.
23:53The kheer you made was bland.
23:58I made it bland on purpose.
24:01Their sugar level was very high.
24:04I didn't add sugar on purpose.
24:06And I forced myself to forget.
24:07But I did it on purpose.
24:09Yes. That's what happened.
24:11That's what happened.
24:13I'm telling you. That's what happened.
24:14That's what happened.
24:17By the way, is this the historical outfit that the tailor missed in the police custody?
24:23You know this too?
24:25Yes. I know that the tailor refused to give you the suit on the moonlit night.
24:30You cried and made a mess.
24:32Then you took dad and uncle with you to fight with the tailor.
24:37Then dad called the police there.
24:39And the tailor took off the suit in the police custody.
24:41Because your condition was that you won't go home until he takes off the suit.
24:45And I think you reached home around 3 o'clock with your suit.
24:50Was this the same tailor's suit?
24:53Uncle told you.
24:58This is not that suit.
25:00This is Tayyaba's suit.
25:02Who is Tayyaba?
25:04Sister-in-law's sister.
25:06She loaned me this suit.
25:09All my clothes are at home.
25:12At dad's house.
25:13When I was going to my brother's house,
25:16I didn't understand what to take.
25:19What to leave there?
25:21Why should I take it?
25:29I was saying all this so that I can make you believe that I know you very well.
25:35But I think you are getting upset with what I am saying.
25:38I am sorry.
25:39Tell me, where should we go?
25:41Wherever you want.
25:43That's why I am asking you where to go.
25:46Because I want us to go where you want to go.
25:58Go straight from the roundabout.
26:00And take a left from there.
26:04And take a left from there.
26:11Are you sure this is not that dress?
26:16No, this is not that dress.
26:18And please forget this.
26:20Bye bye.
26:34You know the feeling on a girl's face when she goes to meet her fiance for the first time.
26:39Expectations, hope, shyness, love.
26:44Brother, do you know?
26:46My clothes were completely worn by her.
26:48And my sandals also fit perfectly.
27:05Some people are so lucky that they feel like stealing them.
27:09Brother, if luck could be stolen then there would have been so much chaos and unrest in the world.
27:14Every powerful person would have crushed the luck of the poor in his fist.
27:54I don't know how to put this to you but I like you a lot.
27:58In fact, you are more beautiful than dad's wife statement.
28:05Mudabba, I want to fulfill this relationship.
28:10This is very important for me.
28:13Not just because this is my dad's wish and his commitment.
28:18In fact, because I want a wife like you.
28:22I told you that I know everything about you.
28:25You don't know anything about me.
28:27Because Mr. Rahmat would have never discussed me in front of you.
28:32I have brought you here so that you can meet me, talk to me and then decide for yourself.
28:38So, do you want to ask anything about me or just keep quiet?
28:45Oh God, I am a very typical desi girl.
28:52I don't have as much education as you do.
28:55And I don't have as much exposure as you do.
28:58I am happy that you like me.
29:03But maybe that is temporary.
29:08Because I don't think that I will suit you in the future.
29:17Actually, I don't like the lifestyle outside.
29:21Actually, I am very scared of the lifestyle outside, the commotion and noise.
29:30I am also very scared of the noise, commotion and especially the lifestyle there.
29:38I can work for them, I can befriend them but I can't be like them.
29:44Because there is a lot of difference between their reality and our reality.
29:46That's why I want my life partner to be a girl who understands my heart and I understand her heart.
29:54Who is like me and you are just like me.
30:07Sorry, Ramzan uncle used to tease me.
30:11He used to scare me that that boy is exactly opposite to you.
30:17He is from outside, he is completely English.
30:21Obviously, if I have studied in English schools then I would have been influenced by them.
30:25But all that is old.
30:28In reality, I was very desi from inside and I am still very desi from inside.
30:33I can be friendly with westernized girls but I want a wife like my mother.
30:39Like my grandmother, like the women of my family.
30:47Do you have girlfriends?
31:03One, when I was 18 years old, she used to study with me in A-Levels.
31:14Then, in her family, girls used to get married early.
31:18I was so sad about her marriage.
31:21Did you see the picture in my house?
31:23She has long hair and has a guitar in her hand.
31:26She was in that condition in her grief.
31:39Should I tell you about her too?
31:47She was an Indian girl.
31:49She used to work with me 5 years back when I did my graduation.
32:03Then I didn't understand her English lifestyle and our friendship ended.
32:12Then dad saw you and started being strict with me.
32:18Being strict means that he helped me a lot in exploring myself.
32:21Then I realized that I am a very possessive and honest person when it comes to my relationships.
32:28And only an honest girl can walk with me.
32:34By the way, you got to know that you are dad's daughter-in-law, right?
32:37I realized it a long time ago.
32:39That's why the relationship is not new for me.
32:44Do you want to ask me something?
32:48Do you want to ask me something?
32:52Because I am interested in your present and interested in your future.
32:57Excuse me.
33:00What happened?
33:01One minute.
33:19Can we get married now?
33:24And please don't cut marks because of your girlfriends.
33:28At least I can get grace marks for my honesty.
33:48I'm sorry.
33:49I'm sorry.
33:50I'm sorry.
33:51I'm sorry.
33:52I'm sorry.
33:53I'm sorry.
33:54I'm sorry.
33:55I'm sorry.
33:56I'm sorry.
33:57I'm sorry.
33:58I'm sorry.
33:59I'm sorry.
34:00I'm sorry.
34:01I'm sorry.
34:02I'm sorry.
34:03I'm sorry.
34:04I'm sorry.
34:05I'm sorry.
34:06I'm sorry.
34:07I'm sorry.
34:08I'm sorry.
34:09I'm sorry.
34:10I'm sorry.
34:11I'm sorry.
34:12I'm sorry.
34:13I'm sorry.
34:14I'm sorry.
34:15I'm sorry.
34:16I'm sorry.
34:17I'm sorry.
34:18I'm sorry.
34:19I'm sorry.
34:20I'm sorry.
34:21I'm sorry.
34:22I'm sorry.
34:23I'm sorry.
34:24I'm sorry.
34:25I'm sorry.
34:26I'm sorry.
34:27I'm sorry.
34:28I'm sorry.
34:29I'm sorry.
34:30I'm sorry.
34:31I'm sorry.
34:32I'm sorry.
34:33I'm sorry.
34:34I'm sorry.
34:35I'm sorry.
34:36I'm sorry.
34:37I'm sorry.
34:38I'm sorry.
34:39I'm sorry.
34:40I'm sorry.
34:41I'm sorry.
34:42I'm sorry.
34:43I'm sorry.
34:44I'm sorry.
34:45I'm sorry.
34:46I'm sorry.
34:47I'm sorry.
34:48I'm sorry.
34:49I'm sorry.
34:50I'm sorry.
34:51I'm sorry.
34:52I'm sorry.
34:53I'm sorry.
34:54I'm sorry.
34:55I'm sorry.
34:56I'm sorry.
34:57I'm sorry.
34:58I'm sorry.
34:59I'm sorry.
35:00I'm sorry.
35:01I'm sorry.
35:02I'm sorry.
35:03I'm sorry.
35:04I'm sorry.
35:05I'm sorry.
35:06I'm sorry.
35:07I'm sorry.
35:08I'm sorry.
35:09I'm sorry.
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35:11I'm sorry.
35:12I'm sorry.
35:13I'm sorry.
35:14I'm sorry.
35:15I'm sorry.
35:16I'm sorry.
35:17I'm sorry.
35:18I'm sorry.
35:19I'm sorry.
35:20I'm sorry.
35:21I'm sorry.
35:22I'm sorry.
35:23I'm sorry.
35:24I'm sorry.
35:25I'm sorry.
35:26I'm sorry.
35:27I'm sorry.
35:28I'm sorry.
35:29I'm sorry.
35:30I'm sorry.
35:31I'm sorry.
35:32I'm sorry.
35:33I'm sorry.
35:34I'm sorry.
35:35I'm sorry.
35:36I'm sorry.
35:37I'm sorry.
35:38I'm sorry.
35:39I'm sorry.
35:40I'm sorry.
35:41I'm sorry.
35:42I'm sorry.
35:43I'm sorry.
35:44I'm sorry.
35:45I'm sorry.
35:46I'm sorry.
35:47I'm sorry.
35:48I'm sorry.
35:49I'm sorry.
35:50I'm sorry.
35:51I'm sorry.
35:52I'm sorry.
35:53I'm sorry.
35:54I'm sorry.
35:55I'm sorry.
35:56I'm sorry.
35:57I'm sorry.
35:58I'm sorry.
35:59I'm sorry.
36:00I'm sorry.
36:01I'm sorry.
36:02I'm sorry.
36:03I'm sorry.
36:04I'm sorry.
36:05I'm sorry.
36:06I'm sorry.
36:07I'm sorry.
36:08I'm sorry.
36:09I'm sorry.
36:10I'm sorry.
36:11I'm sorry.
36:12I'm sorry.


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