• last year
Islamic information


00:00How was your life according to your belief? What did you believe in?
00:06What made you object to your faith?
00:09At the age of about 7, I thought, what?
00:12Let's say it was a moment like a ray of light
00:15when I felt that I do not believe in this belief.
00:18I do not believe in Jesus.
00:20I am a Muslim. I will never become a Muslim.
00:23What are you talking about?
00:24Islam is a terrorist religion.
00:26These people are bad.
00:27America and other countries were going to Iraq and Afghanistan.
00:30I remember seeing all this in the news.
00:32We will give freedom to others.
00:38Yes, go and catch these Muslims.
00:40Yes, go and catch these Muslims.
00:43As if I was encouraging them with all my heart.
00:46Because I never got the correct introduction of Islam
00:49and never learned its correct teachings.
00:53Peace be upon you, Brother John.
00:55Thank you for coming.
00:56We will take an interview from you, God willing.
00:58First of all, tell us who is John Fontaine?
01:00And can you briefly tell us about your life?
01:03Yes, my name is John Fontaine.
01:05I am a non-Muslim.
01:07I accepted Islam in 2008.
01:09Before Islam, I was a jazz singer.
01:11I was also doing research and work on heroes in Africa.
01:14I belong to a famous city, Manchester.
01:17Let's say I have a mixed upbringing.
01:19I went to school, college and then came to business.
01:22And I also started singing.
01:24What was your life like in terms of religion?
01:26Who did you believe in?
01:28I grew up as a Christian.
01:30Therefore, I used to go to church from a very young age.
01:33I used to go to different types of churches.
01:35I also went to Evangelical churches.
01:37Which is a completely different religion from the Protestant Church of England.
01:41I also knew music.
01:43Therefore, I started playing church music.
01:45I used to play the ukulele, banjo, and bagal.
01:48I liked music from a very young age.
01:52Therefore, I started singing when I was young.
01:55I have been singing since I was 14 years old.
01:57And when I was 16-17 years old, I took singing as a profession.
02:01I used to sing in jazz clubs, cruise ships, and football in Manchester United grounds.
02:08Before accepting Islam, I was very happy with it.
02:11I felt that I had achieved that peak.
02:14Which I could achieve in the music industry.
02:17It was not my wish to become the number one singer in the world.
02:20I was not even the owner of a deep, magical personality like a jazz singer.
02:24And when I was singing in some of these clubs,
02:26I thought that I have achieved what I wanted to achieve.
02:30I felt that I have achieved my goal.
02:33And now there was only one feeling from the emotions.
02:35When you have achieved your goal,
02:37you have worked hard for success in a specific field.
02:40And then suddenly you reach that peak where you could have reached.
02:44So what is left after that?
02:46Will I keep doing this all my life?
02:48This is impossible.
02:50This is why I started looking into business.
02:52I started researching about heroes.
02:54At the same time, I went to Africa on a trip.
02:57And started doing different things.
02:59What made you have a problem with your faith?
03:01Was it an incident? Was it a thought? What happened?
03:04This is a very interesting question.
03:05From a very young age, about 7 years old,
03:08I remember going to church and Sunday school.
03:10We had to write a song about God.
03:13And the name of my song was Jesus and God.
03:15It was sung in the chorus.
03:17It was like a rap.
03:18I had written some verses.
03:19I still remember those verses, but I will not sing them now.
03:22And I remember that the pastor, who was a young worker,
03:25took a piece of paper and changed the words.
03:28Actually, my song was Jesus and God.
03:30But the pastor changed it to Jesus is God.
03:34And at the age of about 7 years,
03:36I used to think that it was a moment like a ray of light.
03:40When I felt that I did not believe in this belief.
03:43I do not believe that Jesus is God.
03:45My idea about Jesus was that he is like ordinary people.
03:49As a prophet of God, he is a human being.
03:52And I was never ready to accept that Jesus is God.
03:56Therefore, this was the first time when I started this question.
03:59Okay, then what is the right religion?
04:01Because I believed in God.
04:03And my ideas about God were those
04:05which are after becoming a Muslim.
04:07We cannot imagine God.
04:09He is one.
04:10He is above our consciousness.
04:12But it was not possible for me to accept that Jesus is God.
04:17Therefore, from a young age, it was a shock for me.
04:21I knew what was happening.
04:23My whole family, my friends, my community,
04:26were all followers of this religion.
04:28And this was not a reasonable religion.
04:30This made me aware.
04:31When did you hear about Islam for the first time?
04:33I will say that the first time when I heard about Islam
04:37and started thinking about it as a religion,
04:39it was the incident of 9-11.
04:41I remember that I was in school.
04:42I was in Woodward's class.
04:44I was making my GCSE product of the swinging horse.
04:47And there was a commotion there.
04:49Our teacher brought the laptop and showed the incident of 9-11.
04:52And we were shocked to know that
04:54a person was flying a plane and entered the World Trade Center.
04:58And I heard only the voices of Muslim, Muslim, Muslim from everywhere.
05:02Then I came home from there and I was watching the news.
05:05I remember that time when America and other countries,
05:08Iraq and Afghanistan were going.
05:10I remember seeing all this in the news.
05:12I was thinking that yes, go and catch these Muslims.
05:15As if I was encouraging them with all my heart.
05:17Without knowing anything about Islam.
05:19In my opinion, I only knew that Islam is a terrifying religion.
05:24These people are going to spread evil.
05:26This was my first introduction to Islam.
05:28Why did you feel attracted to Islam?
05:31Initially, I was watching online information about Islam.
05:34When YouTube came to the public for the first time,
05:37I watched some different videos on YouTube.
05:40When I was 18 years old,
05:42I also traveled to the country of West Africa, Senegal.
05:45And for those who do not know,
05:47let me tell you that Senegal is a Muslim country.
05:49When I was in Senegal,
05:51I was actually very scared of Muslims from the beginning.
05:54Because of the incident of 9-11,
05:56due to my misconceptions about Muslims,
05:58the journey to Senegal actually opened my mind.
06:02First of all, I realized that there are also African Muslims in the world.
06:06I had never seen African Muslims.
06:08Therefore, I was very interested in understanding
06:11how Islam reached here.
06:13And when I reached Senegal,
06:15it was the first time that I heard the voice of the Azan.
06:17It was about to touch the heart.
06:19I was very happy to hear the voice of calling for worship.
06:22I wanted to understand it.
06:23I wanted to understand its meaning.
06:25And I met some Muslims.
06:27I met a brother who was working in a hotel at that time.
06:30And he proposed me to come to his house and stay.
06:33Therefore, I agreed to stay with him for a while.
06:36I went to a Muslim wedding.
06:38I also went to the funeral of a Muslim.
06:40And I saw him and his mother and his family worshipping.
06:43We used to sit on the floor and eat together.
06:46And all these things were amazing for me.
06:48Did you think of being a Muslim at that time?
06:51I did not believe in the truth of Islam.
06:53Despite liking their culture and their experience of their existence,
06:58it was not enough to make me a Muslim.
07:01This increased my interest even more.
07:03This was a strange thing.
07:04Because I started attacking Islam with the support of Christianity.
07:07Although I knew that Christianity is not a true religion.
07:10Culturally, I was still a Christian.
07:13Therefore, I started trying to find the shortcomings of Islam.
07:16I also had a heated conversation with some Muslims.
07:19But the more I investigated,
07:21the more I objected to Islam,
07:23the more I was influenced by its teachings and the message of the Quran.
07:27And in my opinion, I wanted to accept Islam.
07:29When I say that I wanted to accept Islam,
07:32it means that I wanted to give Islam a chance.
07:35Because the Africans had a role in teaching me about Islam.
07:39Do you remember anything in Senegal that you can never forget?
07:43When I was 18 years old,
07:45this was 5 years before I accepted Islam.
07:47And when I was living in my Muslim brother's house,
07:50his grandmother passed away.
07:52She was 105 years old.
07:54And he was crying.
07:55He was sitting on his bed and crying.
07:57I went to him and sat down.
07:59I held him with my arms and said,
08:01I know she has gone to a better place.
08:03He replied, I am not crying because she has passed away.
08:06He further said, she was a Muslim.
08:08She will go to heaven, God willing.
08:10I am crying because she was very old.
08:12And I wanted her to meet you
08:14so that she can pray that you become a Muslim.
08:16His words had a lot of impact on me.
08:18I thought that I am a Muslim.
08:20I will never become a Muslim.
08:21What are you talking about?
08:23I did not tell him this.
08:24Because he was already sad about his grandmother's death.
08:27But his words had a lot of impact on me.
08:29I thought, why is this so important for that person?
08:32Why is he crying?
08:33His grandmother has just passed away.
08:35He is not crying about her death.
08:37He is crying because he wants to see me as a Muslim.
08:40And this was the thing that forced me to think.
08:43Wow, this person is truly a believer.
08:45He has true faith in this religion.
08:48When and how did you accept Islam?
08:50I finally accepted Islam at the age of 23.
08:53I was doing some research.
08:55But still, I did not want to leave singing
08:57and some other things at that time.
08:59And maybe I did not even know how to become a Muslim.
09:02In fact, I did not even know that I could be a Muslim.
09:05I thought that you are born a Muslim.
09:08That is, you get this thing in inheritance from your parents.
09:11I did not know that he had accepted Islam.
09:13I found out when I was doing research.
09:16And I watched videos of Abdul Rahim Gareen
09:18and Joseph Estes and people who converted to other religions.
09:22Then I realized that wow,
09:23in fact, a lot of English and American people are accepting Islam.
09:27And I can also be a Muslim.
09:29So this thing forced me to think again.
09:31That yes, this is such a thing that I should pay attention to.
09:34So who invited you?
09:36I was in Egypt at that time.
09:38And went to a mosque.
09:39I told my friend to teach me how to pray.
09:42But he refused.
09:43He said, no, you are not a Muslim.
09:45I said, well, I have faith.
09:47I fasted in Ramadan and tried to pray.
09:50He said, okay, you have to say the Kalima Shahadat.
09:53I asked, what is Shahadat?
09:54So he told me the Kalima Shahadat.
09:56And I became a Muslim.
09:57I felt like a big burden had come off my shoulders.
10:00I felt pure.
10:02And Alhamdulillah, I had faith before.
10:05It was not that faith came down just at that moment.
10:08I always had faith in Allah.
10:10And then I went back to Britain.
10:12I tried to find a mosque.
10:13And I was afraid to go to the mosque at that time.
10:15I felt that Muslims are terrorists.
10:18I still had negative feelings about Muslims.
10:20So I went to a place which I thought was a school.
10:23But it was not a school, but a mosque.
10:25And SubhanAllah, there was a British man at the reception.
10:29I was shocked.
10:30As a white farm man,
10:32while entering the mosque,
10:34I was expecting that there would be Pakistanis and Arabs.
10:37And there was a white farm man there.
10:39He helped me.
10:40Taught me Fatiha.
10:42Taught me small Surahs and the way to pray.
10:45I used to go there every day.
10:46He used to teach me the way to pray.
10:48He used to listen to me while reading the Quran.
10:50There were some other brothers in the mosque.
10:52I used to sit there and drink coffee.
10:53And they used to teach me.
10:55And this is how I started my journey.
10:57And what was the reaction of your family and close relatives
11:00when you accepted Islam?
11:01I think in the beginning, people thought that this is a temporary thing.
11:04And it won't last long.
11:05It will come out of it.
11:07And today, even after 13 years, I am a Muslim.
11:09Undoubtedly, many people had a desire that Islam is dangerous.
11:13And Muslims are terrorists.
11:15And I understand people's doubts very well.
11:17Because they only know as much as the media tells.
11:21And this is the problem of Muslims.
11:23Because Muslims are not teaching non-Muslims the right Islam.
11:26If non-Muslims knew about Islam,
11:29they would not have had these superstitious ideas and doubts.
11:32So it was really difficult in the beginning.
11:34Many members of the family and friends were worried and confused.
11:37But Alhamdulillah, everything is fine now.
11:39What was the biggest challenge you faced after becoming a Muslim?
11:43The most difficult thing for me was to pray Salat.
11:46If you are not used to it, then it is difficult to pray Salat.
11:49Because we are not used to spending so much time five times a day to pray Salat.
11:53For this, I adopted a method.
11:55I promised myself that I will not sleep without praying five Salats at night.
11:59So imagine that you are praying five Salats before going to bed at night.
12:04By the way, this is not allowed.
12:06This is not permissible.
12:07Undoubtedly, being a Muslim,
12:09you do not know all this coming out of disbelief and ignorance.
12:12And when you are trying to learn the religion,
12:15and then I felt that sometimes it is very difficult to pray all the prayers together.
12:20It is easy to pray them one by one.
12:23So I think this helped me pray Salat at the right time.
12:27And it is obvious that when you move forward in Islam,
12:29you learn more about religion.
12:31You know that it is compulsory to pray Salat on time.
12:34What did our Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
12:37impress you the most?
12:39This is an unanswered question.
12:41We see the reality of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
12:45He came 1400 years ago.
12:47In the desert, a man was revealed by Allah.
12:50And he was given the rank of the greatest of humans, i.e. the rank of prophethood.
12:54And the impact he left on the world.
12:56To this day, his followers follow his Sunnah and follow the path he told them.
13:02We tried to follow his path.
13:04The love that we got.
13:06Look, we are here today.
13:08We spend our wealth and time on religion.
13:10Indeed, this is our faith.
13:12And just imagine that all the followers of Islam,
13:15not only those who are alive today,
13:17but for the past 1400 years,
13:20they have been following the Sunnah,
13:22the principles and principles of this great man,
13:24and obeying the Messenger of Allah.
13:28And the way he had an impact on this world,
13:30that a third of the world
13:32now follows the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
13:36You just know that he is a Muslim.
13:38This is just an introduction.
13:40By God, when people look at this great man
13:42and what he did,
13:44and most of all,
13:46what he was given on this message,
13:48and the solution given in the Quran for humanity,
13:50you bring your Shariah, the laws of Allah,
13:52and guidance,
13:54and compare them with any other religion,
13:56any philosophy, or way of life.
13:58Islam kills all other religions,
14:00ways of life,
14:02and its logic.
14:04And it is easy to understand.
14:06What was the purpose of your life before Islam?
14:08And what is after Islam?
14:10The purpose and destination is to see Allah.
14:12To go to heaven, and to be among those people
14:14who will get a chance to see their Creator in reality.
14:16This is the biggest purpose.
14:18And obviously,
14:20after this, to see the Prophets,
14:22to sit with the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
14:24to sit with Jesus Christ, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
14:26and to talk to all the Prophets.
14:28This is the purpose.
14:30Before Islam, in my opinion,
14:32I don't think people really think about the purpose of life.
14:34I don't think they have a purpose.
14:36I didn't have a purpose.
14:38You just live your life.
14:40What projects are you working on at the moment?
14:42For myself,
14:44I am working on something in Africa.
14:46I am planning to build schools in Africa.
14:48I am also writing a book about the Islamic point of view
14:50and the previous books.
14:52I am also writing a book on Islam,
14:54which deals with some of the issues of Islam.
14:56I also have a YouTube channel.
14:58I also have a podcast called Young Smokes.
15:00So you should also subscribe to it.
15:02Other than that,
15:04reading, studying, inviting people,
15:06and trying to spread the message of Islam
15:08is my job.
15:10If you get a chance to talk to all the non-Muslims in the world,
15:12what would you like to say to them?
15:14I will only encourage them to look at Islam with sincerity.
15:16Learn Islam from those Muslims
15:18who have studied the religion.
15:20Take some time out
15:22and read some books on Islam.
15:24Understand why this religion has been so dominant
15:26for the past 1400 years.
15:28And undoubtedly, Islam has had a great impact on the world.
15:30We are talking about a third of the world's population
15:32is Muslim.
15:34So because of this,
15:36you start respecting your neighbors.
15:38You start respecting your fellow humans.
15:40You should tell them what their belief is.
15:42Take some time out, study,
15:44and learn about the concepts of Islam.
15:46And just be sincere to yourself.
15:48I encourage all non-Muslims
15:50to worship only and only Allah,
15:52who is the creator of the universe.
15:54He is the same God with whom you pray when in need.
15:56He is the same God with whom you worship.
15:58In fact, I should say that
16:00when your plane crashes in the air
16:02and you call upon the creator
16:04with hiccups,
16:06He is the same God with whom Muslims believe.
16:08He is the same God with whom Muslims worship.
16:10Therefore, pray to that God
16:12to give you the right path.
16:14When you are alone,
16:16keep your head on the floor in your room.
16:18Just keep your head on the floor
16:20and tell your creator to guide you.
16:22What would you like to say in the end?
16:24I will just say one thing.
16:26I would like to advise those Muslims
16:28who are watching this video.
16:30It is possible that you don't pray
16:32or maybe you don't pray on time.
16:34It is possible that your faith is weak.
16:36It is possible that you don't have
16:38much knowledge about Islam.
16:40Try to know more about Islam
16:42and pay attention to your prayers.
16:44Make sure that you pray
16:46five times on time as a Muslim.
16:48If you pray five times on time,
16:50then pray in the right way.
16:52You will see that your life
16:54will go to such a place
16:56where your relationship with your creator
16:58will be right.
17:00The world is easy. Life is easy.
17:02Allah is the Provider.
17:04He provides sustenance. He protects.
17:06He is the healer.
17:08When you believe in these things,
17:10you will know when a disaster comes.
17:12Al-Hakeem is the person
17:14who has the most wisdom behind it.
17:16And faith comes through knowledge.
17:18It doesn't just come from saying
17:20that I love the Prophet.
17:22Love the Prophet.
17:24The proof of this is that
17:26you follow him.
17:28Start with prayer.
17:30And things will get better.
17:32And I encourage everyone,
17:34whether you are a Muslim or a non-Muslim,
17:36to take Islam seriously.
17:38Pay attention to the Qur'an.
17:40Read the Qur'an. Give Islam a chance.
17:42Read about what Islam teaches.
17:44Only the One God.
17:46We don't worship the Prophet.
17:48We don't worship anyone.
17:50We don't worship the saints.
17:52We don't worship anyone.
17:54We only worship God.
17:56Thank you for the answers.
17:58This was a beautiful interview.
18:00I hope we will meet again
18:02and work together.
18:04JazakAllah Khair.
18:06Assalamu Alaikum.
