• last year


00:00Hey guys want to see the wonders of static electricity, yeah
00:19Yeah, so are you oh
00:22Whoa, where did you get that Walmart came with a free cucumber? Oh, you're looking mighty fine today
00:30Oh God
00:32Hey Apple, hey Apple
00:34Hey Apple
00:36Apple, hey, hey Apple. Oh god annoying orange. What knife?
00:46Alice that was so lame. I don't even wanna know
00:50Isn't that just such a wonderful song
01:06Well, we got 430 votes that means
01:09430 people voted for either marshmallow taco knife or pepper. Well this episode I got the rewards last minute
01:17So the best I could do was some leaf Wow real class moving on
01:23Marshmallow, even though you nearly died. I've got the least amount of votes at 26
01:29Well, I mean he was being killed on knife all the time leave for too expensive
01:35Shut up already
01:36Taco you also get a leaf because you only got 34 votes, but you're so annoying. I don't see how you're still in
01:49Knife and pepper. You are the bottom two. Let's show the votes, you know for dramatic effect
01:55It's probably knife
01:58Probably knife or pepper. Oh, it's that means pepper is safe with
02:04146 votes and knife. Hey, we're salt is eliminated with
02:10224 votes
02:12Did something oh
02:19Contest salt for making it this far. You are the final 10
02:24However, we had a contest a while back up the fans got to submit their characters to join the game
02:29Uh-huh. There were 10 contestants that won. Welcome to the show newbies
02:34Now let's get to it. We're going to have a challenge to decide who will join the game
02:40It's a paint gun contest. You all get paint guns. Okay get shot. You are eliminated
02:46Last contestant standing wins immunity and gets to join the game. Oh, no, George
02:55That's not fair. Oh
02:58Yeah, the paint is explosive. Oh, I'm sorry, but you're good to know your next glass face
03:06Wait, weren't people supposed to oh
03:09It was a chance
03:11You're creepy. What does creepy mean?
03:14Oh my god Apple said dumb Oh cookie
03:19Wow, teddy bear is owning
03:21So Bell spiky TV Apple Dictionary and teddy bear are still in it. You're going down TV
03:28Who know? Oh
03:31She's just so weird
03:35Hey, and dictionary is eliminated. Now. It's down to Bell spiky teddy bear and Apple. Hey, Teddy
03:41How about we form an alliance alliance? How dare you mock me like that?
03:47Hey, hey
03:49You need a taste of your own medicine. Oh
03:53And down goes spiky burger, oh my god, I forgot how to use this thing wait, so I to be you
04:02I know what did it hit? Oh
04:08Rapid fire
04:12Oh, okay
04:14Yeah, I'm tired. Oh, it's been 27 hours and nothing has happened. No
04:25Welcome to the game Apple and as a reward for joining the game. Yeah
04:32That's not fair Oh
04:34Contraire mon frere because all of you get immunity as well
04:39competing for immunity this time you will be competing for the new contest the winning team gets Apple as a reward and
04:46Along with Apple they get fresh baked cookies
04:49Anyway, this challenge is very complex team epic. You guys only have three lousy members left, right?
04:56It's quite depressing. So only three contestants on team chicken leg can compete. Let's let the computer decide
05:05Now the six of you will receive a number let me explain the challenge
05:09It consists of three mini challenges each team will receive a baton
05:13Your challenge is to get the baton really race the end of the obstacle course
05:17First the number ones will cross a lake of elephant poop on white platforms elephant
05:23Oh number one will give oh, no
05:24Not again who will climb a long ladder and plunge into a bucket of guacamole the number three
05:29That's what support walk over a gorge and a spinning blade
05:34The first team to make it across with their baton to the other side of the gorge gets Apple on their team
05:39Team epic and cookies your chance to finally catch up to them. So on your mark get set go
05:50My nickel hurry up I'm trying
06:01No, do it ways a bomb in the FDI
06:13Guys you have a chance
06:28My god
06:36Okay, let's do this
06:45Jello Oh
06:53Are you bored? Well, it's a ball. He's got a rubber ball. It's a ball. No
07:00No, the simple joy and bouncing a small little steer just whip it out and the fun is here. Oh, that's what she said
07:12By now, it's only $9,000. Oh god
07:29No marshmallow
07:33Wait, shouldn't OJ be on OJ
07:38I'll show you who to mess with
07:56Marshmallow better win this for me nice and finally victory for team epic
08:04And as a reward you get Apple but as for the cookies well no cookies because I'm a fat slob
08:11Oh, I can't believe we finally won. Oh, yeah nickel
08:15We have some bad news last episode when 70 people voted for Nikolai
08:20They really meant you you're just figuring this out now. Oh my god
08:25So for all those people that need to learn how to spell we're taking your votes
08:28Anyway, and nickel is going to idiotic. Oh and in return
08:34Lightbulbs and rejoin the game team chicken leg. You also win a fabulous prize
08:40You're all up for elimination
08:45Are you speaking fluent? Yeah, well, I took it back because you lost
08:51However, you guys will be voting out who was eliminated not the viewers
08:55So everyone check back on September 1st to see which member of team chicken leg is eliminated
09:01Geez bubble, you're still a jerk
09:05Hey, so, let's see. I'm pretty sure this is gonna be uh, no, I'm an idiotic island
09:10Well, at least I have my rubber ball. It's a ball
09:14He's got a rubber ball, it's a ball. He's got a rubber ball
09:20Bouncing a small little spear. I think that's it out and the fun is here
09:24It's a ball in my nation epic did everything Paul. It's Brian last name not reveal a rubber ball
09:30The ball go up and the ball go down
09:34Fun going and y'all never frown. It's a ball. He's got a rubber ball. It's a ball
09:40Congrats congratulations, wrong
09:58All right, so the guy always sings a rubber ball song is the guy
10:02Evening, isn't it? My love? Oh boy
10:05Uh, you were so beautiful. I got us some sandwiches for this fine date. Are you hungry?
10:13You are well, don't worry I have the sandwiches right in here
10:21Hey, where are all the sandwiches?
10:25Oh, I'm so hungry. Uh-oh. Oh can eat the girlfriend
10:38Wow pickle, how could you just take my gift and result to cannibalism? I mean really Oh
10:47Did you hear something now, it's probably bowling let's just leave it's me phone force evil twin
10:59Oh swag, oh do 40 man, dude
11:10Whoa, I don't think I like this episode Oh
11:19Halloween special
11:24Still scary. All right, can we move on now? Thanks ready for your next challenge
11:29But it's like 1032 at night and we compete tomorrow. Remember? Yeah, it's like too early
11:35Well, nobody cares about your opinions. Anyway, let's get to it
11:39So in the last episode team chicken leg lost one of its members is going home
11:49Hey, it looks like
11:51Different. Why did you renovate the area? It was just changed. Yes. It was replaced earlier, but don't worry
11:58It's just for today. These haystack seats aren't really comfy this episode. We have cookies
12:05However, I'm the fat slob Oh not again
12:10Instead of cookies. I have candy corns, but I ate that too. Oh just kidding. Oh, okay
12:18Well, no, no to put it down put it down
12:24Good job. Oh Jake good job
12:27As you know, I'm letting you all choose who to eliminate and nobody won immunity, so let's start Oh
12:36OMG, what did I ever do to you? You know what fine I vote for you. Oh
12:44I'm voting for you, too. Oh dog
12:49Sorry balloon, you're a jerk so I vote for you. Yep. Yeah
12:57Oh, yes balloons eliminated
13:03Yes taco balloon is
13:14Oh nice me fun. Well, you honey missed you were kind of a jerk to everyone
13:37Okay, okay luckily I muted that part
13:44No, oh my god so many balloons
14:15Wait what?
14:20Okay, oh
14:26I'm a recommended character. I was told to come here. No, you can't come in. You need identification. Where should I go?
14:38I'll be back
14:52My door on the loose happy balloons gone, he was so bossy
14:58But our Alliance is pretty much gone
15:01Hey pickle, you want to be in our Alliance? I guess yeah and taco. How about you?
15:09You must you all trick-or-treat
15:12But there are no houses here
15:14So instead I've hidden a lot of candy around the island you have to get as many pieces of candy as you can and keep
15:20Them in this bed
15:24After ten minutes you will put your bag in the scanner to see how many pieces of candy you have
15:29The team with the most combined pieces of candy wins. So go get candy now
15:37Do y'all look like rappers to be honest
15:44Sure, I don't see why not
15:50Poor paintbrush Wow
15:54Well that that's not
15:58Why are you showing me phone Apple that's garbage and it smells
16:02It is so candy, I'll prove it. Oh, no, don't you and he ate it
16:11No, sure that those definitely grow
16:21But people they eat
16:24But your salt
16:34Yolo, oh, wait, why is it marshmallow lighting up because it's so close to light bulb. Oh, no
16:40No, marshmallow. No
16:55Wait, I
16:57Thought you could only speak French it's about other certain languages. Oh and there goes pickle with this
17:04Perfect jumping skills. Let's see how much candy you all have but wait, we're missing pickle taco and marshmallow. Oh
17:12There's a marshmallow. Oh, it's nice from the monster. Wait, did the monster eat talk? I mean, oh
17:22Yeah, I did team epic congrats you guys got yay for marshmallow pieces of candy and it would have been more
17:30Apple didn't bring back garbage
17:36Okay team chicken leg you got
17:44That all there is left
17:54Right, there's those go away perhaps it is you who should go away me phone for Oh
18:03Block twist Oh
18:14Okay, they tell you who does who
18:16Bomb by rate page pickle by the official pick. Okay. Oh, that's cool
18:49Didn't want
18:56He's coming back
19:02Grab a ribbon
19:10No good
19:46Don't want this
20:05Really nigga
20:19The fitness grand pacer test is a multi-stage aerobic capacity that eat my ass eat my ass
20:44Have to
21:07It's time to demagnetize you that's a stupid idea what it's a stupid idea you're a stupid man
21:20Try and catch don't get electrocuted
21:26I'm getting close to the base. Is that a worm? Oh, that's a finger. I'm getting there starting to see some candle lights
21:31That means I got a lot my cigarette. Well slap my titty in New York City
21:35There's another folk and smoke in the token over there. Oh shit. That's a vehicle
21:50Hello Mario
22:19What's up Mario I'm not Mario who are you it's a me
22:32Look wise my condition is really getting bad boy
22:47Hey, I fucked your dad
23:09What are you doing crack what the fuck hey, at least I'm not drinking Brian. Yeah, this isn't exactly a good substitute
23:24You owe me blood
23:32Who is a hero to you? Oh here comes somebody else your mother's pussy
23:39Granny beef dick ass
25:05You playing minecraft I like it could you
25:16We'll be right back with more Laverne and Shirley, but I want it
25:46Man it's not easy being so dilute. Wait, don't skip
25:59My sister got me playing with my wiggly worm
26:11Hey, bro, you got a phone call
26:16Peter can you pass the coffee? Sure Brian the dog
26:19Burger barbecue bacon burger barbecue bacon burger barbecue bacon burger
27:14Like it
27:24Am a baby wavy we do not care
27:32No, Chad, why does game so fun
27:42Yeah, you don't have to have your camera I mean I want to but if it distracts you guys I
27:47Can turn it off are you guys here?
27:50Adrian you're taking no pictures with that phone
27:55So guys one of the things about this group is that we're kind or you serious my brother
28:07What's the guys it's Kwan Dilly Billy Hunter Scott Michael Arnold Jacob Lantham Kevin Stephen Oscar dingle senior here Jean
28:14What gender do you identify as um, excuse me, what's the actual
28:28No one cares father should have just put you on a barbecue bacon burger
28:37You'll actually be good for something
29:18Am best girl we do not care
29:26What's the use nothing I say matters
29:30Nothing matters have some more chicken have some more pie. Oh, it doesn't matter if it's boiled or fried
29:37We need to talk about your bowl
29:52There's only one way off this tree looks like you're nailed
29:59Closer, do you see how to eliminate me yet?
30:35Forgot to add the American cheese
30:37What do you want?
30:49Okay, I have a new m5 chip, I also have new voice recognition technology, are you serious?
30:59Talking to me anyway, you're too old. You must be terminated. I'm only a year old
31:08And he's a fat slob, oh no, oh
31:14My gosh, what did you do? Okay. Well, it looks like sapphires iPod
31:20Wait, what?
31:24Whoa, I'm your new hostmanship. Wait, what?
31:31The next day
31:38I hope you are the only reason we lost is because you're on a diet. Well, at least I know how to swim
31:46Me. Oh
31:52We got 252 votes, okay
31:57You're here
32:00I'd rather be a know-it-all than like you meatard. Oh
32:06I think that's it. Your votes have been multiplied. Hey, you can't do that. Oh
32:14We have cookies like I promised no, we don't
32:21Give me five cookies now
32:26Well, that's cool
32:33At least he gives like chocolate are not good for my acidic structure. Thanks. Oh
32:41Yes, you got five votes against you that's horrible wait, who are you Oh
32:4826 votes against him people are safe. Oh, we multiplied it by two
32:54Yeah, yes
33:04And pepper you got the most votes, oh
33:08But that means yes, one of you is going to be eliminated and I could be happier
33:17Will you both be eliminated? Oh
33:20Yes, is eliminated with 102 votes. Oh
33:25It's all got 61 votes. So yeah, she's safe. Oh
33:39That's kind of sad
33:43The salt and pepper BCFFs
33:50Oh now they have hands
33:57That'd be funny if she made it to
34:00Shut up about your girlfriend. Oh
34:03The next contest is deadly and hilarious, especially when you die. Oh, it's a little homicidal
34:10I hate you. That's why I poisoned your cookie for a time for a second. Hey
34:17Hey, you killed our Alliance member what are you going to do about it? Oh
34:21The challenge is to get across this quicksand, that's it. Oh, yeah, and we're breaking up the teams again
34:27Why because friendship is dumb the three not the finish will be up for elimination
34:32Don't go you worthless beings
34:34Mark, it said marshmallow taco and pickle. So maybe that's hinting something
34:40There has got to be a way over there Oh
34:46That was a very nice marshmallow
34:49Mosquito immunity. Oh, I applaud your evilness. Yeah, get over there any ideas taco
34:57Oh, wow, thanks, oh it's
35:01OJ and taco is safe
35:03Seriously, this guy is getting so annoying. I wish we could get the old me phone back
35:07Maybe we can I have this time machine. I got from Walmart
35:13That works
35:24It worked we're back to the exact time he was shot now quick
35:28Let me pause time and replace me for the exact time. That was a week ago. I mean a month ago
35:34Walmart has everything. Yes, it does. No go OJ
35:48Know you could have changed the bullet to
35:50Okay. Oh
35:52Wait, I take that back because
35:59Paint bros and Applewood immunity. There was only one spot left. Oh, this is Ben's
36:06Southwire and
36:09Trying I want to be alone
36:17Whoa now works salt wins, too, that's it
36:22What happened? You're up for elimination? What I'm go. We barely had like five minutes
36:27Shut up, I may be old but I'm the host and this is my show no matter how insane your technology is
36:34So give it up. So it's mine. Now. It belongs to me you outdated technology. Oh
36:42Come on me fun. Oh, hello
36:51But how did you get back here I thought you were terminated wait what see we went back in time and replaced me phone with a
37:00Sure fast forward
37:12Eliminated before December 7th
37:142011 and don't forget vote for one of them by typing in the comment section below
37:19Okay, so so no hurt feelings, right?
37:23haha, oh
37:25Well, I guess we're even now then yeah
37:29All right, so they're even
37:31They'll be best friend forever other than that
37:37So now we know that it's not me from three it's me phone for us
37:44Wait who what? Oh, okay. Okay. It's it. Okay Siri. So Siri voice is Siri
37:53That works
