• last year
Lifeless Planet Game-play Part 10 is about Last Stand. Found another place where the soviet were living & it was kind of their operational site. Also found the fate of the last soviet people. The journey is cold & scary. Watch the full video to feel the scariness :O

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#LifelessPlanet #LifelessPlanetGameplay #LifelessPlanetLastStand
00:00Hello everyone, this is Kali Ganpati and I'm back with another episode of Lifeless Planet
00:05Premiere Edition and this is the last stand section and it's for 10 of this game. Enjoy everyone!
00:24The last stand!
00:30There is a green path showing there, it's going towards somewhere else
00:46and what is this place? It's Rhythm 5.
00:51Okay, chairs.
01:08Okay, let me see what's in my log. I haven't got an... Okay, no, no, it's nothing else.
01:28I thought maybe after every dialogue... Okay, there is. So, due to the powerful fluctuations
01:35in the last week or so, we have been unable to move the Pogu to the exit. We decided to wait for
01:41a few weeks to see if the Pogu stabilized. It didn't. And in fact, it has now been months since
01:46we have been able to follow anyone through the Pogu. Then, just yesterday, as I monitored the
01:53device, I witnessed something both exhilarating and terrifying. Through the flickering light of
02:00the Pogu, I saw for the first, for the brief moment, a fantastic alien world with
02:05unbelievable objects and structures. It seems the Pogu's diggers have completely
02:10murdered the Pogu for a new destination, where no planet would dare not to attempt to travel to.
02:19Okay, so the Russians found the Pogu and it didn't make it and the Pogu maker was the alien.
02:30And they have, uh, ported, like, deported them here. What is that?
02:38Jetpack 4. Oh, nice. All right, I'm gonna need it. I'm gonna need it.
02:48Okay, that light is, like, confusing. Okay, a log, maybe.
02:55They started handling us bread today.
03:01Handing us bread today. This was not a foreign concept to us, but it was something we all
03:06thought we left behind. Where are the supplies? Why haven't they sent us food? If we knew we
03:10would have been like this, we would have planted crops. Surely, with all this plant life, we would
03:17have grown grain for bread. Okay. There is nothing else to explore, I guess. I'm just
03:31seeing if there is. Okay, there is nothing else.
03:47Uh-oh, man. Okay, don't die.
03:59Okay, I don't know if I'm gonna be completing this pretty soon or not, but, man, I'm having goosebumps. I'm having chills.
04:12I'm having chills, man. This game is...
04:18Oh, dude.
04:26The moment I'm finishing this, like, jetpack stage, they're gonna say,
04:32your jetpack fuel is depleted. I'm sorry, that was my Iraqi accent.
04:38And if I have offended you, I'm sorry. That was not my intention. I was just trying to be, you know, funny.
04:58Okay, I've managed to complete that widow scratch. Okay, red zone. I don't like that.
05:06I don't know what happens if you, like, press to step into the red zone.
05:18Okay, nope. Nope.
05:23Okay, so they're gonna let me keep the jetpack fuel a little bit, like, jetpack boost a little bit longer, because I need it.
05:42There is no time limit of, like, jetpack boosts or your oxygens. Like, it is a part of your game, like, whenever you are closer. What's that?
06:02Good old quartz. Second most abundant mineral on planet Earth. Nice to see it all the way out here.
06:08Quartz. Okay, I found quartz.
06:21Where do I go now? It seems so, like, close from here. Like, I'm gonna drop down and go to the,
06:29like, green shining place. But no, it is far down, and they're not gonna let you go there that easy.
06:38Have I just circled down? I don't know.
06:58Maybe I should look for another place to go. Okay, something is working. Okay, there is a light.
07:09A big light.
07:28Okay, I found a path.
07:30Okay, I'm good at this, I'm good at this, but I'm really having goosebumps, like, man, I'm alone and
07:42feeling every bit of this game, like, the music, the ambience.
07:50We're saving.
07:51Like, I'm feeling the tension, like, people, I mean, a man, I'm not this man that's gonna
08:03call, like, I'm a racist. I'm not a racist.
08:10Like, a human being, like, in a situation like that, no one is in the, like, whole planet except
08:20those, like, quick killing plant-like creatures.
08:28I've seen the Martian movie, and, like, I feel, like, sometimes,
08:35I feel, like, so, like, hopeless while watching the movie, like, how can a human live like that?
08:45He, yeah, he can do everything by himself, but...
08:54Skeletons. Dead bodies.
09:01Exactly, metromania.
09:14Oh, man. Lots of dead bodies.
09:44Dr. Vladimir. Okay, this is a familiar name when you're playing a Russian, like,
09:55game that is based in Russia or something, but Vladimir is gonna be the common name.
10:01Okay, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency. I'm recording this message
10:06in the hope that it will someday be retrieved and our mission to this planet will be understood.
10:14Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:18Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:20Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:22Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:24Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:26Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:28Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:30Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:32Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:34Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:36Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:38Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:40Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:42Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:44Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:46Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:48Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:50Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:52Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:54Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:56Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
10:58Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:00Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:02Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:04Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:06Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:08Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:10Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:12Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:14Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:16Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:18Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:20Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:22Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:24Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:26Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:28Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:30Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:32Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:34Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:36Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:38Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:40Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:42Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:44Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:46Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:48Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:50Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:52Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:54Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:56Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
11:58Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:00Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:02Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:04Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:06Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:08Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:10Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:12Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:14Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:16Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:18Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:20Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:22Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:24Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:26Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:28Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:30Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:32Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:34Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:36Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:38Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:40Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:42Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:44Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:46Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:48Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:50Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:52Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:54Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:56Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
12:58Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:00Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:02Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:04Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:06Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:08Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:10Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:12Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:14Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:16Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:18Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:20Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:22Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:24Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:26Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:28Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:30Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:32Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:34Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:36Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:38Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:40Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:42Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:44Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:46Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:48Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:50Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:52Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:54Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:56Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
13:58Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
14:00Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
14:02Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
14:04Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
14:06Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
14:08Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
14:10Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
14:12Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
14:14Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
14:16Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
14:18Okay, so, this is Dr. Vladimir, heading off of Soviet Space Agency.
