Brandtley Greenlaw: El Sellamiento de los Santos / The Sealing of the Saints
Sermón bilingue ( english / spanish)
Sábado Especial 24 Agosto 2024
Red ADvenir Television
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Sermón bilingue ( english / spanish)
Sábado Especial 24 Agosto 2024
Red ADvenir Television
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00:00:00Good morning and happy Sabbath day everyone.
00:00:26Thank you for coming today.
00:00:27It's good to see you.
00:00:30And we want to welcome everyone who is watching online.
00:00:37Welcome to all of you and may God bless us today as we cover these important topics.
00:00:48This is an important topic today.
00:00:54It has to do with how each and every one of us who wants to follow God will eventually be sealed.
00:01:07So we're going to talk about the time that we live in today.
00:01:14And what's going to happen from this point forward.
00:01:20Before we begin, let us kneel and ask the Lord to be with us.
00:01:32Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father,
00:01:38we ask for a special outpouring of your Holy Spirit today
00:01:45on each and every person watching.
00:01:51Dear Lord, we want to be sanctified in our hearts.
00:01:58We want your blessing today.
00:02:02And so we give up our will for your will.
00:02:09We invite the Holy Spirit now to join us
00:02:14and your holy angels to surround us in this room
00:02:21and in this place.
00:02:24Thank you, dear Lord, for hearing us now.
00:02:28Grant us your presence, we pray.
00:02:32In the name of Jesus. Amen.
00:02:41So we're going to cover a very important topic today, as I said earlier.
00:02:51And most of us who are in Adventism know this as the Day of Atonement.
00:02:58So if you remember in the Bible,
00:03:02the Day of Atonement was a day that happened one time per year.
00:03:12And this is when all the people in the camp of Israel had to afflict their souls.
00:03:27Meaning they had to examine themselves.
00:03:33They had to put off all sin.
00:03:38Sin is another word for disobedience.
00:03:45And they had to confess those sins.
00:03:49And then they would be clean.
00:03:53The priest would then go into the temple
00:03:59and he would place the sins of the people on the altar.
00:04:07This is when God would blot their sins out from all the people.
00:04:13And in effect would cleanse the temple of all the sins that had been placed there during the year.
00:04:26There's a second thing that happens after that,
00:04:29which is placing the sins on the scapegoat.
00:04:38And all those sins on that scapegoat
00:04:40and all those sins on that scapegoat
00:04:42would then be let out by a strong man into the wilderness.
00:04:52So we call this the typical Day of Atonement.
00:04:58And once Christ paid the price by dying for our sins,
00:05:11this started what we call the anti-typical days or feast days.
00:05:21Each one of those feast days has occurred in an anti-typical sense
00:05:25and we now live in the anti-typical Day of Atonement.
00:05:41So there is one final feast day left
00:05:50and that is the Feast of Tabernacles.
00:05:54The anti-typical day has not yet occurred.
00:06:00It is yet future from this point in time.
00:06:03So today we're going to cover the anti-typical Day of Atonement.
00:06:13This is the day that we are actually living in right now.
00:06:22And this day started in the year 1844.
00:06:32Alright, so during this Day of Atonement there are a few things that will happen.
00:06:42Jesus right now is investigating the cases of all the people
00:06:48who profess to be followers of God who have died.
00:06:52This is called the Investigative Judgment of the Dead.
00:07:02So what is coming up is the Investigative Judgment of the Living.
00:07:11This is the time period that you and I live in right now.
00:07:23Now this Investigative Judgment of the Living has not yet begun.
00:07:30And we will show you when that time period is going to begin.
00:07:36When that time period begins, it is also known as the Shaking Time.
00:07:42And this Shaking Time basically separates the sheep and the goats.
00:07:47It separates the good and the bad.
00:08:00That Shaking Time then resolves into what we call the Sealing Time.
00:08:12The Sealing Time is followed by the Close of Probation.
00:08:20And the Coming of Jesus.
00:08:24Alright, and what we're also going to deal with is how the Mighty Power of the Holy Spirit works.
00:08:36And then we'll talk about the result of the Mighty Power of the Holy Spirit.
00:08:41Después vamos a mirar el resultado de esa obra que hizo el Espíritu Santo.
00:08:45And we'll show you how Satan is trying to attack us.
00:08:53We will then follow up with the conclusion of what we're going over today.
00:09:01Okay, so I'm going to start off by reading a quotation from Ellen White.
00:09:12This is on the Day of Atonement. What is the Day of Atonement?
00:09:19And she says that in the typical service of the Day of Atonement,
00:09:25only those who had come before God with confession and repentance
00:09:31and whose sins through the blood of the sin offering were transferred to the sanctuary.
00:09:37Those are the only ones who had part in the service of the Day of Atonement.
00:09:59So this is the typical service. This is the one that the Israelites went through in the wilderness.
00:10:04She goes on to say that so in the great day of final atonement and investigative judgment,
00:10:12only the cases considered are those of the professed people of God.
00:10:18So God, in effect, is only going to judge or look at the people who professed to be followers of Him.
00:10:30The judgment of the wicked is a distinct and separate work
00:10:35that is going to be judged by the people of God.
00:10:47And takes place at a later time.
00:10:56Then she quotes 1 Peter 4.17, which says,
00:10:59Judgment must begin at the house of God.
00:11:10And if it begins at the house of God, it must first begin at us.
00:11:14What shall be the end of them that obey not the gospel?
00:11:26So here we see that the time coming up,
00:11:29which is going to be the judgment or investigative judgment of the living,
00:11:33will only be for the professed people of God.
00:11:45During this judgment time, as we said earlier,
00:11:48we're going to see what's called the shaking.
00:11:56And the substitution of the laws of men for the law of God,
00:12:00the exaltation by merely human authority of Sunday in the place of the Bible Sabbath,
00:12:06is the last act in the drama.
00:12:15So during this investigative judgment,
00:12:18this last act in the drama, or the substitution of Sunday in the place of the Sabbath,
00:12:24is what we will see take place.
00:12:27Okay, when this substitution becomes universal or worldwide,
00:12:32God will reveal himself.
00:12:39When this substitution becomes universal,
00:12:42God will reveal himself.
00:12:47And when this substitution becomes universal,
00:12:50God will reveal himself.
00:12:57In other words, when the Sunday laws is placed into effect worldwide and enforced,
00:13:03that's when God will reveal himself.
00:13:11It says that he will arise in his majesty and shake terribly the earth.
00:13:18It says that he will arise in his majesty and shake terribly the earth.
00:13:40In Isaiah 2.19 it says,
00:13:42Can you imagine how God feels when the entire planet has made void the entire Ten Commandments of his law?
00:13:53Can you imagine how God feels when the entire planet has made void the entire Ten Commandments of his law?
00:14:08That's total rebellion. Total rebellion.
00:14:13It says he will come out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the world for their iniquity.
00:14:26And the earth shall disclose her blood and shall no more cover her slain.
00:14:31And the earth shall disclose her blood and shall no more cover her slain.
00:14:44In Testimonies, Volume 1, she talks about a vision she had.
00:14:51And she says what she saw in that vision.
00:14:54She said, I was shown the people of God and I saw them mightily shaken.
00:15:04Some with strong faith and agonizing cries were pleading with God.
00:15:15Their countenances were pale and marked with deep anxiety expressive of their internal struggle.
00:15:24I asked the meaning of the shaking that I had seen and was shown that it would be caused by the straight testimony called forth by the counsel of the true witness to the Laodiceans.
00:15:36I asked the meaning of the shaking that I had seen and was shown that it would be caused by the straight testimony called forth by the counsel of the true witness to the Laodiceans.
00:15:53So who are the Laodiceans?
00:15:57That is the church or the people making up God's church in the last days.
00:16:06Those people are what is called being lukewarm.
00:16:15And when you drink a glass of water, sometimes we like it cold and sometimes we like it hot.
00:16:27But if we're expecting hot water or if we're expecting cold water and it's lukewarm, what do we usually do? We don't like it.
00:16:37And in the book of Revelation, Jesus says, because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth.
00:16:50So this vision, she's seeing the call of the true witness is to these people, us, who are lukewarm.
00:17:07And this is causing a shaking amongst the people.
00:17:19So this will have its effect upon the heart of the receiver.
00:17:27And will lead him to exalt the standard and pour forth the straight truth.
00:17:37Some will not bear the straight testimony.
00:17:42They will rise up against it.
00:17:46And this will cause a shaking among God's people.
00:17:51You can find this in First Testimonies, Volume 1, page 181.
00:17:57So the testimony of the true witness has not been half-heeded.
00:18:06The solemn testimony upon which the destiny of the church hangs has been lightly esteemed and if not entirely disregarded.
00:18:16We're just ignoring it, aren't we?
00:18:20Are we paying attention to what God is asking us?
00:18:26He's asking us to afflict our souls.
00:18:32Are we paying attention to what God is asking us?
00:18:38Are we paying attention to what God is asking us?
00:18:46That means to examine our hearts.
00:18:51To see whether we are still sinning against God.
00:18:58And if we are still sinning, He's asking us to repent.
00:19:05Why? Because He is coming back very soon.
00:19:09And this is the last time in our lives that we have to get ready.
00:19:17So this testimony must work deep repentance.
00:19:25So that all that truly receive it will obey it and be purified.
00:19:31Because only a purified person will be able to stand when Jesus comes.
00:19:44There cannot be a single sin in your heart.
00:19:50As Uncle David talked about previously, he said, no secret sins can exist.
00:19:56Just because somebody else cannot see what you do, doesn't mean that you are not seen.
00:20:05For God can see everything.
00:20:09Imagine today, our military has gobbles,
00:20:14and we have to wear goggles,
00:20:17and we have to wear a mask,
00:20:20and we have to wear a mask,
00:20:22and today our military has goggles that can see at night.
00:20:33It reminds me of a time that I was working for a particular company,
00:20:42and there was another person who lived on the other side of the United States,
00:20:46and I said, you know, is there anybody at your house, watching your house while you're gone?
00:20:59And he said, no, I have my own house by myself,
00:21:05but I have these infrared monitors in my house,
00:21:09so that even though the lights are off,
00:21:12when these cameras look, it appears as though it's daylight.
00:21:24And he took out his cell phone, and he did a couple of clicks,
00:21:28and he said, there, and he showed me a picture,
00:21:31and he says, it's nighttime over there now, but it looked just like daylight.
00:21:34And he says, it's nighttime over there now, but it looked just like daylight.
00:21:45He said, in fact, there was a burglar that broke into his house,
00:21:49he thought everything was dark, he just went around and picked up what he wanted,
00:21:53but the cameras showed him perfectly.
00:22:05So, if we can see in the dark, being mankind with our devices,
00:22:10don't you think God can see your heart?
00:22:24He can see what's in your heart,
00:22:27so you can't hide from God.
00:22:30And what a wonderful God we have, that He doesn't use that against us.
00:22:38He respects our heart.
00:22:41He respects our decisions.
00:22:44Even the wicked, He respects their decision to be wicked.
00:22:51But He also respects your decision, and my decision, to be right with Him.
00:23:00So, we must have a deep repentance, a full repentance in our hearts.
00:23:10Okay, going on, let's continue on in the vision that Ellen White was having.
00:23:17She said, the numbers of this company had lessened, they had decreased.
00:23:24Some had been shaken out, and others had been saved.
00:23:29And left by the way.
00:23:35The careless and indifferent, who did not join with those who prized victory and salvation enough
00:23:43to perseveringly plead and agonize for it, did not obtain it.
00:23:50And they were left behind in darkness.
00:24:00Are you being careless and indifferent with your eternal life?
00:24:11Do you prize victory over sin and salvation enough to be agonizing for it?
00:24:22Are you pleading God for victory?
00:24:30Not just once, but every day.
00:24:35Plead for it.
00:24:40So, their numbers were immediately made up, the ones who left were made up by others
00:24:46taking hold of the truth and coming into the ranks.
00:25:00Still the evil angels pressed around them, but they could have no power over them.
00:25:13The truth alone was exalted to them, and it was dearer and more precious than life.
00:25:20The truth alone was exalted to them, and it was dearer and more precious than life.
00:25:29It is because they were hungry and thirsty for the truth.
00:25:38She had this vision 150, 120 years ago.
00:25:42And we have read this vision just in the last, well, in my lifetime, in our lifetime.
00:25:50And I always wondered why it said that they had been hungry and thirsting for truth.
00:25:59Now I know.
00:26:02If you look around you in the world today,
00:26:07what do we see?
00:26:09We see fake news.
00:26:13We see confusion.
00:26:16We don't know what is right and what is true and what is false.
00:26:22The only way we're going to know what is true is by looking and comparing what we see with the Word of God.
00:26:28Satan has already started his final campaign of confusion in the world.
00:26:38So in her vision she says, I asked what had made this great change.
00:26:48Why were people coming into the ranks of God's people?
00:26:58And an angel answered and said, it is the latter rain.
00:27:06It's the refreshing from the presence of the Lord.
00:27:11It is the loud cry of the third angel.
00:27:17Now, she also has some sobering thoughts to say here.
00:27:21Not everyone will respond to the truth.
00:27:28And all those who wish to draw off from the body of Christ will have their opportunity.
00:27:39There is something that will arise to test everyone.
00:27:43So, there's plenty out there that will cause people to leave the truth.
00:27:55Only those who have a belief and a faith in God will survive.
00:28:00She says in First Testimonies, page 251, that,
00:28:03this great sifting time is just before us.
00:28:15She says the jealous and the angry are the ones who will survive.
00:28:20It is because they hate reproof and they despise correction.
00:28:30She says in First Testimonies, page 251 that,
00:28:34the guilty and the guilty will be shaken out.
00:28:37culpables que están atentos al mal serán sacudidos.
00:28:41It is because they hate reproof and they despise correction.
00:28:45Es porque odian la reprensión y desprecian la corrección.
00:28:50Satan will work his miracles to deceive and he will set up his power as supreme.
00:28:56Satanás orará sus milagros para engañar, él establecerá su poder como supremo.
00:29:01And during this process the church may appear as about to fall, but it does not fall.
00:29:13So don't be discouraged when you see this happening.
00:29:22He will work true miracles that will deceive everyone.
00:29:28And as we know they are designed to deceive the very elect of God.
00:29:39So this judgment process, this shaking time goes as follows, that it remains while the
00:29:44sinners in Zion will be sifted out, the chaff separated from the precious wheat.
00:29:51This is a terrible ordeal, but nevertheless it must take place.
00:29:57None but those who have been overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony
00:30:03will be found with the loyal and true.
00:30:07Nadie sino aquellos que han sido vencidos por la sangre del Cordero y la palabra de
00:30:13su testimonio serán sacudidos.
00:30:16None but those who have been overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony
00:30:26will be found with the loyal and true.
00:30:29So did you hear those last two words, the loyal and true?
00:30:36We must demonstrate our loyalty to Jesus 100% and be true to Him.
00:30:49We must be without spot or stain of sin.
00:30:56We must be without guile in our mouths.
00:31:02What is guile, but it is deceit.
00:31:06Guile is deceit.
00:31:12So what we see in this process is that the sifting time is actually preparing the 144,000.
00:31:19So the remnant people that purify their souls by obeying the truth,
00:31:24they actually gather strength from this trying process.
00:31:34This is found in 7 Bible Commentary, page 911.
00:31:38So while this agonizing and this time of struggling of our souls is going on,
00:31:46we as God's people will actually gather strength from this process.
00:31:51God's people will exhibit the beauty of holiness.
00:32:00Even around all of the apostles,
00:32:03all of the prophets, all of the saints,
00:32:06all of the prophets of God,
00:32:08all of the prophets of God,
00:32:10all of the prophets of God,
00:32:12all of the prophets of God,
00:32:15even around all of the apostasy that's happening around them.
00:32:29So what is this shaking time?
00:32:34This is found in Daniel 11, 35 through 36, 38.
00:32:45Turn with me to Daniel 11, 35.
00:32:52Most of us have struggled with the chapter 11 of Daniel.
00:33:02But it is amazing how it is coming alive in these last days.
00:33:06Because the events that are happening in the world
00:33:09are matching up with what is happening,
00:33:11with what is said in Daniel 11.
00:33:20Okay, so let's turn to Daniel 11, 35.
00:33:25And it says,
00:33:26And some of them of understanding shall fall
00:33:29to try them and to purge and to make them white
00:33:32to try them and to purge and to make them white
00:33:35even to the time of the end
00:33:37because it is yet for a time appointed.
00:33:50Notice those words,
00:33:51to the time of the end because it is yet for a time appointed.
00:33:55Notice those words,
00:33:56to the time of the end because it is yet for a time appointed.
00:34:04The time appointed is happening at the time of the end.
00:34:10And what is this time of the end?
00:34:15Is it the end of somebody's reign?
00:34:20Or the time of some country when it falls?
00:34:24No, as you read Daniel
00:34:26and you go to the end of the chapter,
00:34:28it says this is the end of the world.
00:34:36Because in chapter 12 it says
00:34:38that's when Michael, or Jesus, stands up.
00:34:47And he declares that it's finished.
00:34:49And he declares that it's finished.
00:34:51So this word, the time of the end,
00:34:53is referring to the end of the world.
00:34:59So there is a time appointed time period
00:35:02that will happen at the end of the world.
00:35:10It goes on to say,
00:35:11And some of them of understanding shall fall
00:35:14to try them
00:35:20or refine them as metal
00:35:24and to purge them with hyssop.
00:35:28Purging is done with hyssop.
00:35:30That's found in Psalms 51 verse 7.
00:35:34And to make them white
00:35:38referring to the blotting out of sins
00:35:40in Isaiah 1 verse 18.
00:35:44Even to the time of the end.
00:35:50Why? Because it is yet for a time appointed.
00:35:56In other words, it's being saved
00:35:58for the last time period.
00:36:04This cleansing of your heart,
00:36:08this cleansing of your mind,
00:36:11this cleansing of your mind,
00:36:14the final cleansing will occur
00:36:16in this final time period.
00:36:22This final time period
00:36:24is when God will make up his kingdom.
00:36:31It will be the last time period
00:36:33for the living.
00:36:36It will be the last time period
00:36:38that you have a chance
00:36:40to show your loyalty to God.
00:36:46It is the last time period
00:36:48to show your obedience to God.
00:36:53Because we live on a rebellious planet.
00:36:58Every one of us has a desire to rebel
00:37:00just innately born in us.
00:37:06And that's what self wants to do.
00:37:11So we need to die to self.
00:37:17Now let's take you to the time appointed.
00:37:22Where in the Bible does it talk about
00:37:24this time appointed time
00:37:26at the time of the end?
00:37:35Turn with me to Daniel chapter 12, verse 7.
00:37:41Daniel 12, 7.
00:37:45And it says in that verse,
00:37:47and I heard the man clothed in linen.
00:37:49So Daniel is speaking here.
00:37:53And he says, I heard the man clothed in linen
00:38:00which was upon the waters of the river
00:38:05and he held up his right hand
00:38:07and his left hand unto heaven.
00:38:13And he swore by him that liveth forever
00:38:23that it or this time period
00:38:25that Daniel had seen
00:38:29shall be for a time, times and a half.
00:38:35And when he shall have accomplished
00:38:37to scatter the power of the holy people
00:38:47all these things shall be finished.
00:38:53So once the time, times and a half
00:38:55has been completed
00:38:57or three and a half years
00:38:59then everything will be done.
00:39:05So the Hebrew word for time, times and a half
00:39:11is the letter H or Hebrew
00:39:13and the number is 4150.
00:39:25And that word in Hebrew, time, times and a half
00:39:27means a time appointed.
00:39:35It doesn't mean
00:39:37a revolving seasonal yearly cycle.
00:39:45Elsewhere in the Bible
00:39:47there is a different Hebrew word
00:39:49which refers to a yearly cycle.
00:39:55But only here
00:39:57is this word used
00:39:59in the framework
00:40:01of a time, an appointed time.
00:40:05So let's continue on
00:40:07with what this means.
00:40:13In Psalm 17.3
00:40:15it says, Thou hast proved my heart
00:40:17Thou hast visited me
00:40:19in the night
00:40:21Thou hast tried me.
00:40:27And Thou shalt find nothing
00:40:29in the night
00:40:31Thou shalt find nothing
00:40:33And Thou shalt find nothing
00:40:39Because I have purposed
00:40:41that my mouth shall not transgress.
00:40:47So God is going to try us
00:40:49at the end of this time appointed
00:40:51time period and
00:40:53at that point if we have
00:40:55cleansed our hearts
00:40:57He will find no sin in us.
00:41:05we have confessed
00:41:07every single sin
00:41:09there will be no sin left in us.
00:41:17Psalm 51.7 says
00:41:19Purge me with hyssop
00:41:21and I shall be clean.
00:41:27Wash me
00:41:29and I shall be whiter than snow.
00:41:33Wash me
00:41:35and I shall be whiter than snow.
00:41:39In Isaiah 1.18 says
00:41:41Come now let us reason together
00:41:43saith the Lord.
00:41:47Though your sins
00:41:49be as scarlet
00:41:53the color scarlet is red
00:41:59they shall be white
00:42:01though they be red
00:42:03like crimson
00:42:07they shall be as wool
00:42:11If any of you have ever seen
00:42:13pure sheep's wool you see
00:42:15that it is a beautiful white color.
00:42:21And I want to add
00:42:23another final verse
00:42:25in Ephesians for you.
00:42:32So Ephesians 4.30 says
00:42:34And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God
00:42:42Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God
00:42:44whereby ye are sealed
00:42:46unto the day of redemption.
00:42:52That day of redemption is
00:42:54otherwise known as the time appointed.
00:42:58Alright so let's go on now
00:43:00to the sealing process.
00:43:04We can find the sealing process
00:43:06in Ezekiel chapter 9.
00:43:10So if you like turn with me
00:43:12to Ezekiel chapter 9 verse 3.
00:43:18This is a very interesting chapter
00:43:20because it describes
00:43:22what was going to happen to Israel as well.
00:43:30It's a vision that Ezekiel saw.
00:43:34Ezekiel chapter 9 verse 3 says
00:43:36And the glory of the Lord
00:43:38of Israel was gone up
00:43:40from the cherub
00:43:42whereupon he was
00:43:44to the threshold of the house.
00:43:52So the glory of the Lord
00:43:54had departed from the sanctuary.
00:44:00According to Ezekiel 9.3
00:44:02Ellen White also says
00:44:04that Jesus is about to leave the mercy seat
00:44:06of the heavenly sanctuary
00:44:08to put on garments of vengeance
00:44:10and to pour out his wrath in judgments
00:44:12upon those who have not responded
00:44:14to the light God has given them.
00:44:30So right now Jesus
00:44:32is at the mercy seat
00:44:34in this antitypical day of atonement.
00:44:44So Jesus is going to
00:44:46leave that mercy seat
00:44:48and he will put on his garments of vengeance.
00:44:56When he puts on that vengeance
00:44:58that garment of vengeance
00:45:00he will pour out
00:45:02the judgments upon the world.
00:45:08Those who have rejected
00:45:10the light that he has given.
00:45:14Going on in verse 3 he says
00:45:16And he called to the man clothed
00:45:18with linen which had the writer's
00:45:20incorn by his side.
00:45:29And the Lord said unto him
00:45:31Go through the midst of the city
00:45:33through the midst of Jerusalem
00:45:35and set a mark
00:45:37upon the foreheads of the men
00:45:39that sigh and that cry
00:45:41for all the abominations
00:45:43done in the midst thereof.
00:45:59And to the others
00:46:01he said in mine hearing
00:46:03Go ye after them through the city
00:46:05and smite.
00:46:07Let not your eyes spare
00:46:09neither have ye pee.
00:46:19So what we see so far is that
00:46:21there is an angel
00:46:23with a writer's incorn which places
00:46:25a mark in the forehead of those
00:46:27who are sighing and crying
00:46:29for the abominations done in Israel.
00:46:39And after that angel
00:46:41places a mark in the forehead
00:46:43of those people
00:46:45there are some others that go after
00:46:47through the city to destroy.
00:46:58And the command is
00:47:00to slay utterly old and young
00:47:02both maids
00:47:04and little children
00:47:06and women
00:47:08but come not near any man upon whom
00:47:10is the mark
00:47:12and begin at my sanctuary.
00:47:14And the command is
00:47:16to slay utterly old and young
00:47:18both maids and little children
00:47:20and women
00:47:22but come not near any man
00:47:24upon whom is the mark
00:47:26and begin at my sanctuary.
00:47:30And they began at the ancient men
00:47:32which were before the house.
00:47:44And the command is
00:47:46to slay the wicked.
00:48:00But who gets slayed first?
00:48:06He says begin at my sanctuary.
00:48:10Begin at my house.
00:48:14And the command is
00:48:16to slay the wicked.
00:48:18But he said start with those
00:48:20false preachers
00:48:22those false conference people
00:48:24those false lay preachers
00:48:26anyone who has falsely
00:48:28led my people astray.
00:48:44And they began at the ancient men
00:48:46which were before the house.
00:48:50So that means the elders
00:48:52the ones who had knowledge
00:48:54the one who has experience.
00:49:00Those are the people that
00:49:02knew better.
00:49:06And they were intentionally
00:49:08leading the people astray.
00:49:14And we know through the Bible
00:49:16and through prophecy that there's going to be
00:49:18millions of people who will be led astray.
00:49:26Ellen White says that
00:49:28the work of destruction begins among
00:49:30those who have professed to be
00:49:32the spiritual guardians of the people.
00:49:34They knew better.
00:49:36The false watchmen
00:49:38are the first to fall.
00:49:44There are none to pity or to spare
00:49:46men, women, and maidens
00:49:48and little children perish together.
00:49:50You can find this in the great
00:49:52controversy page 656.
00:49:58Oh my dear friends
00:50:00please don't let this be any of your children.
00:50:06Tell them the truth. Preach the truth
00:50:08to every child.
00:50:10And let them know that
00:50:12the truth is the truth.
00:50:14And the truth is the truth.
00:50:16And the truth is the truth.
00:50:18Tell them the truth. Preach the truth to them.
00:50:22Educate them. Pray for them.
00:50:28The sealing time is very short.
00:50:32And will soon be over.
00:50:36Now is the time.
00:50:38While the four angels are holding back
00:50:40the four winds.
00:50:44This is now the time that we can make
00:50:46our calling and our election sure.
00:50:56Ellen White goes on to say that I was pointed
00:50:58down to the time when the third angel's
00:51:00message was closing.
00:51:08The power of God
00:51:10had rested upon his people
00:51:12and they had accomplished their work.
00:51:16She says
00:51:18and they were prepared
00:51:20for the trying hour before them.
00:51:26She said
00:51:28they had received
00:51:30the latter rain
00:51:34or the refreshing from the presence of the Lord
00:51:38and the living testimony
00:51:40had been revived.
00:51:42That means the truth
00:51:44had been revived
00:51:46in the hearts of the people.
00:51:52The truth has been
00:51:54taken away.
00:51:56It has been cut out
00:51:58over the dark ages
00:52:00of the history in time.
00:52:02And little by little
00:52:04through the protesting
00:52:06of Catholic priests
00:52:10the protesting of different people
00:52:12throughout the ages has revived
00:52:14this truth.
00:52:33But the outpouring
00:52:35of the latter rain will
00:52:37fully revive the truth
00:52:39and the living testimony in the people.
00:52:47It's going to be a beautiful thing.
00:52:52Sorry, the last great warning
00:52:54had sounded everywhere
00:52:59and it had stirred up
00:53:01and enraged the inhabitants of the earth
00:53:06those who would not receive
00:53:08the message.
00:53:11And I saw angels hurrying
00:53:13to and fro in heaven.
00:53:17An angel with a writer's inkhorn
00:53:19by his side returned from the earth
00:53:26and he reported to Jesus
00:53:28that his work was done.
00:53:32The saints were numbered
00:53:34and sealed.
00:53:38Then I saw Jesus
00:53:40throw down the censer.
00:53:44He raised up his hands
00:53:46and with a loud voice said,
00:53:48It is done!
00:53:54And I saw another angel
00:53:56ascending from the east
00:53:58having the seal of the living God
00:54:01This is found in Revelation chapter 7
00:54:07And he cried with a loud voice
00:54:09to the four angels
00:54:13to whom it was given
00:54:15to hurt the earth and the sea
00:54:19saying, Hurt not the earth
00:54:21neither the sea nor the trees
00:54:23till we have sealed
00:54:25the servants of our God
00:54:27in their foreheads
00:54:30So Revelation chapter 7
00:54:32verse 2 and 3
00:54:34confirms what Ellen White
00:54:36saw in her vision.
00:54:42She goes on to say that
00:54:44just before we entered
00:54:46the time of trouble
00:54:52we all received the seal
00:54:54of the living God
00:54:57we all received the seal
00:54:59of the living God
00:55:03Then I saw the four angels
00:55:05cease to hold the four winds
00:55:11and I saw famine
00:55:13and pestilence and sword
00:55:15nation rose against nation
00:55:17and the whole world was in confusion
00:55:27So you see that
00:55:29God's people will have to go
00:55:31through this time appointed
00:55:33or the time period called
00:55:35the time appointed
00:55:41We will be tried
00:55:43and tested and purified
00:55:49We will be made white
00:55:57Our sins will be blotted
00:55:59from our record
00:56:03We will be filled with the Holy Spirit
00:56:07and then we will be
00:56:09completely sealed
00:56:13Once we are sealed
00:56:15then the four angels
00:56:17release the winds
00:56:21and that's when all chaos
00:56:23is seen in the world
00:56:27famine, pestilence and sword
00:56:31and the whole world
00:56:33is in confusion
00:56:37She goes on to say
00:56:39in number 15 of
00:56:41manuscript release
00:56:47She says the Lord has shown me
00:56:49clearly that the image of the beast
00:56:51will be formed before
00:56:53probation closes
00:56:57In a previous message called
00:56:59the future is here
00:57:01we saw clearly
00:57:03that the image of the beast
00:57:05is now being formed
00:57:11So this image of the beast
00:57:13will be formed before
00:57:15probation closes
00:57:21and the whole world
00:57:23is in confusion
00:57:27for it is to be
00:57:29the great test
00:57:31for the people of God
00:57:37This great test is
00:57:39what will determine
00:57:41their eternal destiny
00:57:47It is the thing that will decide
00:57:49by which their eternal destiny
00:57:51will be decided
00:57:57This is the test
00:57:59that the people of God must have
00:58:01before they are
00:58:03sealed, she says
00:58:08There are some people who are going out
00:58:10there saying that we must all be sealed
00:58:12before the Sunday Law
00:58:19But that contradicts
00:58:21completely what we see here
00:58:23on Spirit of Prophecy
00:58:27She goes on to say that
00:58:29this Sunday Law test
00:58:31is the test that the people of God
00:58:33must have before
00:58:35they are sealed
00:58:43All who prove their loyalty to God
00:58:45by observing His Law
00:58:47and refusing to accept
00:58:49a spurious Sabbath
00:58:51will rank under the banner
00:58:53of the Lord God Jehovah
00:58:55and will receive
00:58:57the seal of the Living God
00:59:11So this is the great test
00:59:13for God's people
00:59:19After all, we see that God's people
00:59:21are the ones who actually will
00:59:23go through this investigative judgment
00:59:33And those who yield
00:59:35the truth of heavenly origin
00:59:37and accept the Sunday Sabbath
00:59:39will receive the mark of the beast
00:59:47And last but not least
00:59:49she actually gives a little
00:59:52sentence that shows
00:59:54common sense
01:00:02She says, what need will there be
01:00:04of the solemn warning
01:00:06not to receive the mark of the beast
01:00:08when all the saints of God are sealed
01:00:10and ticketed for the New Jerusalem
01:00:13She says, oh consistency
01:00:15thou art a jewel
01:00:23So we have to be consistent
01:00:25in our understanding of this whole process
01:00:32The last act in the drama
01:00:34is a Sunday Law
01:00:36which God's people will be tested on
01:00:43Will your loyalty be
01:00:45to the laws of man
01:00:47or will it be to the law of God?
01:00:58let's read
01:01:00and let's see
01:01:02how this process
01:01:04of conversion
01:01:08this process of sanctification
01:01:16Because this process of sanctification
01:01:18is what all of us are going to go through
01:01:20coming up
01:01:28so in the Spirit of Prophecy she says
01:01:40Making him a new creature
01:01:42in Christ Jesus
01:01:54So it's the Holy Spirit
01:01:56which transforms you and I
01:02:00into a new person
01:02:10You can't do it on your own
01:02:12I can't do it on my own
01:02:16We have to let go
01:02:20Let go of the steering wheel
01:02:24and ask God to drive the car
01:02:28because then he will
01:02:30send the Holy Spirit
01:02:32to make that transformation of our characters
01:02:34and then we will become
01:02:36a new person in Christ
01:02:42When a man is filled with the Spirit
01:02:44the more severely
01:02:46he is tested
01:02:52So don't be alarmed
01:02:54that now all of a sudden
01:02:56that you have given up yourself
01:02:58that now all of a sudden
01:03:00these trials come your way
01:03:05She says that
01:03:07the more he is filled with the Spirit
01:03:09the more he is tested and tried
01:03:11and the more clearly he proves
01:03:13that he is a representative of Christ
01:03:26The peace that dwells in the soul
01:03:28is seen on the countenance
01:03:34My wife has been reading the Fox's Book of Martyrs
01:03:41and in this book
01:03:43what she noticed that stood out
01:03:49is that all of God's people
01:03:51who were burnt at the stake
01:03:53had peace on their face
01:04:01Some of them, their ropes had burnt off
01:04:05the ropes that held them to the stake
01:04:11and they held the stake
01:04:15they did not try to get away
01:04:19Other people were singing
01:04:23like Paul and Silas were singing in prison
01:04:27even though they had blood on their face
01:04:29they had been beaten hard
01:04:31they were singing to God
01:04:35So the peace that dwells in the soul
01:04:37is seen on the face
01:04:39on the countenance
01:04:45The words and actions
01:04:47express the love of the Savior
01:04:53All those that were martyred
01:04:55they showed the love of God
01:04:57to those who were burning them
01:05:05So when you are filled
01:05:07with the Holy Spirit
01:05:11there is no striving
01:05:13for the highest place
01:05:17self is renounced
01:05:21The name of Jesus is written
01:05:23on all that is said and done
01:05:30There is nothing in you
01:05:32that would be wicked or worldly
01:05:37There will be nothing in you
01:05:41that will make you want what you want
01:05:49You will put others first
01:05:53This is what happens
01:05:55when we are transformed
01:05:59We may talk of the blessings
01:06:01of the Holy Spirit
01:06:03but unless we prepare ourselves
01:06:05for its reception
01:06:07what good is our works?
01:06:17Are we striving
01:06:19with all our power
01:06:21to attain to the stature
01:06:23of men and women in Christ?
01:06:25Are we seeking for His fullness
01:06:27and pressing towards the mark
01:06:29set before us?
01:06:37And then she says
01:06:39what that mark is
01:06:43The perfection of His character
01:06:49The perfection of your character
01:06:51of my character
01:06:56When the Lord's people
01:06:58reach this mark
01:07:00or perfection of character
01:07:02they will be sealed
01:07:04in their foreheads
01:07:08Filled with the Spirit
01:07:10they will be complete in Christ
01:07:12and the recording angel
01:07:14will declare
01:07:16it is finished
01:07:22So we see here
01:07:24this process
01:07:26of being cleansed
01:07:28being tried, cleansed
01:07:30and purified
01:07:32and perfection of character
01:07:34will happen fully
01:07:36right before we are sealed
01:07:38with the seal of God
01:07:46And who does this?
01:07:48It is the Holy Spirit
01:07:50Because filled with the Spirit
01:07:52we will be complete in Christ
01:07:54and the recording angel will say
01:07:56it is done
01:08:04I want to share with you
01:08:06what it says that Satan will do
01:08:10Satan is going to try to stop this
01:08:14He is going to make you think
01:08:16that there is no Holy Spirit
01:08:18He is going to make you
01:08:20disbelieve in God
01:08:24or Jesus
01:08:26that Jesus was not divine
01:08:30He is going to do anything
01:08:32to distract you
01:08:34keep you focused
01:08:36on some little petty matter
01:08:38or some little petty small thing
01:08:44She says
01:08:46I saw Satan would work
01:08:48more powerfully now
01:08:50than ever he has before
01:08:58Because he knows that his time is short
01:09:00and that the sealing of the saints
01:09:02will place them
01:09:04beyond his power
01:09:12Once we are sealed
01:09:14Satan will not touch us
01:09:20Because it is finished
01:09:24The decision has been made
01:09:26and the saints are sealed
01:09:32She says Satan will work
01:09:34in every way that he can
01:09:36and will try his every insinuation
01:09:38to get the saints off their guard
01:09:40and get them asleep
01:09:42on the present truth
01:09:44or doubting it
01:09:46so as to prevent
01:09:48their being sealed
01:09:50with the seal of the living God
01:09:52Those who give in
01:09:54during this time period
01:09:56whether for fear
01:09:58of losing their job
01:10:22being ridiculed or censured
01:10:24or having their bank accounts cut off
01:10:34Those who give in
01:10:36will be given the mark of the beast
01:10:44There is no second chance
01:10:46and there is no changing their mind
01:10:50It will be it
01:10:54You know you will be told
01:10:56these things like
01:10:58God understands your need
01:11:00to feed your family and your children
01:11:08So just go along with it
01:11:12Don't worry about it
01:11:14God understands
01:11:16Don't believe it
01:11:18God has given us
01:11:20a testing time
01:11:22and this is the test
01:11:28Do you want to be found
01:11:30in the balance, found wanting
01:11:32weighed in the balance and found wanting
01:11:38They may call you an unfit parent
01:11:40if you don't go along with them
01:11:48You gave up your job
01:11:50because you won't
01:11:52obey the Sunday Law
01:11:58They will blame it on you
01:12:00and make it your fault
01:12:04But in reality what has happened
01:12:08The world has gone off
01:12:10the straight and narrow path
01:12:14and they are really asking you
01:12:16to follow them
01:12:18Don't follow them
01:12:20Stay on the straight and narrow path
01:12:22to heaven
01:12:28So at this time of the end
01:12:30there will also be a death decree
01:12:32that is going to be pronounced
01:12:40But remember the time of Esther
01:12:42there was a death decree then
01:12:47And just as Haman
01:12:49built the gallows for Mordecai
01:12:51he himself was the one who was hung
01:13:00And so this death decree
01:13:02that is meant for all of God's people
01:13:04will actually occur to them
01:13:06And just as the same decree
01:13:08that is meant for all of God's people
01:13:10will occur to the contrary
01:13:12and to the one who sins
01:13:30In Testimony 5, page 450
01:13:32it says
01:13:36Now, as in the days of Mordecai
01:13:38the Lord will vindicate
01:13:40his truth and his people
01:13:52So that death decree
01:13:54will not hurt us
01:13:56because as we said earlier
01:13:58and as we saw in the word
01:14:00that God's people
01:14:02will be placed
01:14:06the reach of Satan
01:14:16So as we saw before
01:14:18that in Scripture
01:14:20that God's people
01:14:22will be placed out of reach
01:14:24from Satan
01:14:26The Lord will vindicate
01:14:28his people
01:14:32because they have vindicated him
01:14:38They have vindicated his character
01:14:44They have demonstrated that
01:14:46during the worst time
01:14:48of this earth's history
01:14:52during the most severe
01:14:54during the most severest
01:14:56test that is yet to come
01:15:00during this
01:15:04the whole planet's
01:15:10God will have a people that will have a perfect character
01:15:18And this will demonstrate to the entire universe
01:15:20that God can be trusted
01:15:26are we going to have to go through this
01:15:28or will God spare us?
01:15:32Well let's look
01:15:34at what the Bible has shown
01:15:36as an example
01:15:40When Noah was told
01:15:42there was going to be a flood, did God save him from the flood?
01:15:44When Noah was told
01:15:46there was going to be a flood,
01:15:48did God save him from the flood?
01:15:56No, he was saved through the flood
01:15:58not from it
01:16:02Daniel was saved
01:16:04through the lion's den
01:16:06not from the lion's den
01:16:08The three Hebrews
01:16:10were saved through the fiery furnace
01:16:12not from it
01:16:18And the Hebrews
01:16:20at the time of Esther
01:16:22still had to go through
01:16:24the death decree event
01:16:26but they were the ones
01:16:28that were victorious
01:16:34And the Hebrews
01:16:36at the time of Esther
01:16:38still had to go through
01:16:40the death decree event
01:16:42but they were the ones
01:16:44that were victorious
01:16:50So we have these examples
01:16:52from the Bible
01:16:54and it shows that
01:16:56we will go through the crisis
01:16:58we will not be saved from it
01:17:00So let's see
01:17:02what this looks like
01:17:04The judgment and the sealing process
01:17:06consists of two groups of people
01:17:16So we're talking about the investigative judgment
01:17:18not the execution of the sentence
01:17:20of the judgment
01:17:24So there are two classes or two groups
01:17:26They are the dead people of God
01:17:28who are currently being judged
01:17:38And the second group
01:17:40or the second type of people
01:17:42is the living people of God
01:17:44yet to be judged
01:17:52And the living professed people of God
01:17:54are divided into three groups
01:17:58Those who profess
01:18:00to be the people of God
01:18:02but are not
01:18:04they are the five foolish virgins
01:18:06they receive the mark of the beast
01:18:16Second, those professed people of God
01:18:18are those who actually die in Christ
01:18:20during the loud cry
01:18:22as martyrs
01:18:29And the third professed people of God
01:18:31are the 144,000
01:18:33who receive the seal of God
01:18:40Now let me show you graphically
01:18:42how this time appointed time looks like
01:18:50The time of the end is called
01:18:52the time appointed
01:18:55or the appointed time
01:19:00And this is found in Daniel 12, 7
01:19:05That's a three and a half year time period
01:19:10that will begin with the passing of the Sunday Law
01:19:16and enforced worldwide
01:19:18That will begin
01:19:20a really loud cry
01:19:22or I guess the start
01:19:24of the three angels' messages
01:19:30We are seeing
01:19:32certainly our people are giving
01:19:34and we are giving the three angels' messages now
01:19:36but when that Sunday Law is actually passed
01:19:38that's when we really engage
01:19:48And this three and a half year time period
01:19:50is called the little time of trouble
01:19:58Right before this little time of trouble ends
01:20:02we read earlier
01:20:04that the refreshing of the latter rain will come
01:20:18And once the people of God receive
01:20:20the latter rain
01:20:22they will be sealed
01:20:30Then Christ stands up and says
01:20:32it is finished
01:20:38There will be a final death decree issued
01:20:40in the world
01:20:42for all the dissident Sabbath keepers
01:20:52That will be a nice name given to all of us
01:20:54We will be called criminals, you know that
01:21:00We will be blamed for all the calamities
01:21:02the natural disasters that are happening
01:21:08because we're not keeping Sunday
01:21:13And once probation closes
01:21:15then that's when the four angels
01:21:17release the four winds
01:21:26And that is when the destroying angel
01:21:28begins at my sanctuary
01:21:30as Jesus said
01:21:38All the false preachers
01:21:40All the false watchmen
01:21:42will be slain first
01:21:50And this happens during the seven last plagues
01:21:56So let's conclude what we read
01:21:58and what we went over this morning
01:22:04So starting in 1844
01:22:06Jesus entered the most holy place
01:22:08to begin investigating
01:22:10the professed people of God
01:22:12who are resting in the grave
01:22:24And this investigative judgment
01:22:26is only for those
01:22:28who are the professed followers of Christ
01:22:30Those are the ones who will be evaluated
01:22:32to determine
01:22:34if they have confessed
01:22:36all their sins
01:22:38so that they can be blotted out
01:22:46So the atheists and the heathens
01:22:48are left out of this process
01:22:50All the wicked
01:22:56When legislation is passed worldwide
01:22:58and enforced
01:23:00making void
01:23:02the fourth commandment
01:23:04Jesus will begin investigating
01:23:06the living
01:23:08who profess to be followers of God
01:23:22This is called the shaking time
01:23:24or the sifting time of the living
01:23:26It is called the time appointed
01:23:28in Daniel 12.7
01:23:30and it is when
01:23:32God makes up His kingdom
01:23:46So God's people will be tried
01:23:48and tested and purged of their sins
01:23:50and their sins will be blotted out
01:23:52This is found in Daniel 11.35
01:23:56This sifting or testing time
01:23:58will continue
01:24:00until the ultimate test
01:24:02the ultimate test comes
01:24:04to see if they will give in
01:24:06Only at the close of probation
01:24:08because of the coming death decree
01:24:10showing that they are willing to die
01:24:12rather than receive the mark of the beast
01:24:14will God finally
01:24:16seal them
01:24:36Only at the close of probation
01:24:38because of the coming death decree
01:24:40showing that they are willing to die
01:24:42rather than receive the mark of the beast
01:24:44will God finally seal them
01:24:50All will be numbered and sealed
01:24:52approximately at the same time
01:25:06In 1 Peter 4.17
01:25:08it says
01:25:18And Ezekiel 9
01:25:20means that a place
01:25:22to place a mark or seal
01:25:24on the living followers of God
01:25:26who will not succumb to the mark of the beast
01:25:28And Ezekiel 9
01:25:30means that a place to place a mark or seal
01:25:32on the living followers of God
01:25:34who will not succumb to the mark of the beast
01:25:40And that mark of the beast
01:25:42is what they will follow
01:25:44on Sunday
01:25:52Then after the close of probation
01:25:54others are killed
01:25:56and the false sentinels begin
01:26:08At the appointed time
01:26:10when the government of Satan's forces
01:26:12is governing
01:26:14Satan's forces will be given
01:26:16to govern with fierceness and cruelty
01:26:20And Jesus will finish
01:26:22making up the balance of his kingdom
01:26:26The shaking time is also called
01:26:28the time appointed when the saints
01:26:30will be tried
01:26:32and purged
01:26:34and made white
01:26:44Who will then vindicate the character of God
01:26:46the Father
01:26:50And this will mark the end
01:26:52of all rebellion in the universe
01:26:57Jesus will take back
01:26:59the scepter of rulership
01:27:01the rod of iron
01:27:03and ride the white horse
01:27:05to reclaim the earth
01:27:07and gather his children
01:27:19So here we see
01:27:21how God is going to make up
01:27:23his kingdom
01:27:27And this time period
01:27:29is yet ahead of us
01:27:34It is a testing time
01:27:36for you and I
01:27:40Whether we will be loyal
01:27:42to man's law or to God's law
01:27:48I mean, God has made it very simple
01:27:52We just have to choose
01:27:54what day we're going to worship on
01:27:58Now, of course, we have to keep
01:28:00the seventh-day Sabbath holy as well
01:28:06And it's interesting that
01:28:08most of the Sunday keepers that I've met in my life
01:28:10they would go to church on Sunday
01:28:12but they did not keep it
01:28:14they did not rest, they didn't keep it holy
01:28:24So there is a very big difference
01:28:26between the two days
01:28:30God himself is in
01:28:32the seventh-day Sabbath
01:28:37and God is holy
01:28:41So therefore we are to keep it holy
01:28:45Even elsewhere in the word of God
01:28:47he says, be ye holy
01:28:49even as I am holy
01:28:55This means, stop rebelling
01:29:01and start obeying
01:29:04Start obeying the one who created you
01:29:09He is now going to refine you
01:29:15and make you completely holy
01:29:19and then seal you that way forever
01:29:22What a beautiful thing
01:29:26So what we have seen here
01:29:28is what happens on the
01:29:30antitypical day of atonement
01:29:36At the close of this day of atonement
01:29:42God will seal his people
01:29:48Not until they have gone through
01:29:51a time of testing
01:29:55It will not happen until
01:29:57they have gone through a time of testing
01:30:02And that time of testing
01:30:04is for God's professed people
01:30:10So don't think of this test
01:30:12as something that is temporary
01:30:14This is the final test
01:30:16for all of you and all of us
01:30:24It's the last chance that we have
01:30:30But praise be to God
01:30:32we will come out victorious
01:30:34because it says in Revelation
01:30:36that the bride made herself ready
01:30:45I pray that none of us
01:30:47will lose hope or lose faith
01:30:49in this process
01:30:55May God be with you and God bless you
01:30:59Thank you
01:31:09Thank you for that special music
01:31:11It was very beautiful
01:31:13We appreciate it
01:31:19Please remember the words
01:31:21that you heard today
01:31:25Jesus is knocking on your heart's door
01:31:29He wants to come in
01:31:33He wants to clean house
01:31:35He wants to make you beautiful again
01:31:39In fact he wants to make you
01:31:41more beautiful than you've ever been
01:31:45And that goes for guys as well as girls
01:31:51Let's ask God to be with us
01:31:53Let's pray and let's ask
01:31:55for his presence in our hearts
01:32:05Our dear Heavenly Father
01:32:07we are so thankful for what
01:32:09you have shown us this morning
01:32:13We ask that you would purify us now
01:32:19Show us every sin in our hearts
01:32:23Every secret sin
01:32:27That we may confess and repent
01:32:31Send your Holy Spirit into our hearts
01:32:33to cleanse us from all iniquity
01:32:39All things that we do wrong
01:32:43Whether to you or whether to mankind
01:32:49And we know that you are faithful and just
01:32:51to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
01:32:57For it says if we confess our sins
01:32:59he is faithful and just
01:33:01to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
01:33:09Thank you for your wonderful promises dear Lord
01:33:13May we go from here a renewed
01:33:15and brand new creature in Christ
01:33:21Thank you for hearing our prayer now we pray
01:33:25In the name of Jesus