00:00All right guys, so welcome back.
00:02In this section, we're going to be looking at a number of things.
00:05We're going to be building out a full app.
00:07We'll be looking at different navigation properties,
00:09different layout options.
00:11We'll be looking at the MVVM pattern and looking at
00:14how to integrate local storage into our app.
00:16There are certain fundamentals that we have gone through and there are
00:19certain things that we're going to go
00:21through because the context calls for it.
00:24In this video, I'm just going to go ahead and create our new project.
00:28As we know, we're just going to select that .NET MAUI app
00:32from recent project templates,
00:34or we can just search all templates.
00:36We can just go ahead and select that.
00:37Then this is going to be a car listing app.
00:40Carlistapp.MAUI, just so we know that it's a MAUI app.
00:46Then we can go ahead and click Create.
00:50When we come back, we'll start setting up the project
00:53and do the baseline configurations accordingly.