مسلسل اسمه السعادة الحلقة 17 السابعة عشر مدبلج HD
00:13Sabah al-khair.
00:16Ijit m'sha'n talik.
00:18Bato Dermaji.
00:20Fadhal a'ud.
00:32Al-kilma al-wahida yali ma'am tatla' man aqli.
00:38Man al-lahza yali arafat fiya an al-dhul huwa Bato
00:41balasht istawa'i bishway.
00:43Masalan lash wazafni al-Sayyid Qateel.
00:54khala'ni qarrab min ozlan,
00:56it'arraf alaiha obhubba.
00:59Ana kent jiz'k min intiqamu min emmi,
01:02bas ma ba'araf shu dori min al-khutta.
01:09huwa al-shakhs al-wahidi yali ana ba'arafu?
01:13Wala huwa shakhs gharib ma ba'arafu a'anawu shi abada.
01:16Ma ba'arafu ajwabat hal-as'ila, emmi.
01:21Bas rahalla hal-qissa.
01:29Shufu anjad, ana betfaham khufkun intu lutnain, bas.
01:33Ana mou khayfa.
01:34Ana ma'asbe.
01:35Fina n'halal al-qissa bghayr tariqa.
01:37Balki sarlo shi la ebni.
01:40Taya behki shi inti, ebni?
01:47Shu ehki, emmi?
01:48Enti mou kan bedek yani idroos?
01:51Wosir najih bil-hayat?
01:53Tayeb lekni ya'm idroos.
01:55Iza ma najahat hay sene, ma ba'araf.
01:57Beshtghel, ba'idil fahas, wa binjah.
02:00Yani, inshallah, kel shi besir helo bwakta.
02:04Bima anon halit hal-qissa.
02:10Alhamdulillah, ya rabbi.
02:11Aye, tamam, wa ana rayeh.
02:13La tensa hal-ma'roof.
02:14Habibi, enti la tensa ma'roofi.
02:16Zakkar min wain talatak, ana?
02:25Taakli sandwichet jibneh?
02:27Min wain talatoh?
02:28Sandwichet jibneh.
02:31Suj'u jibneh.
02:36Shufi, ebnik huwa ebni, tafakna?
02:38Ma leh azmah abadan eno yisrlo shi.
02:41Eno yisrlo shi, hat mustahil.
02:44Eno ya'alfu sirna, kaman hat shi mustahil.
02:50Lahza, ente ba'to Dermanji, mo?
02:53Daktor a'mi nadik doroori, bidu yak.
02:55Daktor a'mi nadini?
03:03Shufi el binet ya, talat gharibe.
03:06O darbet Dolnay kef, o zaalet minnek.
03:09Anjad zawatta.
03:10Haket ma'a Iran.
03:12Hatta ana, o ana ayatat alayih.
03:14Law ma kanat rfiqti bilghirfi, kent arafet kif sakatta.
03:20Ente shu rakyak bilmawduh?
03:22Sar andek haq qarad, ist'amlih bi'rakyih.
03:25Shum jama'a bi'alba.
03:27Anjad talayet b'tekrehni.
03:29Ya'ni l'haq lazam yin'an.
03:31O hiya anda haq b'kam shaglih.
03:33Had rakyih.
03:35Yimkan fii bas.
03:36Adi haik it'ayet edam el nas?
03:38Law b'dak enna hakenna la'halna.
03:39Aye, shu ha yisir hala?
03:41Ma ba'arif.
03:42Ma rah'nirja' matl'qabel akit.
03:44Ma b'twqa' enni samaha.
03:53Kom, saal waqfi.
03:56Ya Sara!
03:58Hat khallouni balash bi'mu'anatkon hala?
04:00Istenni shwey, shibek!
04:04Sabah al-kheir.
04:06Sabah al-noor.
04:07B'ni hki shwey?
04:09Aye, b'ni hki.
04:17Talabta t'shufni, doktor?
04:18Marhaba, Batou.
04:20Talabtak la hatta ahki ma'ak bi'mawdu' muhim.
04:23T'fadhal, doktor.
04:25Al-Sayed A'arif hon.
04:27Hakali ya'mawdu' muhim annak.
04:29Al-mawdu' huwa...
04:32Marhaba, habibi.
04:36Mo hai kom, saal, yali ba'arfa.
04:39T'sarrofatik sayri hadda tani.
04:41Shwe sayri, kom, saal?
04:43Lesh heyk enti?
04:47Yimken lazim t'bki.
04:50La, ma'at b'di ibki.
04:55Kel shey ija fuk ba'du ira.
04:58Kel shey.
04:59Fee shaglat ma hakeyta la hada.
05:02Ahyanen b'koul.
05:04Yaret imi kanet mawjoud hey.
05:08Hey alwahida yali b'kder ahkeyla kel shey.
05:11Bas hey shashet kompjutar.
05:13Mo haqeeqey.
05:18Yaret etkoun janbi.
05:21Khalas waqet kom, saal, ozan, habibi.
05:23Bas taba'an reh redda la yalil, kef ena.
05:26Kteer sehil.
05:27Kteer b'tdakhik, ya.
05:29El bint anjad jannet al akhir.
05:31Ma'at fee hada yisaddaqa.
05:33Khalset iyama, entahet wa rahet.
05:36Ka eno shagla mometl ma amtahkey?
05:55Shwa hal misha?
05:56Min'koul khalas khalasna min el bint rahet,
05:58ba'a b'trjiha b'ttla'a eddami.
06:01Bas ena reh khalas hal shagla.
06:03Ma b'yikoun ismi Dol-Nai
06:05izza ma b'khalas a hel bint.
06:06Istanna wa shuf.
06:13Yali ha tefhamu,
06:14el seyyid Aref ija lehon kermalak, ya Bato.
06:18Hadrto b'do yitbara' al jama
06:20wa yisa'ad al tullab al fa'ira
06:22b'masarif jama' al maddiyeh.
06:24Wohoui a'tana ismak.
06:26Enta shou rayek bilmawdou?
06:28Mistaghrib, seyyid Aref.
06:33Tayyab laesh ana?
06:34Wou kif la'etni?
06:36Dowarte shwaye zghireh,
06:37wa'arifet Bato habibi.
06:40Sma'at maddiyan wa ma'nawiyyan.
06:42Enta ektar talib bihajil el mousa'adeh.
06:46La tez'al min hal haki, law samahet.
06:49El akhir hada shi ma no'aib abadan.
06:53Ana raha sa'adak, ya'ani bin nateejeh ento takhkou,
06:58wa nahna min takhk,
06:59la zghar hannin el hob.
07:02Kel shi m'shan oladna, mo heyk?
07:07Kel shi m'shan akhwadna.
07:11Tab'an, kteer sah, ma'ak ha.
07:13Tayyab, ana smahouli.
07:23Imken sar souk tafahoum, ana ma'ani bihajil mousa'adeh.
07:29Ta'atli, shukran ala ardak.
07:37La tawakhzna, seyyid Aref.
07:40Hada moudoua kteer hassas.
07:45El shabab hala, ya'ani wadih,
07:47datou min el shabab yalli aashu murahaqa sahbeh kteer aleh.
07:51Shukran, lana a'taytni min waqtak.
07:53Wa lay himmat.
07:54Allah ma'ak.
07:59Enta shou bedak minni?
08:03Ay, wasiq.
08:05Shou mishkiltak ma'ai, ha?
08:07Mishkilt el masari ba'atik.
08:08Jaye min azmeer a'a jama'ati?
08:10Ana shou amalti lak, ha?
08:14Wahid mit lak dhalib harban,
08:16manou mawqif kbeer aleh kad.
08:21El haytan ila adan, habibi.
08:23Lazim etkhaf ala halak akter.
08:25Balki emmek a'arab kteer min hayk.
08:44Ma bta'arfi.
08:45Ana hassas anou rahtishtamhou an a'aribkou m'sal.
08:49Ba'dayn ana b'sa'atik.
08:51Min dower sawa.
08:56Balki matit.
08:59Balki emme ma'adet a'ayishe.
09:04Am khaf min el ajoube elleh rahta tla'aleh.
09:09Lek mou a'sas hanourkod?
09:11Tayeb, istanna dayekten zaki, mou halak.
09:13Akel hal, ana rayha, m'shoufkoun.
09:19Shou sayer kaman?
09:23Ma fichi.
09:36Mfakra, rah askit lek al kaf yelli darabtini, ya?
09:39Rah khaliki tebki hella edam elkel.
09:41Mfakrtini biddi khaf hella?
09:46Lou ma ta'amli heyk harekat.
09:48Enta istanna chwe.
09:53Walak lamin a'met dekni?
10:06Ghalein dolnay.
10:07Rfa'at beyk, khod bintak min hon, wa ella helmarra anjad raha amella shi.
10:11Waqfi ella shouf, hdi.
10:12Ma rahat karbi alakou m'sal.
10:14Etifana manou heyk abadan.
10:16Tayyab, enta hakayt a'an kitab, walaikni jebt ella, ya?
10:18Shou sar, ba'dayn ma tgayyart shi?
10:20Khalasat el kitab?
10:21Kekh biddi a'arif eza khalasat el kitab, walla biddi istanna ha?
10:24Binihayto fi risale.
10:26Bas iraha, rah tirja la hon.
10:28La tkhafi.
10:29Yani kteer sar andi fudul la a'arif el risale.
10:32Enti la tedakhali bi omour el ayle.
10:34Istanni wa shoufi.
10:36Eza amalti shi la binti, farha zaalik.
10:54Shou haka?
10:55Am mikoul risale.
10:57Lazam a'arif shou maktoub bil risale.
11:13Sayed Atil?
11:21Rah takhlous al qussa, rah takhlous.
11:23Batou, lazam nehki ta'a.
11:24Ba'dayn, Komsal.
11:25Bas lazam nehki hella, kteer dharouf.
11:26Komsal, eltelek andi shigl.
11:28Shigl, meddayek, nehki ba'dayn.
11:34Kifek, Komsal, habibti?
11:35Ana mnehi haqa?
11:36Ana mnehi haqa.
11:38Komsal, komsal, komsal, komsal, komsal, komsal.
11:41Ana mnehi haqa, alti, enti kifeh?
11:43Ammi habibti, roohi a'l bet, w'afili elbab, mnehi, tamam?
11:46Shou, lesh la'afili elbab?
11:48Ammi, roohi a'l bet, eljouw shoub, w'bidayek.
11:50Ma' ba'arif, roohi khdi ammi, w'udu bilbet, tamam?
11:52Ana andi shigl.
11:56Shou, sar loul hel walad hella?
11:58Ma' ba'arif, bas ana kteer khaifeh.
12:00Wa ana kaman.
12:01Bas enti elili, lesh khaifeh?
12:03Yani kteer metwatra hel fatra.
12:06Yemkeh men eldiraseh.
12:07Enti lesh khaifeh?
12:09Feneh nehki shwey komsal, habibti?
12:11Akeed, akeed, mnehki.
12:16Mani shayef komsal mnehi hal fatra.
12:17Metel kel marra.
12:19Fee shaglat ma haketa.
12:21Metel kel marra.
12:22Ibni hatesma'ani mneeh?
12:24Metel kel marra.
12:26Akhi, ana hella amfaker.
12:27Mini bia'arif shou ham elbent hey?
12:29Elbent kharabet eldiniya kella, ma baseer.
12:32Iza saqalt bato, ma baseer.
12:34Wala baseer, tesqal Sara.
12:35Wala baseer, tesqal Dolnai.
12:36Wa kella mza'al ba'do, ma fhemt elqussa.
12:39Konja hiya rfiqta alwahida.
12:41Taba'an, iza ma tza'alo.
12:43Tamaman, tamaman.
12:44Enta akeed, rooh liya an Konja, akhi.
12:45Hiya bta'arif.
12:48Ana helka triqati.
12:52Shou, tabet?
12:54Istanna shwey, tabet.
12:55Hakim ma konja fikra mnehi ha.
12:57Tamaman, tamaman.
12:58Hiya bta'hki lak alhaqiqa.
12:59Metel ma haket liya an boset Sara wa Bato.
13:04Had elmisal mo zabit.
13:05Yali haket ho mmeeh.
13:07Besabab eno ta'ibna ha,
13:08ma a'mi rooh el oksijeen la mkhi.
13:09Yani hi mo qararat, shaglat biologiye.
13:12Alhamdulillah mo afkarak.
13:16Yalla akhi, khalina nrooh.
13:17Harfiyan sayir, ma fini ta'a abadan.
13:19Ana entahet.
13:37I'm sorry.
13:57A'a shwa a'mtdowri hon enti?
13:58Ya muhamid shaitan.
14:00Alakum sal, habibti.
14:02Rah reddila daini elkaf ana.
14:04Iza fikrti w jarrebti treddila helkaf,
14:06hatla'ini ana biwishek, fhimti?
14:08Iyyy, kteer khfet.
14:10El bint a'yetet,
14:11w haket alekon kelkon min warakon,
14:13wa enti lissatek wakfeh jemba, ya hebla?
14:16El rifqa heyk betkoun, habibti.
14:18Bilhilwe, bilmira, fhimti?
14:19Ma rah daya wakti ma'ik, habibti, fhimti?
14:23Azhik shufek marra taniye hon, okey?
14:28Sabrni, ya rabbi, sabrni.
14:30W fouti al daris hala.
14:33El haki ma'ik kteer birayih.
14:35Hatta law almashi, enti binti miniha.
14:38Shukrana kteer.
14:39W bato hada miniha.
14:42Deree balek aleya, binti.
14:44Yani, ana heyk bkhaf aleya kteer.
14:47Shu a'mel, ana im bil akher?
14:49Ma'ik hak.
14:50Leki, iza shi yom,
14:53sma'ti haki ala bato,
14:55la tsaddi, ma'ale?
14:57Metel shu ya'ni?
15:00Fee shaglat ma btenhaka.
15:02Yani, mola eno an bikhabbi annek.
15:04Min shan maslachtu.
15:05Bas, habbi t'arfi yal shi, Komsal.
15:09Bato ma ilo zemb,
15:10wa sakifi,
15:12min shani ana.
15:14Enti la tkhafi.
15:15Wa'ad, mu?
15:17Huwa kteer bihabbik, la'anu.
15:21Ma'al salami, Komsal.
15:23Allah ma'ik khaltu, habibti.
15:56Komsal, ana emek benty, Beryl.
16:00Ba'arif eno ma'rafet ha shi kteer sahb,
16:02bas ana kattabit ha liktab kermalik.
16:05Bidi t'iriya li ya'm haso.
16:08Kattabt shaglat yali juwati min snin.
16:11Habbit t'fhamini.
16:13Ilit eni rayha al sa'adi, bas,
16:15keshift eno mala mawjudi balaki.
16:17Enti kteer ma'asbi minna.
16:20ana amek benty, Beryl.
16:22Komal mawjudi balaki.
16:24Enti kteer ma'asbi minna.
16:25Ba'arif ha shi.
16:27Izza bedki tla'ini bi youn?
16:29Wa tesmai alajag Mile bedkihah?
16:32Rahkon notartik.
16:33Ana bi Azmir.
16:35Ta'ali wa la'ini.
16:38Beryl Goljon, 2010
16:52I don't know what you're talking about.
16:54I'm talking about you.
16:56I'm talking about you.
16:58I'm talking about you.
17:00I'm talking about you.
17:02I'm talking about you.
17:04I'm talking about you.
17:06I'm talking about you.
17:08I'm talking about you.
17:10I'm talking about you.
17:12I'm talking about you.
17:14I'm talking about you.
17:16I'm talking about you.
17:18I'm talking about you.
17:20I'm talking about you.
17:22I'm talking about you.
17:24I'm talking about you.
17:26I'm talking about you.
17:28I'm talking about you.
17:30I'm talking about you.
17:32I'm talking about you.
17:34I'm talking about you.
17:36I'm talking about you.
17:38I'm talking about you.
17:40I'm talking about you.
17:42I'm talking about you.
17:44I'm talking about you.
17:46I'm talking about you.
17:48It's a genius idea, Jawad.
17:50How can we get into the man's room
17:52in the hotel so easily?
17:54I'm comfortable with it.
17:56Look, you should be in front of
17:58the tatli's room at 3 o'clock
18:00and leave the rest to me.
18:02We're done, Jawad.
18:04Don't you trust me?
18:06I left you in the middle of the road.
18:08Go and relax.
18:10And eat.
18:12Then, as I told you,
18:14be in front of the man's room at 3 o'clock.
18:16Okay, bye.
18:18How can we get into the man's room?
18:22That's what I don't know.
18:24And the tatli's nervousness
18:26is very low.
18:28You seem to be scared.
18:30No, I'm not.
18:32I'm just talking about his nervousness.
18:34You're such a coward.
18:36How can you talk to your big brother like that?
18:38That's what I don't like.
18:42How can we get into the room?
18:44How can we get into the room?
18:56We're done.
18:58What did you do?
19:00Are you hiding among the trees?
19:02Do you have a radar?
19:04What are you doing now?
19:06Get out of the mosque, will you?
19:08I'm getting out of the mosque.
19:10What a coincidence!
19:12I didn't know you were following me.
19:14I'm the one who's following you.
19:16Bato, can you believe what you're saying?
19:18If I'm following you, prove it to me.
19:20I'm walking normally.
19:22You can go wherever you want.
19:24What do you want from me? I'm walking.
19:26God, what is this?
19:28There's no normal person in my life.
19:30I'm listening to you.
19:32By the way, speak in a low voice if you want.
19:34Did you say something, Bato?
19:38What did you say?
19:40I didn't say anything.
19:42George, Clooney and Brad Pitt were a great team.
19:44I'm Brad Pitt?
19:46Get out of here.
19:48Brad Pitt, come here.
19:50I'm Brad Pitt.
19:52Anyway, son, we need a strong team.
19:54But where?
19:56Who do you mean, brother?
20:12Do you see what I'm seeing, Mom?
20:24We found the team we wanted.
20:26Don't be angry, Bato.
20:28Why shouldn't I be angry?
20:30We're working for him.
20:32Isn't she the one who told me about us?
20:34I'm sure you love Bato.
20:36I'm sure you'll accept him.
20:38I'm sure you'll accept him.
20:40Come here.
20:42I'm sorry.
20:44Your name is Sarah, right?
20:52Do you want to help Bato?
20:58Do you love him?
21:00I mean, there's something going on.
21:02Do you want to help Bato?
21:04What is it?
21:06I'll explain.
21:30Hello, brother.
21:32How are you?
21:34I want to go to Saryar.
21:36But don't tell me I don't have a ticket.
21:38I only have 5 Lira.
21:40No, brother.
21:42It's not possible.
21:44It's less than 20 Lira.
21:46Oh, if I only had 20 Lira.
21:48Go to the bus station.
21:50What can I do for you?
21:52Make a donation.
21:54We have a service here.
21:56If you don't have money,
21:58the taxi will take you anywhere.
22:00No, I don't have money.
22:02I only have 10 Lira.
22:04That's not how negotiations work.
22:06You get off and I get on.
22:08Come on.
22:10Take this.
22:14What are you doing?
22:16Are you following me?
22:18I'm not following you.
22:20I'm taking a taxi.
22:22Get off.
22:24Where are you going?
22:26I want to ask you a question.
22:28Are you crazy?
22:30You have a lot of rights.
22:32If you have money, you have rights.
22:34Get off.
22:36You don't understand me.
22:38I'm not following you.
22:40Everything should be with you.
22:42I'm getting mad at you.
22:44Get off the car.
22:46No, uncle.
22:48I want to get off.
22:50No, uncle.
22:52Don't answer him.
22:54Oh, God.
22:56If one day you feel sad
22:58that you can't find me
23:00and you want me to answer all your questions,
23:02I'll be waiting for you.
23:04I'm in Izmir.
23:06Come and find me, my daughter.
23:08Come and find me.
23:22What are you reading?
23:24A love letter?
23:26Did you write it for me?
23:30It's not important.
23:32If you said it's not important,
23:34it means it's not important.
23:38I missed you.
23:52Is there a custom called knocking on the door?
23:54Do you know it?
23:58I invited Bato to the non-regulatory meeting.
24:00I told Yalda.
24:02She didn't open her mouth.
24:04She didn't say anything.
24:06How nice.
24:08Let's talk about it in front of everyone.
24:10We can even hang it on the university's board.
24:12There was a microphone here.
24:14It was on the roof.
24:16If you get mad at me,
24:18you'll be much more beautiful.
24:26It's a pleasure to meet you.
24:28Oh, my God.
24:30You live in front of the door.
24:32At least he knocks on the door.
24:34I'll show him.
24:36Wait a minute.
24:40If you're done being rude,
24:42I want to talk to your father.
24:44What happened to your wife?
24:46She's on vacation, right?
24:48Yes, she's on vacation.
24:50It's not a big deal.
24:52You don't get out of it without problems.
24:54Then you have a problem controlling your temper.
24:56I know psychologists.
24:58Would you like to talk to them?
25:00Of course.
25:02I'm sure you know them.
25:04Both of you get out.
25:10If he doesn't get out, I won't.
25:12I have to talk to you about something important.
25:14Let her choose which one of us goes.
25:18Mr. Taylan.
25:26What did you want to talk to me about?
25:32If we stay alone.
25:34Oral, can you go and leave us alone?
25:36Maybe Yalda will bother you now.
25:38Oh, yes.
25:40Of course, Yalda.
25:42Of course, my love.
25:44Go ahead.
25:50You can talk.
25:52I don't mind at all.
25:54Thank you very much.
25:56Go ahead.
26:00I mean, really.
26:02After all these years.
26:04Of course, thank you.
26:06No problem.
26:14What did you want to talk to me about, Mr. Taylan?
26:16Look, I call you Ebek.
26:18And you call me Mr. Taylan.
26:20Let's raise the price.
26:22I mean, change the way you talk to me.
26:24Call me Taylan. It's easier that way.
26:26Okay, Taylan.
26:28What do you want to talk about?
26:30Oh, God.
26:32Can you imagine what I'm going to do now?
26:44I have a friend who's close to me.
26:46He's opening a Chinese restaurant today.
26:48It's a great restaurant.
26:54And he invited me to the opening.
26:56And I'm inviting you.
26:58We'll go together. We'll go eat sushi.
27:00What do you think?
27:02Thank you very much, but I'm really tired.
27:04I probably won't be able to go with you.
27:06Yes! Yes! Yay!
27:08With you.
27:10With you.
27:14Can we do something tomorrow?
27:16We'll talk about it tomorrow.
27:18Bravo. Bravo.
27:22We'll talk about it tomorrow.
27:30The blind man in your eyes.
27:32You're spying on us, aren't you?
27:34Shame on you.
27:36You're 60, man.
27:3860? I'm 110.
27:40Look at me.
27:42What did you do in there?
27:44Come on, Mr. Oran.
27:46Come on.
27:48Look at me.
27:50What was the name of the book?
27:52What was the name of the refusal that hurts the heart?
27:54What was it?
27:56Let's go from here.
27:58Yes, ma'am.
28:00We're here. Where do you want to go?
28:02No, no. There's still a little bit left.
28:04Really? Where are you going?
28:06Near the place he's going to.
28:08Oh, my God.
28:10What's wrong with this strange girl?
28:12I don't want to talk to you, you know?
28:14And then you tell me that I'm following you.
28:16It's not possible.
28:18Look, look, look. What's this?
28:20Where did you get this from?
28:22What do you think? I don't understand.
28:24I thought you were a girl from the screen,
28:26but you didn't turn out like that.
28:28This taxi is special.
28:30And you've got this speciality.
28:32I mean, I knew you were like that,
28:34but you've really improved a lot.
28:36Is that enough?
28:38Yes, that's enough.
28:42Get out of my car.
28:44Why? What did I do to you?
28:46And why should I get out?
28:48You're the one who has to get out of here.
28:50Okay, get out.
28:52But we have 20 Lira with you.
28:54Give it to me.
28:56There's no 20 Lira.
28:58You deserve this.
29:02Look, either you give me your money,
29:04Oh, God.
29:06Take this 20 Lira.
29:08And this too.
29:10But don't show me your problem.
29:12Do you understand?
29:14Look, brother, give me 20 Lira.
29:16I'm really in trouble right now.
29:18Get out of here, or else.
29:20You're so stingy.
29:26You made him mad.
29:28And he gave me my money, too.
29:30You know what?
29:32You're so stingy.
29:34You took my money.
29:36And now you call me stingy?
29:38What should I do? Throw them in the street?
29:40Don't follow me.
29:42Why is there a thief here?
30:02Let's go.
30:24We're in.
30:28We're doing great.
30:30What do you think?
30:42Don't forget everything we talked about.
30:46Why are we wearing these?
30:48So they don't know my life.
30:50What do you mean?
30:52Of course, my life is not wrong, but...
30:54Gonja, this Baroque dress is too much for you.
30:58Yes, that's right.
31:04Okay, I'll take a look.
31:10There's no one named Are.
31:12No one?
31:22But there has to be someone named Are.
31:24What do we do now?
31:26We came from the University of Academia.
31:28The president, Mr. Siwaj Diniz, sent us.
31:30The man we're looking for,
31:32Mr. Aref,
31:34gave a big donation to our university.
31:36And he wants his name to stay hidden.
31:38And you, as you know,
31:40the good thing is that his name stays unnamed.
31:42We just want to do
31:44a little interview with him.
31:46And you...
31:48I don't think you'll let us down.
31:50Right, honey?
31:52The interview is in a little while.
31:54What can I do for you?
31:58Let's talk about the golden rules of work 12.
32:00Yes, the golden rules of work.
32:0412 rules.
32:06If you want to talk to him,
32:08call him here.
32:10You'll make us very happy.
32:12Of course.
32:14Mr. Talat,
32:16students from the University of Academia
32:18came to do an interview with you.
32:20The University of Academia?
32:24Okay, okay. I remember.
32:26Okay, I'm coming.
32:28Let them wait.
32:32Please sit here.
32:34He'll come down in a little while.
32:36Thank you, Mrs. Eileen.
32:38Thank you. You're very kind.
33:54You asked for a new dryer, right, sir?
33:58I'm afraid it's broken.
34:00I'm sorry.
34:02But with this,
34:04it'll be better.
35:44Look at me. I fell in love.
35:46What is this?
36:42Hello, welcome, don't worry, we're here to pick you up.
37:12Of course, don't worry.
37:42What's wrong, Rohan?
38:32What's wrong, Rohan?
39:02What's wrong, Rohan?
39:22What's wrong, Rohan?
39:42What's wrong, Rohan?
40:12What's wrong, Rohan?
40:22What's wrong, Rohan?
40:32What's wrong, Rohan?
40:42What's wrong, Rohan?
40:52What's wrong, Rohan?
41:02What's wrong, Rohan?
41:12What's wrong, Rohan?
41:22What's wrong, Rohan?
41:32What's wrong, Rohan?
41:42What's wrong, Rohan?
41:52What's wrong, Rohan?
42:02What's wrong, Rohan?
42:12What's wrong, Rohan?
42:22What's wrong, Rohan?
42:32What's wrong, Rohan?
42:42What's wrong, Rohan?
42:52What's wrong, Rohan?
43:02What's wrong, Rohan?
43:12What's wrong, Rohan?
43:22What's wrong, Rohan?
43:32What's wrong, Rohan?
43:42What's wrong, Rohan?
43:52What's wrong, Rohan?
44:02What's wrong, Rohan?
44:12What's wrong, Rohan?
44:22What's wrong, Rohan?
44:32What's wrong, Rohan?
44:42What's wrong, Rohan?
44:52What's wrong, Rohan?
45:02What's wrong, Rohan?
45:12What's wrong, Rohan?
45:22What's wrong, Rohan?