• last year
00:00Hello everyone, this video is just about the camera, the bit where it has that shaking
00:17noise when you shake the phone, it has that rattling noise around the camera bit. Just
00:25to reassure those who think they bought a faulty phone or they received a faulty one,
00:30it's not. I actually thought that myself as well but then I realised when you look at
00:34the 30 and the previous phones, they also had that noise and it's actually for the camera,
00:42the camera OIS system which stabilises the camera. So it has that noise, it's part of
00:48the design. So it's not something that's damaged inside, it's just part of the design of the
00:54Ultra models. So everything else is fine, it's one of the best phones that I've actually
00:59purchased I would say. So thank you for watching my video, please do give a like and subscribe.
