Chestbursters and facehuggers are just the beginning of the "Alien" franchise's nasty surprises. In our view, these are scariest things outer space has to offer, ranked.
00:00What's up everybody, Griffey here.
00:02Alien Romulus has brought the Alien franchise back to theaters and it's scary good.
00:07So I thought we'd make a list of the top five scariest moments in Alien franchise history.
00:12This is your warning, spoilers, all the spoilers.
00:17Number five, Burke turns off the camera.
00:20I love this scene.
00:22I almost had it much higher on the list.
00:24It perfectly exemplifies one of the main tenets of the Alien franchise,
00:29which is human beings are the scariest monster.
00:32That moment, while small, right?
00:34We see Sigourney Weaver's Ripley and Newt sleeping in a medical bay.
00:38They're trying to rest.
00:39All of a sudden, the doors are locked.
00:41The lights go red and a face hugger has been set in there with them, right?
00:45Pretty scary Alien scene.
00:47What makes the scene really scary is when we cut back to the command room.
00:51Everyone's making plans except for one person, Burke, the company stooge who was sent along,
00:56we find out later, to insure company bottom dollar assets, right, the Xenomorph.
01:01Watching Burke watch Ripley, who is our hero from the first one who we love, and this poor
01:06little girl who had survived on her own until she made contact not with Xenomorphs but with
01:11other greedy humans, about to be sacrificed to the face hugger, is terrifying.
01:18Then watching him take his little money-grubbing finger and turn off the TV so no one else
01:23can see the crime he commits perfectly solidifies that humans will always be scarier than Xenomorphs.
01:30Burke isn't a raving maniac.
01:32He is a spreadsheet.
01:33He's doing the math on who matters most, and the company always chooses not human.
01:40Number four, test tube Ripley's.
01:43Now, I can imagine there's a fair number of you saying, how the hell did Alien Resurrection
01:48make this list?
01:49Let me tell you.
01:51Alien where we find ourselves at the start of Alien 4 Resurrection, right?
01:55And I know many of you don't want to, but think about it with me for a minute.
01:57So you're Ripley.
01:58All you've done, your whole life, you went from a background character to the leading
02:03star of this franchise.
02:05All you have ever done, your whole life has become about the nightmare of fighting the
02:08Xenomorphs, and even more terrifyingly, the nightmare of fighting the company that once
02:13was your employer and your lifeline, now set and determined to turn these monsters loose
02:20on all of mankind, right?
02:22Ripley makes the ultimate sacrifice.
02:24She destroys herself, hoping to destroy the monster.
02:27What makes this scene in Alien Resurrection so scary is that death is not a relief.
02:32Even in death, Ellen Ripley is pulled back from the void, and not only pulled back from
02:37the void, finds that she's Ripley number eight.
02:40She even sees a terrifying The Thing style Ripley seven, right?
02:44Kind of a voiceless creature, just moaning in pain.
02:48As a chestburster has been birthed from it, and left there as a husk, an empty Ellen Ripley
02:54husk that was nothing more than a way to shuttle a Xenomorph into the world.
02:59Watching Ripley take in this version of herself is the purest form of nightmare.
03:04Imagine what must be going through her head.
03:06Imagine then turning and seeing test tubes full of mutated, horrifying abominations of
03:11yourself, mixed with the one thing that you spent your whole life trying to save mankind
03:17This is one scene in a movie that almost everyone hated.
03:20This one scene so perfectly describes the nightmare scenario that is Ellen Ripley's
03:28Spoiler alert!
03:29If you haven't seen Alien Romulus, stop the video now, because number three, Xenobaby.
03:35Essentially, Alien Romulus is a road trip movie with annoyed teenagers.
03:40They just happen to live in really bad condition.
03:42One of said teenagers, who makes their way aboard this station, happens to be pregnant.
03:49She is on this ship, trying to find a better life for herself.
03:53The idea of finding a young woman who doesn't know the dad, who is facing an unknown future
03:58with this baby they have yet to see, it becomes this ticking time bomb.
04:03Through the course of the movie, she finds herself injured by a Xenomorph.
04:07The most likely scenario is that she will die, and her unborn child will die.
04:12Enter Primordial Black Goo.
04:14So we meet Ian Holm again, horrifyingly deepfake backed into the movie as what's left of
04:20the synthetic Rook, right?
04:21Who looks like he is from the exact same line as Ash, Ian Holm's character in the original
04:27Somehow, Rook has discovered that through futuristic milking technologies, he can take
04:34to facehuckers and get this black ooze, right?
04:36This black ooze, he describes, whatever enters it mutates, makes them stronger, can adapt.
04:42Which we learn, later through footage of a mouse, is not exactly true.
04:45There can be horrifying consequences, right?
04:48So we find ourselves at an ethical conundrum, which is where good horror happens.
04:53This woman is facing potential death of her and her child.
04:57Rook comes on the screen, and he tells her that with this magical drug, right?
05:01This one injection, her and her child will be saved.
05:04Now, I can imagine there were people in the theater like me, screaming, don't take it!
05:08Don't do it!
05:10What would you do?
05:11If you had a chance, 90 plus percent chance, you were about to die anyways.
05:16Or this drug may save your unborn baby.
05:19The beacon of hope in your terrible post-apocalypse sci-fi landscape, I'm taking the drug.
05:26And we see what happens.
05:28One of the gnarliest births, right?
05:29When they're just ripping cords with bare hands, it's very brutal.
05:33There's some kind of like packaging that the Cabbage Patch kids came in with the little
05:37Xeno baby.
05:38It's a lot, right?
05:39And this scene, to me, captures another real horrifying idea in the Alien franchise, that
05:45our bodies are simply vessels for other things to consume.
05:49And this sequence of the film was real white knuckle tear to me.
05:55Number two, Ash's turn.
05:57So, synthetics have become such a staple in the Alien franchise, I think it's hard to
06:03go back and imagine how shocking it was for audiences of part one, when Ash was revealed
06:09to not be a human scientist, but a synthetic, right?
06:13Throughout the movie, Ash never acted robotic, artificial.
06:17He was just the science officer, right?
06:20And there is something about that turn that so solidifies one of the horrors of the Alien
06:26franchise, right?
06:27Which is the inadequacy and weakness of human beings in this absolutely unforgiving black
06:33destructive maul that is space, right?
06:35By the time it's revealed that he's actually a full synthetic, and that his directive is
06:40to protect this possibly valuable new biological asset at the expense of all the other biological
06:46assets, the space truckers, that is a horrifying calculation, right?
06:52Anytime in Alien you have a synthetic choosing anything over human life, that's scary.
06:57When we see Ian Holm's terrifying performance as he watches the dinner scene, right?
07:03As he then starts fighting people, you're like, why can't they beat up this tiny little
07:06science officer?
07:07Oh my God, what's he doing with that newspaper?
07:10Ash plays as this kind of guy who got bit by a zombie, but won't tell anyone because
07:14he's a scared character.
07:15There is an explanation for this, you know.
07:19We have no idea why he's doing what he's doing.
07:21We can see his brain working and beginning to get a little suspicious, right?
07:26As Ash begins to break bad, we start to see all the other characters looking around and
07:32not trusting each other.
07:34And when you're in an environment like space where you're so isolated and so far away,
07:38and you start looking at people next to you that were your crewmates and your friends,
07:43but hours before, now as possible deranged murderers and monsters themselves, that absolutely
07:50is terrifying.
07:51There's no other word that describes that than horrifying.
07:54Two words.
07:55It is two words.
07:57I'm not a word scientist.
07:58Me fail English?
07:59That's impossible.
08:00Number one, Chessburster.
08:05I'm sure as soon as you turned on this list, this video, there is no possibility that you
08:10thought the number one scene wouldn't be the Chessburster.
08:14It's the most iconic moment in Alien franchise history.
08:17It is one of the most famous scenes in movie history.
08:20It is still as terrifying and impactful as today.
08:24Every single moment in this dinner scene is so perfectly tuned and crafted.
08:29To build the suspense to an unbearable amount, until we finally get our giant punctuation,
08:36the cymbal crash moment that is that sound of the ribcage cracking.
08:42Watching the Chessburster try to come out many times before it explodes out.
08:46It's a slow ... That repetition, the fact that it's not fast, it's not clean.
08:53The fact that the actors' reactions are real moments of shock and awe, because they did
08:58not know what to expect when they were filming this.
09:01Everything we talk about when we say the phrase movie magic, right?
09:05Every choice they made in this scene comes together to make something that is so much
09:11more significant than the sum of its parts.
09:14There might not be another scene in the history of movie that better summarizes to me the
09:21term body whore.
09:23This something inside of us, right?
09:25We go somewhere and we catch a bug, a parasite, right?
09:29A lot of what is really scary about Alien to audiences of the time that people forget
09:34is the kind of penetrative nature of these xenoboards.
09:37The fears of Alien are myriad, right?
09:41The fear of the dark, the fear of nature, the fear of self, the fear of others, the
09:45fear of the future.
09:46They're all there, but they're all there especially in that dinner scene.
09:52That's it for the Top 5 Scariest Moments in Alien Franchise History.
09:55Game over, man!
09:56We're some real pretty s*** now, man!
09:59This is Griffey, the Last Survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.