• last year
Harold enjoys being the ninja of the class, but he soon becomes jealous when the kids call Beth a ninja. Harold then sets up a ninja battle between the two.


00:03Heru, recite the three rules of the ninja.
00:06Yes, Master.
00:07Rule number one, a ninja must always protect others from danger.
00:13Hello, this is...
00:14The Kamee Crankle!
00:18Heru, what is the second rule of the ninja?
00:21Rule number two is...
00:23A ninja must serve his fellow man.
00:26Aw, Mom forgot to cut my sandwich today.
00:29I'll cut your ham sandwich.
00:35Mustard and watermelon, not bad.
00:38You're welcome.
00:42What is the third rule of the ninja?
00:44The third rule of the ninja is...
00:47A ninja must accept all dangerous missions.
00:50Snack is ready!
00:51I am needed!
00:53Who wants to deliver these pudding cups to the kids outside?
00:55I accept this mission!
00:58I will!
01:00Anyone at all?
01:02Okay, Heru, but promise me you'll just carry this like a normal kid.
01:07No ninja nonsense.
01:08I will not fail you on this dangerous mission.
01:11You're still doing it!
01:12Doing the ninja thing!
01:13Gotta stop!
01:15You have my word.
01:17Now go hand out the snacks.
01:27He has the gong again.
01:30I, your class ninja, have traveled many feet to bring you today's snack.
01:35What's a snack?
01:36What's a snack?
01:36What's a snack?
01:38The cups of the pudding!
01:44Can we, um, have them?
01:46At the sound of the gong, snack time begins.
01:51Oh no!
01:55Would any of you like more tea?
01:57Our pudding cups!
01:59I'll save them!
02:07Awesome moves, Beth.
02:09You're like some kind of ninja.
02:12Beth can't be a ninja.
02:14I'm the class ninja!
02:16We should call you Ninja Beth!
02:19Yay, Ninja Beth!
02:21Hip hip, hooray!
02:23Hip hip, hooray!
02:24Okay, wait, wait, wait!
02:25I'm the ninja!
02:26I'm Ninja Harold!
02:28Hmm, that kinda steps on Ninja Beth's nickname, though.
02:32Yeah, well, if I'm not a ninja, then why would I have this Ninja Master Ribbon?
02:37Because they come for free in every box of Snazzy Crunch cereal?
02:41Pretty sure we all have one.
02:42Yeah, check it out!
02:44Got mine right here.
02:45I've got three!
02:51Ninja Beth! Ninja Beth! Ninja Beth!
02:55Maybe they're right.
02:56I couldn't even finish my mission!
02:58All my life, I... I wanted to be a ninja!
03:01If I'm not a ninja, then what am I?
03:04Who am I?
03:05Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?
03:26I'm not a ninja, maybe I'm a dishwasher.
03:44Who ordered the cheeseburger?
03:47Hi, I'd like to apply for the dishwasher job.
03:59Whoa, kid, you're no dishwasher. You're some kind of ninja.
04:03Ninja. Ninja. Ninja.
04:06You're right. I am a ninja.
04:11Ninja Beth! Ninja Beth! Ninja Beth! Ninja Beth!
04:19She's a food ninja, too.
04:21Here, Beth, catch this.
04:27Boy, Harold, you were in the bathroom for a long time.
04:31Beth, I challenge you to an ultimate skills battle.
04:35The winner gets to be class ninja and the loser doesn't.
04:42It's okay, Harold, you can be the...
04:44Why can't there just be two ninjas?
04:46Because ninja rules say so and everyone knows that real ninjas don't wear silly bee costumes.
04:57Oh, snap.
04:59What did you just say?
05:02He shouldn't have said that.
05:04I was just going to let him be the class ninja, but now...
05:09Challenge accepted!
05:14Yes! This is going to get so ugly!
05:18Welcome to the first...
05:20And probably last...
05:21Class Ninja Battle Challenge Royale.
05:24Let's meet the competitors.
05:26First up is Beth, 46 pounds, nicknamed Ninja Beth.
05:31She's about to try karate chopping through three ice pop sticks.
05:36Three ice pop sticks! Wow!
05:38Can her challenger chop through four?
05:40We'll have to wait and see.
05:42Beth's challenger is Harold.
05:4453 pounds and once lost a fight to a chicken.
05:47We are just waiting on his four ice pop sticks.
05:50Oh, here they come now.
05:55Ow! Brain freeze!
06:04Oh, I guess Ninja Beth took that one.
06:07Now we go to the mousetrap minefield.
06:10You need to cross the minefield of traps.
06:13Piece of cake!
06:16While dodging dodgeballs.
06:25Wow, he's not missing a single trap, is he?
06:28No, he is not.
06:29Thanks for clearing a path, Harold.
06:31You're not welcome.
06:33It's another victory for Beth.
06:36I kind of feel bad for Harold.
06:38Maybe I should just...
06:39Beth, I will defeat you because I am better than you in every single way.
06:47Not feeling so bad about him now.
06:49Time for the final event in the Class Ninja Battle Challenge Royale.
06:53And the title's still up for grabs because no one has been keeping count.
06:57And we haven't learned math.
06:59Yup. Whoever wins this event will be named Class Ninja.
07:03It starts with a race down the slide full of fire ants.
07:06Why do they call them fire ants?
07:10Then, across the monkey bars with real monkeys.
07:13And they look pretty surly.
07:15No problem.
07:16I thought this was going to be hard.
07:19Gotta make it across the snapping crab sandbox before crossing the tofu-greased teeter-totter.
07:25But it doesn't end there.
07:27Next, we test the would-be ninja's swimming skills with a splash pad dash through piranha territory.
07:35Then finally, take a leap of faith over the pit of sharp objects.
07:40And break through the winner's ribbon.
07:43Harold, you're up first.
07:47On your mark.
07:49A real ninja can do anything he puts his mind to.
07:53Get set.
07:55Time to show them I'm the greatest ninja that ever lived.
08:00I can't! I can't do it! It's just too scary! I'm scared! I'm not looking! I'm scared!
08:04Harold's given up.
08:05Best remains Class Ninja.
08:09You won fair and square.
08:13Um, about that. I don't really want to be a ninja.
08:19I only took the challenge because you said my bee outfit was silly.
08:22I didn't mean that.
08:24I think bees are cool.
08:26You do?
08:27Oh yeah!
08:28Did you know that a honeybee can fly
08:30Sixteen miles per hour!
08:33Harold, if I become Class Ninja, who will be the Class Bee?
08:38The ninja job is yours.
08:40Always has been. Always will be.
08:43High five!
08:45A fire! A freezing fire!
08:48Dibs on his cubby.
08:49Ow! Ow! Ow!
08:51Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
08:56They need this! No! No!
09:01Way to go, Ninja Harold!
09:05Hey guys! Look what I made!
09:07I call it a Piranha Launcher!
09:23Bad fish! Bad!
09:29Whoa, Bridget! You were like, oh no!
09:32A ninja!
