• last year
You're So Cupid (2024)
00:00It started off as the worst day of my life, but then there he was.
00:08It was love at first sight.
00:11His name was Daniel.
00:18When Lily and Emma were born, we fell in love all over again.
00:22We were overjoyed.
00:23They were fraternal twins, and they were as different as night and day.
00:30Valentine's Day was their favorite day of the whole year.
00:39Likes English, strengths strong.
00:41Yeah, but sometimes he smells.
00:43From the time they were little girls, they loved to play matchmaker.
00:48She'd be perfect.
00:50Everyone all matched up?
00:53Where's Lily and Emma?
00:57Who are you asking to the dance?
00:59We're not.
01:00It's way more fun matching other people up.
01:02My cute, funny girls.
01:04They were always trying to help someone fall in love and live happily ever after.
01:10But doesn't happily ever after only happen in fairy tales?
01:16I'm gonna miss you.
01:18I'm gonna miss you too.
01:20I don't want to go.
01:27You can't just let her go.
01:29Dad, you have to go after her.
01:51It's past midnight.
02:00I know.
02:02How many kids are there in your school?
02:06A lot.
02:07But most of them are matched up now.
02:09I'm giving them advice on how to ask their match to the dance.
02:13I try.
02:15You're kidding.
02:18I do this for a living, remember?
02:20Well, yeah, but what you do is pretty much statistics.
02:2340-year-old blonde guy, loves golfing, burritos, taking long walks on the beach,
02:27seeks 30-year-old woman.
02:29Pretty, blonde, weighing under 100 pounds.
02:31But what Lily and I do goes so much deeper.
02:33I mean, we pay attention to every minor detail.
02:37We know our clients' hearts and we make sure to treat them gently.
02:42Well, don't stay up too late.
02:54What about Emma's heart?
02:56If it happens, you'll be the first to know.
03:04Lily, wake up! We overslept!
03:10Sorry, honey.
03:13The alarm didn't go off.
03:15What day is today?
03:18I've got to call your father.
03:26Voicemail. Typical.
03:33Mom, whatever happened with you and Dad?
03:36I mean, you used to be so in love.
03:39I'm late, and you're going to be late for school.
03:42Parting is such sweet sorrow.
03:45Sleep dwell upon thy eyes.
03:48Peace in thy breasts.
03:56Were I to sleep in peace so sweet to rest,
04:00hence will I to my ghostly father sell
04:06his help to crave and my dear half to tell.
04:11Thank you. Thank you.
04:13Thank you, Lily. That was beautiful.
04:15Elliot, you've done better.
04:18Let's try this scene again,
04:20and this time I want you a little closer,
04:23and I want you to really feel it.
04:27I want to feel the emotion of this scene.
04:34If you get the part of Juliet, you can't be shy.
04:37If you get the part of Juliet, you can't be shy.
04:40I know.
04:43I know.
04:48Good night. Good night.
04:51Parting is such sweet sorrow
04:54that I shall say good night till it be morrow.
04:57Sleep dwell upon thy eyes.
05:00Peace in thy breasts.
05:03Were I to sleep in peace so sweet to rest,
05:06hence will I to my ghostly father sell
05:10his help to crave and my dear half to tell.
05:16Wonderful. Wonderful. Thank you.
05:19Thank you. You may have a seat.
05:21Let's go back to the beginning of scene 9.
05:25Nice job, Lily.
05:27Looks like we're going to have some competition this year.
05:29Thanks, Megan.
05:31Did you know that Juliet was only 13 when she married Romeo?
05:34No, I didn't.
05:36And ew, it's so romantic.
05:39It's so illegal.
05:41I understand that the language of Shakespeare
05:44can be difficult to understand,
05:47but we have a rule in this class
05:50that we all stay awake.
05:54Why don't you come up here and meet with me?
05:59I'll be Juliet.
06:10Another one?
06:26You think she'd go out with me?
06:31Of course she will.
06:33As long as you ask her out in the right way.
06:37Here, connect this to your phone and put the earbud in.
06:40I'll be on the other line and tell you exactly what to say.
06:43She's alone.
06:45Now's your chance.
06:50Tell her that her eyes are like sapphires.
06:53Your eyes are like sapphires.
06:55That's kind of sweet.
06:57See, he's getting it.
06:59And that if she'd let you take her to the movies Saturday night...
07:02Your move.
07:08Hello, Marvin?
07:14Do you want to go to the movies Saturday night?
07:17Sure, pick me up at 6.
07:24My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself
07:28because it is an enemy to thee.
07:31Arthur, not Romeo.
07:33Anna, Montague.
07:35Thank you, Mary.
07:37I have another rule in my class,
07:39and that is that you remain in your seats
07:42for the entire class period.
07:45To the principal's office.
07:49Cutting class is never acceptable.
07:51But it was an emergency.
07:53For whatever reason. I called your parents.
07:57How many times have you been in my office this year?
08:04How many times have you been in my office this year?
08:11Is that your lovely wife?
08:13She's really pretty.
08:15What's her favorite flower? I'm sure it's narcissus.
08:18When was the last time you sent her flowers?
08:20She looks like the kind of woman who adores getting flowers.
08:23Wait outside my office.
08:25Your parents will be here soon.
08:33Miss Adams, please order me some flowers.
08:35What kind?
08:50It wasn't our fault.
08:52He wouldn't listen.
08:54I'll handle it.
08:56Mrs. Valentine.
09:00Come in, please.
09:06One down.
09:08And one to go.
09:14Hi, Dad.
09:16She's already in there.
09:29Not there.
09:31So, why don't you tell me what was so important you had to cut class?
09:36So, why don't you tell me what was so important you had to cut class?
09:40You're not going to buy it anyway, so why bother?
09:43Try me.
09:45Well, this kid in school today was like,
09:47I really want to ask this girl out, but I don't know how.
09:49And I was like, oh, you should just...
09:51Okay, you're doing that on purpose to bug me.
09:53No, I'm not.
09:55I don't know how, and I was like, oh, you should just...
09:57Okay, you're doing that on purpose to bug me.
09:59Start over, try it again, this time in English.
10:01Okay, well, we're in drama class, and we got a text from Marvin.
10:04Oh, just a second.
10:08Yeah, I was thinking Peter would be perfect for you.
10:10I know, he looks good, right?
10:12He lost, like, 55 pounds on some veggie sandwich diet.
10:15Yeah, okay, bye.
10:18Anyway, Marvin wanted to ask Greta out, but he's...
10:22Hello? Hey, Sophie.
10:25Yes, he's still available.
10:27Okay, bye.
10:29Hey, Dad, can we go riding after dinner?
10:31No, I can't. I really got to get this work done.
10:33It's important.
10:37So why couldn't you just wait and help Marvin out after school?
10:40Love won't wait, Mom.
10:42Did you know Julia was only 13 when she married Romeo?
10:44She didn't wait. She went for it.
10:46She followed her heart.
10:48Yeah, and look what happened to her.
10:50She's holding auditions for Romeo and Juliet,
10:52and I really want to be Juliet.
10:54But every time I audition for her, I get really tongue-tied.
10:57You would be a perfect Juliet.
10:59I think so.
11:07Yeah, I'm having a pool party at my house tomorrow after school.
11:10Everyone's invited.
11:12Okay, we'll finalize things then.
11:17Pool party?
11:19Pool party?
11:21When were you going to ask me?
11:28You should be grounded for today's escapade.
11:31I know, Dad. I'm sorry.
11:39You still want to go riding?
11:44Well, sorry, lately I've been, uh...
11:46Grumpy, moody?
11:49Yeah, all that.
11:56So, what would you think if I sold my business?
12:00I thought you loved what you did.
12:02I used to.
12:04I think that's what got your mom so upset.
12:07So wrapped up in it.
12:09Just a little.
12:12I got a guy who's interested in buying it.
12:14He's supposed to call me in a couple of days.
12:16That'd be really cool.
12:20Think your mom would come back if I sold it?
12:26Wanna race?
12:28You're on.
12:52Oh my gosh, Pharrell?
12:56I don't want anyone with zits, smelly pits, or halitosis.
13:02You guys totally rock.
13:06I'm in heaven.
13:10Are you sure?
13:11He's so not who I had in mind.
13:13Trust us.
13:14He's perfect for you.
13:26No, I'm awake.
13:29Pink and purple?
13:31Yeah, I'll go great together.
13:33So, you took care of N through Z?
13:38I guess.
13:40You guess?
13:42I got it.
13:45Do you think mom and dad will get back together?
13:48I hope so.
13:50Do you think he still loves her?
13:52Do you think he still loves her?
13:54In his crazy, clueless, mix-up kind of way, yeah.
13:58I don't think she loves him anymore.
14:01I mean, we...
14:05How about you tell me which girl's gonna take me to the dance?
14:08Absolutely not.
14:10That would just spoil all the fun.
14:11You have to wait, just like everyone else.
14:14Okay, how about a hen?
14:18It's a girl.
14:21Leave me alone.
14:22Stay away from Rita.
14:24Nobody messes with my girl.
14:26She's not your girl.
14:33Leave him alone.
14:34Her what?
14:39Who's that?
14:43That's my cousin Connor.
14:44His family just moved here from Becky's.
14:47So, he's new?
14:49I mean, like, he goes to school here?
14:55So, you're still making friends on the first date?
14:59He had it coming.
15:01That's when you start talking to pretty girls.
15:03You're funny, too.
15:05Connor, this is Lily, and this is...
15:09I'm Connor.
15:11It's nice meeting you both.
15:15Okay, we gotta go.
15:16Bye, ladies.
15:22Dad, dinner's ready!
15:28Hey, Dad. Dinner's ready.
15:30I'll be upstairs in about an hour, okay?
15:32An hour? Are you kidding me?
15:34I'm sorry. I told you I was working late tonight, didn't I?
15:44Hey, Lil, can you come over?
15:49I promised Daddy I'd be the first to know,
15:51but Dad's not here,
15:53but Dad's not here,
15:55and you are, so...
15:57I'm listening.
15:59Okay, you have to promise not to tell a single soul
16:01what I'm about to tell you.
16:03Okay, I promise.
16:05It finally happened, Lily.
16:07I'm in love.
16:08With who?
16:09I can't tell you. Well, not yet.
16:11I want to ask him to the dance first.
16:13I mean, it'd be just my luck if he hated my guts or something.
16:15So, you called me all the way over here
16:17to tell me you're in love,
16:19which is probably the biggest thing that ever happened to you,
16:21but you didn't tell me who it is.
16:23I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad.
16:27You know how they say twins share everything?
16:29I can't believe it.
16:31Both of us in love at the same time.
16:33I know.
16:35Now I know how Juliet felt.
16:39do you get a weird feeling inside when he looks at you?
16:41I mean, like you need to throw up, but you haven't eaten anything.
16:43That's romantic.
16:47Yeah, I do.
16:49He smiles at you?
16:53So it's agreed.
16:55As soon as they answer our invitation to dance,
16:57we'll tell each other who we're in love with.
17:01I can order pizza,
17:03or we can go out to dinner.
17:07Do you want to go out for pizza?
17:11Why don't you love Mom anymore?
17:15I mean,
17:17fall out of love.
17:19It's complicated.
17:21I'm listening.
17:25I didn't fall out of love.
17:27You still love her?
17:33That's why it's complicated.
17:35Why don't you just tell her?
17:37So what is all this?
17:39No fair changing the subject.
17:41No fair asking too many questions.
17:43What are you doing
17:45with the shredder, young lady?
17:49It finally happened, Dad.
17:51I think I'm in love.
17:55That's why I made a nice dinner for us.
17:57I wanted to tell you.
18:01I'm sorry.
18:03Now I know how you
18:05and Mom felt.
18:07It's awful.
18:09That's not the word
18:11that comes to mind when I think of love.
18:13No, what I meant is
18:15I help other people fall in love.
18:17I mean, this kind of stuff
18:19just doesn't happen to me.
18:21I don't know how to handle it.
18:25He plays ball?
18:29This is lame.
18:31I think it's perfect.
18:33And I should know.
18:41I would just melt
18:43if you agreed to go
18:45to the dance with me.
18:51Done already?
18:53Sorry, I was in a hurry.
18:55School project.
19:01More like chemistry.
19:05I'm sorry.
19:07I'm sorry.
19:13I'm in love with a really cute guy.
19:25Hey, looks like someone
19:27invited me to the dance.
19:31I'm going to text my mom
19:33and see if anyone dropped anything in the house.
19:35Please don't send me.
19:37Please don't send me.
19:41You hear that? There's nothing in there.
19:53No way. Another one.
19:57I'm so jealous.
19:59Your heart is melting. Huh?
20:01I mean, it's really melting. Oh.
20:03Did he see you?
20:05It was really close. Oh, me too.
20:07There was a motion detector light and it popped on just as I was about to knock.
20:09How long before they answer?
20:11They're guys, Lily. It's going to be a while.
20:13So what now? You got two invites.
20:15One guy.
20:17You do the math.
20:19If it's another one, it's mine.
20:49Ethan said yes to Sarah.
20:51Alex said yes to Amanda.
20:53Jake has not responded to Sharon.
20:55My date said yes, of course.
20:57Piper's date hasn't answered and
20:59Ashley hasn't asked her date yet.
21:01Hey, call me tonight and I'll tell you a great way to ask.
21:05What if our guys say no?
21:07They won't.
21:11So you're not going to tell me who asked you?
21:15Have you chosen who you're going to take to the dance?
21:19Do it fast so the other girl can ask someone else.
21:21You wouldn't want to break her heart.
21:25Did you girls get your dresses yet?
21:27I did. I'm waiting.
21:29Just in case I chicken out.
21:31Did you buy your dresses yet?
21:33Come on, you are going to the dance, aren't you?
21:35Our mom's taking us tomorrow.
21:39I can't believe we're looking for dresses.
21:41I know.
21:45Oh my gosh.
21:49It's perfect for me.
21:53It's gorgeous.
21:55Why don't you try it on?
21:57That's okay. It was made for you.
21:59I like that yellow one over there.
22:01You sure?
22:07You're amazing.
22:13It's about time.
22:17Well, I answered.
22:19So who's the lucky girl?
22:27Both of them. Why would you do that?
22:29I don't know.
22:31Well, who are they?
22:39Yes, he said yes.
22:45Emma, he said yes.
22:49I don't know. Just about a minute ago. Do you have anything?
22:51Not yet.
22:53Hold on. Let me go check again.
22:57There's nothing here.
23:01Lily, what if he doesn't answer?
23:03He will.
23:05What's on your face?
23:07You, uh,
23:09saving that for later?
23:13Why are you so sad?
23:15It's nothing.
23:17What's his name?
23:19Oh, what fools these mortals be.
23:23Someone left this near the gate.
23:25I think it's for you.
23:27Dad, are you kidding me?
23:33Yes, yes, yes, yes!
23:35I told you.
23:37I know. I'm so happy. It's like I'm seeing colors.
23:39Me too.
23:41So, tell me his name.
23:43You first.
23:45Okay, we'll say on the count of three.
23:53Hey, Mom.
23:55Can I go to Emma's house?
23:57Be back at 11. Is Emma okay?
23:59Yeah, we just have a little mix-up we need to sort out.
24:01No big deal.
24:03Love you, Mom.
24:05Love you.
24:09They're exactly the same.
24:11This is not happening.
24:13What are we gonna do?
24:15We? There is no we.
24:17The girl who got their answer first
24:19should go to the dance.
24:21I got my answer first, so I'm gonna go.
24:23So, what you're saying is
24:25the girl who got her answer from Connor first
24:27gets to go to the dance with him?
24:29Exactly. And that would be me.
24:31We'll see about that.
24:33Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad!
24:35Hey, girls.
24:37Okay, remember that package that came for me today?
24:39What time did you get it?
24:45I think the six o'clock news
24:47was coming on when I came through the door.
24:51Ah-ha what?
24:53Try to focus. Dad put my answer in the kitchen at six o'clock.
24:55So, technically, I got my answer first.
24:57Even though I didn't know it when you called.
24:59Which was what time?
25:03Problem solved. Thanks, Dad.
25:07Thanks a lot, Dad.
25:09You're the one who made up the rules.
25:11You tricked me into it!
25:13Why didn't you just ask Elliot out?
25:15He's the one that's totally in love with you.
25:17No, I'm not in love with Elliot.
25:19I'm in love with Connor, and I'm going to the dance with him!
25:21In your dreams!
25:23In yours!
25:25No way.
25:27And Lily.
25:35So, have you figured out
25:37how you're going to take both of them to dance?
25:39Working on it.
25:47Can I sit here?
25:49I already am.
25:53Everything okay?
25:55No, not really.
26:01Hey, Lily.
26:05Can I sit here?
26:07There you go.
26:09Can I sit here?
26:11There you go.
26:19You're the most beautiful girl
26:21I've ever seen.
26:23Um, why,
26:25why thank you.
26:27Those eyes.
26:29I can just drown
26:31in those big white eyes.
26:41Did you like the baseball?
26:47I sleep with it under my pillow every night.
27:03Your eyes.
27:05Your eyes.
27:07Your face.
27:09Your soul.
27:11It's like a work of art.
27:19The colors of your fingernails
27:21are so becoming.
27:25It's like
27:27love's brush just painted a canvas of beauty.
27:33Why do I feel like
27:35I'm the only one going crazy here?
27:37I don't know, why?
27:43Do you not see what you're doing?
27:47I've printed sides
27:49for you to audition with
27:51and I have this clipboard
27:53you will need to sign if you're going to audition.
27:55I suggest
27:57you choose a partner
27:59to audition.
28:01It will be to your advantage to have a partner
28:03and it will be to your advantage
28:05if you practice together
28:11Hey, do you want to be partners?
28:13He's, he's not
28:15trying out.
28:17Okay, we can be partners.
28:23Weren't your fingernails
28:25purple before?
28:27Were they?
28:33Be sure to sign
28:35your name to the audition sheet.
28:37I'll expect you to be on
28:39time for the audition.
28:41Four o'clock tomorrow?
28:43No second chances.
28:45You must be on time to be in my play.
28:47I have to be Juliet.
28:49Of course you do.
28:51I hope I get to be Romeo.
28:53You will.
28:55You're really good.
28:57Better than Connor?
29:01Lily, may I have a word?
29:05You have a natural talent, Lily.
29:07Thanks, I really love the play.
29:09I can tell.
29:11I don't usually do this, but
29:13I want to tell you
29:15I've got my eye on you for Juliet.
29:19I see bright things in your future.
29:25I'll see you at the audition.
29:29See you tomorrow.
29:35Lily, hey, wait up.
29:37Hey, do you want to run
29:39lines tonight?
29:45Your house or mine?
29:51I can't.
29:57You can have him back in a minute.
29:59What is going on, man?
30:01What are you talking about?
30:03You're playing both sisters.
30:05I can't help it.
30:09I'm in love with both of them.
30:17Hey, Ash.
30:19Hey, Lily.
30:21We're at Connor's at the
30:23get-to-know-your-date-before-the-dance party
30:25that you and Emma organized.
30:27You and Elliot should totally come over.
30:31We'll be here till at least midnight.
30:33It's okay, I have other plans.
30:43If I can just reach up
30:45and grab one of those stars,
30:49I'll come here and give it to you.
30:51And give you that.
30:55Lily, I made a razzleberry pie.
30:57And there was this
30:59Cary Grant marathon on TV tonight.
31:01If you don't mind, I'm really tired.
31:03I have my audition tomorrow
31:05and I need to polish my lines.
31:07Have you been crying?
31:09No, I'm just really stressed.
31:11You know how blotchy I get when I'm stressed.
31:13I had a really nice time tonight.
31:15Me too.
31:19Let's wait.
31:23As you wish.
31:35What's wrong?
31:37It's Lily. When she got home last night,
31:39it looked like she had been crying.
31:41Anything happen over there?
31:43She's a teenage girl.
31:45They cry all the time.
31:49No. She wasn't even here last night.
31:51Are you sure?
31:53I think I would know if my own daughter
31:55was at my house.
31:59Where were you?
32:01I'm right on time.
32:03Auditions were at four. You've known that for weeks.
32:05I had a note on my fridge.
32:07Mrs. Porter.
32:09Let me see.
32:13She didn't have an emergency, did she?
32:21I see you got the part of Romeo.
32:23Maybe if you talk to Mrs. Porter,
32:25she'll let you play the nurse.
32:29I'll see you tomorrow.
32:33Hey, Megan.
32:35You got the part of Juliet?
32:37It's really cool.
32:41I can't believe I did that to Lily.
32:45I'm a complete jerk.
33:09Oh, Lily.
33:11How could you do that
33:13to your poor sister?
33:15Ask her what she did to me.
33:17What did you do?
33:19You started it.
33:21She drew all over my beautiful dress
33:23with a sharpie.
33:27Do you know how much that dress cost?
33:29I'll pay for it.
33:31She sabotaged my audition.
33:33Mrs. Porter.
33:35She didn't have an emergency.
33:37Oh, Emma.
33:39You know how much that role meant to your sister.
33:41How could you do that to her?
33:45It's about that boy, isn't it?
33:47We both love him.
33:49So we both asked him to the dance.
33:51And he said yes to both of us. Why would he do that?
33:53And he's flirting with both of us, too.
33:55But he likes me best.
33:57I don't think so.
33:59Did he tell you that when he looks into your eyes,
34:01time stops?
34:05But he said my freckles are like little angel kisses.
34:12tell them why this boy
34:14loves them both so much.
34:16What are you talking about?
34:18Why is he in love with both of us?
34:25Because you have
34:27a special gift.
34:29Just like your dad does.
34:39Your dad is Cupid.
34:45Like the guy in diapers who goes around
34:47shooting bows and arrows at people?
34:49Fine. Just blurt it out.
34:51I thought we were going to wait for the perfect moment to tell them.
34:53Well, when is the perfect moment, Daniel?
34:55We were going to tell them when they were 13.
34:57Now they're almost going to college.
34:59When is the perfect moment?
35:01You see? This is how you operate, isn't it?
35:03Blame everything on good old Daniel
35:05so you look like the good guy.
35:07You're the one that split up this whole family.
35:09You know, good guys don't do that.
35:11No, good guys stick around
35:13and face the music like a man.
35:15Like a woman.
35:17Oh, yeah?
35:19Well, this woman
35:21is done.
35:23This woman
35:25wants a divorce.
35:31See how she gets?
35:35do you think Mom's really serious
35:37about wanting a divorce?
35:39You know how Mom gets when she's all worked up.
35:41Especially about Dad.
35:43Yeah, you're right.
35:45You need to do something.
35:47Me? How?
35:49I don't know.
35:51Lock her in her room until she comes to her senses.
35:55I bet no one will notice
35:57if you put it up.
35:59I'm practically bald.
36:01Here, let me.
36:09Why does love have to be so complicated?
36:11Because that's what
36:13makes it exciting.
36:15Take Romeo and Juliet, for instance.
36:17If their families weren't feuding, their story would be boring.
36:19Romeo meets Juliet,
36:21they fall in love, get married,
36:23have kids, the end.
36:25What's wrong with that?
36:27Do you really think
36:29Dad is Cupid?
36:41So, when I fell in love with your mother,
36:43that's when I crossed over.
36:45Became mortal.
36:47Did you use magic on Mom
36:49to make her fall in love with you?
36:51No, she
36:53said it was love at first sight.
36:55What about you?
36:57I became mortal, didn't I?
36:59So you can't make people fall in love anymore?
37:03Apparently not.
37:05Do you miss being Cupid?
37:09It's a rush seeing people fall in love.
37:14We know.
37:18What about falling in love yourself?
37:20That's where it gets complicated.
37:22I used to think I was the expert
37:24on love.
37:28I guess not.
37:31Take your mother, for example.
37:34I gave her this house, everything,
37:36and it
37:40wasn't enough.
37:42It was never enough.
37:44Maybe she didn't want all this.
37:46Maybe all she wanted was you.
37:48Are you sad you're not Cupid anymore?
37:53I'd do it all over again
37:55to have a moment with her.
37:57If you still love her,
37:59why didn't you chase after her when she left?
38:01She still loves you, Dad.
38:03Then she needs to tell me that.
38:05If she's the one that left...
38:12And we're a little late.
38:15Emma or Lily?
38:18I don't know.
38:20I've already told you that.
38:22The dance is next week.
38:27I feel like I'm under a spell or something.
38:31When I first saw Emma,
38:33I was like, she's the one.
38:35But then I saw Lily,
38:37and I was like, wow.
38:40You have to choose.
38:42You have to choose.
38:46I don't know, but if you don't do it soon,
38:50I'm gonna do it for you.
38:52I'm really, really, really sorry
38:54about your audition.
38:56I'm sorry, too.
38:58About your hair, and the dress,
39:00and the...
39:02I'm just kidding. There's nothing else.
39:04Here comes Connor. Do I look okay?
39:06Yeah, do I.
39:11Have you guys seen Elliot?
39:13Last I saw, he was at his locker.
39:22I'll catch you two later.
39:26That was weird.
39:28He didn't even notice my hair.
39:30And he's not all...
39:32Besotted? Yeah.
39:34Let's just forget about Connor,
39:36and concentrate on Mom and Dad.
39:38You're right.
39:40Okay, well, I'm gonna go try to suck up to Mrs. Porter.
39:42I can go with you and explain.
39:44That's okay.
39:46You know I better go alone.
39:48And about your dress?
39:50I used a washable marker.
39:52See you tonight. Bye.
39:54Do you know who you are?
39:56I'm the messenger. This is my message.
40:02Are you crying?
40:06No way.
40:08Yes, you are.
40:10It was the movie.
40:14it was a movie about ninja assassins.
40:18ninjas have feelings, too.
40:20Why don't you just call him
40:22and tell him you're sorry, and you really don't want a divorce?
40:24You know he's crazy about you.
40:26I can't.
40:28Why not?
40:30Because I can't, okay?
40:32Just leave it at that.
40:34I don't get it.
40:36You guys are grown-ups, and you're acting like me and Emma.
40:38Dad still loves you.
40:44Then why didn't he come after me after I left?
40:50He didn't even call.
40:58You really think you can forge their handwriting?
41:00I can try.
41:04Dear Daniel,
41:06I'm sorry for acting like an idiot.
41:08It was all my fault.
41:10I was a complete fool.
41:12That doesn't really sound like Mom.
41:22Dear Daniel,
41:24can we talk?
41:26I can't sleep.
41:28I'm sorry
41:30for everything.
41:32Please forgive me.
41:34It's perfect.
41:38Now Dad.
41:42let's not waste
41:44any more time
41:46being mad at each other.
41:48I am so sorry
41:50for everything.
41:52I should have never let you go.
41:54It's close.
41:56It's just not exactly the same.
42:06How did you do that?
42:10I don't know.
42:18What else can we do?
42:24Watch this.
42:32Oh, we're magic.
42:34I know.
42:36This is awesome.
42:50You look
42:54Where are you going?
42:56Out. Wish me luck.
42:58Good luck.
43:00Wow, where are you going?
43:02Out. Out where?
43:04Out there.
43:08Dad, when you were Cupid,
43:10did weird things happen
43:12to you? Like things changing color
43:14and glitter
43:16shooting out of your fingertips?
43:18No, I never had glitter
43:20shooting out of my fingertips.
43:22How did you do it then?
43:24I just kind of knew when people
43:26were meant to be together.
43:28And then you made them fall in love?
43:30Not made. Helped.
43:32There's a difference.
43:38Someone's coming. They're coming.
43:40Go, go, go.
43:42Put the candles.
43:46Check that out.
43:54Sorry, I'm late.
43:56I got these for you.
43:58Oh, another one?
44:04They're beautiful.
44:06You're beautiful.
44:08You're beautiful.
44:16I, uh,
44:20left my cell phone.
44:24You did?
44:30I've missed you.
44:32I've missed you, too.
44:34I had a dream about you last night.
44:36You were standing in the rain
44:38just like the first day we met.
44:40And I started walking towards you,
44:42but you turned and started walking
44:46I'm here now.
44:48I was so happy
44:50when I got your letter that you'd finally made
44:52the first move.
44:54First move? Your letter.
44:56You sent me
44:58a letter. No, I didn't.
45:00Yes, you did.
45:06Come on.
45:08Hold on. Let's talk.
45:10There's nothing to talk about.
45:12I should have known that you would not have thought of
45:14something so beautiful.
45:16How could you do that to me?
45:18You made me look like such an idiot,
45:20jabbering on about my dream like a starry-eyed
45:22schoolgirl, and stupid me,
45:24thinking that he finally cared enough
45:26to make the first move.
45:28I just thought...
45:30You made things a million times worse.
45:32How could that possibly help?
45:34If you two together again, you'd make up.
45:36The worst part
45:38is you made me hurt her
45:40all over again.
45:42She flipped.
45:44He freaked. She's crying.
45:46He's working. Everything was so perfect
45:48until they figured out those letters were from us.
45:50I know. They were both really going for it.
45:52Mom looks so happy.
45:54I haven't seen her smile like that in a really long time.
45:56They belong together, Lily.
45:58We need to show them that they're making a huge mistake.
46:04We could...
46:06We can't. Dad said no more magic.
46:08Then how are we going to make them fall in love again?
46:10We can't make them.
46:12But we can help them.
46:14Okay, then. We help Mom and Dad fall in love again.
46:16All we have to do is get them together one more time.
46:18And we do that how?
46:20We'll think of something.
46:22We're Cupid's daughters, aren't we?
46:24Yes, we are.
46:26We'll think of something.
46:28We're Cupid's daughters, aren't we?
46:30Yes, we are.
46:32You're teaching yoga?
46:34Uh-huh. It's good for the mind and the soul.
46:36You should try it.
46:44Look at this.
46:46That could work.
47:00What's this?
47:02Oh, nothing.
47:04They handed them out to everyone.
47:08It's not found its way to my desk.
47:16About last night...
47:18It's okay.
47:20You were right.
47:22It was all our fault.
47:26Do you want me to chaperone?
47:28Oh, I'm sure other parents have already signed up.
47:32But I want to.
47:34Well, if you insist.
47:36I do.
47:40Forgive me?
47:42Of course.
47:44Are you sure I won't embarrass you?
47:46You're kidding.
47:48I mean, which girl wouldn't love to have their mom chaperoned?
47:50Besides, I think I'll need you there for moral support.
47:54Now, um...
47:56I'm sorry about last night.
47:58Can we just forget all about it?
48:02Give me a hug.
48:08Looks like we have everyone all matched up for tomorrow night.
48:16Here's what we'll do.
48:18We'll both get ready for the dance.
48:20If he goes to your door, you go.
48:22And if he comes to mine, I'll go.
48:24What about the girl who...
48:26She deals with it.
48:28And no magic?
48:30No magic.
48:32Because if it really is love,
48:34there will be magic.
48:36But I wanted to take pictures.
48:38You can take pictures at the dance.
48:40I think they need you there early.
48:42They have to go over some no-no's with you.
48:44You look beautiful.
48:48Connor's a lucky guy.
48:52See you soon.
48:56Pamela, could you help me with...
49:00Where did my little girl go?
49:02She's still here.
49:04You look beautiful.
49:06Just like your mother.
49:08Thanks, Dad.
49:10You're gonna be late.
49:12I will see you at the dance.
49:14Can you promise to see the dance for me?
49:16I promise.
49:18Love you, Dad.
49:22Love you, too.
49:44Shall we go?
49:46You said that they were your favorite,
49:48just like your mom.
49:50They're beautiful.
49:52I know I'm not Connor.
49:54I know that, too.
49:56But maybe I could be a good second best.
49:58You're not.
50:12They did it again.
50:14They did it again.
50:18Always playing matchmakers.
50:20It's in their blood.
50:26Why did you run away, Audrey?
50:28Why didn't you come after me?
50:30Thank you so much for doing this.
50:32We were afraid we wouldn't be able to find anyone.
50:36Don't just stand there.
50:38Mr. Valentine asked your beautiful wife to dance.
50:40May I?
50:42May I?
50:56Aw, they're dancing.
50:58They look so cute.
51:00Oh, sorry.
51:02No problem.
51:04Elliot told me what happened
51:06with the audition.
51:08We talked to Mrs. Porter and asked
51:10if you and I could alternate playing Juliet.
51:12She said yeah.
51:14She did?
51:16I'll see you Monday after school.
51:18Okay, don't be late.
51:20I won't.
51:22Thanks, Megan.
51:24No problem.
51:26Hey, what's wrong?
51:28I just feel bad for Lily.
51:30You wish I'd chosen Lily instead?
51:34Look at her.
51:36Is it that painful?
51:42Being close to me.
51:44How much do I
51:46love thee, Emma?
51:48Let me count
51:50the waves.
51:52Why are you still talking like that?
51:54I thought the magic wore off.
51:56I don't think so.
52:06I just can't believe
52:08that I'm gonna be Juliet.
52:10And that you did that
52:12just for me.
52:14I did it for me.
52:16I mean,
52:18how am I supposed
52:20to be Romeo
52:22unless you're Juliet?
52:28Counting the minutes
52:30till the music stops,
52:32aren't you?
52:36I know you are.
52:40Because you know everything?
52:42You know what I want?
52:44What do you want, Audrey?
52:46And for the life of me,
52:48I can't figure it out.
52:50I want to go home.
52:56Come on, we have an emergency.
52:58It's Mom.
53:00What did you do this time?
53:02It's Mom.
53:04She left.
53:06And you let her go?
53:08How could I stop her?
53:10How could you not?
53:12Are you kidding me?
53:14You let her go off again?
53:16Are you sure you used to be Cupid?
53:26Excuse me, I need that carriage.
53:28I need that carriage.
53:50They say you fall in love
53:52once in a lifetime.
53:54I mean, really in love.
53:56The kind where butterflies
53:58come in waves.
54:14What do you want?
54:18I want you, Audrey.
54:24I've always wanted you.
54:28They say you can fall in love
54:30over and over again.
54:34Until you get it right.