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What is Tornado....


00:00Whoa! Whoa! Get inside the car, Kitty! We need to hurry up!
00:07We need to get out of here quickly! It's coming! It's coming!
00:15The Tornado!
00:18Hey friends! You two quickly take shelter.
00:21Because in today's episode, we are going to play the Tornado!
00:26Quickly take shelter, because in today's episode, we are entering the eye of the storm.
00:33That is, the Tornado! Zoom in!
00:40The weather has many sides.
00:42Sometimes cool, sometimes hot, sometimes pleasant and sometimes extreme.
00:49Creating thunderstorms, cyclones, floods, etc.
00:54And one of the most extreme, brutal and potent forms of weather..
01:01..is a type of a storm we call Tornadoes.
01:07A Tornado, which is also known as Twisters, are rapidly rotating columns of air..
01:14..that reach from a storm cloud to the Earth's surface.
01:18And when Tornadoes are formed, they are a brutal force to reckon with..
01:23..that can tear apart everything that comes on its way..
01:27..causing massive destruction to the surroundings.
01:32It's because of this very nature of Tornadoes that scientists have shown a keen interest in it.
01:39But the formation of a Tornado is so complex that scientists still don't completely understand it.
01:48As conditions that give rise to one Tornado..
01:52..does not necessarily be responsible for forming another one.
01:59But what we know so far is that a Tornado is formed under a powerful and big thunderstorm..
02:07..called Supercells.
02:10When cold dry air moving from one direction meets warm moist air coming from another direction..
02:17..it creates instability in the atmosphere.
02:22And as the cold air is dense or heavier, it slides down under the warm air..
02:28..and pushes it upwards very fast.
02:32The faster moving air begins to spin and roll over the slower wind..
02:37..creating an invisible horizontal spinning effect like a cylinder in the lower atmosphere.
02:45As the winds continue to build up, stronger and more powerful warm air..
02:50..forces the spinning winds vertically upward, causing an updraft.
02:56And with an increase in momentum and speed, the spinning winds create a vortex.
03:03Now the wind has enough energy to fuel itself and eventually keep going to form a Tornado.
03:10And when the pointed part of the Tornado touches the Earth's surface from the cloud..
03:15..it is often referred to as a Touchdown.
03:19And then it goes and does what it does best, that is, destroy everything along its path.
03:28Trivia Time!
03:30Did you know, the duration of Tornadoes and the distance they travel varies?
03:35Most of the Tornadoes last only less than 10 minutes..
03:39..and travel around 5 to 10 km before vanishing.
03:43But in some cases, however, they can last several hours and cross distances over 150 km.
03:54Also, the deadliest Tornado ever recorded was in Bangladesh in 1989..
04:02..as it sailed through the Dhaka region of the country.
04:05More than 20 villages were destroyed and around 1,300 people were killed.
04:14It's Question Time!
04:17Today's question is, what is the other name for a Tornado?
04:22Do write your answer in the comment section below..
04:24..and hit the like and subscribe button if you haven't yet..
04:28..to be a part of the Peekaboo Kids' Cutesy Wutesy family.
04:32So, here are the winners of the previous episode!
04:40Remember my friends, Tornadoes are nature's way of showing anger..
04:45..and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
04:48But if you ever come across one, then quickly run to a basement..
04:53..or get under a sturdy piece of furniture, like a table..
04:57..and crouch down on your knees and protect your head with your arms..
05:01..and stay inside the house until it's safe to come out.
05:06Hope you enjoyed today's episode.
05:08Until next time, it's me, Dr. Binox, Zooming out!
05:14Oh, never mind!
05:31Latest videos!
05:34See you!
