• last year


00:00Antonio, I can't stand this silence anymore, please.
00:04Can you tell me how you feel?
00:09Talk to me, please.
00:33I'm dying of jealousy.
00:35I can't tell you anything else.
00:38My feelings for you haven't changed.
00:43If you had any doubts, I would tell you.
00:45And your feelings for her have changed?
00:47I value Lucia a lot.
00:49And I will always have her.
00:52But I love you.
00:54Do you understand?
00:55Do you get it?
00:56I love you.
00:58And no one else.
00:59You don't have to doubt this, please.
01:01Pietro, I swear I try.
01:04I really try.
01:06I wake up every day thinking that all this is going to be fine.
01:10But at night I go to bed and I...
01:15I start to turn my head a lot and...
01:20I get very scared.
01:21Scared of what?
01:25Scared of losing you, Pietro.
01:29I love you.
01:36I've just been with Matilde.
01:38You can't imagine how happy I am.
01:40What's going on with Matilde?
01:43Nothing, Antonia.
01:44It turns out that she's been set up
01:46with the idea that I was crazy to put her in the psychiatric ward.
01:50I still don't believe it.
01:53But who would want to do something like that?
01:55I don't know.
01:56All I know is that even the psychiatrist himself was involved.
02:00Thank God they found out in time.
02:02But the psychiatrist who was treating her?
02:06My God.
02:08Well, thank God he hasn't managed to get her in,
02:10because you know how to get in from those places,
02:12but not how to get out.
02:14Yes, you do.
02:15Pietro, do you have to be such a workaholic right now?
02:18Really, always thinking about the worst, huh?
02:20I'm going to take a walk.
02:22Take some air.
02:27Has something happened?
02:29Nothing, Marta, nothing.
02:32Pietro, we know each other.
02:37Marta, a few months ago,
02:39someone told me that I was about to marry the love of my life.
02:43The other love of my life, the one I thought was dead,
02:46now appears.
02:47I would have taken it as a bad taste joke.
02:50You've scolded me again, haven't you?
02:53I can't blame you for anything.
02:55It's just that you're doing too well.
02:57Look, Pietro, what happens to Antonia is very simple.
03:00She misses him.
03:02I just don't understand why she's so determined to behave like a kid.
03:08You're right.
03:10We can't go on like this.
03:14By the way, wait.
03:23The guy from the bookshop gave me this for you.
03:30And he hasn't said anything else?
03:34the third one was the winning one.
03:36Something like that.
03:53I'm sorry.
03:59Mrs. Lázara, as the head of the temporary waiters,
04:03I want to tell you that I'm at your disposal
04:06and that I'm ready to give you the part.
04:09What part?
04:10The news part.
04:11But what news is Elias going to give me?
04:13We just opened.
04:14Well, so you can see that I'm taking this very seriously.
04:17Where do you want me to start?
04:19You and Teresa will take care of the details.
04:22Well, but I thought that between tall cars like you and me
04:26there shouldn't be intermediaries.
04:29Let's see if I'm going to tell Mrs. Teresa something
04:31and she's going to tell her in another way.
04:34I think there's something you're not quite understanding.
04:40Teresa is not our intermediary.
04:42Teresa is above you and below me.
04:45So she tells you the news parts.
04:49Do you understand?
04:50Yes, sir.
04:51Ma'am, I mean, Mrs. Lázara.
04:54Well, one thing, which is not a triviality.
04:58In the promotion, do you simply value my professional merits
05:03or am I also going to notice it in the salary?
05:05In the bonus?
05:07A little bit, yes, right?
05:09You disappoint me.
05:10There are things that are not paid with money.
05:15Go to work.
05:16Of course.
05:17If you'll excuse me.
05:22Keep an eye on Elias.
05:24It seems to me that the position has risen to his head.
05:28Of course.
05:29Is there anything else I can help you with?
05:31Not at the moment.
05:32Well, yes.
05:34I wanted to congratulate you.
05:36Congratulate me? Why?
05:38Well, for how you have adapted to the circumstances,
05:42with what professionalism and with what discretion.
05:46These are qualities that I value a lot,
05:48especially in my employees.
05:50Honestly, I thought you were going to make things much more difficult for me,
05:53but you have had a backbone.
05:55And I also value that a lot.
05:57Although, thinking about it,
05:59I would not have achieved anything by facing me.
06:02But hey, I really appreciate that you are keeping your word.
06:08Don't forget Elias.
06:11Neither do you.
06:17Mrs. Bárbara seems determined to put on sale
06:20all the premises of the gallery.
06:22So imagine what that could mean.
06:25That they fall into the hands of speculators.
06:27That they would treat the gallery as a simple and cold business, without soul.
06:31And I refuse to accept it.
06:33What can we do to prevent it?
06:35And I refuse to accept it.
06:37What can we do to prevent it?
06:40I can only think of one idea.
06:51Sorry for the delay.
06:52I had to make a gesture.
06:54No, don't worry. Inigo, sit down. Do me a favor.
06:57We just started.
06:59We were talking about the rumors
07:01that are getting stronger and stronger about the future of the gallery.
07:05Are you referring to what is said about the Morcón group?
07:08Indeed. It seems that Mrs. Bárbara is determined to get rid of all her assets.
07:13With the disastrous consequences that you can imagine.
07:17Especially for us, who are in a rental regime,
07:20but if we change the owner, you know what could happen.
07:23That would increase the rent, for example.
07:25Or even worse, that we are resigned to the contract.
07:29That's why we need your help, Inigo.
07:36I would be delighted, but...
07:39I can't think of a way.
07:45Hey, Salvita.
07:46Why did you give the books to Pietro instead of giving them to me?
07:49Good morning to you too.
07:51I gave them to Pietro because I knew he wouldn't give them to me.
07:55Let's say that lately you haven't been very affectionate with me.
07:58Well, I already told you that I was a little nervous about a friend's situation.
08:01She has had a problem and until it has been solved, I have not been calm.
08:05I'm glad then. For your friend and for me.
08:08I already thought it was something personal.
08:10Well, I really came to thank you.
08:13They were all the books that the retired teacher quoted in the manual.
08:18Since we are here, I like to do things right.
08:21Well, I'm leaving now.
08:23I want to take advantage of the break to start studying.
08:26I can't wait.
08:27You can't wait to study?
08:30Yes, because I miss you.
08:32That doesn't happen to me in life.
08:35Maybe it has never happened to you because you have never had to stop studying to get to work.
08:40But I do.
08:41So now you will understand that I can't wait to study and learn and recover all the time I have lost.
08:48Why do I get the feeling that I'm always meddling with you?
08:51Well, is that it? Or are you always on the defensive?
08:53I'm not on the defensive, Salvita.
08:55But I can't deny where I come from.
08:57Me neither.
08:58Or do you want me to be a hypocrite?
08:59I really don't know what else I have to do to please you.
09:01Look, I've come to thank you, not to argue.
09:08Besides, I also wanted to ask you one thing.
09:12I want to pay you for the books, but I need to do it on time.
09:15On time?
09:16Otherwise I can't keep them.
09:18I've talked to my father and we've decided to lend them to you.
09:22When you finish them, you give them back and that's it.
09:25But you didn't have to bother him.
09:27No, on the contrary.
09:28He was the one who decided it.
09:30My father is delighted that I have a friend who likes to study.
09:33Do you know what he told me?
09:34That he won't separate me from you to see if I like that virtue.
09:40So, we're friends?
09:44At the moment, I would be satisfied with that.
09:48Well, I'll think about it.
09:51Because I haven't had many friends.
09:55And not as many as you.
09:58And about the books...
09:59No, no, no.
10:00There's nothing else to talk about.
10:01My father won't accept a no for an answer.
10:05I'll take care of them like a treasure.
10:07That's what they are to me.
10:09A treasure.
10:10Have a good day, friend.
10:13I say the same, friend.
10:19I say the same, friend.
10:30You were in charge of taking Mr. Morcuende's accounts.
10:33And you did the same with your wife, Mrs. Carla.
10:35May they both rest in peace.
10:37And now, that responsibility, as we all know,
10:40has been assumed by Don Fabio del Moral.
10:44I have to tell you that my relationship with Fabio has cooled down in the last few weeks.
10:54Which doesn't mean that, given the circumstances, I can't talk to him.
11:02Tell me, what do you want me to transmit to him?
11:05An offer to buy all the galleries.
11:10Is that your plan?
11:13Do you think it's crazy, Agustín?
11:15No, no, quite the opposite.
11:16Getting the gallery is the best plan for everyone.
11:19You could convince Don Fabio.
11:32Well, it's a good day, isn't it?
11:36Fortunate are those who can sit down to have a coffee,
11:40unconcerned, alien to the great problems of humanity.
11:43And what problems are those?
11:45The waiters, who have me more fried than the squid in Andalusia.
11:49Especially Montero's pelmazo.
11:51You have to see.
11:52If it's not one thing, it's another.
11:54If the shifts, when it's a holiday, you have to charge more.
11:58Well, they think I'm a boxing bag.
12:01No, what they think is that you are their boss, in functions, but their boss.
12:04And that's exactly what a boss does,
12:06take care of all these cumbersome matters.
12:08Do you think Cañete did most of his time?
12:11Or didn't you complain to him?
12:13Me? What else?
12:14But hey, by the way, I haven't been able to find another priest to marry you.
12:18And I'm ashamed.
12:20Oh, Elías, I should be ashamed.
12:23I don't know where I had my head.
12:25You don't have to look for anyone.
12:28We have decided to get married in a remote village lost in the mountains.
12:33But let's see, what nonsense is that?
12:35No nonsense.
12:36It is the town of my family and it turns out that the priest who is going to marry us is the same one who baptized me.
12:41It's like closing a circle.
12:42Well, that would be if you made the funeral.
12:45Yes, well, he may be right.
12:47The point is that he is delighted and so am I.
12:50Yeah, well, where is that place? Where is your town?
12:53Peñalba de Santiago.
12:56Peñalba de Santiago, do you know it?
12:59It is a town at the top of the Aquilian Mountains.
13:02A marvel.
13:04Of course, assuming that you are able to get there, because the last stretch of the way you have to do it on foot.
13:10You have to go up on a donkey.
13:12I've already told you.
13:14It is the only way we have to get there.
13:17And there are no donkeys for everyone.
13:19And on top of that, the priest says that if his monks are not going to officiate the wedding.
13:23And Miguel, well, he has a family.
13:25Well, all the people in his family are very old.
13:27So they can't walk.
13:29Therefore, the guests, in the end, will have to take a walk.
13:34A walk of how much?
13:36It's only 20 kilometers.
13:37Of course, as if you were climbing a wall.
13:39Even the wolves have a hard time.
13:41There are wolves?
13:42That's what they say.
13:43My God.
13:44And how are we going to go with the heels down that goat path?
13:47You have to get me a Russian.
13:49No, no.
13:50I've already told you that there are not enough.
13:52They are all chosen.
13:54They can't make two trips.
13:55Good question.
13:56Yes, sir.
13:57The fact is that they are already a little older and ...
14:00Come on, maybe they'll have a snack right there.
14:03Oh, poor little animals.
14:05I understand, I understand.
14:07I wouldn't like anything else to accompany us on such a special day.
14:10But with the ascent you have more responsibilities and you can't do without the bill.
14:17Don't worry.
14:18Trin and I would understand perfectly ...
14:22if they didn't want to come.
14:24Because, on top of that, it's very far from Madrid.
14:26Almost all day on the bus to Ponferrada.
14:30And then take another bus to Peñalba.
14:34Come on, more than a bus.
14:35That seems like a diligence.
14:37And not to mention that it's raining almost all the time, so ...
14:41Pierpeinado, Afro and Sparrow.
14:43We have everything against it.
14:45But let's see, why don't you keep looking for my church in Madrid?
14:48Because I say one thing.
14:50Don't try to hurt Trini's family.
14:52You get married in your town.
14:54Well, I'll tell you.
14:55We have given them the opportunity to fix their differences,
14:58but neither one nor the other has given up.
15:01And much better.
15:02Because there is no donkey for everyone.
15:04Well, nothing.
15:05It's a shame.
15:08Oh my God.
15:09The break is over.
15:12Don't take too long.
15:18Another wedding that goes to hell.
15:20What a mess I have.
15:22If it's not for one thing, it's for another.
15:24I don't know what fixation you have with weddings now.
15:27I would never have thought it.
15:29It's just that here where you see me, I'm very romantic.
15:32And I'm crazy about love stories.
15:34Especially those that have a happy ending.
15:36Well, I assure you that mine will have a happy ending.
15:38Well, I don't know.
15:40Let's see if with the stupidity of the donkeys,
15:42you fall down and the vultures eat you.
15:45Esperanza, don't say that.
15:46Man, anything can happen.
15:48Look at the other wedding.
15:50That the deceased woman was resurrected.
15:52That can be understood, for God's sake.
15:55Well, since we forgot about that wedding,
15:57now I was very excited about yours.
16:01Don't be grumpy.
16:02I don't consent to that wedding being canceled.
16:05Because Antonia and Pietro love each other very much.
16:07So I tell you that at some point we will see them together on the altar.
16:10Well, I don't know.
16:11It's just that where there was fire, there is embers.
16:14And that woman has come to what she has come.
16:16To try to get her husband back.
16:18And it is logical that she tries.
16:20Well, let her try whatever she wants,
16:22because he won't get away with it.
16:24Well, I would be calmer if Antonia took out her claws
16:28and fought for what she wants.
16:30But here the only one who fights for Pietro is his wife.
16:33And very well that she does.
16:34Esperanza, shut up.
16:35No, I don't shut up.
16:36Because I'm right.
16:37And I would like not to have her.
16:39Our Antonia needs a push.
16:44If I were in his place, do you know where the Italian would be now?
16:47In a boat, straight to his country.
16:54What I was saying about this ...
16:55No, no, if what you have said has been clear to you.
17:02How many times has this happened?
17:04How many?
17:08This is the list of all the properties we have sold so far.
17:12In the column next to it appears the sale price.
17:17Are you sure it's the right amount?
17:20It is possible that you have sold it below the real value price.
17:24If you mean the real value of a few months ago, you are right.
17:28But that value has already changed.
17:30Political instability does not help.
17:33And investors are not willing to risk.
17:38As for the galleries' premises, they are undoubtedly the most valued.
17:43But I don't see any here on the list.
17:48You just mentioned it.
17:50Precisely because they are the most valued assets,
17:53we must treat them with greater attention and not rush.
17:58I don't want to pressure you, Fabio.
18:00Nor do I want to rush.
18:02But time does not run in our favor.
18:05But I am the first one interested in ending all this.
18:09First of all, so that Carla can leave as soon as possible.
18:14And secondly, to be able to break any link with your company.
18:20Any link?
18:22That's right.
18:23Also with me?
18:26But isn't that what you suggested to me?
18:29That we should pay our debts.
18:31Because if I remember correctly, those were your words.
18:34I told you that for my daughter, I would be capable of anything.
18:38And that if I didn't help you for the good, I would end up doing it for the bad.
18:41And there would be nothing effective that would not be submitted.
18:43Which of the two is trying to break the link?
18:46I may have told you that word, but ...
18:50But it was not the result I wanted to achieve with her.
18:54Oh no? Try again. Let's see.
18:57Look, you have to understand that as a mother, everything I do responds to a single question.
19:02And it is to protect Carla from an injustice.
19:04But what injustice are you talking about?
19:06She did what she did.
19:08And you insist on defending the independent.
19:13You will never understand. It is impossible.
19:15No, of course, you are right. I will never understand.
19:17But not because it is impossible, but because there are lines that cannot be crossed.
19:21No matter how good you are.
19:23Bia, shut up.
19:24No, your duty is to help her.
19:25But to have a fair trial.
19:27Not to cover up her crimes.
19:29Then you would be justifying them.
19:31And instead of acting like her mother, you would be doing it as her accomplice.
19:35And I don't want to become yours.
19:37Look, we are all adults, Fabio.
19:38And we all make our decisions.
19:40And you made yours.
19:41No, Barbara. You lied to me.
19:43You lied to me to make me do it.
19:45Because if I had known the truth from the beginning ...
19:49But no.
19:50You hid it from me.
19:51And you took advantage of what I feel for you.
19:54Very well.
19:58We already know what awaits you in our relationship.
20:00So sell these premises of this damn gallery.
20:03And let's finish this as soon as possible.
20:20Are you okay?
20:22Are you okay?
20:24No, I'm not.
20:34Estrellita, is she here yet?
20:35She's coming.
20:36If she's funny, so is Camila.
20:39Hey, you can't be more rambunctious.
20:44I had been told that the sunsets in Madrid don't see you in Parangón.
20:47And that's right.
20:48How wonderful.
20:49How are my girls?
20:51A little nervous.
20:52In case I couldn't come.
20:54Oh, you don't know me.
20:56If you see me, it's funny.
20:58I really wanted to see you.
21:00But there were so many people waiting for me at the hotel door ...
21:02... that I had to go out through the back door.
21:05Don't get me wrong.
21:06I adore my audience, but ...
21:08But there are times when I need a little peace ...
21:11... and to remember who I am.
21:14And who is it?
21:15A very fortunate person.
21:17How was the performance in Toledo?
21:40Miss Castro.
21:42We have already organized your reservation in the tea room.
21:45I hope you like it.
21:46If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me.
21:50Do you feel like going?
21:51Or do you prefer to rest?
21:53Yes, even if it is to regain strength.
21:56Have you thought of doing something tonight?
21:58Look, I haven't come to a city like this to hide in a hotel.
22:02I'm not going to allow it.
22:04I have taken the liberty of organizing the evening party tonight.
22:07We will go to the best club in the city, the Madrid Cabaret.
22:10Fortunately, I have a very good relationship with its owner.
22:13What do you think?
22:14What do you think, my hostess?
22:17Well, yes, we're going to dance.
22:19Well, that's it, don't talk anymore.
22:20I'll take care of everything.
22:22I assure you that it will be an unforgettable evening.
22:25I'm going to talk to Guiñigo.
22:28Show me some of your photos.
22:31But do you want?
22:32Of course.
22:33Well, come on, come on.
22:45Dr. Mendoza, thank you very much for coming so soon.
22:49My secretary told me it was an urgent matter.
22:52It's not just an urgent matter.
22:54It's very serious.
22:55This morning, leaving the office,
22:57you can't imagine who stood in front of me and challenged me with a shameless look.
23:04Matilde Garces.
23:06And tell me, why do I have to endure such humiliation?
23:11Look, ma'am.
23:12Because you have not done your job.
23:14How is it possible that woman is still on the street?
23:17How is it possible that you still haven't managed to get her in?
23:21I need an explanation.
23:26I assure you that I am doing everything possible.
23:29I thought I had convinced her husband,
23:31but that young woman has more influence on him than I thought.
23:35The fact is that he has asked me for some time.
23:38The fact is that he has asked me for some time.
23:40Some time for what?
23:42To make a final decision.
23:46Listen to me carefully.
23:47You have to do something.
23:49And you have to do it now.
23:50Because every minute that Matilde is on the street,
23:53our situation gets more complicated.
23:56Iñigo has called me before you.
23:59And what did he say?
24:00No, but it was something important and we had to see each other as soon as possible.
24:05I'm afraid he's starting to suspect.
24:07He hasn't left us any loose ends, has he?
24:09No, of course not.
24:12Then you have the opportunity to convince him,
24:14dispel his doubt at once.
24:16Because my patience has a limit.
24:18Also, as long as Matilde is still free, there will be no real.
24:23I hope it's clear to you.
24:24Believe me, I'm doing everything I can.
24:27Then do more.
24:28Because it's not about not charging your fees.
24:31You and I have an agreement.
24:33And if it is not fulfilled,
24:34I will personally take care of ruining his reputation.
24:38I wouldn't be able to.
24:39No, you're wrong.
24:42Right now I would be capable of anything.
24:47Tonight Matilde Garcés will sleep in the sanatorium.
24:52That's what I wanted to hear.
25:04But Antonia, it's not the first time Esperanza has let go of some of her barbarities.
25:08You already know her, I don't listen to her.
25:10Yeah, but Trini listened to her as if she were right.
25:13And Teresa too.
25:15Everyone thinks I'm going to lose Pietro.
25:17Well, I don't think so.
25:18And you also think I should fight for him.
25:23It's Esperanza.
25:25Can I come in?
25:27What for?
25:29To continue annoying the staff, that's what I want to happen.
25:32Don't talk to me like that, girl.
25:33Hey, Esperanza.
25:34You were my boss at La Moderna, but not here.
25:37Don't you think you've already done enough?
25:39You're always making your boss suffer.
25:41I've been here for three years.
25:43I've been here for four years.
25:45And I've been here for three years.
25:48I've been here for three years.
25:49And I've been here for three years.
25:50Esperanza, you may be my boss at La Moderna, but not here.
25:53Don't you think you've hurt Antonia enough with your gossip and your nonsense?
25:56Maybe we don't want to listen to you.
25:58Stop the car and keep your nails sharp.
26:01I've come to apologize and also to explain myself.
26:05Antonia, either you knock on my door with your nose, which I would understand,
26:09or let me in.
26:13Come in.
26:20Come in.
26:28Well, you tell me.
26:32Although I would like to, the truth is that I don't have a crystal ball to see the future.
26:38And I don't know what's going to happen between you and Pietro.
26:43But I tell you that no one was happier than me that you had gotten married.
26:46Come on, don't hide it well.
26:50What I was telling Trini when you heard me,
26:53what worries me is that you don't fight enough.
26:59Because if you don't do it, someone else will.
27:03Or maybe you're already doing it.
27:08I'm telling you from my own experience.
27:14We all have a story.
27:17Even me.
27:21Well, Mr. Luque is waiting for you in his warehouse in an hour.
27:24Who is Mr. Luque?
27:26Our new coffee supplier.
27:28Ah, yes, yes, perfect.
27:29Well, if you want to come with me, we'll take a walk and then have a snack in Plaza Mayor.
27:34I would love to, but this afternoon I start with the new specialist.
27:37I thought I had told you.
27:38Yes, yes, yes, you told me.
27:39His name is... His name is Amancio...
27:43That's it.
27:44Estrada. It was Mrs. Juanes' first recommendation.
27:46I hope he's as good as her.
27:48Yes, I hope so.
27:53What energy does this woman have?
27:55Thank goodness she's gone to rest.
27:57But who are you talking about?
27:59About Estrellita Castro.
28:00By the way, tonight we're going to the Madrid Cabaret with her and I'm counting on you.
28:04Yes, of course, count on me.
28:05Who was going to tell us that we were going to dance with Estrellita Castro?
28:12Let's hope the Madrid Cabaret is to her liking.
28:15Yes, because she accompanies us.
28:17She accompanies us?
28:19Are you serious?
28:21I would be delighted to accompany you.
28:23Well, let's not talk about it anymore, right?
28:26Or yes, or yes.
28:27Well, I don't really want her to force herself to stay up late.
28:31Of course, you are one of those who go to bed early.
28:34Yes, they will come very tired from the visit, surely.
28:37Besides, we know you don't like to enter the main street with all the noise.
28:41Yes, yes, yes, you're right.
28:43Besides, if I'm present, you won't be able to behave naturally.
28:47Not with Estrellita, not with Agustín.
28:53Well, well.
28:55Let's see, now that I have you in front of me, I wanted to share with you something that runs through my head.
29:01You see, some of my friends have opened a restaurant in El Escorial.
29:06And they invited me to eat there.
29:08Well, that's a better plan than moving in with us.
29:11And I wanted to ask Mrs. Lázara to come.
29:15Very well, of course, go with her, right?
29:19Do you think it's a good idea?
29:21Yes, of course, I don't see why not.
29:23No, no, I don't think I've explained myself well.
29:25I wanted to ask Mrs. Lázara to accompany us, the four of us.
29:29The four of us?
29:30Yes, yes, it would be beautiful to spend a day in the mountains, as many families do.
29:34I understand that it is not the plan that you most want, although the idea was not mine, it was Inés'.
29:38Something came up with the restaurant.
29:41What do you say? Do I put you in a commitment?
29:45Is it important to you?
29:50Well, let's go, let's go.
29:53Well, we'll see.
29:58His name was Juan José.
30:00I met him in my town of Jobim.
30:02I was 15 years old and he was 17.
30:05We were going together to pick lemons.
30:07He took me to the orchards, yes.
30:10He was very handsome and had a very good plant.
30:14But above all, he treated me like a queen.
30:19I told him he was a fool, come on.
30:21And the laughter we made.
30:26How he smiled at me.
30:30Did you fall in love?
30:32That's right.
30:34Almost without realizing it.
30:38But one day he came and told me that he was going to work in Seville.
30:42With an uncle of his who had opened a grave.
30:46I remember it as if it were today.
30:52My heart broke.
30:55But I shut up.
30:57And I told him, good luck.
30:59I told him that in Seville you will surely find many beautiful girls with whom to dance.
31:05He loved him and let him go. Why?
31:07Because he was afraid.
31:09Because he loved him so much that I thought
31:12to leave him before he left me.
31:17And he thought he didn't love him enough.
31:20I couldn't stop thinking about him.
31:24And after a couple of years, I went to look for him.
31:30And I was waiting for him.
31:34He had married a Sevillian.
31:38I saw them walking through Mario Luisa's park.
31:42They were holding hands.
31:44And he pushed a baby cart very proudly.
31:52I left before he could see me.
31:59That day I understood that everything was over.
32:09But I told myself that one day I would find
32:13a man who would look at me as he looked at me.
32:18As if I were the only woman in the world.
32:25But you didn't find him, did you?
32:30That's why I tell you, Antonia, that you have to fight for Pietro.
32:34With all your strength for the man you love.
32:38Don't stay with that bitterness of not having tried.
32:42Because I'm going to tell you one thing.
32:44You know very well
32:48that there aren't many men who truly deserve pity.
32:52And Pietro, like my son Jose,
32:56is one of them.
33:00Or am I wrong?
33:06You're not wrong.
33:17Are you ready to go home with your future and past wife?
33:21Give me two minutes and I'll be there.
33:23How did it go with the guests? Have they swallowed it?
33:26Well, they have to walk 20 kilometers
33:29through a mountain of wolves and other animals
33:33and they've had enough.
33:35Well, even Esperanza, who resisted the most.
33:38Speaking of animals, I also have good news.
33:40Elías has come down from the donkey.
33:42Oh, that's great.
33:43How hadn't we thought of getting married on a mountain before?
33:46It's the best idea we've ever had.
33:48Yes, yes, yes, and our nightmare will end.
33:50We'll take a few days off and when we come back...
33:53We'll have a normal life.
33:56Well, almost.
33:57Because I remind you that my mother knows about our secret.
34:01Well, that's not a problem
34:03because now she's with her brother in Guadalajara
34:05and when she comes back, she'll go back to Fuencarral.
34:08Or have I missed something?
34:09You haven't missed anything, but my mother,
34:11knowing her, is capable of showing up at home tonight.
34:13No, no, no, not at all.
34:14We kindly tell her that for the sake of her well-being,
34:17we won't let her sleep on the couch again.
34:19Yes, and then she'll tell you that you're absolutely right.
34:22So you'll sleep on the couch
34:24and she'll sleep on the bed with me.
34:30I'm leaving, partner.
34:31I always forget about you.
34:33I was doing the inventory.
34:34You see, I'm more and more involved every day.
34:37I leave everything to this step.
34:39Well, Trini, what about you?
34:41Have you wished for the best possible wedding
34:43within the impossible?
34:47The best possible wedding within the impossible?
34:51I think I've said the impossible in a really bad way.
34:53Can we really trust him?
34:54Yes, you've said it in a really bad way.
34:56And yes, we can trust him.
34:58Actually, I don't know to what extent,
34:59but we have to admit that so far he has kept his mouth shut.
35:02We're leaving.
35:03We're leaving.
35:05What's that book?
35:07Don't tell me that now we have to take it to a client.
35:10It's not for any client.
35:12It's for us.
35:14For her.
35:15Or for him.
35:16We have to start in the habit of reading.
35:18We'll read it every night before going to bed.
35:20Of course.
35:21We have to read.
35:22Of course.
35:23But you're going to read it.
35:46I've been at home all day
35:48and I needed to get some air.
35:50And I happened to talk to someone.
35:52Well, I was actually going down to thank him
35:54for the cake he gave us.
35:56I hope you liked it.
35:58Yes, a lot.
35:59Although having Pietro,
36:00Antonia and I are very well used to it.
36:02I see.
36:03Anyway, I shouldn't have bothered you.
36:05No, but I didn't bother Marta.
36:07I love to cook.
36:09And another thing, no,
36:10but I have plenty of time.
36:12You can't imagine how long my day is.
36:15Well, it was just that.
36:18Marta, wait.
36:21I also wanted to thank you
36:23for the talk we had here the other day.
36:26You were very affectionate listening to me
36:28and I needed to vent.
36:31And to be able to explain to you
36:33that I didn't come here to hurt anyone,
36:35much less Antonia.
36:37I know.
36:39Has Agüita had any of her dreams?
36:42No, fortunately not.
36:46I have good news.
36:48I made you a minestrone.
36:50It's an Italian soup.
36:52Well, they're not the same ingredients,
36:54but they're similar.
36:55Thank you very much.
36:56I also have good news.
36:59I come from El Consolado
37:00and it seems that the documentation
37:01we need to legalize your situation
37:03won't take long.
37:05And you'll be able to return to Italy
37:06before we thought.
37:08I'm so happy, Lucia.
37:13I have the minestrone that burns.
37:15I have to go.
37:31This is what you wanted, right?
37:35To be together.
38:16What a shame.
38:18Because I'm afraid it won't be possible.
38:46There's something I haven't told you.
38:48While I was waiting for you in the gallery,
38:50I approached her office.
38:52Whose office?
38:53Mrs. Bárbara's.
38:55I couldn't help it.
38:57I wanted to look her in the eye
38:58so she knew we weren't going to give up.
39:01Did she say anything to you?
39:05But I could feel her fear.
39:12Are you sure she's coming?
39:14She gave me her word that she'd come by
39:16as soon as the consultation was over.
39:18And I'm sure she'll come
39:20because of the account she has.
39:28It won't be easy to have her back again.
39:32It won't be.
39:34And just thinking about it makes my stomach hurt.
39:36Couldn't you have mentioned it somewhere else?
39:38We must be discreet.
39:40Besides, when she's been here,
39:41she's felt less confident about herself.
39:44Do you think she'll confess?
39:46Do you think she'll say Mrs. Bárbara's behind all this?
39:49Because I have no doubt.
39:51What about you?
39:52Me neither.
39:56That woman doesn't hate herself as much as her daughter did.
39:59Or even more.
40:00Entering a sanatorium was going to be the culmination of her revenge.
40:03And she almost did it.
40:05She almost got my own husband to sign the consent.
40:09The truth is, she has a husband.
40:11Matilde, please don't torture me.
40:13You know I'll never forgive myself.
40:16But before I thought I was going to lose you, I got scared.
40:20And wouldn't you have lost me by entering?
40:23Because I thought I could heal you, I could save you.
40:29I would have done anything for you, Matilde.
40:33And that was my mistake.
40:39I'm sorry.
41:09I'm sorry.
41:39El de la mula torda
41:42Y el de la mulilla torda
41:45Mamita mía, me roba el alma
41:48Me roba el alma
41:54Está lloviendo en el campo
42:01Está lloviendo en el campo
42:04Está lloviendo en el campo
42:07Mamita mía, mi amor se moja
42:10Mi amor se moja
42:38Los cuatro muleros
42:51Thank you very much, dear audience.
42:56As always.
43:05You have been wonderful.
43:09Thank you very much.
43:10It was nothing.
43:11I improvised.
43:12It was nothing.
43:13It looks like you had it rehearsed.
43:15Well, no.
43:16And I'm going to tell you something.
43:18To be a true artist, you don't just have to sing well.
43:22You have to know how to dance.
43:23Express yourself with your whole body.
43:25And where the voice doesn't reach, a gesture can reach.
43:28I hope one day we share the stage.
43:32I would love to.
43:34It makes me dream.
43:35And that's what it's about.
43:37Don't ever stop doing it.
43:39Because if you don't, the awakening can be very bitter.
43:43Do you want me to give you an advice as an artist?
43:46If you were born to be on a stage, you can't stay in the kiosk.
43:50It's the best advice I've ever had.
43:58Enjoying our non-date?
44:00What do you mean?
44:01Since you want to go slower,
44:03I thought we could call our dates non-dates instead of dates.
44:09What do you think?
44:11You're funny.
44:18You were going to leave without saying goodbye.
44:21It's just that my head hurts a little.
44:24I'll send you the pictures as soon as I have them revealed.
44:28Don't worry, I'll come for them.
44:30When do you think you'll have them?
44:34Good night, little star.
44:36Nothing in life is more sad and useless than suffering for suffering.
44:43Is it a song?
44:45It's what happens to you.
44:49I don't want to be indiscreet,
44:51but seeing how your friend behaves,
44:53she must have no idea what you feel for her.
44:56You're not going to tell her, are you?
45:02I have something to propose to you.
45:05In a few days I'm going to Germany
45:07and a prestigious magazine is going to make a report about me,
45:10but I can propose myself to the photographer.
45:15You won't be free by chance.
45:21I'm sorry.
45:29What did I come to exactly?
45:31Look, doctor, it turns out that I'm getting worse and worse.
45:35And you know why?
45:37Because the woman I met through Brígida
45:39and that you say doesn't exist,
45:42actually does exist.
45:44Her name is María.
45:45And in addition to being dependent,
45:47she's a woman who studies to be an actress.
45:49And I assure you that you, Dr. Mendoza,
45:51an eminence of psychiatry,
45:53hired her so that I could get into trouble.
45:56What nonsense.
45:57It's like going crazy.
45:58Don't you think?
45:59I don't know what you're talking about.
46:01If it's a kind of joke, it's not funny at all.
46:03I wish it were, but it's not like that.
46:05Through some false evidence,
46:07you made me believe that my wife suffered a mental disorder
46:10and wanted to put her in a sanatorium.
46:13We're going to report you to the police.
46:15You're making a mistake.
46:17A single complaint would be enough
46:18to end your prestigious career in one shot.
46:21The girl is willing to testify, doctor.
46:23Unless you tell the truth.
46:26What truth?
46:27A very simple one.
46:29Who's behind this?
46:31Who hired you to destroy me?
46:38Things have changed in my absence.
46:41It's a pleasure to see you.
46:43Matilde, I'm very sorry.
46:46I shouldn't have doubted you.
46:48I'd rather not talk about it.
46:49It's already forgotten.
46:50All I did was follow your advice.
46:52I would have been delighted to hear it.
46:54You would have had a great time with Estrellita Castro.
46:56She's so funny, isn't she?
46:58And a great advisor,
46:59because I heard she gave you recommendations
47:01for your future on stage.
47:02I wanted to stop by her store to talk about how it all went.
47:05And please, I insist...
47:06Don't even think about apologizing again.
47:08I know you had good reasons
47:10not to be at Estrellita Castro's party.
47:12To surprise and delight
47:14the Madrid-Cabaret clients.
47:16The couplet singer sang some of her hits
47:21to the delight of an audience.
47:23As you know,
47:25I was going to a psychiatrist
47:27who was supposed to cure me.
47:29But it turned out to be a fraud.
47:30All he wanted was to lock me up in an institution.
47:32You should rot in jail.
47:34Well, what I do know
47:35is that there's someone behind all this
47:37and that he's using all his strength to destroy me.
47:41You have to be very brave to do what you've done.
47:44I had no other choice, Esperanza.
47:46Matilde and her family have been very good to me.
47:49Inigo, my sister hasn't been the same
47:50since she was murdered by my mother.
47:52And we can't blame her for that.
47:55To censor your mother's death
47:57in such a tragic way.
47:59And on top of that,
48:00everything that happened afterwards
48:01hasn't helped at all.
48:02My most sincere congratulations.
48:04I've rarely seen portraits like this.
48:06Thank you very much,
48:07but the credit is shared with the model.
48:09I trust you won't forget what we talked about
48:11last night at the Madrid-Cabaret.
48:14Don't worry.
48:15A proposal like yours
48:16isn't so easy to forget.
48:18That means you've made a decision.
48:20I didn't have all of them with me.
48:22I'd like to see them.
48:23May I know why?
48:25Well, the last conversation we had
48:27in this same office was a bit tense.
48:30More than tense, I'd say.
48:32Marta was a good talent.
48:34I'm glad to see
48:35that you're still working with her.
48:37I think I'll stay behind.
48:39By the way,
48:40can I leave a bit earlier?
48:41I have to study with Marta at her house.
48:43Look, all this
48:45about the change of the wedding venue...
48:49This is getting on my nerves,
48:51and I get the feeling,
48:52and I'm being honest,
48:54that this man doesn't want to marry you.
48:58My wife asked her a very simple question, Doctor.
49:01And I assure you
49:02he won't leave this house
49:03without giving me an answer.
49:04Whatever it is,
49:05I hope you don't think of confessing anything.
49:07I tried to disarm all his suspicions
49:09and disarm all his arguments.
49:12But I don't think it worked.
49:14You think so?
49:15What do you mean by that?