• last year


00:00Nǐ hǎo from Jiangxiajie, South Central China.
00:28If you haven't already seen it, I have a whole video on Jiangxiajie National Park, which
00:35is the main attraction that people come here to see.
00:39It is absolutely incredible, but there are so many other natural attractions to see in
00:46this area.
00:47So in this video, I will be showing you guys Tianmenshan Mountain, which we are going to
00:53go up first today, since it's right in the central part of Jiangxiajie.
00:59I'm staying in a beautiful hotel guest house, actually right near the cableway.
01:04Now that I've actually done this trip myself, I would say that you should split up your
01:09time, that when you're going to Tianmenshan Mountain, stay in Jiangxiajie City, and when
01:16you are going to the National Park, stay in the mountain little town slash city, Wulingyuan,
01:25if I'm saying that correctly, because then you are right close to the entry gates.
01:30Or you can just take a bus or taxi there, as I have been doing, to not have to switch
01:34accommodations, but either way, both places are fairly tourist-friendly.
01:41There's a lot of huge Chinese tourist groups that come here.
01:46But even with the language barrier, it's not too hard to kind of navigate if you do
01:51your research ahead of time, and that's why I hope this video will be helpful to you guys.
02:16Oh my god, I did not expect this.
02:38And I have a specific time queue, I'm supposed to be 10am to 11am.
02:45I hope I'm going to make it through in time, holy hell.
04:45Wow, what a cable car ride.
04:50Incredible, absolutely incredible.
04:53Upon first impressions, the first thing that I didn't anticipate is that this area is,
05:03it's a walk.
05:04In comparison to yesterday when I did just the Jiangxiajie National Park area, you more
05:10or less take buses or cable cars everywhere outside of just walking the few platforms.
05:16But here, there's an eastern loop and a western loop.
05:21I'm on the western loop right now, and it's supposed to be about 3km.
05:25And then the eastern loop I think is almost 4km.
05:29So if you're going to do both, it will actually take you a while.
05:33And of course a lot of it is uphill.
05:37I'm happy to report that it was really only in the beginning that there was a lot of uphill.
05:43As I went on further, it was actually quite flat on these incredible platforms on the
05:49side of the mountain.
05:51But of course, one of the top things that people come to Tianmen Mountain for is to
05:57experience the glass walk.
06:01This is a continuation of the path around the mountain, but you can see all the way down.
06:12Luckily these sorts of things don't really freak me out.
06:16I am afraid of heights in certain circumstances, but these sort of glass walks don't really
06:22do it for me.
06:23So while there were some people that were kind of freaking out, I was surprised why
06:28they would do it in the beginning if they knew they had a fear of it.
06:32But yeah, personally I didn't find it that scary, and it did look very well built.
06:38Overall the park was very impressive where you were on this walkway for quite a while
06:44and got to see these incredible vistas of the surrounding area.
06:48The other nice thing that I've noticed about a lot of Chinese tourist attractions is they
06:53do make them very convenient with snacks and washrooms.
06:57Every kilometer you could find a proper place to sit down and have a little rest.
07:03It was a really enjoyable walk and you passed a few different attractions like the suspension
07:08bridge and also there was this beautiful temple kind of at the halfway point.
07:13But I knew the main thing that I was making my way towards was the actual Tianmen Cave
07:19and that is on the eastern part of the route.
07:23Oh my gosh, I was just walking along and all of a sudden see a patch of snow!
07:33It's just like in Canada!
07:35Oh, it's actually pretty hard, I won't wreck it.
07:37Nowhere else have I seen snow so far, but the first day I got here was actually a bit
07:45chilly, about like 5 to 10 degrees, but now it's really, really nice out.
07:54Oh my god, this is where all the tourists are.
07:59Look at this.
08:00Oh, wait!
08:01Oh, somebody's going to jump!
08:04It's those people in the squirrel suits, I think they're going to jump.
08:53I mean, it would be cool to see them jump, but I think they're taking a break.
09:06I'm going to use this opportunity to go down the elevator when hopefully all of these people
09:13are waiting to see the jumps because this crowd is insane.
09:53I'm confused right now, are we in the hole of the cave or is this the cave?
10:18And where's the stairs?
10:19I know there's the stairs that are leading up to the hole.
10:23Yes, okay, we are in the circle part, I just had to look up.
10:28Pretty cool view actually, and I'm fairly certain that those right here are the stairs,
10:39but there's nobody on them.
10:42I don't know if they just recently closed that down because I watched some other people's
10:48YouTube video and they did have them, you know, in working order.
10:55People were climbing them, but it is crazy, crazy steep.
11:48Oh my god guys, it just hit me how tired I am.
12:09It's been an amazing day, I've had an incredible time, but I think yesterday getting up at
12:145.30 for Janjiaji, getting like four hours of sleep because I went to bed so late, and
12:20then today I didn't get that much sleep either, plus a good at least 15 kilometers of walking
12:26around today.
12:27I am tired, but I am so glad I did this, like it is such an amazing location and really
12:36a must if you're coming all the way out here.
12:38So I hope you guys found this video helpful.
12:41It is, you know, a little bit intimidating to travel around these areas of China where
12:47foreign travelers aren't very common, so I hope you can use this video to plan your trip.
12:52As always, I'm sending you guys so much love, I hope you're having a fantastic day, and
12:57keep being your own kind of beautiful.
12:59Bye guys!