• last year


00:00Let me worship love
00:16Please forgive me, but if you don't like this proposal, please let me know.
00:22I will refuse this engagement.
00:25No dear, I have no objection on your choice.
00:31I am just scared of what people will say.
00:36There is something in your heart, isn't it?
00:41Asif likes you a lot, so what was the reason for the refusal?
00:47You didn't answer me, please forgive me.
00:52Yes, I have forgiven you.
00:56But please don't do this again.
01:01This is my last warning.
01:26She left without informing me.
01:36If she had to leave, she should have told Sajeela.
01:40Sajeela didn't have to fight with her.
01:42Really? What did Sajeela say?
01:45I will tell you.
01:47I had to go out with Nadeem for 2 minutes.
01:50It was very important.
01:51Nadeem was leaving, so I requested him.
01:54I said, please, will you look after the kids?
01:57I just went and came back.
02:00He said, I have to go somewhere.
02:02I said, okay, I will cancel my going.
02:04He himself said, you go, I will stay.
02:08If he didn't say, I wouldn't have gone.
02:10I just said, feed the kids something.
02:15They shouldn't be hungry, because they ate something very early.
02:18They shouldn't be hungry, because they ate something very early.
02:21I didn't go out, I went from behind.
02:24She should have called me.
02:26She should have informed me.
02:28I would have come back.
02:30My kids are still hungry.
02:38Look, Siddhi, obviously this is a small thing.
02:41But Maryam should understand.
02:42Just like you love her family so much,
02:45you consider them your own,
02:47so she should also accept us.
02:50There shouldn't be anyone between us.
02:53Everyone should come together.
02:58Sajeela, you only.
03:00Maryam had called me.
03:02Before going, she told me that you people are not at home.
03:05She had spoken to Nausheen.
03:07Nausheen said that you can go.
03:09That's why she called me.
03:10Nausheen said that you can go.
03:12That's why she went.
03:14At least Nausheen should have told you about them.
03:32What happened, Siddhi?
03:34Siddhi, what explanation will you take from Nausheen now?
03:38And Sajeela,
03:41you are always after something.
03:43You don't leave anything.
03:45Why are you acting like a mother?
03:48Enough sister, enough.
03:50I have come to know
03:52what my daughters and I have in this house.
03:58Leave Siddhi.
04:01No, no.
04:02Nothing has happened.
04:04She is like this.
04:06Take Maryam away, Siddhi.
04:40Get lost from here.
04:42Sister, I am really sorry.
04:44I made a mistake.
04:46What am I saying?
04:47Stop this nonsense and get lost from here.
04:50You have ruined everything.
04:53Go from here.
05:24Maryam has hit such a big blow.
05:29That is why she couldn't bear my company.
05:32Maryam, you didn't do the right thing.
05:35Such greed is not good either.
05:38Maybe you rejected me after seeing her wealth and fame.
05:42You could have given me a chance too.
05:45But no.
05:47You were just in a hurry
05:49to become rich.
05:52But Maryam,
05:54a day will come when this wealth and fame will be of no use to you.
05:57And that day is not far either.
05:59The day Siptahain will throw you out of his life.
06:03Then he will neither be a man
06:05nor will Siptahain support him.
06:17Siptahain, you shouldn't have spoken to sister like this.
06:23I am sorry.
06:24I shouldn't have spoken to her.
06:27What would have happened if I had spoken to sister like this?
06:30Sister-in-law Siljila felt bad, Siptahain.
06:34Don't worry about her. I will handle her.
06:39This was between you and me, Siptahain.
06:43You shouldn't have told her.
06:45I would have handled the situation myself.
06:48I am just supporting you.
06:50You weren't supporting me.
06:52You were justifying it.
06:55What difference does it make to me?
06:57It does make a difference, Siptahain.
07:00I always want to live with your family.
07:04If you keep taking my side like this,
07:08they will feel that I have taught you.
07:13And I don't want to come in between you and your siblings.
07:19You have come in between
07:21and I must be going somewhere.
07:25Siptahain, you are joking in such a serious situation.
07:31I liked it, Maria.
07:35My perception about you was always that you are a career oriented girl.
07:43I didn't know that you are so invested in making relationships.
07:55Where are you going?
07:59To keep your trust.
08:52Najeeba, I am really sorry.
08:56No, sorry.
08:59Why are you apologizing?
09:02You had told Nosheen, didn't you?
09:04Siptahain told her.
09:09It's my fault.
09:11I shouldn't have gone.
09:13I should have waited for you.
09:17Look, Maria.
09:19I don't like that you are apologizing.
09:24you should have realized that
09:29you are the only daughter-in-law of this house.
09:34You are our only sister-in-law.
09:36You have a lot of responsibilities.
09:38And these small things
09:41make and spoil relationships.
09:44Today, for the first time,
09:50didn't support his sisters.
09:54So you must feel
09:56that you should understand this.
10:00If you wanted to go, you could have gone.
10:02There was no problem.
10:04But you told Nosheen
10:07and then told Siptahain.
10:13You could have messaged me.
10:15You could have told sister and left.
10:17That's all I am saying.
10:20I didn't have any such intention.
10:23I am
10:25surprised, Maria.
10:32What should I say?
10:34I have never run away from my responsibilities.
10:38I try my best
10:41that no one gets hurt because of me.
10:45Maria, try to understand one thing.
10:50have brought you in this house with a lot of love.
10:53You are my choice.
10:57I convinced sister with a lot of difficulty.
10:59You too.
11:03being the only daughter-in-law,
11:05you have to take care of the responsibilities of this house.
11:07If you behave like this,
11:12you won't be able to take care of the responsibilities of this house.
11:14You won't be able to become the elder of this house.
11:15Do you understand what I am saying?
11:17Sister, I have never run away from my responsibilities.
11:22In fact, I try my best
11:24that no one gets hurt because of me.
11:32I will try my best that
11:34no one faces any difficulty because of me.
11:36I promise.
11:39That's it.
11:46You stay happy and
11:49forget me. I am forgetting too.
11:51Leave it.
12:18You made a very good deal.
12:31Sister, how long will I handle all your problems?
12:35What are you doing?
12:37I am not doing anything.
12:39I am not doing anything.
12:41I am not doing anything.
12:43I am not doing anything.
12:45I am not doing anything.
13:03Yes, listen.
13:05No, no. Leave the menu as I told you.
13:09No, no. Don't change the dessert too. Leave it as it is.
13:14Okay, listen.
13:16That decoration guy is with you, right?
13:18Check that shop and tell me.
13:20His shop is open. I have to visit him.
13:23Yes, call me.
13:28Uncle, I was here.
13:33I will do all the work myself.
13:35You don't have to.
13:39Are you angry with me now?
13:40I am very busy.
13:42I don't want to talk right now.
13:44Go from here.
13:48I have realized my mistake.
13:50What I said that day was wrong.
13:54I don't trust anything you say.
13:58Do you understand?
14:00Don't trust me.
14:02But give me a chance.
14:04I have really changed.
14:05No one changes in a day.
14:09If I am tolerating you in this house,
14:12there is only one reason for that.
14:14You are my only sister's only son.
14:18Uncle, I have always tried that you don't face any problem because of me.
14:21In fact,
14:23I want to be your support.
14:25The support you have given me till now,
14:28I request you to give me such a support
14:31that I don't face any problem.
14:32I request you to stop giving me such support.
14:40And remember one more thing.
14:43This is my daughter's engagement.
14:45There is a happy atmosphere in my house.
14:49If anyone tries to spoil this,
14:53then I will tell you very well what is the relation between us.
14:57Do you understand?
15:14The happiness of daughters.
15:17Let them be as happy as they want to be.
15:19Let me see how long this happiness lasts.
15:29There is no use of doing such a big drama.
15:33Sister, you and your dramas have become old.
15:38We will have to think of something new.
15:40Because of this plan of yours, my kids are hungry.
15:44No one is hungry.
15:46Maryam fed them and went, Noshi told me.
15:49Your over acting has drowned us.
15:53If your plan doesn't succeed, then you will blame me for everything.
15:57Sajeera, don't irritate me right now.
16:00I have high blood pressure all night.
16:05I am going to Salwan.
16:07And now I will meet you there.
16:10Yes, go. Go immediately.
16:12Go, go.
16:33I haven't seen your wife since morning.
16:35Where is she?
16:37Mom, maybe she was not feeling well in her room.
16:43Mom, greetings.
16:45She is here.
16:47Greetings. Where were you?
16:49Mom, I was inside.
16:53Mom, I have to go for some important work.
16:57Ayesha, you take your medicines.
17:00Please get ready on time.
17:03Uncle Najeeb had called.
17:05We have to reach early.
17:07So, please.
17:09Okay, mom.
17:10Allah hafiz.
17:14Ayesha, you sign the location of Shamsher at Pollard.
17:21I will go with Shamsher.
17:25Why will you go alone?
17:27Ayesha, you go with him.
17:29He doesn't even know the way here.
17:34Let it be, mom.
17:36He is not feeling well.
17:38We have to go for the engagement in the evening.
17:42So, what is the important work that she is doing?
17:47Listen to me, Ayesha.
17:49You are not the first woman in the world who is going to be a mother.
17:52We have also gone through the same.
17:53You used to work all over the world when there was no facility.
18:00And if you were not feeling well,
18:03then why did you have to get engaged so soon?
18:09If you were feeling well and free, then we would have done it.
18:13You also wanted to get engaged.
18:16And now you have to back off from every work.
18:19Mom, I have never refused for any work.
18:24In fact, I have done all the work with Shaheer.
18:29It's just that I have been vomiting a lot since morning.
18:36It's okay, Ayesha.
18:38You rest.
18:40Just send me the location.
18:42I will go.
18:44My mobile is inside.
18:46I will go and send it right now.
18:49For the first time, my son is getting some happiness.
18:51And he is so excited.
18:54Mom, let it be.
18:56It's the first time.
18:58Thank God.
19:00Otherwise, I would have thought
19:02that if he doesn't expect now,
19:05then I will find a boy for Shaheer without asking Shaheer.
19:13She is doing a great favor.
19:15Look at her attitude.
19:29So, do you want to get the ring for the boy?
19:32Yes, I just want to decide.
19:35Sister-in-law, when do I have to reach your house?
19:38Till 7 o'clock.
19:40I will come directly.
19:43By the way, are you going somewhere?
19:46To meet my friend.
19:49Will Ayaz come with you?
19:55He is your husband.
19:57He is the son-in-law of this house.
19:59They will come together.
20:03Okay, tell me one thing.
20:06You will have to help Haya in getting ready.
20:09Will you go early?
20:11Yes, I am going to go in a while.
20:13You know Haya will get upset otherwise.
20:15Will you take a stick?
20:19No, I will go on my own.
20:21I will come with all of you in September.
20:25Okay, fine.
20:27Can I go now, sister?
20:29Yes, go.
20:38why did you say in front of Maryam that I will go with Ayaz?
20:41I told you that I will not go anywhere with him.
20:44Why do you talk nonsense in front of a wrong person?
20:48Don't you know?
20:51After marriage, the girl is recognized by her husband.
20:55So what if you go alone?
20:58There will be fifty things, stories will be made.
21:00I don't want any gossip of our family.
21:04Sister, I don't understand your logic.
21:06I don't know what you mix with what.
21:08Don't even try to understand my logic.
21:11Do what I am saying.
21:12Do you understand?
21:27Is everything fine?
21:31Siddhi, make her understand.
21:33She is saying that she will go without Ayaz.
21:39Do you remember everyone was asking at the dinner,
21:42how is the marriage, what is Ayaz doing?
21:45I don't want any story to be made.
21:48Yes Anam, you are right.
21:50Ayaz should be there.
21:54Okay brother, I will call.
21:59I am coming.
22:14What to wear?
22:18I have never seen her with you before.
22:21Wait, she is Anam's sister-in-law.
22:27Okay, she is very pretty.
22:30You didn't like her for September.
22:35I am going to my mother's place.
22:37You can come there when you are free.
22:41If you say, I will come with you.
22:45You have a meeting today.
22:47Did you forget?
22:49You order me.
22:51I will cancel it.
23:02I will cancel the meeting.
23:04There is no need.
23:06You are ignoring the office a lot these days.
23:10The real reason for my concentration is here.
23:15That's why you will not ignore the office at all
23:19and will go and do all your work.
23:24Can't I get a day off?
23:26Not at all.
23:27Anyway, it's a matter of an hour.
23:29He will come after the meeting.
23:31I have also told sister that you will bring him.
23:36Listen, I will drop you.
23:38Yes, that's fine.
23:42Thank God, I got the permission to drop you.
23:45Okay, you go.
23:47I will be back in five minutes.
23:55We will keep playing games all our lives.
23:58There is no work at all.
24:09Hello Anam.
24:11Where are you?
24:13Where will I be?
24:15I am at home.
24:17Come here.
24:19Anam, is everything fine?
24:21Where is Nosheen? Is Nosheen fine?
24:23What will happen to Nosheen?
24:24She is fine.
24:26Are you coming or not?
24:28Tell me, why should I come?
24:30Brother has said that you have to come with us.
24:36Sister-in-law Maryam is getting engaged.
24:38And brother wants you to come with us.
24:45What will I do there?
24:48Unfortunately Ayaz, I am still married to you.
24:55And that means that you will have to come with me whenever and wherever I ask you.
24:59Got it?
25:06What are you saying Anam?
25:08I am looking for a job for you.
25:11What else should I do?
25:13When you get a job, come face to face and talk to me.
25:18You have already talked to me about thousands of such things.
25:22Okay tell me, when do I have to go?
25:25Come in the evening.
25:27And wear something nice.
25:29I have a reputed class.
25:32Don't worry.
25:35I will dress up and come.
25:37Just like Fawad Khan.
25:43Hello Anam.
25:48Go ahead.
26:02You should have sent some money.
26:33Your tea.
26:34Keep it dear.
26:38Your hands are getting so bad.
26:43You should get me manicured and pedicured once or twice a week.
26:48I have cancelled appointments for two years.
26:51Where is the time?
26:52I don't get time.
26:54You should put some responsibility on Maryam's shoulders as well.
26:57Leave it.
26:58It is better for her that I do all the work myself.
27:00Sister-in-law, there are no servants in Maryam's house.
27:03All the family members work for her.
27:09You are right.
27:13She doesn't have so many resources.
27:16So it is Maryam's good fortune that she collided with Sipte.
27:20Yes, that is true.
27:22She is very lucky.
27:23Not everyone is lucky.
27:25She is very lucky.
27:27She is very lucky.
27:28She is very lucky.
27:29Not everyone is lucky.
27:32And look, Sipte takes such good care of Maryam's family.
27:37Stop taking care of them.
27:38I don't understand how.
27:41Sister, did you say something?
27:47Sit here.
27:55Nosheen, I wanted to ask you something.
27:59If I ask you to do something, will you be able to do it?
28:04Yes, sister. You can order me.
28:08But you will not tell anyone.
28:55Are you ready?
28:58By the way, such wrong questions.
29:00I am ready.
29:01You are already so beautiful.
29:03Why do you need to get ready?
29:20Why are you crying?
29:24Don't lie to me.
29:27I was applying mascara.
29:28So, my eye got irritated.
29:30That's it.
29:35What is the need to apply such a thing?
29:38With which you have tears in your beautiful eyes.
29:40Don't apply it.
29:44You love me a lot.
29:51I love you so much.
29:53That one day you will get tired of me and my love.
29:57This can never happen.
30:00I know.
30:02I just want you to always keep smiling.
30:05Keep laughing like this.
30:09Okay, leave it.
30:11Have you kept the ring?
30:12Yes, I have kept it.
30:14Let's go.
30:15We are getting late.
30:16Let's go.
30:17Sabih is also ready.
30:19Let's go.
30:23Let's go.
30:27Let's go, Sabih.
30:53Let's go.
31:23I am on my way.
31:53I am on my way.
32:23Let's go.
32:53Let's go.
33:05Let me set your dupatta first.
33:08Masha Allah.
33:10I am speechless.
33:11My sister looks so beautiful.
33:17Why are you wearing such a light color?
33:22Don't I look good?
33:24You look very beautiful.
33:36You look very beautiful.
33:37But Sipten likes your dark colors.
33:40Then why are you wearing this?
33:44I wanted to wear this color today.
33:48And this day is yours.
33:51You should wear colorful clothes.
33:54Do you know?
33:55Sipten has done all the decorations downstairs.
33:58He hasn't eaten anything since morning.
34:01Maybe he has gone home for a while.
34:02And mother had also told him to eat something before going.
34:05He didn't tell me.
34:06I will eat with sister.
34:12By the way,
34:13Masha Allah.
34:14You are very lucky.
34:16That you met a person like Sipten.
34:22I hope Sameer is also like Sipten.
34:28Why are you getting worried?
34:31God willing, God will give you a lot of happiness.
34:34And Sameer will be a better husband than Sipten.
34:40Now stop talking.
34:41I am going downstairs.
34:42Your makeup will be ruined.
34:44I will see the guests.
35:05I am sweating.
35:06It is so hot.
35:07I can't sit.
35:10You are right.
35:11I thought he must have done some banquet.
35:14Leave it.
35:15How can they afford a banquet?
35:19Stop it now.
35:24I think
35:26you have done a good job.
35:29You have done a good job.
35:31I think
35:32you have done a good job.
35:34And it is a good setup.
35:41Sajeera, be quiet.
35:43You showed Sipten the way to this house.
35:48for God's sake.
35:56sit with me.
35:57Why are you standing here?
36:02Yes, sister.
36:12Who is she?
36:14I have never seen her with you before.
36:18She is Anam's sister-in-law.
36:24She is very pretty.
36:26You didn't like her for Sipten.
36:28You didn't like her for Sipten.
36:36think that
36:38there was a blindfold on her eyes.
36:42When the blindfold was removed,
36:43it was too late.
36:56You are right.
36:58This has happened to me too.
37:02Even I have a blindfold on my eyes.
37:29You are right.
37:30This has happened to me too.
38:03I need two minutes for my wife.
38:06Just two minutes.
38:08I have dedicated my entire life to you.
38:11I know that when you talk like this,
38:13I feel like running away with you.
38:19Wherever I am.
38:22This is not possible right now.
38:23It won't be appropriate.
38:24There is a function going on.
38:25This is not possible right now.
38:26It won't be appropriate.
38:27There is a function going on.
38:29Let me go.
38:30I am going.
38:31One second.
38:32Two minutes are not over yet.
38:34When will your two minutes be over?
38:37When I will see you with all my heart.
38:40Sipten is watching.
38:43Let him watch.
38:44He is standing with his wife.
38:47Listen, I have brought something for you.
38:59What is the need for this?
39:02I am giving something to my wife.
39:04She doesn't need any occasion.
39:06Let's go.
39:08You go.
