• last year
1974 Candy Stripe Nurses HOT TEEN MOVIE
00:00:00Doctor, don't you tell me what's wrong with me Doctor, don't you get me, no remedy
00:00:20Doctor, please take my advice I wanna get close to something sweet and nice
00:00:26Candy, candy's my blues I want candy, candy's my blues
00:00:31I want candy, candy's my blues I wanna get close to something sweet and nice
00:00:37Candy, candy's my blues I want candy, candy's my blues
00:00:43I want candy, candy's my blues I wanna get close to something sweet and nice
00:00:56Doctor, my temperatures are high Doctor, I seem to break out a lot
00:01:02Doctor, please take my advice I wanna get close to something sweet and nice
00:01:07I want candy, candy's my blues I want candy, candy's my blues
00:01:13I want candy, candy's my blues I wanna get close to something sweet and nice
00:01:19Candy, candy's my blues I want candy, candy's my blues
00:01:25I want candy, candy's my blues I wanna get close to something sweet and nice
00:01:31Candy, candy's my blues I want candy, candy's my blues
00:01:36I wanna get close to something sweet and nice
00:01:43Excuse me, you're Marissa Valdez, aren't you?
00:01:51I just happen to have an extra ticket to the Owen Bowles concert tonight
00:01:55I heard that everybody who's anybody's gonna be there
00:01:58It's gonna be fantastic, and I have this extra ticket
00:02:01And I thought maybe if you weren't doing anything
00:02:06You probably have a lot of homework to do
00:02:09You look like a very serious student
00:02:12And that's okay, I'll just sell the ticket or something, that's okay
00:02:17Thanks a lot, it was really nice talking to you
00:02:23Have a really nice afternoon
00:02:30Young lady, I suppose you know it's strictly forbidden to have a knife on campus
00:02:36Perhaps you'd like me to hold that for you till after school
00:02:39No thanks
00:02:40Well, maybe I better restate that, I'll take the knife now
00:02:44Don't count on it
00:02:51It's a nice knife, we're just stealing
00:02:54You better give that back to me
00:02:55Whoa, a wildcat, huh?
00:02:57Oh, don't worry, I'll leave it in the principal's office
00:03:01Pick it up there if you still want it
00:03:10Oh my God!
00:03:20Miss Valdez, we can't go on meeting like this
00:03:24This is the third time in the month you've been hauled in here
00:03:27Not counting that little stunt with the saran wrap over the toilet bowls
00:03:33It's really such a pity
00:03:35Your teachers all tell me that you're very bright
00:03:38That you could be a straight-A student and...
00:03:50I wish I could understand you
00:03:53Haven't you any desire to lift yourself up?
00:03:57To make something better of yourself?
00:04:00What's the use? You can't beat the system
00:04:03I'll tell you what, we're going to forget this latest episode
00:04:07In return for which, you're going to start doing something constructive
00:04:12There's a volunteer program over at the Oakwood Hospital
00:04:16Miss Valdez, you're going to be a candy-striped nurse
00:04:22It's probably Owen Bow's last concert this year
00:04:25And everyone is going to be there
00:04:27I mean, two or three of the Beatles are going to be there
00:04:29And word has it that Dylan's going to be sitting in
00:04:33Don't you think that superstar stuff is a little juvenile?
00:04:37Thursday nights I usually go to the Philharmonic
00:04:39But I had these tickets and I just figured that...
00:04:42You know, you would want to go
00:04:45Get away from me
00:04:47I'm sorry
00:04:49See you in class
00:04:52He should have asked me
00:04:53I'd go out with a two-headed gorilla if he had tickets to the Owen Bow's concert
00:04:58I don't know why, he hasn't sung a note on key since his first album
00:05:02Who cares? If I wanted to hear him sing, I'd buy his records
00:05:06Hey, listen
00:05:07When are we going to stripe from in the background for our dance concert?
00:05:12I can't
00:05:13I signed up to be a candy-striper at Oakwood
00:05:15A candy-striper?
00:05:17What are you for?
00:05:19Well, if I'm going to be a doctor
00:05:21I might as well start getting some medical experience now
00:05:28Did you hear something?
00:05:30Must be the air conditioning again
00:05:31You just can't get anything fixed around here
00:05:38Well, this guy was sitting on the ground
00:05:40Just pounding his head into the grass, you know?
00:05:42So I went over and I asked him, you know, are you okay?
00:05:45And he just started cracking up, I mean, really laughing
00:05:48So, well, anyway, to make a long story short
00:05:50He told me that I was the nicest person that he had talked to all day
00:05:53And gave me two tickets absolutely free
00:05:55Now, isn't that unbelievable?
00:05:57Wait a minute
00:05:58Just tickets?
00:05:59Or tickets to something?
00:06:02More like tickets to something
00:06:05To something?
00:06:10Wally, I don't think you're going to like this too much
00:06:14The Owen Bowles concert?
00:06:15That's right
00:06:16Now, there's no use arguing with me
00:06:17I'm going whether or not you want to take me
00:06:19Because there are plenty of other fish in the sea
00:06:22Like Dr. Post, for instance
00:06:24If it were wearing pants
00:06:26You'd think a stingray was cute
00:06:28Oh, that's ridiculous
00:06:30Yeah, now I'm going to go
00:06:31Now, you're going to pick me up at seven, aren't you?
00:06:33Yeah, yeah
00:06:34I may be a little late, though
00:06:36I have to stop down in surgery first
00:06:38Have my ears impacted
00:06:41Look, here
00:06:42Don't forget your homework
00:06:45By the way
00:06:46I couldn't do the last problem
00:06:48Oh, that's okay
00:06:49Because the last time you did it for me
00:06:50I forgot to put it in my own writing
00:06:52And that teacher's been suspicious ever since
00:06:56Hold on
00:06:58Let me make sure the coast is clear first
00:07:14Boy, you really look a mess
00:07:16Yeah, well, you know
00:07:17I just finished a very ticklish operation
00:07:21What did you do?
00:07:22Remove an appendix from a pillowcase?
00:07:24You know, I was going to
00:07:25But it didn't happen
00:07:27You know, I was going to
00:07:28But it didn't have blue cross
00:07:31It's new
00:07:32It's from Owen Bowles
00:07:33And it's all for you
00:07:50I could just lose about ten more pounds
00:07:53I feel much better
00:07:54You don't need to
00:07:55I have been on this diet for the last six weeks
00:07:57Hi, Mom
00:07:58Well, Sandy, say hello to your Aunt Edna
00:08:00Oh, hi, Aunt Edna
00:08:01Listen, I'm going to go out later
00:08:02So I want to get to work on my homework right away
00:08:06Well, that girl of yours
00:08:07Has turned into quite a little woman
00:08:09Yes, she amazes me sometimes
00:08:11I don't know where she gets all her energy
00:08:13Top grades at school
00:08:14She's president of the social club
00:08:16And somehow she still finds time
00:08:18To do volunteer work
00:08:19As a candy striper at the hospital
00:08:26Hey, brother, you got a light?
00:08:36It's okay, man
00:08:37I got some important business to take care of
00:08:40I like your bike, man
00:08:41That tank is too much
00:08:56It better be a law against lobby bathrooms now
00:09:01Hey, man, I need the key to the bathroom
00:09:03You think I'd run a free service here?
00:09:05Try and send it your way
00:09:06I'll do it here by the door
00:09:08Okay, just a second
00:09:11Don't move or I'll blow your ass off
00:09:16You bastard, you won't get away with this
00:09:18I'm going to make the count on you
00:09:26Get down
00:10:13Well, at least I got one of them
00:10:15You ought to be out of commission for a while
00:10:17How does it feel, punk?
00:10:19Man, have I got to take a piss
00:10:25Let me out
00:10:43I'm supposed to ask if you want any juice
00:10:47Well, do you want any juice?
00:10:51Wait a minute
00:10:53What kind of juice do you have?
00:10:55Yellow and orange
00:10:58What's the yellow?
00:11:00I don't know, just a minute
00:11:05Just yellow, you want it?
00:11:08You scratched my back
00:11:10Just what is that supposed to mean?
00:11:12I mean, I want you to scratch my back
00:11:13I'm injured, I can't reach it
00:11:14Okay, where?
00:11:17Right here
00:11:18Mm-hmm, just as I figured
00:11:19You can reach it yourself, so why don't you scratch it?
00:11:22Because you're prettier
00:11:24That's for sure
00:11:25Come on, I'm in pain, I'm a patient
00:11:27You're supposed to...
00:11:28Okay, okay
00:11:31That's good
00:11:33How about a little lower, huh?
00:11:34No custom work on Phoebes
00:11:36Listen, any time I can return a favor
00:11:38Okay, that's enough
00:11:41Hey, what's that?
00:11:42It's to keep me from falling out of bed
00:11:44I toss in my sleep a lot
00:11:45Wait a minute, I heard about you
00:11:47You're the guy who stuck up the gas station
00:11:49Excuse me
00:11:50In case you're interested, I'm innocent
00:11:53Sure, and I'm Jackie Onassis
00:11:54Drop by the yacht sometime
00:11:57Dr. Stewart, Dr. John Stewart
00:12:00Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Martha Wilkins
00:12:03Excuse me, can you direct me to the Arnhold Research Institute
00:12:06for Reproductive and Non-Procreative Function?
00:12:12Oh, you mean the sex clinic
00:12:15Through there and to your left
00:12:16Thank you
00:12:24Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Martha Wilkins
00:12:29Okay, I finished that side
00:12:30What would you like me to do now?
00:12:32Well, you could do the other side
00:12:34Huh, why didn't I think of that?
00:12:38Isn't there anything more interesting to do
00:12:40than look over newspapers?
00:12:41Excuse me
00:12:45Looks like your friend in 317 is bored again
00:12:49Poor kid, I'll go see him once
00:12:53Now, she's got the right idea
00:12:55Talk to your patients
00:12:57Try to cheer them up
00:12:58May I have Mrs. Rogers' chart, please?
00:13:00Oh, yes, doctor, here it is
00:13:01Oh, thank you
00:13:03Excuse me
00:13:05Are you making rounds?
00:13:06Yes, I am
00:13:08I was just wondering
00:13:10No, I couldn't ask that
00:13:12No, no, please, go ahead
00:13:13You see, I intend to be a doctor myself
00:13:16And I thought maybe I could tag along and observe
00:13:19Why, of course, you're more than welcome
00:13:22I realize I'm just a candy striper
00:13:24Now, don't put yourself down
00:13:26Candy stripers perform a very valuable service
00:13:29I promise I may assume that your questions will be too much trouble
00:13:40Excuse me, young lady, I didn't realize this was your patient
00:13:44Well, it just seems to me with the fever rising so rapidly
00:13:47you shouldn't put off the operation any longer
00:13:49Here, look at the chart
00:13:51Perhaps you'd like to do the operation yourself
00:13:54No, of course not
00:13:56But I would like to assist you, if you don't mind
00:13:58Well, imagine
00:14:01Sweaty palms, flushed complexion
00:14:04It's a classic case of hyperthyroidism
00:14:11Who are you?
00:14:12Bill Stern, sir, pleased to meet you
00:14:16Then you're...
00:14:21Of course
00:14:23What else?
00:14:24Excuse me, Dr. Wilson, they're asking for you down in emergency
00:14:30Oh, just wait on the floor, will you?
00:14:32Hey, fool, you're breaking...
00:14:33Ah, I'll kill you!
00:14:38Oh, just wait on the floor, will you?
00:14:43Get away from me!
00:14:46Pull him up!
00:14:48Are you doing this to me?
00:14:49Pull him up!
00:14:51Stop there!
00:15:05Let's make some blood for a CBC and SMA and a drug screen
00:15:09In fact, we might as well send down a clot for type and hold
00:15:12You never know when these cases will turn shocky on you
00:15:23Oh, Dr. Crouse, well, it looks like your star athlete has run amok
00:15:28He took a very bad elbow to the head today
00:15:30Hmm, possible concussion
00:15:32I'll see who's on neurosurgery tonight
00:15:34Ah, frankly, he's always been a little, shall we say, unstable
00:15:40These kids can get awfully keyed up out there
00:15:42Well, we'll just keep him here overnight for observation, if that's all right with you
00:15:47Oh, sure
00:15:49And I don't think we really need to bother with all those blood tests
00:15:53Probably not, but what the hell, it never hurts to play it safe
00:15:58Whatever you say
00:15:59Now, if you'll excuse me, doctor
00:16:01Now, if you folks don't mind, I'd like to be alone with my patient
00:16:09Nurse, please, I'll take care of it
00:16:11You two, out
00:16:36I don't know what he's so touchy about
00:16:38Blood tests are supposed to be my responsibility
00:16:42Good-looking, isn't he?
00:16:45I wouldn't know, he's not my type
00:16:48Well, I guess I'll be getting up this afternoon
00:16:52Yeah, listen, I hope I didn't scare you too much yesterday
00:16:56You sure were crazy
00:16:58What happened anyway?
00:17:00Oh, nothing much
00:17:02Just got a little carried away, I guess
00:17:05Have you ever taken a lot of acid?
00:17:07You know, sometimes that'll flash back on you when you least expect it
00:17:10What is this, junior doctor time?
00:17:15Well, I guess I'd better see if anyone else wants one of these
00:17:18Good luck with your whatevers
00:17:23Been real nice talking to you
00:17:28Could I ask you something?
00:17:30Sure, fire away
00:17:32When you're playing basketball, do you ever consider the aesthetic element of your movements?
00:17:40Well, I'd say...
00:17:45Do you ever see yourself as a dancer?
00:17:47And basketball as a kind of dance?
00:17:51That's too bad
00:17:52Because you see, to me, the conventional distinction between competitive athletics...
00:18:35Gallagher, get over here
00:18:37What the hell's the matter with you?
00:18:43You're moving like a freight train out there.
00:18:45I don't know what's wrong with me, coach.
00:18:47You feel all right?
00:18:49Well, listen, just take it easy.
00:18:50I want you in shape for that game.
00:18:51Go ahead, get in there.
00:18:52You really were moving beautifully out there.
00:18:53It's a good thing you don't know anything about basketball.
00:19:08Well, anyway, thanks again for letting me watch.
00:19:11I guess I'll be running along.
00:19:13Wait a minute.
00:19:14What's the rush?
00:19:15Well, I have all the footage I need, and I really should be getting...
00:19:18Stick around.
00:19:20Let's talk about this project of yours.
00:19:23There's some things I'd like to find out.
00:19:26Are you sure we're allowed to be in here?
00:19:28I'm on the team.
00:19:29I get special privileges.
00:19:30I mean, it seems awfully deserted.
00:19:31So you like the way I move.
00:19:32I really don't think you understand the concept I'm working on.
00:19:33Oh, I understand.
00:19:34Listen, it's getting late, and I'm really gonna have to be going.
00:19:35What are you doing?
00:19:37You both know why you came here?
00:19:38I'm leaving, and don't you try and stop me.
00:19:50Stop this fooling around.
00:19:51We're only wasting time.
00:19:52You know, I really feel sorry for you.
00:19:53Yeah, I thought you were leaving.
00:19:54In a minute.
00:19:55First, I just think it's about time someone told you...
00:19:56That does it.
00:19:57Don't come any closer.
00:19:58I took karate lessons.
00:19:59I'm sorry.
00:20:00I'm sorry.
00:20:01I'm sorry.
00:20:02I'm sorry.
00:20:03I'm sorry.
00:20:04I'm sorry.
00:20:05I'm sorry.
00:20:06I'm sorry.
00:20:07I'm sorry.
00:20:08I'm sorry.
00:20:09I'm sorry.
00:20:10I'm sorry.
00:20:11I'm sorry.
00:20:12I'm sorry.
00:20:13I'm sorry.
00:20:14I'm sorry.
00:20:15I'm sorry.
00:20:16I'm sorry.
00:20:17I'm sorry.
00:20:18I'm sorry.
00:20:19How about the karate lesson?
00:20:20I took karate lessons.
00:20:21How many?
00:20:23I think I'll risk it.
00:20:24Hey, maybe this is none of my business, but isn't that Ivy line supposed to go into your
00:20:49It's none of your business.
00:20:52Well, don't you want to get better?
00:20:54Why, so I don't go to jail sooner?
00:20:56You're not really innocent, are you?
00:20:58Why do you care?
00:21:01I don't. I just thought that, well...
00:21:04Look, you wouldn't understand.
00:21:07What's the use?
00:21:10You can't beat the system.
00:21:14Your handcuffs. What happened?
00:21:17A lawyer came.
00:21:20A public defender.
00:21:26He arranged bail.
00:21:28Well, maybe he can get you off, I mean, if you're really innocent.
00:21:31It doesn't matter, anyway.
00:21:34I don't care.
00:21:37He arranged bail.
00:21:39Well, maybe he can get you off, I mean, if you're really innocent.
00:21:41It doesn't matter, anyway.
00:21:43I still have to cop a plea.
00:21:45But why?
00:21:46Because I don't have any evidence.
00:21:48The gas station attendant, he thinks I was in on it.
00:21:50And the only other witness can be found.
00:21:52But if you didn't do it?
00:21:54It doesn't matter. It's all gambling.
00:21:56If I plead innocent and lose, I can get ten years in jail.
00:21:59Ten years?
00:22:00Ten years.
00:22:01But that isn't fair.
00:22:03Tell that to the judge.
00:22:05What about the witness?
00:22:06About him? I don't know who he is. I don't know where he lives.
00:22:09Do you remember anything at all?
00:22:11I can't remember too much.
00:22:13He had this bike, this motorcycle.
00:22:15Oh, look.
00:22:18Fancy customized gas tank.
00:22:21Rainbow colors.
00:22:23Blue, yellow.
00:24:05Excuse me.
00:24:17I wonder if you could help me?
00:24:19You wonder?
00:24:20I don't think there's any doubt about that, baby.
00:24:26Have you ever customized a motorcycle to look like that?
00:24:30No, I don't think I have.
00:24:32Hey, Louie.
00:24:33Are you going to introduce me to this beautiful dish?
00:24:35No, I don't think so.
00:24:36You know, I was looking at your car out there.
00:24:39I couldn't help noticing how much oil it was dripping.
00:24:43I hate to be the one that tells you bad news,
00:24:45but I'm afraid you need a new head gasket.
00:24:48You see, once the oil gets in with the water,
00:24:51it'll overheat and it could cause the block to crack.
00:24:55Most places get $100 for a job like that.
00:24:58All right, all right, $50.
00:25:00But that's my rock-bottom price.
00:25:02You think, because I'm a girl,
00:25:04you can get away with anything you like.
00:25:07Well, I got news for you.
00:25:09I don't have $50.
00:25:11I don't even have $5.
00:25:13But if I had $5, you know what I'd do?
00:25:15I'd go out there and get me a good pair of needle-nose pliers, see?
00:25:18Then you know what I'd do?
00:25:19I'd take those pliers, see?
00:25:20I'd use them to pluck your eyes out with them.
00:25:22Then you know what I'd do?
00:25:23I'd take those pliers and tighten the oil pine on my engine,
00:25:26which is the only goddamn thing wrong with that car!
00:25:38Look, you're his only hope.
00:25:40How can you be so sure he was in on it?
00:25:42He had to be. He was right there.
00:25:44But it could have been a coincidence.
00:25:46Look, I know the type.
00:25:47I spotted him for no good the minute I spotted him.
00:25:49How can you say that?
00:25:51Now, don't you yell at me.
00:25:52It just so happens that I've owned this station for more years than you've been alive.
00:25:55And I've watched this neighborhood go from a nice, quiet, decent place to a godforsaken slum.
00:26:02And in all those years, I survived.
00:26:04And you want to know how?
00:26:05Because I know these people.
00:26:07And when he walked in there, I could feel it like a rat down in my bones.
00:26:11Let's face it, kiddo.
00:26:13You're all alike.
00:26:15You're all alike!
00:26:25You're all alike!
00:26:56Oh, the way my eyes look, you'd think I was partying every night.
00:27:00Have you been?
00:27:02No, no, it's a smog. Haven't you noticed?
00:27:04No, I haven't.
00:27:06It's getting worse all the time.
00:27:08So, this is where you girls hide out.
00:27:12Dr. Kramer just called from the sex clinic.
00:27:14The receptionist had to go home early today.
00:27:16So, um, would one of you like to fill in?
00:27:19Yeah, it could be interesting.
00:27:21Are you serious? With a duck?
00:27:23Three ducks?
00:27:25Yeah, but how do you...
00:27:28Well, in that case, who...
00:27:32Well, who would do it?
00:27:34Your sister?
00:27:35With scotch tape?
00:27:37Well, wait a minute. I thought that you said that your husband...
00:27:40Oh, pictures.
00:27:42Oh, pictures.
00:27:44Oh, pictures.
00:27:46Well, wait a minute. I thought that you said that your husband...
00:27:49Oh, pictures.
00:27:51Oh, yes, well, I'm sure they are, but...
00:27:54No, I really wouldn't know about that.
00:27:56Yes, suit yourself. Okay, bye.
00:28:02Well, we're making excellent progress.
00:28:04I wouldn't be at all surprised if by tomorrow you're up to step four.
00:28:07Oh, we'll try our best, Dr. Kramer.
00:28:09Good, just don't get too carried away now, huh?
00:28:11Oh, don't worry, we won't.
00:28:12All right, I'll see you tomorrow, then.
00:28:14Okay, ta-ta.
00:28:15Bye, Harold.
00:28:16Bye, Doctor.
00:28:19Uh, excuse me, Miss...
00:28:21Sandy, I'm expecting a new patient momentarily,
00:28:23so just buzz me in my office as soon as he gets here.
00:28:29Your attention, please.
00:28:31Beginning today, all automobiles that do not display
00:28:34the new yellow parking permits
00:28:36will be immediately towed...
00:28:39Is this the Ono Institute of whatever?
00:28:42Good, and you do have a Dr. Kramer here?
00:28:44Yes, uh-huh.
00:28:45Good, then would you tell us, Dr. Kramer, that Owen Bowles is here to see him?
00:28:48Sure, I'll ring him for you.
00:28:50You know, that's funny, I could have sworn that you just said...
00:28:55Uh, Dr. Kramer?
00:28:56Get me out of here.
00:28:57Who's the idea wants the Sandy wife?
00:28:59Owen Bowles is here to see you.
00:29:01Owen, baby, you know we've got to be careful a thing like this could ruin us.
00:29:04If it hit the papers, I'd kill myself.
00:29:07Not before I kill you.
00:29:09Oh, you don't have to worry about me.
00:29:12Wait, wait.
00:29:16Uh, Dr. Kramer?
00:29:17Yes, Mr. Bowles?
00:29:19No, Freddy Gillette, his personal manager.
00:29:21That's the boy back there.
00:29:22All right, Mr. Bowles, won't you step in here, please?
00:29:26Hi, I'm April.
00:29:28I'm not.
00:29:30Uh, it's customary for me to interview the patient alone.
00:29:34Dr. Kramer, you don't seem to understand.
00:29:36I'm his personal manager.
00:29:37Owen never does anything without me.
00:29:56I'll be perfectly frank with you, Doctor.
00:29:58What we face now is nothing less than a national disaster.
00:30:01Oh, now, really, I don't think it's useful to exaggerate matters.
00:30:05Do I look like the kind of person who would exaggerate matters?
00:30:08I have never been more serious in my life.
00:30:11The young people of this country are dependent on Owen Bowles.
00:30:14They need him. They love him.
00:30:16Without him, they would be bankrupt.
00:30:18Spiritually speaking, of course.
00:30:19Well, perhaps.
00:30:20And yet, and yet, the man you see before you now is nothing more than a shell of his former self.
00:30:25He hasn't written a new song in months.
00:30:27His performances are as dead as the twist.
00:30:30Doc, I'll give it to you in two words.
00:30:32No energy.
00:30:33Look, this clinic deals specifically in sexual progress.
00:30:38Doc, look at me.
00:30:39Can you look at me?
00:30:41Goose eggs.
00:30:43Goose eggs.
00:30:45Goose eggs.
00:30:49Just ask Yin and Yang.
00:30:52In other words, you're telling me there's an apparent sexual dysfunction.
00:30:56Not in other words, that's it.
00:30:58He can't do it anymore, or he won't.
00:31:00You figure it out.
00:31:01Owen, I'm hungry.
00:31:03Anything to eat around here?
00:31:04No, thanks.
00:31:06Doc, what do you think?
00:31:07No, I don't want to rush you, but frankly speaking,
00:31:09I don't know how much longer he can hang on.
00:31:11He is sinking fast.
00:31:12In a couple of months, he's going to be off the charts altogether.
00:31:15Well, you know, here at the institute, we've uncovered research
00:31:18which proves there's a definite correlation between impotence and the abuse of drugs.
00:31:32I was just bringing you a glass of water.
00:31:36You have the glass upside down.
00:31:39No wonder the water wouldn't stay in it.
00:31:45So everything is settled, Dr. Kramer.
00:31:47You'll send over the partner therapist, as you call him, this afternoon.
00:31:51You have the address.
00:31:52You don't let him do much talking, do you?
00:31:54Would you let Isaac Stern use his violin as a shoehorn?
00:31:58Listen to her. She doesn't even know what a shoehorn is.
00:32:01Is it true that you have a machine that does it?
00:32:04No, no, that's another place.
00:32:18Miss... Sandy?
00:32:22I want you to call Jane Ellington. Her number is in the address file.
00:32:25You have her go over to Owen Ball's house at this time.
00:32:29Here is his address.
00:32:48Yes, is this Jane Ellington?
00:32:50Yes, I'm calling for Dr. Kramer to tell you that he doesn't need you today.
00:32:55Right, I'm sure he'll call you tomorrow.
00:33:35Mr. Opportunity is as lifeful as you
00:33:38Sitting alone with nothing to do every day
00:33:43Hear what I say, hey
00:33:44I got the notion he's around the bend
00:33:47I'm hoping for you to let him in today
00:33:52Hear what I say, you better grab him
00:33:55Tackle to him
00:33:56Lock him up, hold on with my feet
00:33:59Cause it's your chance of a lifetime, mama
00:34:02You better not blow it
00:34:05Cause it's your chance of a lifetime, mama
00:34:08You better not blow it
00:34:11Cause it's your chance of a lifetime, mama
00:34:14You better not blow it
00:34:17Hey, Sandy.
00:34:19Take a look at my new bike.
00:34:20Yeah, sure, Wally.
00:34:21Look, I really got a lot to do today. I'm in a hurry.
00:34:23What? I thought we were going to go to the movies.
00:34:25Oh, well, I completely forgot. How about tomorrow night?
00:34:28You know that I'm working tomorrow night.
00:34:30Well, I'll call you sometime.
00:34:32What the hell does that mean?
00:34:34Hey, you two. No necking in the parking lot.
00:34:38Wally, we better stop seeing each other.
00:34:43It symbolizes man's attempt to come to grips with the demonic inside himself.
00:34:49I wouldn't mind coming to grips with that one.
00:34:51You're intolerable.
00:34:53So is this concert. Let's get out of here.
00:35:12Okay. I'll admit it's graceful.
00:35:36But does it have any substance? Any meaning?
00:35:40Well, sure. It symbolizes flight.
00:35:43Man's eternal quest for...
00:35:45Wait a minute. It can't symbolize flight. It is flight.
00:35:49Oh, well, in that case, it symbolizes...
00:35:53Come on. I want to hear this.
00:35:56It... symbolizes sex.
00:36:01Oh, you're right.
00:36:02I am?
00:36:03No, but I like your attitude.
00:36:11You can't...
00:36:25I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I was out by the swimming pool.
00:36:28You! I thought you were the receptionist.
00:36:30I was. Oh, I mean, I was just filling in. I'm definitely a registered therapist.
00:36:34Oh, good. Then I presume Dr. Kramer has briefed you.
00:36:36Oh, yes. We've talked for hours.
00:36:38Miss, I must warn you, this is not going to be easy.
00:36:40Oh, that's okay. I'm handled to train anything.
00:36:44Owen, this is Miss...
00:36:47Miss Bates, would you sit down, please? Can I get you anything to drink?
00:36:51Oh, no. No, thanks.
00:36:53Can we eat now?
00:36:58Hey, cookie. Miss Bates, would you like a steak? What would you like? You want a steak?
00:37:03Oh, nothing. No, thanks.
00:37:05How about chicken? Chicken? We got chicken. You want chicken? You don't want chicken.
00:37:08Cookie, what else do we have in there? Lobster. We have lobster. You want lobster? You don't want lobster.
00:37:12Do we have any shrimp? We don't have any shrimp. Fish. Do we have any fresh fish?
00:37:15I want shrimp.
00:37:17We don't have any shrimp.
00:37:18I want shrimp.
00:37:24He wants shrimp. It's a madhouse, that's what it is. I put up with it. I put up with it. I run it.
00:37:28I put up with it. I put up with it. I run it.
00:37:33Do you know that you are my all-time favorite? I mean, I've got every single album that you've ever made.
00:37:37Most people do.
00:37:39No, I mean it. You're really great.
00:37:41I know.
00:37:42God, you must lead an incredible life, huh?
00:37:45Yeah. Incredible.
00:37:49Um, Mr. Bowles, would you mind if I asked you a personal question?
00:37:54Do you find me attractive?
00:37:56What's personal about that?
00:38:01Well, you don't find me repulsive, do you?
00:38:05I hadn't thought about it.
00:38:08Well, actually, well, I meant, well, I was wondering if...
00:38:19Have you finished?
00:38:22Now, what is the matter with you? Don't you ever get turned on?
00:38:27It's too much trouble.
00:38:35When did you grow up? You and your bunny, you make a great team.
00:38:41Baby bunny's sick today.
00:38:43Oh, God. I'm a witch.
00:38:46But don't worry, I like you.
00:38:48Jesus Christ, what the hell's going on in here? I thought I told you girls to stay out.
00:38:51It's April's fault. She said we could.
00:38:53Susan's lying. It was her idea.
00:38:55I don't care. Let's go, girls. Out. No. Out. No.
00:38:57But I promised.
00:38:59You promised nothing. You think you can have anything you want?
00:39:01Anything you want? Out. No. Out.
00:39:04I promise you'll be left alone now.
00:39:07That won't be necessary. I'm leaving, too.
00:39:10I can't stand it anymore, pretending to be interested in that jellyfish.
00:39:14I mean, God, to think that I kissed you makes my skin crawl.
00:39:17Where can a girl throw up around here?
00:39:19Stop. Now, where are you going? This is outrageous. You can't do this.
00:39:22And do you see this? This is a real man. Passion, fire, virility.
00:39:27Call me up sometime, huh?
00:39:30She's crazy. She doesn't know what she's saying.
00:39:33Oh, bitch, you come back here. You come back here now.
00:39:37Come back here. You don't see? Brady, bring her back. Brady. Brady, do something. Brady. Brady. Brady.
00:39:53And what do you want with this guy, anyway?
00:39:55I got to find him. He was the only witness to a gas station hold-up.
00:39:58Is that true? A hold-up?
00:40:00Yeah. On robbery. And if I don't find him by this afternoon, the wrong guy's going to go to prison for it.
00:40:05Well, I sure wish I could help you. Good luck.
00:40:08Okay, thanks.
00:40:09Oh, miss, this is just a thought, but there's a little paint shop about a mile down the road, Ernie's.
00:40:16You might try there. He sometimes does that kind of work.
00:40:19Thanks. All right.
00:40:23Say, did you make up your mind about that paint shop?
00:40:27I'll have to come back for it later.
00:40:52Oh, my God.
00:41:22Oh, my God.
00:41:52No, you can't. No, you can't. No, you can't.
00:42:01Beat the pistol.
00:42:22All right, guys. See you at the station.
00:42:24All right.
00:42:53Oh, you mean Ray?
00:42:55Ray Garcia. Is that it?
00:42:57Hey, he's in some kind of trouble?
00:42:59No, no. I just got to find him. Somebody told me he works here.
00:43:02He used to, but that's several months ago.
00:43:05Last time I talked to him, he said something about working at a junkyard.
00:43:08Do you remember the name of it?
00:43:10Oh, I don't know. Bob and Jess's, I think.
00:43:13Bob and Jess's.
00:43:14Jess and Bob. Down there, along Ford.
00:43:23Excuse me, honey.
00:43:25I couldn't help overhearing you looking for my old buddy, Ray Garcia.
00:43:29You know Ray Garcia?
00:43:30Do I know Ray Garcia?
00:43:32Ray Garcia and I are tight like this.
00:43:35But I got to tell you, he don't work at Bob and Jess's no more.
00:43:38They fired him.
00:43:39I'll tell you where to look, though. There's a place called Las Palomas.
00:43:42I've seen it.
00:43:43Well, he hangs out there a lot.
00:43:46Oh, if Ray isn't too busy,
00:43:48you ask for Eddie in the kitchen. He'll know where Ray is.
00:43:51Eddie. Yeah. Thanks a lot.
00:43:53Pleasure's all mine.
00:44:19Give me Eddie.
00:44:28Are you Eddie?
00:44:34Can you tell me where to find Ray Garcia?
00:44:38I got to find him today. It's urgent.
00:44:46I got to find him today. It's urgent.
00:44:56Look, can't you see I'm in a hurry?
00:44:59You like enchiladas?
00:45:01I know how to make them real good.
00:45:03Most people don't know how to make an enchilada.
00:45:06They think you just throw together a few things.
00:45:08A little beef, a little cheese, some onions, and bueno, enchilada.
00:45:12No way, baby.
00:45:14You got to know how to do it.
00:45:16And take this. You got to know the secret ingredient.
00:45:20Do you know where Ray is or don't you?
00:45:22As I was saying, you got to know the secret ingredient.
00:45:31Most people tell you fat's no good for you, but that's their opinion.
00:45:35If you ask me, a thing ain't worth eating unless it's got some fat on it.
00:45:41How about you?
00:45:43You like fat?
00:45:44Dad, you got to tell me where I can find you.
00:45:46Hey, hey, take it easy.
00:45:48Maybe we can work something out.
00:45:50How much is it worth to you?
00:45:52Are you crazy? I don't have any money.
00:45:54You do have certain negotiable properties, shall we say?
00:45:59Okay. Let's go.
00:46:13So you're looking for a witness, eh?
00:46:15Too bad you don't have one now.
00:46:17Because you really have something to see.
00:46:30You filthy pig.
00:46:32Oh, sorry.
00:47:31You're Ray Garcia, right?
00:47:34And you witnessed a gas station hold-up this week, right?
00:47:38And you remember a guy in a light-pink shirt who asked you for a cigarette?
00:47:43Boy, am I glad to see you.
00:47:45Listen, are you willing to testify in court that that guy had nothing to do with the hold-up?
00:47:50No? Why not?
00:47:52Because it would be a lie.
00:47:54The guy in the light-pink shirt was the leader.
00:47:57He was the one who walked in first.
00:48:01But wait a minute. You don't understand. That was a coincidence.
00:48:04No, I saw it myself.
00:48:06He was the leader.
00:48:08No, you're just guessing. You're not sure.
00:48:10I saw it.
00:48:14He had a gun.
00:48:15A gun? No, it can't be.
00:48:17He shot the attendant.
00:48:20Shot him in cold blood.
00:48:41You know, you're a pretty good actor.
00:48:44Well, I had the proper motivation.
00:48:46You've done okay so far.
00:48:48Now, get down on the ground and stay there.
00:48:52Remember, that mouth stays shut real tight, see?
00:48:56Because if you try any funny stuff, I'll make wallpaper out of your brains, assuming you've got any.
00:49:31Okay, yo-yo, hang it up.
00:49:35Looks like you don't learn too fast.
00:49:37Ordering a pizza. Yeah, I know. Come on.
00:49:39We're closing early today, so you can take your private lessons.
00:49:43Oh, and while we're locking the gate,
00:49:47you might be thinking about which leg you want broken first.
00:49:53Say, I need a VW fender.
00:49:56Oh, well, we ain't got any.
00:49:58Sure you do. There's a whole bunch right over there.
00:50:00Oh, well, ain't that too bad, because we're closing early today.
00:50:02Hey, what the hell? We've got time for one more customer.
00:50:06Okay, babe, whatever you say, but I'd better come along.
00:50:09I know how accident-prone you are. Let's go.
00:50:20What happened?
00:50:22What's wrong?
00:50:23I got something for you.
00:50:30There. That's what you wanted?
00:50:33The name of the witness at the gas station?
00:50:35The witness who saw you shoot the attendant?
00:50:38Wait. He couldn't have said that. He's a liar. He's a damn liar.
00:50:41Yeah, the world is full of liars.
00:50:49Hey, what is this?
00:50:51What's the matter?
00:50:54What's happened?
00:50:56What's the matter, dear? What's happened?
00:50:59What's the matter?
00:51:01Tell me. What's the matter?
00:51:04What's happened, dear?
00:51:07Oh, come on. You can tell me.
00:51:10I'm an old hand.
00:51:12What happened, honey? What's the matter?
00:51:18Honey, do you know that your dress is torn?
00:51:21What happened?
00:51:24Yes, I know. I caught it in a fender.
00:51:29Oh, my God.
00:51:37Call the police.
00:51:38Quick. Send me to this address.
00:51:58Come on, Jive. No more tricks.
00:52:01Or you'll regret it.
00:52:06Sit down by the wall, Jive.
00:52:29If this is too tight, let me know, so I can make it tighter.
00:52:43See you later.
00:52:50Give me that.
00:52:52Do it, man.
00:52:54Give me that.
00:52:56Do it, man.
00:52:58Have it your own way, Jive.
00:53:10What is it?
00:53:25So long, pal. I'm going to miss you guys.
00:53:46Oh, Jesus Christ!
00:53:54Oh, my God.
00:54:12Dr. Wilson, how are things going?
00:54:15Okay, so far.
00:54:17Well, actually, I...
00:54:19You see, I wanted to ask you about that incident in the emergency room the other day.
00:54:22Oh, yes.
00:54:24I was just wondering, what could cause a thing like that?
00:54:27Why do you ask?
00:54:29No reason. Just curious.
00:54:31Well, to tell you the truth, you can't always tell.
00:54:33It could be drugs, though in this case the tests were negative.
00:54:37Or it could be a concussion.
00:54:40Okay, thank you.
00:54:42That's all?
00:54:44I'll see you later.
00:54:47First class transportation and reasonable expenses
00:54:49shall be paid to all actors on tours and personal appearances.
00:54:52Producers shall cooperate to ensure that actors...
00:54:54Hold on. Just a minute.
00:54:56Hold on.
00:55:00What are you doing here?
00:55:02I left my purse.
00:55:04I spoke with Dr. Kramer about you yesterday.
00:55:06He was very upset.
00:55:08Where's the emperor?
00:55:11Hey, but you can't go down there!
00:55:27It seems to me that I left my purse here.
00:55:31Oh, so you've come back to apologize.
00:55:34Apologize? Apologize for what?
00:55:36What you said about me, about my records.
00:55:41I thought I'd never even heard any of your records before.
00:55:44Unless, you know, by chance in an elevator or something.
00:55:47Say, you haven't seen my purse in here, have you?
00:55:49Purse? No.
00:55:51Well, I was sitting right here. That means...
00:55:54Oh, excuse me.
00:55:56Would you pull over a little? Thank you.
00:55:58Oh, damn it. Where is it?
00:56:00By the way, I'm seriously considering letting you make love to me.
00:56:05The pool. Did I have it with me by the pool?
00:56:08Do you know, most women find me irresistible.
00:56:11Well, there's no accounting for taste now, is there?
00:56:13Would you believe I get out 50 pounds of mail every week?
00:56:16It must be comforting to know at least some of your fans are old enough to write.
00:56:20I can't go out in public without being attacked by teenage girls.
00:56:23And does your music have that effect on dogs, too?
00:56:28Let go of me. You're hurting.
00:56:30Bitch, you aren't going anywhere till I say so.
00:56:32Listen here, girl. No one walks out knowing balls, no one!
00:56:38You really are a sick one, aren't you?
00:56:40Yes, I am.
00:56:46I killed him.
00:56:47Where does it go from here?
00:56:49I don't know about you, but I'm going to a basketball game.
00:56:56God, where have you been?
00:56:57Don't even ask.
00:57:11Basket, number 33, Greg Kim.
00:57:13Hey, how's your friend doing out there?
00:57:15He's looking pretty good.
00:57:23Hey, Gallagher, open your eyes.
00:57:31Even a streak has moved better than that.
00:57:41Hey, Gallagher, your mother blows goats.
00:57:44Gallagher, get out of there.
00:57:46I finally picked that zombie up again.
00:57:49Hey, Gallagher, kiss my Charlie.
00:57:55Sorry, it slipped.
00:57:57Into the lineup for the Matadors, number 21, Sam Jefferson.
00:58:02Go, go, go!
00:58:07Basket, number 13, Steve Willard.
00:58:18Hey, Doc, come here.
00:58:23Where's your bag? I'm really wiped out.
00:58:25Oh, you know where it is.
00:58:27Hey, didn't I give you a couple of those last night?
00:58:30Didn't I give you a couple of those already?
00:58:32Yeah, but it didn't help.
00:58:34Well, just take it easy.
00:58:36Those things are not aspirin, you know.
00:58:38Yeah, sure.
00:58:49Your attention, please.
00:58:50Contestants, for tonight's finals are ready.
00:58:52The look-alike contestant reminds us to register at the scorers' table as soon as possible.
00:59:01And don't forget, ladies and gentlemen,
00:59:03although Jennifer Tidwell will not be crowned homecoming queen tonight,
00:59:06the dance in her honor will be held as scheduled immediately preceding the game.
00:59:09A correction that's immediately following the game.
00:59:12Go, Matadors, go!
00:59:17Hey, Cliff, come on! Come on, Cliff!
00:59:25Anthony Quannell.
00:59:27Anthony Quannell.
00:59:46How do you like him now?
01:00:08Matadors! Matadors! They trail by three.
01:00:19Matthew Gallagher, trail by one.
01:00:41Matthew Gallagher, he's dead.
01:00:44We won! We won!
01:00:47Gallagher's dead! Holy shit!
01:01:08Come on, let's get out of here.
01:01:10Stick around. Cliff will take us out to celebrate.
01:01:13No, I don't know.
01:01:14Come on, it'll be fun.
01:01:18Hey, will you slow down?
01:01:20Cliff, wait!
01:01:25Cliff, what's wrong with you?
01:01:27Nothing wrong with me. I'm flying!
01:01:32Never fear, girls. You're riding with the eight number one greatest of all time, of all time, of all time.
01:01:37Cliff, slow down. You're crazy, you're gonna...
01:01:39Now watch this one, girls. He drives, he fades.
01:01:41Left, a right, a right, a left.
01:01:49What speed, what power, what moves!
01:01:51Why is your crazy?
01:01:52I'm not crazy, just flying!
01:01:54Then you were on drugs when they brought you into the hospital.
01:01:57You said it. Gotta be high.
01:01:59You're going the wrong way.
01:02:00Stop the car!
01:02:05Let me out of this car!
01:02:38Only emergency.
01:02:41Well, this looks like a familiar face.
01:02:43Hold on, I have a type of cross branch, five units.
01:02:46Have a full five more.
01:02:47Uh-uh, can't do it.
01:02:48What's the matter?
01:02:49Laps back up a couple of hours.
01:02:51A couple of hours? Hey, didn't we fight this guy a few days ago?
01:02:55All right, then let's go with that.
01:02:57I want you to call x-ray and have them, uh, tell them they may need some skull film.
01:03:01I want a CBC and SMA.
01:03:14Dr. Wilson!
01:03:17Dr. Wilson, stop. I have to talk to you.
01:03:20It's very important.
01:03:22What's the matter with your head?
01:03:23Never mind my head.
01:03:25It's about Cliff.
01:03:26Nurse, you take a look at this, she'll take care of it.
01:03:28Wait, don't go.
01:03:29Come on.
01:03:30Get some stitches in this.
01:03:32Heart rate 150.
01:03:33Doctor, the blood pressure's going down.
01:03:35Damn it, what's going on here?
01:03:37Where's that report?
01:03:38Call the lab again.
01:03:39Let's see if we can reach Dr. DeFalco on neurosurgery.
01:03:43Dr. Wilson, I've got to talk to you.
01:03:45Not now.
01:03:47It has to be now. It's imperative.
01:03:49It's about that patient.
01:03:50Damn it, will you let go of me and get out of here?
01:03:52I can't. It's an emergency.
01:03:54I have to talk to you.
01:03:56Now listen to me.
01:03:57When that patient came in here Tuesday,
01:03:59who took the blood test?
01:04:00Dr. Kraus, right?
01:04:01And what did they reveal?
01:04:02Nothing, right?
01:04:03Well, I know for a fact that Cliff had taken speed that night.
01:04:06What are you saying?
01:04:07Dr. Kraus substituted someone else's blood for Gallagher's.
01:04:10Maybe his own.
01:04:11Why? That doesn't make sense.
01:04:13He's trying to cover up the fact that he's supplying speed to the team.
01:04:16In other words...
01:04:18In other words, the blood that you're giving that patient is typed for someone else.
01:04:22Never mind. I'll get it.
01:04:43I'll get it.
01:05:13He's going to be all right.
01:05:15Can I see him?
01:05:16We've sedated him.
01:05:17We'll be taking him upstairs in a minute.
01:05:20Now, are you positive these tests won't hurt?
01:05:23I mean, no shock?
01:05:42I mean, no shots or anything?
01:05:45Just x-rays.
01:05:46In fact, if my guess is right, you're going to be in school next week.
01:05:48That soon, huh?
01:05:50Well, now that you mention it, I do have a pain back here.
01:05:53Hey, look out!
01:05:56Please, be careful!
01:05:57Oh, my God, Marissa!
01:05:59What are you doing in here?
01:06:01Hey, it's a long story.
01:06:03Ask him.
01:06:04Come on, you guys.
01:06:05Get me out of here!
01:06:08Yeah, go ahead.
01:06:09I'll check by later.
01:06:13I've got to get upstairs.
01:06:15Yes, of course.
01:06:16See you later.
01:06:18Dr. Floyd?
01:06:19I couldn't help noticing that the onset of renal malfunction...
01:06:22Have you ever considered loss of...
01:06:24Loss of?
01:06:25Think about it.
01:06:26Bolly about yesterday.
01:06:28Forget it.
01:06:31I'll buy you a cup of coffee.
01:06:41All in balls, huh?
01:06:42Well, I'll say this for you, Sandy.
01:06:44You have a fertile imagination.
01:06:46Casey, don't believe me.
01:06:47There's plenty of others that will, like Dr. Milman.
01:06:50Molly, what is it?
01:07:08Oh, my God!
01:07:12Oh, my God!
01:07:20Oh, my God!