• last year
Rick and Morty: The Anime" takes the chaotic duo into a new dimension with an anime twist, blending samurai aesthetics and sci-fi adventure. In this series, Rick, a genius scientist with a dark sense of humor, and his naive grandson Morty embark on wild, action-packed journeys across the multiverse, facing bizarre creatures and philosophical dilemmas in a uniquely animated style that pays homage to classic anime tropes.#RickAndMorty #RickAndMortyAnime #Anime2024 #AdultSwim #SciFi #Animation #Samurai #Multiverse #CartoonNetwork #PrimeVideo


00:00There are an infinite number of paths available to us, but we only get to pick one life.
00:07Your position keeps blinking in and out.
00:09FaceTime is getting all flippy because of that damn gizmo.
00:12Why the hell would you make something so dangerous, Rick?
00:15It wasn't me.
00:16All of those dots are where my dad is.
00:21So we meet again.
00:24They think I'm holding an anti-matter bomb.
00:26What's the point of saying that?
00:29We can't just leave Dad out there by himself.
00:33Stay sharp, this guy's a freak of nature.
00:37Up and at em, Morty. It's time to blow off some steam.
00:44Where's Dad?
00:45I don't know.
00:55Do you even have a way back home?
00:58Reality sure is convenient.
