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00:00The plane is about to take off, and it's going to turn upside down.
00:06It's a series of events that are exciting and thrilling from start to finish.
00:11Imagine the beginning of the series.
00:14They show you the passengers on the plane,
00:16and the plane is about to hit a storm,
00:19a lightning storm,
00:20and it's going to hit the runway.
00:23You can see that all the passengers are scared.
00:27This is one of the bad things about this plane.
00:31It's a series of events.
00:33If you google it, you'll see that it's a series of events.
00:36There are a lot of seasons, and a lot of parts.
00:40This is one of the bad things about this plane.
00:44It's like a hysteria.
00:48The captain says to the passengers,
00:51don't worry, I didn't turn on the A.C.
00:55He's going to pull a rope out of the rope,
00:59and he's going to hit the plane.
01:01What is this rope?
01:02I don't know, I don't know.
01:08He's going to hit the plane,
01:10and it's going to turn upside down.
01:15The captain says to the passengers, don't worry,
01:17don't worry about the stress.
01:19The plane didn't turn off the A.C.,
01:22and it's going to turn upside down.
01:24You can feel it.
01:26You can feel it in your lungs.
01:29You can feel it in your lungs.
01:31I don't know what's worse than this.
01:34The captain says to the passengers,
01:36don't worry, don't worry about the stress.
01:39The plane didn't turn off the A.C.,
01:41and it's going to turn upside down.
01:44The captain says to the passengers,
01:46don't worry, don't worry about the stress.
01:49The plane didn't turn off the A.C.,
01:51and it's going to turn upside down.
01:54The plane didn't turn off the A.C.,
01:57and it's going to turn upside down.
02:00The plane didn't turn off the A.C.,
02:03and it's going to turn upside down.
02:06The plane didn't turn off the A.C.,
02:09and it's going to turn upside down.
02:12The plane didn't turn off the A.C.,
02:15and it's going to turn upside down.
02:18The plane didn't turn off the A.C.,
02:21and it's going to turn upside down.
02:24The plane didn't turn off the A.C.,
02:27and it's going to turn upside down.
02:30The plane didn't turn off the A.C.,
02:33and it's going to turn upside down.
02:36The plane didn't turn off the A.C.,
02:39and it's going to turn upside down.
02:42The plane didn't turn off the A.C.,
02:45and it's going to turn upside down.
02:50The plane fell unconscious,
02:58and the under war said that,
03:01the plane didn't turn off the A.C,
03:04and this is photographs.
