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00:00Finally, two months later, he digs under his wife's chair to get out of the bank
00:04because he is about to get in and take the money from her.
00:07Because there were problems between him and his wife, and he met this poor woman.
00:11After that, he said to her, we can make a video, look at me, I got the money.
00:15Here is the money, I am happy.
00:17I want to give it back to my brothers.
00:19My brother looks at her and says to her, you know what?
00:21My brother, you don't know the severity of what happened to my brother's bank.
00:25His wife is happy, my brothers.
00:27She says to him, I am coming to you, and he says to her, I am the one who left it, I will leave it.
00:32You don't believe me, we will give it back to each other.
00:34The woman's blood came out of her, brothers.
00:37Her blood and tears came out of her.
00:39I mean, she wants to get out of the bank by any means.
00:41What did she do? What did she do? She called her parents.
00:43She went to the police to report that she heard that the bank was actually stolen.
00:49She went to the police, brothers, and she will report that she called her parents.
00:52She will show them the video and tell them,
00:54this is the one who stole the bank, he is my husband, and I was divorced from him.
00:58I mean, she wants to show them the video.
01:00I mean, she doesn't want to show them the video.
01:01She is a little scared.
01:02She wants to show them the video and tell them, you know what?
01:05I am sharing it with Sharifa.
01:06I mean, how did he steal the money?
01:08His father, you know what?
01:09I am sharing it with him.
01:11Look, my brother, you don't know the severity of what happened to my brother's bank.
01:12Her blood came out of her.
01:13Her blood came out of her.
01:14Her blood came out of her.
