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paranormal, fenómenos paranormales, actividad paranormal, investigaciones paranormales, fantasmas, espíritus, casas embrujadas, eventos inexplicables, apariciones, cazafantasmas, experiencias paranormales, lo sobrenatural, misterios sin resolver, vida después de la muerte, fenómenos sobrenaturales, evidencia paranormal, avistamientos de fantasmas, fenómenos inexplicables, entidades paranormales, sucesos extraños
00:00Satan is a key figure in Western culture.
00:19He has been transgressing the strictly religious and has been incorporating into society,
00:24through folklore, literature or our childish nightmares.
00:30You can believe in him or not,
00:32but the undoubtable is that as an archetype, as a legendary figure
00:37or as a simple expression of our own inner demons,
00:41Satan has been among us for 20 centuries.
00:45However, there are aspects of his figure that are not so solved,
00:49or at least that raise doubts.
00:52For example, his origin.
00:54How did he incorporate that negative role into the Judeo-Christian religion?
01:01Why does he put Satan, the devil, Lucifer and the demons in the same bag?
01:08Is it real or is it an invention of the Church?
01:11And above all, are we being fair to him?
01:18As in previous occasions, we have prepared a documentary.
01:21And although it is no longer in the form of a colloquium,
01:23different experts will also intervene on the subject.
01:57He is here, among us.
02:00Or rather, he is still part of us.
02:04Hated, feared, perhaps secretly admired,
02:09Satan is a fundamental figure in the Judeo-Christian culture,
02:14as important as that of Jesus or that of God.
02:17Because you cannot believe in them without also believing in him.
02:22It is clear that, rationally, intellectually,
02:25most of us are devoid of Satan.
02:27We consider him a myth, a fantasy.
02:30But below the conscience, in the field of feelings, of the affective,
02:36he remains as valid and real as ever.
02:40He is the bad guy in history,
02:42the one who instigates the lowest actions,
02:45the one who, always courting,
02:47uses our weaknesses to push us to sin and win our soul,
02:52as if it were a trophy to take it to its infernal kingdom.
03:00As hateful as it is essential,
03:02because without him, the drama of the spiritual imposed by religion would lack argument.
03:10But who is or what is Satan?
03:14What is his story?
03:18In the popular spirit, in the literary or philosophical,
03:22Satan is contemplated in two different ways.
03:30One represents him with dignity,
03:32as the protagonist of a tragedy.
03:35He is the fallen angel,
03:37the beautiful and powerful angel
03:39who, fearing that the newly created man
03:42takes away his privileged position in the love of God,
03:45rebels against the one he loves
03:48and is thrown from heaven.
03:53The other version, the most widespread,
03:55is that of a grotesque, repulsive devil,
03:58compendium of all that is unpleasant,
04:01without elegance or dignity,
04:03destined to inspire horror or disgust in the uncivilized people
04:07and that the Church tended to enhance
04:10as the most convenient image for its catechizing strategy.
04:20But neither version is true,
04:23at least in its roots.
04:25Satan and the devil identified,
04:27they were confused in one,
04:29just over 2,000 years ago.
04:32The concept that Christianity has of this character
04:36is exactly the same that the Jews had in the life of Jesus.
04:41But before, in their origins,
04:44they were different figures,
04:46with totally independent functions and characteristics.
04:51Let's start with Satan.
04:53At first, he was not or was not a proper name.
04:57In the Hebrew Bible, the term Satan is used as a generic
05:01and is equivalent to enemy, adversary,
05:04applying it indistinctly to men or spirits.
05:09When he appears identified as a specific character,
05:12Satan is an ordinary angel,
05:14one more angel at the service of Yahweh.
05:17In this case, with the function of prosecutor,
05:20verifying the degree of virtue, of dedication to God that men have.
05:24That is his mission in the book of Job.
05:27Yahweh boasts of the righteousness and mercy of Job,
05:30to which Satan argues, not without reason,
05:33that it is easy when everything goes well for one,
05:36but that if misfortunes come,
05:38perhaps that kindness turns into hatred
05:41and Job ends up reneging on God.
05:46It is Yahweh who, accepting Satan's argument as good,
05:49orders him to leave Job in the ruin,
05:52to give him a horrible illness,
05:55to leave him without a family.
05:57If it were not for the symbolic passage,
06:00both Yahweh and Satan are quite inhuman.
06:04In fact, the only one who is good in this story is Job.
06:10Thus, in the ancient biblical texts,
06:13Satan is not the prince of evil, nor does he act on his own,
06:17but at the service of Yahweh, like the rest of the angels.
06:23Then, in later texts,
06:25he will be progressively defined as a tempter,
06:29as an instigator of man to sin or face God.
06:37And since we are after the clue of the identity of the devil,
06:41let's make it clear that the name of Lucifer, so widespread,
06:45has nothing to do with our character.
06:49That metaphor of a fallen angel, the most beautiful of angels,
06:53the lighthouse that rushes to the abyss,
06:56is pure fantasy of some Christian authors.
07:01The error comes from a text of Isaiah that says so.
07:06How have you fallen from the heavens, Lucifer, son of the dawn?
07:10Have you been overthrown to the earth, ruler of the nations?
07:15What did you say in your heart?
07:17I will ascend to heaven.
07:19Above the stars of God I will raise my throne
07:23and sit on the Mount of Reunion.
07:26I will rise to the heights of the clouds,
07:29I will look like the Most High.
07:31Already, Alseol has been precipitated,
07:34to the deepest part of the well.
07:37Isaiah did not refer in that short poem to Satan,
07:40but to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon,
07:44whose arrogance had been overcome by the power of Yahweh,
07:48the Jewish God.
07:51We therefore have a Satan,
07:53who is an angel at the service of God
07:56and in charge of the most unpleasant missions
07:59from the human point of view,
08:01such as executing the punishments decided by Yahweh
08:05or tempting man to put him to the test.
08:08On the other hand, a Lucifer who is not such,
08:11only a late Christian invention.
08:13We have the demons.
08:24Let's go back in time,
08:26let's go to the sources,
08:28to the origins of that figure
08:30that constitutes today the central axis of this program.
08:33And let's do it with Antonio Piñero.
08:35Within the Judeo-Christian culture,
08:38Satan is an important figure,
08:41but I imagine that it is not the only negative figure
08:45or that crystallizes evil in it,
08:48but that in other older religions,
08:50or contemporary of Judaism,
08:53there has been a similar figure with similar roles
08:57and that probably has already influenced the genesis of Satan.
09:02Without a doubt, if one thinks, for example,
09:04in the almost foundational book of Judaism,
09:07which is Genesis,
09:09and where it appears in chapter 3
09:11the figure of that snake, which is still not Satan,
09:14and if almost all researchers agree
09:17that all those myths that the book of Genesis collects
09:21and that the Jews make,
09:23come from Babylon,
09:25and from that arch of the fertile Middle East,
09:29it is obvious that in other religions
09:33there is also that somewhat mysterious figure.
09:36But, for example, what would be interesting
09:39is to know, within that primitive Christianity,
09:43what kind of demons, of evil spirits, of beings,
09:47that later, all of them,
09:50were going to crystallize, to converge in the figure of Satan,
09:54were there as a germ of the diabolical.
09:57Yes, I would say that that crystallization has occurred before.
10:02The crystallization of the various figures
10:05of evil spirits, which are fundamentally three,
10:09let's say, for example,
10:11the evil peasant spirits,
10:13which are also linked to the spirits of the giants,
10:17chapter 6 of Genesis,
10:20to the spirits of fallen angels,
10:23to the accusing spirits, or Satan,
10:26all of that is coming together,
10:28and probably 100, 200 years before Christianity,
10:33as it was a, let's say, very complex mentality,
10:37the same people is simplifying it,
10:40in such a way that, in my opinion,
10:42when Jesus begins to speak
10:45that the Kingdom of God is a fight
10:48between that mandate of God that is going to come upon the earth
10:52and the mandate of Satan,
10:54which exists at that moment, which is withdrawn,
10:57at that moment, when Jesus is speaking to the masses of Palestine about that,
11:01there has already been a crystallization.
11:04But 200 or 300 years later,
11:07Christians continue to believe, fundamentally,
11:10in a large cohort of people who are around here,
11:13if it is not explained to us that it was a Christian
11:15who edited the Testament of Solomon,
11:17which is, after all, the Testament of Solomon
11:19is a treaty of demons,
11:21in which he tells you the different classes there are,
11:25with their different effects,
11:27and there are demons of all kinds,
11:29for example, female demons, male demons,
11:32that get inside the women
11:34and that prevent them from their regular functions,
11:37headless demons,
11:39because it turns out that they are from a product,
11:42let's say, that they generate,
11:44or that they are generators of such envy
11:46that they have even lost their heads,
11:48and the only thing to know is exactly
11:51what the demon is called,
11:53to know the name and the formula
11:56that must be used to neutralize it.
11:59What happened to all those little demons,
12:02little devils that were in the popular belief
12:04of the first Christians?
12:06Does Satan incorporate them into his image,
12:09his figure, his abilities,
12:11or are they diluted and lost without more?
12:15No, I believe that in primitive Christianity,
12:18and later, until today,
12:20there will be another phenomenon of simplification,
12:22similar to the one we had spoken of before
12:24in Judaism in the 3rd or 2nd century BC,
12:27and that is that people need,
12:29the simpler, the better,
12:31and then, the one who pollutes,
12:33the sublunar demons,
12:35the one who are more or less good demons,
12:37the one who take care of the spirit,
12:39let's say, the tendency to evil in man,
12:41but without being especially evil,
12:43to be accused,
12:45well, that is too complicated for people,
12:47so to speak,
12:49and then it is centralized in one,
12:51and it is Satan and his court,
12:53and then, really, the only thing left
12:55is the incorporation of the ancient serpent,
12:59which is metamorphosed,
13:01which is another of the characteristics
13:03that the last Judaism incorporates.
13:06Before, we spoke of Solomon's testament,
13:08well, Job's testament
13:10also has beautiful scenes
13:12of how the demon is metamorphosed,
13:15for example, in the bread seller,
13:17in the king of the Persians,
13:19in the fishmonger,
13:21in what happens to him in order to deceive
13:23Job, etc.
13:25Well, all that is incorporated
13:27in a figure that later acquires
13:29some characteristics that are sometimes
13:31a little offensive
13:33to other races that are not,
13:35for example, the white race,
13:37because in the sayings of the fathers,
13:39the apothecary patrons,
13:41and in the apocryphal facts of the apostles
13:43of the 2nd and 3rd century,
13:45only one kind of demon appears,
13:47and it always, always appears,
13:49either as an Egyptian or as a black man
13:51or as an Arab or metamorphosing,
13:53always with a figure.
13:55And until today,
13:57in which there is only one kind of evil.
14:00Now, at the end of time,
14:02the demon will again bring out,
14:05according to Christian mythology,
14:07a lot of plurifacetic enemies,
14:11of many faces.
14:13Yes, yes, a lot,
14:15and then there will be a tremendous fight,
14:17then a good catalogue will be needed.
14:19Well, I don't know if it's worth
14:21getting old very late
14:23or living a long time
14:25to see this kind of fight.
14:27Now, what I...
14:29Yes, but sometimes
14:31Christians should also reflect
14:33a little on the inconsequence
14:35of assuming a God who is
14:37absolutely omnipotent,
14:39absolutely omnipotent,
14:41absolutely just,
14:43and absolutely kind,
14:45and at the same time
14:47there is also the presence
14:49of all this infernal court
14:51that all it does is annoy us
14:53with everything and everything.
14:55That is an aspect that I would like,
14:57since you are here,
14:59to make clear.
15:01Just as the rest,
15:03or most religions,
15:05have a dualistic concept
15:07and a figure of good
15:09and a figure of evil
15:11and a confrontation between both,
15:13as you just said,
15:15and yet a negative figure
15:19becoming more and more
15:23and in many situations,
15:25in many passages,
15:27there is a kind of incongruity,
15:29as if there was a pulse
15:31between God, the creator of everything,
15:33including the devil,
15:35and his own creature.
15:37Of course, then the dilemma
15:39should be raised,
15:41either he lacks a little
15:45or he would not have
15:47total omnipotence,
15:49since these individuals
15:51fight for their respects
15:53in an autonomous way.
15:55It gives the impression
15:57that the current Church
15:59is trying to remove iron
16:01from Satan, hell,
16:05those concepts that have been
16:07tremendous and ominous at the popular level.
16:09What the Pope says,
16:11is that hell is a state,
16:13in an abstract way,
16:15but it still exists.
16:17This is the important thing,
16:19and this is what we were saying before.
16:21As much as it is interpreted
16:23in a relatively symbolic or metaphorical way,
16:25that evil force still exists,
16:27or hell as a state
16:29where you will be deprived of God,
16:31as it has been said in the Catechism,
16:33and that inner suffering
16:35of being deprived of God,
16:37they say, will be more terrible
16:39than the destruction of flesh,
16:41etc., etc., etc.
16:45the difficulty,
16:47the fundamental problem
16:49that you and I pointed out
16:51a moment ago,
16:53whether it is a state or not,
16:55continues to exist.
16:57And how can they exist,
16:59on the one hand,
17:01with that just and kind God,
17:03that other force that opposes
17:05and fights against it,
17:07many individuals who, after all,
17:09have not opposed that Creator
17:11in such a radical way?
17:13That is my opinion.
17:15That is, that the Pope does not deny it,
17:17but that he simply accommodates it
17:19to the more modern spirit.
17:37Israel was not always Israel.
17:41Before the Hebrews,
17:43there were the Canaanites.
17:45Many beliefs were incorporated from them,
17:47such as those of the Indo-Aryans,
17:49of the Egyptians,
17:51and of the Greeks,
17:53from whom the term
17:55demon or daemonion comes precisely.
17:57In ancient times,
17:59the Jews believed in the existence
18:01of evil beings,
18:03of spirits with different forms
18:05and lived, above all, in the desert.
18:07It was not wise
18:09to move away from the camps
18:11or the villages
18:13when the shadows came.
18:17On the great day of purification,
18:19the Hebrews magically
18:21introduced their sins
18:23into a male goat
18:25and released him into the desert
18:27so that Azazel would feed himself
18:29and, in passing,
18:31be free of his guilt.
18:35In the end,
18:37beings of great powers,
18:39allies of the night
18:41and of the nocturnal animals,
18:43destined to torment,
18:45deceive and pervert man.
18:47They are not servants of God,
18:49but he allows his existence.
18:51Also in that category of demons
18:53were the spirits of the dead
18:55or the gods who worshiped
18:57the rest of the peoples,
18:59the Jews,
19:01the Egyptians,
19:03and the rest of the peoples,
19:05the Gentiles.
19:11In later texts,
19:13a Jewish demon appears as such,
19:17with whom Tobias faces
19:19and defeats him thanks to prayer
19:21and penance.
19:23And finally,
19:25in that evolution of an image of evil,
19:27specifically in the Book of Wisdom,
19:29Satan is identified
19:31with the Serpent of Paradise,
19:33considering him the opponent of God
19:35and the intruder of evil
19:37and death in the world,
19:39with which he thus
19:41unloads the key to that responsibility.
19:45The Jews distribute,
19:47so to speak,
19:49the human soul in five parts,
19:51and the lowest part is Nefesh.
19:53And Nefesh has the same numbers
19:55as Nahash,
19:57the Serpent of Paradise.
19:59And this is curious,
20:01because it makes us understand
20:03that this is an element
20:05that we all carry inside.
20:07That is, we have something
20:09of that Serpent of Paradise,
20:11since we have the same
20:13numerical components.
20:15In the manuscripts
20:17that were written
20:19and preserved here,
20:21in Kunran,
20:23the Essenes still considered
20:25the Satans as angels
20:27to punish or harm men,
20:29but not as fallen angels
20:31or guardians of hell,
20:33so present in the popular
20:35imagination of the Judeo-Christians.
20:39An attitude that has persisted
20:41and is extensible
20:43in most religions,
20:45or what is the same
20:47in the churches that represent it.
20:51The teachings and norms
20:53allegedly dictated by the gods
20:55for a specific historical moment
20:57and for a certain society
20:59require absolute fidelity
21:01to be maintained.
21:05beyond the social and political circumstances
21:07in which these religions arose,
21:09most of their norms,
21:11especially those that have to do
21:13with custom and way of life,
21:15are fading,
21:19and with little frequency
21:21become grotesque.
21:23Any change from the outside,
21:25any technical advance,
21:27any new idea
21:29are looked at with distrust
21:31or violently rejected.
21:35And this is because
21:37social transformation,
21:39the development of science,
21:41and everything that contributes
21:43to expanding knowledge
21:45or liberalizing traditional habits
21:47corner the norms and dogmas
21:49in which religions are based.
21:53This ends up showing us
21:55as something anachronistic,
21:57based on rationally unsustainable principles.
21:59That in its time
22:01these advances were considered
22:03diabolical is understandable.
22:05No matter how divine
22:07their inspiration was,
22:09churches are human institutions
22:11and, as such,
22:13have faced, by all means,
22:15any influence
22:17that put their power at risk.
22:19A power basically
22:21in the blind obedience
22:23of the faithful,
22:25either out of conviction
22:27or out of fear of punishment.
22:31Whether they were real,
22:33mere legends,
22:35or alien deserters,
22:37the angels watching over the first heaven
22:39provided technique,
22:41knowledge, and new customs.
22:43Therefore, they went against
22:45what was established.
22:47Their influence was good for man,
22:49and good for religion.
22:51So it should not be surprising
22:53that in his book Enoch sends them
22:55to the underground abyss,
22:57to hell, where they will be
22:59until the day of judgment.
23:15Throughout all cultures
23:17we have always placed
23:19in this character
23:21all the negative parts,
23:23all the bad,
23:25all that we human beings
23:27do not accept of ourselves.
23:29Somehow we have put
23:31our negative things in him.
23:33We have made a projection
23:35of all the negative
23:37in this character,
23:39called Satan, demon.
23:41These Christian churches
23:43have made Satan
23:45appear in the book of Job.
23:47It says that the children of God
23:49appeared before Job,
23:51and Satan was among them.
23:53He was one of the children of God
23:55fulfilling his function.
23:57His function is to put us in a tight spot,
23:59and our cosmic function
24:01is to filter all this
24:03and reconvert it.
24:05We do not have more functions
24:07in the world than this.
24:09As we have seen,
24:11in its origins,
24:13Satan is a Christian of good.
24:15By definition,
24:17in the Judeo-Christian religion
24:19there is no duality,
24:21no confrontation,
24:23since everything comes from
24:25only one God and is subject to him.
24:27And since he is not an enemy of God,
24:29he is an enemy of man,
24:31the Church was strengthening
24:33and defining the figure of the evil
24:35until it made of him
24:37such a real character
24:39that he could not only touch him,
24:41but even fornicate with him.
24:50The shadow,
24:52our inner demon,
24:54does not have to be negative
24:56as long as we recognize it
24:58and know how to interpret it.
25:00If we look at it from the front,
25:02if we analyze it,
25:04if we live it,
25:06and if we overcome it,
25:08new fields and new expectations open up.
25:10In fact,
25:12in psychotherapy,
25:14when we treat a patient,
25:16they come with their own demons,
25:18repressed or realized,
25:20but with them.
25:24And it has a tremendously logical
25:26and coherent meaning
25:28throughout the history of the person,
25:30both in the past,
25:32in the present and in the future.
25:34We just have to understand it.
25:36And when we understand it,
25:40we are managing to integrate
25:42a healthier psyche.
25:44The shadow, therefore,
25:46does not have to be negative.
25:48Gabriel López de Rojas
25:50is the founder and great teacher
25:52of the Illuminati Order.
25:54What is the Illuminati Order, Gabriel?
25:56The Illuminati Order
25:58is a Masonic Order,
26:00occultist and Luciferian,
26:02which is dedicated to
26:04giving an initiation
26:06to those who
26:08approach their doors.
26:10Its main intention
26:12is to help those people
26:14who have an anxiety
26:16within occultism, Luciferianism, etc.
26:18You have defined the Order
26:20as, among other things,
26:22as Luciferian.
26:24What does that mean?
26:26Is Lucifer a kind of image
26:28that is worshipped within the Order?
26:30Or is it your intellectual
26:32or emotional focus of attention?
26:34What does Lucifer look like
26:36in an Order like this?
26:38Well, we observe
26:40the figure of Lucifer
26:44in different ways.
26:46For the people of the street,
26:48that is, for the non-initiates
26:50or profanes, Lucifer is the evil
26:52or the evil,
26:54since he has a Christian
26:56and prioritarily Catholic formation.
26:58For the
27:00beginners of the first grades,
27:02Lucifer is a kind
27:04of light angel
27:06who illuminates the inner darkness
27:08and leads the union with God.
27:10And for the high-ranking
27:14where we would already find
27:16the Luciferians,
27:18Lucifer is the God himself.
27:20The Christian God is dogma,
27:22limitation, amputation,
27:24castration, death.
27:26Lucifer is more
27:28united to freedom,
27:32totally opposite approaches.
27:34But are there
27:36also those other
27:38satanic acts
27:40with a direct action,
27:42with a somewhat belligerent
27:44attitude against
27:46a country like this
27:48or another Catholic environment
27:50against the Church?
27:52Yes, of course.
27:54Within Satanism there are
27:56various currents.
28:00agglutinates various currents
28:02and Luciferism,
28:06or the Abelian Court,
28:08or Luciferianism,
28:10are within
28:12those currents.
28:14There you find
28:16the kind of orders
28:18of churches or sects
28:20that you have just decided
28:22in these moments.
28:24Why Lucifer and not Satan?
28:26Is there a nuance
28:28in that difference,
28:30in that word?
28:32Yes, we
28:36Lucifer because
28:38we understand that he is
28:40the bearer of light.
28:42Very much linked to
28:44the Greek myth of Prometheus.
28:46However, Satan presents
28:48other different connotations.
28:50But within the Catholic Church
28:52both figures
28:54end up
28:56being the same.
28:58You go further back
29:00and separate one thing from another.
29:04we believe that
29:06the angel of light I mentioned before
29:08appears in history
29:10with different expressions.
29:12History appears
29:14as the sethegician,
29:16the Hebrew Satan,
29:18the male goat of the medieval witches,
29:20the baphomet of the Templars,
29:22the actual god
29:24of the Yezidis,
29:28And within that,
29:30we also believe
29:32that these expressions
29:34are somewhat different.
29:36Starting from there,
29:38we prioritize the expression of Lucifer
29:40because we consider it
29:42the most initiatory
29:44and necessary
29:46for our philosophical purposes.
29:48That is to say,
29:50you would be closer
29:52to occultism,
29:54to an esoteric
29:56occultist philosophy,
29:58than closer to
30:00a Church
30:02in contrast
30:04to the established Church.
30:06Exactly. That is why
30:08when we started the conversation
30:10I defined the order as Masonic,
30:12Occultist and Luciferian.
30:14You use the term
30:16Masonry on many occasions.
30:18There are rituals,
30:20as there are in Masonry,
30:22that have a symbolic
30:26which is spectacular
30:28or even dramatic.
30:30If the beginner has to die
30:32in order to be born
30:34to a new way of life,
30:36all that,
30:38for a spectator not to know,
30:40would have very dramatic effects.
30:42Is there such a ritual
30:44or ceremony in you?
30:46We use
30:48Masonic banditry,
30:50white gloves
30:52and all kinds
30:54of albanileria symbols
30:56present in Masonry,
30:58such as
31:00the compass of a square,
31:02the mosaic
31:04of chess,
31:06the triangle
31:08of the eye,
31:10the delta, etc.
31:12Within that order
31:14there is a commitment,
31:16as there is in any group.
31:18That commitment
31:20gives freedom
31:22to the individual.
31:24If you want to leave,
31:26you can leave freely
31:28or that brings consequences.
31:30No, the entry and exit
31:32of the order
31:34belongs to the consciousness
31:36of each one.
31:38If you think you have to leave,
31:40you can leave.
31:42The only thing you are asked for
31:44is a bit of respect
31:46for the teachings
31:48and a minimum of care
31:50for all those roles
31:52that are related to the order,
31:54as we are in a country
31:56that is somewhat problematic
31:58in these matters.
32:00It gives the impression
32:02that what you are proposing
32:04is the figure
32:06or what you propose
32:08within your group,
32:10which is Lucifer,
32:12not as a negative figure,
32:14not as the antiromorph,
32:16the specular image
32:18of the Catholic God,
32:22but as an image
32:24of good,
32:26or that tends towards good.
32:30At the beginning of the interview
32:32I explained that the figure
32:34of Lucifer,
32:36as it ascends in rank,
32:38tends to be the God himself.
32:42And we are in that.
32:44We consider the God of Christians
32:46to be much more evil
32:48than Lucifer.
32:50And also,
32:52so that people can verify it,
32:54they only have to go over
32:56the great atrocities
32:58that have been committed
33:00under the symbol of the cross.
33:02They have to go over
33:04such flagrant and well-known cases
33:06such as the witches,
33:08the Jews of the Middle Ages, etc.
33:10They place us in the bad,
33:12when they really have their hands
33:14much more stained with blood
33:16than our Order
33:18or similar places.
33:20The Illuminati Order
33:22that came from Bavaria,
33:24from what I have read
33:26in your works,
33:28in the 18th century
33:30has a secret character
33:32because it is prohibited
33:34to publicly express
33:36your activity
33:38in a society like this
33:40where the Church has
33:42a huge social presence
33:44and you feel persecuted, harassed
33:46or proscribed in some way.
33:54certain things have happened
33:56that prove that
33:58there are sectors
34:00that do not see us well,
34:02but they see us as similar to the Order.
34:04Do you think that the information
34:06that is given at the journalistic level
34:08or at the level of other media
34:10is true or is it a trend?
34:12It is totally a trend.
34:14In many cases,
34:16it is totally a trend.
34:18And that does us a terrible damage
34:20because people
34:22can be moved
34:24to one side or the other
34:26very easily with the strength
34:28that the media have.
34:30I think that is a great danger
34:32and I consider that the journalists
34:34who play with this
34:36are truly irresponsible.
34:52During the Middle Ages
34:54many dark pages were written
34:56for history
34:58and the Church
35:00has to assume one of the darkest
35:02thanks to the Inquisition.
35:04An institution born
35:06to repress the heresy
35:08mainly that of Cathars and Albigensians
35:10who with their economic and political power
35:12in the south of France
35:14constituted a threat
35:16to the factual powers
35:18but that over time
35:20was including among its prisoners
35:22other groups,
35:24perhaps less politically significant
35:26because the State
35:28and the Church
35:30kept the goods of the condemned.
35:32Thus, towards the 14th century
35:34began the persecution
35:36against all forms of witchcraft
35:38and witchcraft
35:40because is there a greater heresy
35:42than the one of being in dealings
35:44with the devil?
35:46And what devil?
35:48The fanaticism of the frail inquisitors
35:50and the popular fantasy
35:52designed a model of Satan
35:54as absurd.
36:00He is sitting in a chair
36:02that sometimes looks like gold
36:04and sometimes like black wood
36:06with a great throne, majesty
36:08and gravity
36:10and with a very sad, ugly
36:12and angry face
36:14that by then is represented
36:16in the figure of a black man
36:18with a crown of small horns
36:20and three of them are very big
36:22and they look like a bastard
36:24the two have in the collar
36:26and the other in the forehead
36:28with the one that gives light
36:30and illuminates all
36:32who are in the aquelarre
36:34and the clarity is greater
36:36than that of the moon
36:38and much less than that of the sun
36:40and that is enough
36:42for all things to be seen
36:44and known
36:46and the eyes have round,
36:48large, very open,
36:50the body and size
36:52between man and bastard
36:54the hands and feet with fingers
36:56as of a person
36:58but they are all the same
37:00pointed towards the tips
37:02with rampant nails
37:04and the hands curved
37:06like a bird of prey
37:08and the feet as if they were of a goose
37:10and he has a terrible voice
37:12out of tune
37:14and when he speaks
37:16he sounds like a mule
37:18The Devil's Inquisition
37:24This description of the devil
37:26who presided over the aquelarres
37:28is one more, and not the worst,
37:30that the inquisitors of the improperly
37:32called saint or trade
37:34collected in their interrogations.
37:36It comes from the Acts of the Self-Defeat
37:38celebrated in Logroño
37:40in 1610.
37:44In November of that year
37:46the streets of the city
37:48were filled with people
37:50coming from all the neighborhood
37:52and the neighboring provinces.
37:54They were there to attend
37:56a show as solemn and dramatic
37:58as can be imagined.
38:00There were 53 condemned
38:02for various crimes
38:04blasphemy, heretical propositions,
38:06Judaism, apostasy,
38:10and witchcraft.
38:12All of them were part
38:14of an impressive procession
38:16in which, along with commissars
38:18and notaries of the Holy Office
38:20dressed in their best garb
38:22were religious people
38:24from the Orders of Santo Domingo,
38:26San Francisco, La Merced,
38:28the Holy Trinity
38:30and the Company of Jesus
38:32as well as many others
38:34from different monasteries
38:36in the region.
38:38For the 53 condemned
38:40there were penalties
38:42but the ones that
38:44aroused the most interest
38:46among the people
38:48were six of them
38:50who, for their witchcraft
38:52and other horrendous crimes
38:54in connivance with the devil
38:56were to be burned alive
38:58in the stake.
39:13Those poor wretched people
39:15who burned in a square in Logroño
39:17mostly came from Zugarramurdi,
39:19a picturesque town
39:21in Navarra
39:23near the border with France.
39:25Today's houses
39:27are built on the foundations
39:29of those of that time.
39:31Many basements
39:33and walls are still the same.
39:36From any of those houses
39:38Maria de Llurreteguía
39:40or Garaciana de Barremechea
39:42used to meet
39:44sheltered in the shadow
39:46of some alley
39:48with the other witches
39:50Miguel de Goiburu
39:52and Joanes de Echalar.
39:54Already together
39:56they would get lost
39:58in some of the dark forests
40:00that surround the village.
40:02Forests full of legends
40:04in which the night
40:06is conducive to meeting
40:08with the devil.
40:12But the place
40:14for which the Arre,
40:16those fantastic meetings
40:18presided by the Prince of Darkness,
40:20was this huge natural cave.
40:22Today, it is a scene
40:24of rural meetings
40:26in which one eats, drinks and dances,
40:28but with a talent
40:30very different from that of that time.
40:32If we have to give credit
40:34to what is stated in the Inquisition
40:36of those accused,
40:38in the cave and in the meadow
40:40next to it,
40:42the meadow of Berrosco Berro
40:44or Meadow of the Bastard,
40:46the devil,
40:48in the form of a male goat,
40:50received the attention
40:52of witches and wizards.
40:54He marked his signal
40:56to the novices,
40:58judged the merits
41:00of some and others,
41:02showing more pleasure
41:04than the others,
41:06and ended
41:08in the sexual orgy
41:10culminated by the Arre,
41:12in which they indiscriminately
41:14fornicated with each other
41:16and with the others,
41:18and the devil with all.
41:30The so-called witch's ointment
41:32that was used for those occasions
41:34had a high content of black
41:36velladone and vellum,
41:38which caused a hallucinatory
41:40smell in which anything
41:42imagined was lived as real,
41:44including the presence
41:46of a devil as grotesque
41:48and repulsive as libidinous.
41:50This may explain
41:52that some witches
41:54honestly believed in the reality
41:56of such absurd conciliables,
41:58but in the vast majority of cases
42:00the Arre and the figure of the devil
42:02were the result of torture.
42:14The inquisitor friars
42:16did not seek the truth,
42:18they already knew it,
42:20and until the confession was not adjusted
42:22to what was foreseen,
42:24they did not cease in the storm.
42:26Even so, when to escape
42:28the unimaginable pain
42:30the accused confessed
42:32what the inquisitor wanted to hear,
42:34the torture continued
42:36until they revealed
42:38to other witches and wizards
42:40generally their closest relatives
42:42and how many names
42:44came to his mind at that moment.
42:46There is no time,
42:48and I do not wish
42:50to describe the degree of sadism
42:52to which the members
42:54of the Holy Office in Europe
42:56that the spectator can imagine
42:58carried out.
43:04Within Christianity
43:06everything that was not Christian
43:08according to the authors
43:10and at what times
43:12was demonized,
43:14that is, in the Middle Ages
43:16Jews, heretics, pagans
43:18were demonized,
43:20everything that was not Christian,
43:22therefore we projected our own shadow
43:24to those who were not with us,
43:26and that was very bad,
43:28since we had to kill them all,
43:30that is what happened
43:32and so it goes.
43:34In a way, the self,
43:36the personality,
43:38does not manage to control
43:40these two aspects,
43:42and when that happens
43:44we are faced with a psychological problem,
43:46and when we are faced with a psychological problem
43:48we are faced with a psychological disease.
43:50We do not have to go through history
43:52to know how we used to define
43:54mentally ill people,
43:58It has almost been from this century
44:00that we do not call them demonized,
44:02that there is a typology
44:04of mental illnesses,
44:06but before they were demonized.
44:12That is an aspect of the subject
44:14that deserves to be considered.
44:16Beyond the technical progress,
44:18the social advances,
44:20the scientific advances,
44:22man has not evolved
44:24when it comes to evil,
44:26intolerance, or sadism
44:28towards other men.
44:30It is a sordid aspect
44:32of human nature
44:34that remains in the same terms
44:36as thousands of years ago.
44:38Now, in this historical stage,
44:40we continue to torture,
44:42mutilate and kill
44:44with the same shocking cruelty
44:46as in the Middle Ages,
44:48and we defend ourselves
44:50for the same reasons.
44:52Religion, homeland, tradition.
44:54Principles that in the hands
44:56of some are respectable
44:58and in the hands of others
45:00are pure rubbish.
45:02In the end, it constitutes
45:04only a pretext for the vile
45:06to give free rein to their vileness.
45:08The question is
45:10if this principle of evil
45:12is part of human psychology
45:14or is private to a few,
45:16or if it is the one
45:18in which we project our evilness.
45:20We carry it all inside
45:22and some control it
45:24while others let it loose.
45:28The Nazis
45:30made the excuse
45:32that they had to end the Jews
45:36they were dominating the world,
45:38because they had
45:40economic power.
45:42The shadow of them,
45:44what they didn't recognize
45:46was that they were
45:48the ones who really wanted
45:50to control the world.
45:52And they almost got it.
45:54They invaded all of Europe
45:56and started the Second World War.
46:00With that excuse,
46:02the problem of their shadow
46:04made them not recognize
46:06this negative part of them
46:08and put it in the Jewish people.
46:11But this is a program
46:13dedicated to the figure of the devil
46:15and the only thing it does
46:17is to make it clear
46:19that the figure of that Satan,
46:21as impossible as it is perpendicular,
46:23was a creation of the Protestant
46:25and Catholic churches of the time.
46:29By synthesizing in it
46:31everything social and morally negative,
46:33they designed a model
46:35only suitable for the very naive
46:37or the very uneducated,
46:39the one who can resist
46:41the slightest critical analysis.
46:43It is not him who sins
46:45or breaks the rules.
46:47It is man who does it.
46:49Fulfilling the task entrusted to him,
46:51Satan tests the humans,
46:53just as he did
46:55with Jesus here,
46:57in the Mount of Temptations,
46:59just as he did
47:01with so many anachorites
47:03or mystics ascended
47:05to the altars
47:08Such a function of a tempter
47:10is not only convenient,
47:12but essential
47:14for the believer to check
47:16his degree of spiritual evolution,
47:18his ability to control
47:20the passions.
47:22What happens is that,
47:24by effectively fulfilling his task,
47:26he leaves us in evidence.
47:28And we do not forgive him for that.
47:31With an immature and irresponsible attitude,
47:34we blame him
47:36when in reality
47:38he is only ours.
47:44I really do not know
47:46if Satan exists or does not exist.
47:48I have no idea.
47:50Thank God, no one has presented him to me
47:52and I hope no one presents him to me.
47:54But really,
47:56what I do believe
47:58is in my inner demons,
48:00what I believe
48:02is in the demons
48:04that I have seen in my patients,
48:06in my friends,
48:08in my family,
48:10and in that process
48:12that we all have to go through
48:14to confront our demons.
48:16Because only by confronting
48:18our own demons
48:20can we grow.
48:26For today our time is up.
48:28Let us leave Satan
48:30and I will see you next week
48:32when we will meet again in the other reality
48:34with a topic that I hope
48:36is also of your interest.
48:38Until then.
