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00:00I recreated Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory in real life and one of these ten people is gonna walk away with this chocolate factory
00:12Welcome to my wonderful creation. Oh my gosh. It is candy land here. Look at the river. It's a chocolate door
00:20Oh, he's taking a bite out of our door
00:21That's good
00:22These ten contestants are all here because they found a golden ticket when they bought one of our feastable bars for our first challenge
00:28We're gonna play hide-and-seek. You have a thousand seconds. Go hide
00:31Three four, okay. We gotta go hide. Let's go. Let's go. Oh, look at this Coca-Cola. Oh my gosh. Oh
00:39Yo, dude, it's a marshmallow area
00:46About these I don't know if I can fit in here. See ya. Hey
00:51The factory is awesome
00:56Yo, what in the what even is this area
01:03Let's go if I were to hide anywhere in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, I'd probably hide in the chocolate river
01:09I don't feel like checking it. So if they did they win one of our side rooms in the chocolate factory cake
01:13No, no, obviously you can't have a chocolate factory without offices to manage it. No one in here
01:19Let's go this way
01:23Surely nobody's hiding in here. I don't see anybody. Nobody's in here either. And this is the wallum shrams room
01:29What are you saying right now? That's marshmallow backwards. Oh, okay. Yeah, Jimmy. Oh, we were just calling you Jimmy
01:35We found this really awesome hiding spot
01:39And it's the guy dressed up cool, it's the cowboy
01:43Where it's this way watch out for the giant candy cane. You've seen the movie before right?
01:47All right, then, you know, you must get in the boat get in the boat
01:50Don't ask me how but we put a chocolate river with a chocolate waterfall in the middle of this warehouse
01:57Bye Jimmy part the waterfall. I thought this was gonna stop
02:04The waterfall was supposed to part but I guess that messed up our next challenge is on the side of the chocolate factory
02:10I call it the candy wall with death sounds a lot scarier than it is. Yes
02:17Welcome to the rock wall. I
02:20Gave Chris a gong the last person up. The candy wall is eliminated contestants. Are you ready?
02:28Okay, oh
02:30Oh, bro, that guy is getting up there quick
02:34You all right, sir, let's go get up there. How does he know how to climb candy?
02:43Ain't no normal prize. It's a whole factory
02:47Bring the button. Okay
02:51Remember a chocolate factory is on the line. Actually the chocolate factory you're climbing
02:58Step on it step on something else in your leg. Don't let a Reese's Pieces cost you a chocolate factory
03:12These two were unable to make it to the top
03:14So the only logical thing to do is rock-paper-scissors rock paper scissors, too
03:21Well, congratulations, let's head over to the chocolate river here's an umbrella in case the waterfall malfunctions again
03:28Who would have thought a river made of chocolate is not very practical
03:32And now that she's gone pair up into groups of two is everyone happy with their partners
03:37All right next challenge and now we have the two greatest eaters in the world get out the way
03:42Matt Stonie and Joey chestnut
03:45And they're gonna demonstrate the next challenge bring out the chocolate. Not this chocolate
03:49This is our chocolate bars that you can order online and we have two brand new feastable bars milk chocolate and sea salt
03:55Can you show us how to speed eat this? Absolutely. Yeah. Hey all you guys should take notes
04:00That's insane. I feel like I'm gonna throw up just watching them
04:06I think you all get the gist last team to eat the chocolate bar is obviously eliminated begin the contest
04:13The challenge has officially started two people will lose you guys literally saw what you have to do
04:18Shove it in your mouth and then shove water in your mouth chew and swallow chew and swallow water's your best friend
04:22Keep it going. Keep it going. I think they've made the most progress. I'm lactose intolerant. That's dark chocolate not milk chocolate
04:28So you're good. I'm good. Yeah, there's a chocolate factory on the line. I've been trying really hard to lose weight
04:33That's like counterproductive
04:35You doing okay. Mm-hmm. You're sweating. Can someone give me a napkin?
04:42They are officially our first winners
04:46You're technically haven't won till you swallow that we got our first winners over there. It doesn't matter who wins
04:51It just matters who loses. Come on. You got this that team was in last place
04:55Now they're gonna come back and beat you guys. You got plenty of time. Just focus on getting it down mouth open
05:02Those two guys are getting close it's kind of now or never for you guys
05:05They are about ready to finish you guys have to go fast right now. Slam it back right now
05:13Swallow it you can win first one to clear. We gotta see open mouth open mouth. All right, his mouth's empty. It's down
05:22So close the chocolate's amazing but at a portion, oh my god to the chocolate River. Goodbye
05:28What's it like being in the chocolate River after eating a pound of chocolate?
05:32Make sure you watch the end of the video because I have a special surprise guest that will blow your mind and now the final
05:38Six contestants are outside. Can you guys take your blindfolds off and look to the right?
05:42This is the world's largest bottle of coke Chandler. Can you hold my cane? Yes
05:47And there we go. Editing is cool
05:49How'd I get up here if you land the world's largest Minto and the world's largest bottle of coke you win
05:54Don't forget this building everything, you know is on the line. This is half a million dollars. Well, I mean, it's not more
06:02Yes in the bottle
06:05In let's see how many times we can get Chandler to say that don't forget if you make this that could determine whether or not
06:10You want a chocolate factory first try? I
06:13Think that was the worst one yet
06:30Whoever wins the chocolate factory you might have a little stain on the side since he was the one that made the shot he gets
06:35To pick who's eliminated?
06:38Right here. Oh, this is hard. I mean it could be you if you want. No, I think I'll pass on that Eric. I'm sorry
06:45I don't know. I
06:47Please forgive me man. Well, you know what that means chocolate river
06:50This is a smaller version of the Mentos you were throwing and if you look right here here is a solid gold
06:56Mentos, here you go. You can sell it when you leave the factory you better win this now
07:02If you're wondering where that goes, I don't even know next challenge now, we're in a room covered with marshmallows dive on the floor
07:10Did that hurt? No, not at all. And in front of each of the kids. I don't trust you with the flamethrower
07:14Can you stand it just a little more that way and in front of each contestants? It's a little peppermint carousel
07:19Can you all stand on it? The challenge has officially begun whoever falls off first loses. Do you feel bad about what you did?
07:24I feel awful. All right, just step off. No, I won't do it. You can do it
07:30Currently they're not spinning. So let's move this here. Oh now they're spinning just a little bit. How is it everybody pretty fine
07:36Pretty good so far so far so good
07:38I think he was making fun of it. You want me to ramp it up? I dare you
07:41All right, we're ramping it up. Now. They're spinning faster. They all kind of look like NPCs, you know in the character selection where they spin
07:48If you step here step right while you're doing it, it'll help you with the sickness
07:52Like cuz you don't have to spin you're gonna step in place. Don't trust Jimmy. I don't trust that. That seems scary. Oh
08:06Even though he got out I want to show you guys the faster speeds because I spent a lot of money on this
08:10Oh, look at him over there. I
08:15Can't feel my toes to the river before you step in the boat
08:19I need you to sign them a number one through four to each of them. Who is number one Dallin?
08:23Okay, number two Justin number three Brian. Are you just going in order of the layout? I really cheap
08:29All right, fine get in the boat one last sweet treat for the road my guy. Oh, thank you
08:35Watch you fall in that could determine who loses a childhood factory. Let's show you why that's relevant
08:39There's four toilets behind me three are real ones made a cake. Whichever person picks the cake one is eliminated
08:45So if they're right, they're wrong. No, they have to be right
08:48About the wrong way. I'm not joking
08:50One of those toilets is literally made of cake and whoever picks the cake toilet loses the chocolate factory
08:56We're gonna start things off with number one over here. Take your blindfold off. You have five seconds five four
09:02Three two two. All right, so you're picking toilet number two stand in front of it face this way now we have number two
09:07Are you ready? Yep, take the blindfold off five
09:11Three one. Okay, go for it. All right, that leaves only toilet three and four left five four three
09:19Two three, okay, you pick toilet number three
09:21So I hate to break the news to you, but there's only one toilet left
09:24So you just go walk in front of it three of these toilets are real one is made of cake. Can you guys sit down?
09:36Everyone his toilet was the one made a cake
09:41My god a cane the cane is no more
09:43I don't know if you guys have ever made a toilet out of cake, but this took forever. So please subscribe. Can you flush that?
09:49You know the deal on the bridge better you than me, dude
09:59Don't know if this is wholesome or not
10:01Hey, don't worry Jimmy being a boat captain's a piece of cake
10:04And we have one final challenge left that will decide which one of you walks away with this chocolate factory
10:10We have these three contestants and what better person decide which one of you wins a chocolate factory then come on in Gordon Ramsey
10:20And as you're probably guessing the final challenge is a cooking challenge and they have 45 minutes to make a dessert for Gordon Ramsey to
10:27Judge, he'll be judging on looks and tastes again
10:30Yes, okay. Don't forget a chocolate factory is on the line. I don't normally do these cooking shows. What do we do now?
10:35So this is tough on the by the way for the finale here for five minutes to cook. That's
10:41Right gives me so we do I have no idea I'm just you have no idea
10:45I'm looking at ingredients and I'm trying to figure out what everything is. So you've never done this recipe before
10:49I don't know how to cook. I'm just going to work
10:51What are you working on? I need to make a cheesecake, which I just found probably shouldn't put that on the stove
10:56I'm starting off with a funfetti cake. I'm a shocking you put in there
10:59I'm gonna keep the chocolate out of the funfetti cake. It's gonna come in at a later moment a later moment
11:03We haven't got much time. We only got 45 minutes
11:06I'm good. I'm good. He makes everything so much more intense. I love it. What's the dessert?
11:12You've done nothing yet
11:16Yes, I'm in 45 minutes, can you work and talk at the same time?
11:21Honestly, I don't even know what to do Gordon just kind of took over and it's really entertaining just over 20 minutes
11:26halfway guys
11:28Halfway to a amazing chocolate factory when I win this chocolate factory. Do you want to buy it off of me?
11:34I'm gonna see what you make first
11:37He decides whether or not you win the chocolate. Oh, I know I'm away. Hey, yes turn the gas on I probably should
11:45Did you know how to make brownies before this? Uh, I have but not with no instructions. Here we go. Let's go time
11:51I'll get this in here
11:57You're burning the mat
11:59Just a light flame. That's like eight inches. So we're good with fire extinguishers. I don't think marshmallows whisk like that
12:06I don't know. We're gonna find out. Oh my god. Don't come over here. What have you done there? I don't know
12:11It looks like you cooked it ate it then threw it back. Oh, I think Gordon's about to have a seizure two minutes
12:18Hey, you want me to blowtorch this for you?
12:20No, not yet. All right. How about now? Not yet? Stop harassing the contestants
12:25What Gordon's gonna want is you to make it sound like you put in a lot of effort
12:28So if you start using adjectives that chefs like hearing I put the nerds rope here because it really contradicts the chocolate
12:35It really lets you shut it down
12:3715 seconds to go three
12:41Oh my gosh, ten nine eight seven six
12:54Gordon will now begin judging all three dishes
12:57He's gonna give him a score one out of ten on looks and a score one out of ten based on how it tastes first
13:01With the highest score at the end wins the chocolate factory Justin describe the dish
13:05This is rocky road on a cone and melted the marshmallows on top
13:07I had a marshmallow at the bottom because I didn't know what to do at the bottom stuff
13:11I don't know what looks worse the one of the bottom of the one on top
13:14So officially it looks a little bit
13:17Pedestrian, I'll take that. It looks like you've dropped it. I'll give that a 5 out of 10, right?
13:23How do we does this come with instructions? Yeah
13:40Looks like a bombs got off there. What happened? Oh that it looked great before and in the last minute
13:44He somehow managed to ruin his whole creation on top. I have whipped cream. That's actually melted
13:51There anymore and then I've got caramelized
13:53Bananas sitting on top of coconut covered chocolate covered marshmallows. Have you ever heard the word stop?
14:02Yeah, so visually it looks a mess three out of ten
14:05Taste wise. What's the liquid? Why is it gone normal liquid? What do you do?
14:09The syrup flooded out and it was too much. It's good
14:14No, it's not
14:18I'm gonna give that a five
14:20You have no way of winning, so thank you guys it was a lot of fun. It was really nice to meet you
14:32All right, but you lost I'll see you later
14:34All right
14:35So I've created a funfetti cake Chaka River from the Willy Wonka
14:38Factory with the boat in the middle that goes on through the waterfall had to add a lot of color
14:43There's a lot of color in the factory visually. I think this looks the best. I like this story
14:48So visually, it's a strong. It's a seven you only had ten. It's already close that he hasn't ate it yet
14:53Why is the funfetti is always better light fluffy?
14:57But I'm nervous. Yeah
14:59I can't tell if he's about to get worse cake ever or like oh, it's decent right there. Oh my gosh
15:18Celebrate our launch of milk chocolate and sea salt we went out
15:20We bought ten Tesla's loads of cash and all these prizes you see on the screen and prizes aside unlike Hershey's
15:27These bars only have four to five ingredients and just genuinely tastes good
15:31Go to feastables.com right now and order some chocolate. Only problem is the chocolate river is deteriorating all the candies going bad
15:38There's probably a million flies in there and it costs a lot of money to upkeep
15:41So I'll be right back right here is half a million dollars in cash
15:45Will you sell me your chocolate factory for a half a million dollars?
15:48Cuz if not, it's probably gonna cost you over a hundred grand a year to maintain never seen so much money in my life
15:53Will you buy this off of me? Yes for half a million dollars. Of course right here
15:56This is mine. If you hand me this you can put this money in your car. I officially handed to you. Okay