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Undercover cop offers genuine, unfiltered footage from police body cams, aiming to serve as an educational resource for viewers. We pride ourselves on delivering unique and original content that hasn't been featured on internet before.
All raw footage featured on our channel is sourced directly from the respective Police Departments, with the appropriate commercial usage rights. Some incidents may involve a fee and take several days to process.

Please note that our channel operates independently and is not affiliated with any law enforcement agency.

We edit and condense hours of footage into short, engaging segments to highlight the most informative and entertaining parts, similar to other popular channels like Code Blue Cam, Real World Police, Active Police Cam, Blue Watch, and Bodycam Files.

* This channel is made strictly for educational and news gathering purposes. Not affiliated with any law enforcement agency. *

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00:00These officers are about to deal with their most difficult 9-1-1 hang-up call ever.
00:04Who is he fighting with? He wasn't fighting.
00:08I'd like to speak to the other guy that's up here though.
00:11Yes there is, there's police in the backyard, don't even lie.
00:14I'm getting conflicting stories from three different people now and it's starting to
00:16sound suspicious.
00:19On January 18th, 2023, officers respond to a 9-1-1 hang-up call with loud argumentative
00:26yelling in the background.
00:27The family who called is about to make this situation much more complicated.
00:32Police department.
00:33Sutter Way Police.
00:34Hi, how are you?
00:34Hello, we got a 9-1-1 hang-up call.
00:37A 9-1-1 hang-up call?
00:38My kids were arguing.
00:39Yeah, he's got a bloody hand I see.
00:41So what's going on?
00:42He cut his hand with a knife.
00:43Who is he fighting with?
00:44He wasn't fighting.
00:45He was cutting, trying to cut up a frozen hamburger and then...
00:48Who else is in the house?
00:48Me and my two...
00:50You mind if we come in then?
00:51You gotta excuse me.
00:52Okay, that's fine.
00:53His girlfriend and my, uh, her friend and my grandkids.
00:58All right.
01:02No blood on the door too?
01:05It was like this, yeah.
01:06He was shaking it.
01:08And who is this?
01:10His girlfriend.
01:11Can I talk to you outside?
01:14What happened?
01:15It was me and this other girl upstairs.
01:17His sister's friend.
01:18We kind of got into an argument.
01:20That's how the argument started.
01:21All right.
01:22So to be honest, it was happening all fast.
01:24I was worried about the kids out on the floor.
01:26So I picked them up before.
01:28So when I came back, his hand was already bleeding.
01:31So you didn't see what happened with the knife?
01:33No, I didn't.
01:34Did you know he had a knife at all?
01:36Who was he arguing with?
01:37Um, to be honest, we were...
01:38He was arguing with everybody.
01:40Everybody was arguing with him.
01:42About what?
01:42I don't know.
01:43Literally, we had just woke up.
01:45It's like five o'clock in the morning.
01:46We literally just...
01:47But you said he was arguing with another female.
01:48No, I was arguing with the other female.
01:51It's his sister's friend.
01:52I don't know how he cut his hand.
01:54Because I was too busy worrying about the kids being picked up.
01:58You know why I'm just standing here with my partner here?
02:00I'm sorry, I already mentioned.
02:01Dude's got pretty jacked up hands.
02:03Bleeding pretty bad.
02:04Wait, why do I have to stand, sir?
02:06Because I want to talk to everyone else independently.
02:08But wait, can I go upstairs?
02:10No, you can wait.
02:12Hold on, there's more people in the house.
02:13Yeah, that's...
02:15Apparently, there's another female upstairs.
02:17How's it going, sir?
02:18All right.
02:18Are you the man of the household here?
02:20Yeah, I was in bed.
02:22So you guys were arguing tonight?
02:24No, not me and my boyfriend.
02:26Fill me in what happened.
02:27So we woke up, it was like before something.
02:30And me and this girl started arguing.
02:32It's his sister's friend.
02:33We only started arguing because she kept saying stuff about my boyfriend.
02:37And about her boyfriend.
02:38So we were arguing and...
02:40Do me a favor, can you take your hand out of your pocket?
02:42I appreciate it.
02:42To be honest, yeah, that's really all I know.
02:45That we were arguing.
02:46I don't know who he was arguing.
02:48I think he was arguing with a black guy.
02:50And after they started arguing, I picked up the kids and I took them into the room.
02:54Who's the one that's hurt?
02:55My boyfriend.
02:56Your boyfriend's the one that his hands are...
02:59I'm gonna let these guys go in here.
03:00Come on in.
03:02You hear anything?
03:03See anything?
03:04I didn't see anything.
03:05Hey man, what happened to your hand?
03:07I cut it with a knife.
03:08Cut it with a knife?
03:12Don't touch that.
03:13I was playing with it, I saw it.
03:15This hand's paralyzed.
03:17What were you cutting?
03:19What were you cutting?
03:21You weren't having an argument with anyone?
03:23No argument at all?
03:25I was arguing with my brother, yeah.
03:26Okay, where's your brother?
03:28He's gone, he's been left.
03:30For how long?
03:32Because I'm getting conflicting stories from three different people now and it's starting
03:34to sound suspicious.
03:35Yeah, he's been gone for maybe a half an hour.
03:37Did you know how your boyfriend got hurt?
03:38Did he say anything?
03:39Did you hear anything?
03:40No, if I was to get hurt on one hand, I probably would have said something or screamed,
03:45but he really didn't.
03:46He didn't say anything.
03:47He has one hand that works and then one hand that doesn't, so it was the hand that doesn't
03:52really work that got cut.
03:54Did you hear any sounds of like anything getting physical between these two guys?
03:59They were yelling, they were arguing.
04:00Just yelling?
04:01Was it no like sounds of a struggle or anything like that?
04:04You alright?
04:05Yeah, I'm pregnant.
04:07Yeah, how far along?
04:08I'm gonna be four months.
04:10You don't need all this excitement.
04:14That's true.
04:15When did you cut your hand?
04:17A little bit ago.
04:18This is recent.
04:19It's a lot of blood for a slip with a knife.
04:22Yeah, with the blood all over the mirror, smeared.
04:26Need one like this.
04:27That doesn't equal smears and splattering.
04:30Why'd you smear it all over the mirror then?
04:35All this right here is not blood.
04:37The wire's over here, man.
04:38They're gonna have to check out your finger though.
04:41That's not all blood.
04:42If you touch it, that's not all blood.
04:44Touch it.
04:47There was a guy upstairs who came and checked the window.
04:51Did you guys go upstairs?
04:52Who's upstairs?
04:54Who's upstairs?
04:56What's your friend's name?
04:57Her friend.
04:57Wanna go get her?
04:59Cause I see blood.
05:00I see the blood goes upstairs.
05:01Oh no, he started to go up there.
05:04So everybody please make yourself known.
05:13Hey man, I know you checked the window.
05:14We just need to talk to you.
05:17Excuse me?
05:21Can their bag come out and go right in the middle of the house?
05:24Yeah, I'd like to speak to the other guy that's up here though.
05:27There's no other guy up there.
05:28Hey man, is there anyone else up here?
05:30Another male?
05:32Ain't nobody else up here.
05:34Yes there is.
05:35There's police in the backyard.
05:36Don't even lie.
05:39What do you mean?
05:40Whose room is this?
05:42And which one's Junior?
05:43Is he the one with the cut hand?
05:45That's Robert.
05:46That's Robert?
05:46So Junior's the one we heard about on the call.
05:48Can you open this door for me please?
06:03I heard he had a girlfriend here.
06:06Did you hear any arguing or yelling?
06:08Okay, and what was that?
06:10What was it?
06:11Yeah, what arguing did you hear?
06:13The same arguing you guys heard.
06:14I didn't hear it.
06:16Did you hear Junior's voice or anything like that?
06:19Because someone was saying Junior, Junior on the call.
06:22That had to be his girlfriend.
06:24Any idea why she would call 911?
06:26I don't know.
06:27She's kind of...
06:29Okay, so we're in my seat in DB.
06:31There's one of the four downstairs.
06:33I don't want to kick the door in, right?
06:36I would suggest Junior answers the door.
06:45We're not leaving until we see Junior.
06:50Everyone okay in there?
06:52Oh, yeah.
06:52Okay, Junior's room.
06:54I know Junior's up there because I got my partner on the backside
06:57and saw him check the window.
06:58I want to talk to him and get his side of the story of everything.
07:02Junior left.
07:03Now, if he's up there...
07:05So if he left and he's up there, that's two conflicting things, right?
07:08So you're telling me he's gone,
07:09but you're also saying that he could be up there.
07:11No, you said you've seen somebody or your partner's seen somebody.
07:14I know he left.
07:17Did you see Junior at all before the argument or anything like that?
07:19His brother?
07:21I didn't know that he was arguing with Junior.
07:23Okay, well, I'm just trying to figure out who's arguing with who.
07:25Because Junior apparently left, but I have an officer on the backside
07:28saying that they see a male upstairs who's not the father.
07:33Yeah, I'm not sure.
07:36During the argument, did you hear any sort of threats or anything like that?
07:40During the argument, they were literally just arguing to each other.
07:43I grabbed the kids and ran to this room.
07:45Okay, why'd you run with the kids in the room, though?
07:47Because they were arguing.
07:48There's two guys, they're getting...
07:50Like, they weren't getting physical with each other,
07:52but they were yelling at each other.
08:06But that's the girl.
08:07She's in there.
08:09The girl that you were arguing with?
08:13Junior, come out, now.
08:17Federal police.
08:18Federal police, Junior, come out, now.
08:20Come out.
08:25Don't got nothing in your hands, come on out.
08:26No way.
08:32What's going on today?
08:33Are you injured?
08:34Why you got blue on you?
08:36Is your forehead bleeding?
08:38Yeah, I feel.
08:39Yeah, I'm Officer Bessie, Federal Police Department.
08:40I already knew that.
08:42I see it on your face.
08:43I know you.
08:46I don't know you, so maybe you got me mistaken.
08:48No, I don't got you mistaken.
08:50That's, that's...
08:51You hurt or injured anywhere else?
08:53Why don't you sit up for us, man?
08:55You can turn over.
08:56Yeah, why don't you sit up?
08:57Sit up.
08:57Sit up, Junior, you're good.
08:59Sit on this chair right here, man.
09:00I can't.
09:01Why can't you sit on that chair?
09:02Yeah, we need aid.
09:03I mean, I can, but...
09:05Okay, right there.
09:06What happened to your face, buddy?
09:07I fell.
09:08Junior did not fall.
09:10Where'd you fall at?
09:11I fell on the stairs.
09:12You just fell on the stairs?
09:14And they left that slash on your...
09:17I fell.
09:18What'd you hit?
09:19That stairs, that girl right there.
09:23That's where I know you.
09:24What argument ensured before all this started?
09:26I'm safe and sound.
09:27I don't know who called you, but...
09:29Yeah, you got blood all up on your shirt and everything.
09:30So what's going on?
09:31It's maybe because they were trying to protect themselves.
09:34Regardless of what.
09:34I've never been hurt.
09:35I've never been attacked.
09:36I've never been fired on.
09:37She's been drinking.
09:38I have been drinking.
09:39That's correct.
09:41Okay, but you were there during the argument.
09:43So I'm trying to hear what's going on.
09:44I was, but I don't know what's going on.
09:45But I've never been attacked.
09:46I've never been armed.
09:47I've never been physically damaged.
09:48I've never been physically armed.
09:50So you got nothing to tell me?
09:51I have nothing to...
09:52And I swear to God, my son's lying.
09:55We're gonna have fire come get you.
09:56Why are you...
09:56What are you doing up here?
09:58You're going downstairs.
09:59This is my boyfriend.
10:00Yeah, and I didn't ask you that.
10:01She told you to go downstairs.
10:02I'm going downstairs.
10:03Get the fucking pasta out of my eyes.
10:05Stop talking to her like that.
10:06You're a juvenile.
10:07You want me to call your mom right now?
10:08I'm not a juvenile.
10:11I'm going downstairs right now.
10:12I'm going downstairs.
10:13I'm not a juvenile.
10:13We're not dealing with you.
10:15I'm not dealing with you either.
10:15Go downstairs.
10:16I don't even want to deal with you.
10:24Go get her, because that's what I was arguing.
10:26You hear her mouth?
10:27That's exactly what I was arguing with that one.
10:29So she ended up yelling at my mom.
10:30It's not cool.
10:31You're trying to harass me too.
10:33You're trying to harass me too.
10:34I'm not in a relationship.
10:35You shut up.
10:35I'm not in a relationship.
10:36Be quiet.
10:37Puss got isolation against you.
10:40The police harassed you, bitch.
10:44You need to stop showing up with a real politician, bitch.
10:50So what's that?
10:51So what's that?
10:52Nigga, you going to put your brother in jail, nigga?
10:56Nigga, I'm going to go to jail, nigga.
10:57Now you're going to jail.
10:58You're a real ass bitch.
10:59And these niggas are fake ass balls, fuck.
11:02And fuck what you're talking about.
11:02These niggas are real as fuck.
11:04Nigga, I fuck with you niggas.
11:05Guess what?
11:05She's a drug dealer.
11:06I'm going to tell you what's her real name, and you're going to risk.
11:08She has a warrant.
11:09Do you have any weapons or anything on you?
11:10No, I don't got nothing.
11:11Check me, officer.
11:12I'm a real, check me.
11:13Check me right now.
11:14Check me.
11:14I don't got nothing.
11:15You're doing all of this extra work right now.
11:16Credit score is immaculate.
11:18Hey, my name's a bitch.
11:20I never, I never put up by the police ever in my life.
11:22I got a real credit score.
11:24Every officer, these niggas are drug dealers.
11:27I never did nothing.
11:28You're acting erratic.
11:30Then search my name up, and search my name up.
11:31Versus mine.
11:32I'm a real ass officer.
11:34Never in my life did, ever did nothing in my life.
11:36They're drug dealers.
11:38This is a drug.
11:39I'm Gergano.
11:40Ask them what's her name.
11:43What's your name again?
11:44What's her name?
11:47Ask them.
11:48Ask them what's her name.
11:50You're going to go to jail before me, bitch.
11:54Who's the other person that needed medical?
11:55Just my son.
11:56Just the son?
11:59You guys are criminals against me.
12:02They do drugs.
12:03They sell drugs.
12:04Go away, or we're going to arrest you, okay?
12:05Please go away.
12:06You're going to arrest me?
12:06You're going to arrest me for what?
12:08For what?
12:08You're obstructing this claim.
12:09This is an investigation.
12:10You need to leave.
12:11Investigate them.
12:12You need to leave.
12:12Okay, we will.
12:12I can't leave.
12:13I'm going to write.
12:14Spell your first name for me.
12:18Last name, as it sounds.
12:19Will you stop screaming?
12:20Stop screaming.
12:21I'm going to scream.
12:22You know why?
12:22Because I'm a bitch, niggas.
12:23I'm bitching as a bitch, niggas.
12:24Well, everything was calm and cool.
12:26I'm going to stop.
12:27I've got five cops behind me right now.
12:29Three, four, five.
12:30Dating over here.
12:31I'm going to stop.
12:31I'm going to stop.
12:32I've got five cops behind me right now.
12:35She should be leaving.
12:37She's a problem.
12:37She should be leaving.
12:40I know sign language.
12:41I'm deaf.
12:41My girlfriend is deaf.
12:43I know sign language.
12:43School sign language.
12:44I know sign language.
12:44I took my ex.
12:45Go sit over there and do sign language.
12:46Okay, I'm signing my ex.
12:47I'm assuming she's highly intoxicated.
12:50Somebody go get Junior.
12:52Or bring him downstairs or something.
12:58Is this Junior here?
13:00Who just said that?
13:03Yeah, this is Junior.
13:04Yeah, laugh in your forehead, my man.
13:06I failed, bro.
13:07Right there.
13:07I don't think that's the case.
13:09Come on, man.
13:09You just got here.
13:10That looks like a knife wound to me.
13:14I wish somebody would put a knife to my head.
13:17Okay, so where's the cut on this that'll do tanned?
13:20I don't know.
13:21He was wearing a black jacket.
13:22I thought he was going with the apron.
13:26Hey, did Robert out here?
13:29Black male with a black jacket.
13:30Who's Robert?
13:31The one that got the cut hand.
13:32He's in the ambulance.
13:34What's going on with Junior, man?
13:35He's got a big old cut on his forehead.
13:38You got into a fight?
13:40So now you tell me you guys get into a fight.
13:42Can you tell me about that fight?
13:44I want to know how you got injured with the knife
13:47and how he got gashed on his forehead.
13:54Like a mug?
13:55Where'd you hit him with it, though?
13:58I had the mug.
14:00So you like punched with the mug?
14:01I didn't punch.
14:02I shoved it on his forehead and punched him in.
14:06So he hits you with the bottle.
14:07What type of bottle?
14:07Like a drinking bottle?
14:10John Julio?
14:11You guys all drinking tonight?
14:14I drank a little bit.
14:16So he hits you in the face with the bottle.
14:17You take the mug.
14:18You hit him back with it.
14:19Then what happened?
14:20I don't know.
14:21I just went down.
14:22What about the knife?
14:23When did the knife come into play?
14:25I didn't know why he brought it.
14:26I was scared.
14:28So you grabbed the knife and then what?
14:29I didn't use that knife.
14:30That knife's been there.
14:32The knife's got blood on it.
14:33So how'd that happen?
14:35I'm not sure how he used the knife.
14:37What about Junior?
14:38Did he use the knife?
14:39Test the knife for fingerprints.
14:43Hey, you need to stop.
14:45You cannot go in there.
14:45My map is over there.
14:46Don't touch me.
14:47That's the race.
14:47Don't touch me.
14:48Don't fucking touch.
14:49Don't touch me.
14:51Why are you touching me?
14:52Why are you touching me?
14:53You cannot go in there.
14:54Why are you touching me?
14:55Because you're not listening.
14:56So don't fucking touch me.
14:57Can I touch you?
14:58Don't fucking touch me, bitch.
15:00Do I smell you?
15:01You like this.
15:02Do I smell you?
15:04Don't do that.
15:04Sucker, sucker.
15:05Don't do that please.
15:07Don't smell me.
15:08Okay, just stay right there.
15:09Don't sit on her.
15:10She's behind.
15:10I never disrespected you.
15:12Don't inspect me.
15:13I never disrespected you.
15:14Don't inspect me, right?
15:15Did I ever disrespect you?
15:16Did I ever disrespect you?
15:17Did I ever, right?
15:18You're going to leave now.
15:20Or you're going to be arrested for instructing…
15:22Don't fucking disrespect me.
15:23So you're arrested, so you're arrested, so you're arrested, so you're arrested.
15:28You disrespected me.
15:29You need to leave.
15:30You need to leave.
15:31You're going to be arrested.
15:32Are you texting me?
15:33Are you texting me?
15:34I'm going to arrest you in two seconds if you don't leave.
15:35I'm calling right now.
15:36Stand up.
15:38Get the fuck off me.
15:39Get the fuck off me.
15:40I'm not arrested.
15:41Leave or you're going to be arrested.
15:42I'm going for my right.
15:43Call, ask him right now.
15:44I'm going for my right.
15:45How far is my right?
15:46I booked a lift.
15:47I booked a lift.
15:48I booked a lift.
15:49I paid for it.
15:50I don't have cash.
15:51On the count of three.
15:52I asked him.
15:53Why are you arresting me?
15:54You're under arrest.
15:55No, I asked him for my right.
15:56Are you serious right now?
15:59Okay, do you want me to stay here and wait for him to ask for my right?
16:00I booked a lift.
16:01Can you ask him for how far my lift is?
16:02You're ridiculous.
16:04I'm not ridiculous.
16:05The lift is on his way.
16:06He's pulling up right there.
16:07He's pulling up.
16:08I'm not.
16:09I'm not.
16:10You haven't had an opportunity.
16:11Okay, I'll leave then.
16:12Can you ask him how far my right is?
16:13I booked a lift.
16:14I booked it.
16:15On my phone.
16:16My phone's right there.
16:18You're going to miss it.
16:19Oh, look at that.
16:20How am I going to miss it?
16:21Is that called jinx?
16:22Are you seriously taking me to jail?
16:23I booked a lift.
16:24Yeah, you're going to jail.
16:25I'm 19 years old, sir.
16:26I'm going home.
16:27I have a baby at home, too.
16:28I have a school tomorrow.
16:29Who are you giving you so many chances to go home?
16:30My son.
16:31I will go home.
16:32My son's dad is taking me home.
16:33He's booking me a ride.
16:34You're one of the most confrontational people I've ever met.
16:35I'm not confrontational.
16:36Yes, you've been the whole time.
16:37No, I'm not.
16:38I will leave.
16:39My rights are free for me.
16:40I'm not booking anything.
16:41You're under arrest now.
16:42I'm not under arrest.
16:43My rights are booking for me.
16:45The girls were telling me, dare you go home.
16:46I said, I don't know how far it is because I don't have my phone.
16:47Her phone's in the house.
16:48The guy said he didn't let me go in the house.
16:49I'm not lying.
16:50He said he's not going to let me go in the house.
16:51I'm not lying.
16:52I'm not lying.
16:53My ride's on 28th.
16:54You're being told in lawful order over and over and over again.
16:55I don't know here.
16:56I don't know this way.
16:57I don't know this way.
16:58I don't know this way.
16:59I don't know.
17:00I don't know this way.
17:01I don't know where I'm at.
17:02That's why.
17:03That's why.
17:04I don't know where I'm at.
17:05I don't know where I'm at.
17:07I don't know where I'm at.
17:08I don't know where I'm at.
17:09I don't know where I'm at.
17:10I don't know where I'm at.
17:11I don't know where I'm at.
17:12I don't know where I'm at.
17:13I don't know where I'm at.
17:14I don't know where I'm at.
17:15I don't know where I'm at.
17:16I don't know where I'm at.
17:17I don't know where I'm at.
17:18I don't know where I'm at.
17:19I don't know where I'm at.
17:20I don't know where I'm at.
17:21I don't know where I'm at.
17:22I don't know where I'm at.
17:23I don't know where I'm at.
17:24I don't know where I'm at.
17:25I don't know where I'm at.
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19:24I don't know where I'm at.
19:25I don't know where I'm at.
19:26I don't know where I'm at.
19:27I don't know where I'm at.
19:28When we get in here, can you roll this window up and turn the heater on for me, please?
19:31The heater's on right now.
19:32All right.
19:33It's my car.
19:34I stay cold, too.
19:35It's your car?
19:37I can't get her number for me?
19:39No, I need that.
19:40My partner will work on it.
19:44You have the right to remain silent.
19:46Anything you say can and will be used against you in court of law.
19:49You have the right at this time to talk to a lawyer.
19:51Have them be present while you're being questioned.
19:53If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before
19:55questioning you if you wish.
19:56You can decide at any time to exercise these rights, not answering any questions or making
19:59Do you understand?
20:00Each of these rights I've explained to you.
20:01Having these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to us now?
20:05Do you wish to speak to us?
20:06Are you willing to talk?
20:07Give your side of the story and stuff?
20:09I did.
20:10That's how I fell asleep.
20:12You fell down the stairs?
20:14All right.
20:15Well, let me tell you what I know.
20:16You guys are all over drinking a little bit.
20:17Some arguments started between you and Robert.
20:20You bashed Robert in the head with that bottle.
20:23I hit Robert in the head with a bottle?
20:25He gets pissed off.
20:26He grabs a mug.
20:28Look at me.
20:29Hey, I'm just telling you what I know so far, okay?
20:31We can talk after this.
20:32My little brother.
20:34I don't mean to cut you off, but my little brother was right.
20:35He said he would drink a little bit.
20:37So, I don't know how much is a little bit or what.
20:39I fell down the stairs.
20:41He said he bashed you.
20:42I hit my little brother in the head.
20:43That's what he said.
20:44And he said he...
20:45Look at my forehead, bro.
20:47It's gashed up pretty good.
20:49But who hit who in the head?
20:50But I fell down the stairs, though.
20:51That's my baby brother.
20:52All right.
20:54He said he took a mug and hit you in the face with it.
20:55He said that?
20:57I don't remember that.
20:58I remember falling down the stairs.
21:00Well, you see, I have two conflicting stories, right?
21:01Yeah, but...
21:03So, what's that mean?
21:04I know what it means, but...
21:05And I know what it means, too.
21:06So, just be straight with me.
21:08I'm the older brother.
21:09I get it, but be straight.
21:10All right.
21:11You get it for me?
21:12I get it.
21:13Just be straight up with me, man.
21:14I'll be straight, but I don't want to get my brother in trouble.
21:15I just need to know exactly what happened, right?
21:16He's going to the hospital.
21:18You're in handcuffs.
21:20We have that girl in handcuffs.
21:21Apparently, it's your girl, right?
21:22I don't know what her involvement is, but she talked herself into handcuffs, because
21:25she refused to leave.
21:26I don't mean to laugh, but I get where you're coming from, but I don't know.
21:30Are you willing to provide a statement of what happened?
21:32I mean, honestly, I'm not, because I'm not going to get my brother in trouble.
21:36I fell down the stairs.
21:38That's the story, and you're going to stick to that one?
21:40You know, that's my little brother.
21:42All right.
21:43I don't know, man.
21:44Watch your knees, man.
21:46Watch your knees.
21:49Junior, a.k.a.
21:50James, is now taken to the hospital.
21:52When they arrive, he seems to be completely disoriented.
21:55James, how bad is your head hurt?
22:00Yo, James.
22:17Wake up.
22:19We're at the hospital.
22:20Can you wake?
22:21What the fuck is this?
22:22Hey, man, we're at the hospital.
22:23You got hit in the fed.
22:24You and your brother got in a fight.
22:26Remember talking to me a little bit ago?
22:30I'm Officer Bessie.
22:31Federal Police.
22:36Do you remember what happened?
22:39We're here at the hospital to get you stitches.
22:41Go ahead and step out.
22:45Go ahead and step out.
22:46Step out?
22:48We're at the hospital.
22:49We got to get you stitches, dude.
22:52Where's my mom at?
22:53Your mom's back at home.
22:57Can you wipe my face?
22:59What's up?
23:00Wipe the tears off?
23:03Got you.
23:04I'm going to get you checked in here, okay?
23:06Get you to see a doctor.
23:17You're leeching everywhere.
23:18Which wrist does this got to go on?
23:19My kid, nigga.
23:21Yo, James.
23:22Do me a favor and don't talk to me for the rest of the night, alright?
23:24No, you can't tell me not to talk to my motherfucking brother.
23:27Don't do all that, man.
23:28We've been cool this whole time, right?
23:29You can't tell me not to talk to my brother.
23:30We've been cool this whole time, right?
23:31I hear you.
23:32So let's keep it that way, right?
23:34But you can't tell me not to talk to my brother, though.
23:35I think it's just going to upset you more.
23:37What the hell?
23:38Listen to how you sound right now, man.
23:39You can't tell me not to talk to my brother.
23:40You sound more upset.
23:41I hear you, man.
23:42I hear you, though.
23:43Come on, James.
23:44Bro, please don't try this.
23:45I'll take a second in the hospital.
23:46Come on.
23:47Let's go.
23:48Don't do that, Jimmy.
23:52It's better this way, man.
23:53I'm just playing with you.
23:54Okay, well, I'm not going to play that game, man.
23:55I'm not.
23:56But who are you to tell me that I can't talk to my brother, though?
23:57Because the way he was making you relax.
23:58Who are you to tell me that I can't talk to my brother, though?
24:00I'm a police officer.
24:01I'm taking control of the situation.
24:02I'm trying to stop you guys arguing in the hospital.
24:03You didn't have me.
24:04You didn't have me.
24:05You didn't have me.
24:07You didn't have me.
24:08You didn't have my brother.
24:09James, listen to me.
24:10I understand who you are.
24:11You're an officer of the law.
24:12So, therefore, I hear you.
24:13I respect you.
24:14But when it comes to my brother, my dad can't tell me what the fuck.
24:15What the fuck.
24:16Well, I think you guys are having a fight tonight.
24:17I didn't have a fight with my brother.
24:18I told you what I told you.
24:19You told me what you told me.
24:20I understand that.
24:22So, then what?
24:23I got other information.
24:24From who?
24:25From your brother.
24:26From my brother?
24:28And from other people that were inside the house.
24:29So, then what?
24:30So, then what?
24:31So, then what?
24:32So, then what?
24:33From my brother?
24:35And from other people that were inside the house.
24:36Well, okay.
24:37Well, this nigga's lying.
24:38Well, you had your chance to tell me your side of the story.
24:39And I did tell you.
24:40Are you thinking?
24:41So, what, is he got any stitches?
24:42I'm not a doctor, but it looks pretty deep.
24:43It looks deep, doesn't it?
24:44The stitches are hurt, though.
24:45Tell him I don't want stitches.
24:46I want glue or something.
24:47I mean, if it's shallow enough, they might glue it.
24:48I don't know.
24:49But I'm not a doctor, man.
24:50Meanwhile, Darionna is being taken to jail, continuing to act just as belittlingly as
24:51she has been.
24:52You know, I'm not a doctor.
24:53I'm not a doctor.
24:54I'm not a doctor.
24:55I'm not a doctor.
24:56I'm not a doctor.
24:57I'm not a doctor.
24:58I'm not a doctor.
24:59I'm not a doctor.
25:00I'm not a doctor.
25:01I'm not a doctor.
25:02I'm not a doctor.
25:03I'm not a doctor.
25:04I'm not a doctor.
25:05I'm not a doctor.
25:06I'm not a doctor.
25:07I'm not a doctor.
25:08I'm not a doctor.
25:09I'm not a doctor.
25:10I'm not a doctor.
25:11I'm not a doctor.
25:12I'm not a doctor.
25:13I'm not a doctor.
25:14I'm not a doctor.
25:15I'm not a doctor.
25:16I'm not a doctor.
25:17I'm not a doctor.
25:18I'm not a doctor.
25:19I'm not a doctor.
25:20I'm not a doctor.
25:21I'm not a doctor.
25:22I'm not a doctor.
25:23I'm not a doctor.
25:24I'm not a doctor.
25:25I'm not a doctor.
25:26I'm not a doctor.
25:27I'm not a doctor.
25:28I'm not a doctor.
25:29I'm not a doctor.
25:30I'm not a doctor.
25:31I'm not a doctor.
25:32I'm not a doctor.
25:33I'm not a doctor.
25:34I'm not a doctor.
25:35I'm not a doctor.
25:36I'm not a doctor.
25:37I'm not a doctor.
25:38I'm not a doctor.
25:39I'm not a doctor.
25:40I'm not a doctor.
25:41I'm not a doctor.
25:42I'm not a doctor.
25:43I'm not a doctor.
25:44I'm not a doctor.
25:45I'm not a doctor.
25:46I'm not a doctor.
25:47I'm not a doctor.
25:48He's a sucker.
25:49He's stronger than me.
25:50You let go of me, nigga.
25:51Let him, let him grab me, Tiffy.
25:52No, I'm going to let him grab me.
25:53It's true, though.
25:54Yeah, he's stronger than me.
25:55He's a bitch.
25:57Little bitch.
25:58He's stronger than me.
25:59That's why he's still holding me.
26:00Little bitch.
26:01My baby's got to run from me and beat my ass, and you let him get away?
26:02Well, I won't go.
26:03He did.
26:05Both Daryona and Junior were arrested that night.
26:06Daryona was charged with obstruction, and Junior was charged with simple assault.
26:07They are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
26:08Both Daryona and Junior were arrested that night.
26:09Daryona was charged with obstruction, and Junior was charged with simple assault.
26:10They are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
26:11Both Daryona and Junior were arrested that night.
26:12Daryona was charged with obstruction, and Junior was charged with simple assault.
26:13They are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
