• last year
00:02:40Hey Carl, it's Haley. Yeah, how are you? I'm good. So I have a little bit of an issue with your
00:03:02Yes, Carl I get the joke but look you've already accidentally tweeted a few times from the company's account so far our followers have seen
00:03:09your tinder pictures and admittedly a very cute video of your cat and now a very lazy joke about
00:03:15Getting crabs from a diner. We're viral Haley
00:03:20Listen Carl, this is a startup and our social media presence matters
00:03:24Yes, of course. We are letting you go
00:03:27Hey Eric needs to see
00:03:30I'm sorry
00:03:32Yes, that's right. Carl. This will give me more time to focus on your stand-up. No Carl
00:03:37I will not go to your improv show, but I wish you the best
00:03:40Steve I need you to hold my calls while I go upstairs
00:03:42Is this about the crab tweet an Ivy League education years of corporate climbing and I'm having meeting about the crab tweet
00:03:49This is my life. Good luck. Thank you
00:03:59Haley hey, you can go on in. Thank you. Oh
00:04:02Haley yeah, I have some inside information about Carl's crab tweet. Oh
00:04:09Hey, what is it Carl did get crabs that's true. Everyone knows that
00:04:15Okay, but he did not get them from Bay City Diner. That was just a joke. It's called a play on words
00:04:22He was trying to be funny
00:04:25Thank you for clearing that up Warren. You're welcome
00:04:38Yeah, yeah, I'm looking at investing those NFTs did you get in like yeah, yeah, no, it's like the whole thing
00:04:44Oh, yo, yo. Hey, I gotta go real quick. Can you can I call you back? Yeah. Yeah, totally totally
00:04:48It all sounds good. Just take care of that. All right. All right later later days, huh? Oh, what's up Haley?
00:04:56Look Eric, I just want to show you that Carl has been let go
00:04:59We've deleted the tweet and we have a team in place fielding complaints. Oh, okay. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool
00:05:06Who's Carl, um
00:05:09Carl's a social media guy who sent out the offensive tweet yesterday
00:05:14Really us like oh, wait, wait, wait the tweet about having crabs. No. No. No, that was hilarious
00:05:21Wasn't us
00:05:22No, ah bummer. I thought you came over that one hails
00:05:27No worries, that's not why I called you up here anyway, um, have a seat
00:05:38As I know, you know, we have several grocery chains that want to buy the company
00:05:43Yes, how can I help?
00:05:45That's my girl. Not my girl. I didn't mean to like that
00:05:48You're I and you get it. It's fun. You know what I mean, right?
00:05:54Okay. Good. Yeah, I do
00:05:56Anyway, I'm taking a few of the guys in a retreat to Arizona and I need a baller presentation to show them
00:06:02Oh, okay. You have shares in the company
00:06:06Better the presentation the bigger your check will be
00:06:11I'm on it. I
00:06:15Got this Eric, I know you do. Yeah, that's why I called you here. Come on. Okay, high five
00:06:21Say take the energy with you, huh? Yep. Got it. You got this hailstorm. Okay. Hmm. Have fun in Arizona. Thanks
00:06:35Sorry Charlie
00:06:50Still no answer
00:06:56She's busy she'll call back
00:07:00Does she know how important this is I think we should run the numbers again, maybe reach out to Cedar Creek Bank
00:07:07Well, I have an appointment at Cedar Creek next week. Mm-hmm
00:07:11No, we need Haley, no, she's gonna help us figure this out
00:07:16I'll keep trying. Don't worry. Hopefully she answers the phone when these days
00:07:26Neema I know you probably don't want to hear this but
00:07:31Maybe it is a good time to consider selling. I mean, there's already an offer on the table and you can use the money for retirement
00:07:40Don't retire from something you love this ranch has been in our family for generations
00:07:46You made it through the Depression and the 80s
00:07:49We're gonna make it through this
00:07:52But I wouldn't put too much stock in Haley
00:07:57Haley's gonna help us figure this out
00:08:05He's so selfish
00:08:08That's all it is
00:08:11She's got her big fancy city job and she doesn't call she doesn't visit
00:08:18She can care less about this place or how stressed it makes Charles
00:08:22You know, I've worked here for almost three years and I've never even met her
00:08:29And I'm talking to a horse
00:08:54Name it should be under Haley to yes. Is the rest of your party here
00:09:01No, I am a bit early. It's an online date. It's my first one in a while. Oh
00:09:08Is that that kind of I'll show you to your table, thank you
00:09:19Oh, but oh we're a little far from the door, what if I have to make an escape
00:09:25Why don't you just sit at the bar until your party gets here? Okay. I can have a glass of white. Yeah
00:09:38Charles I'm on my first date in like over a year. I cannot talk right now. I'll call you later
00:09:58Yeah, oh my goodness
00:10:01You must be Haley, yeah, nice to meet you. Oh, wow. Your energy is just so
00:10:09Great. Oh
00:10:10Yeah, the Pisces, but thank you Pisces. Yes. I see it now
00:10:16My energy reading has been so off this week. Don't you just hate that? It's like, how are you even supposed to function?
00:10:23This little stuff has been crazy
00:10:26Yes, it has been
00:10:29So masonry that is a really unique name, thank you
00:10:33Yeah, I gave it to myself in a naming ceremony in Chile a naming ceremony. Yeah
00:10:39so I was there, you know setting my intention for the new year and I kept feeling all this like
00:10:47weird burden
00:10:48So my metaphysical advisor Amy was like you cannot thrive in this world under the narcissistic shroud of your parental given name
00:10:57So I go to this butterfly meditation here and release it and accepted my new name
00:11:06That sounds unbelievable
00:11:10So, how did you choose masonry? Oh, I didn't choose it the universe did I just received it. Oh
00:11:18of course
00:11:21So, what do you do I exist
00:11:26No, I mean like for work for a job
00:11:31I'm a student. Oh, that's cool. We're here
00:11:38Like the restaurant world
00:11:46Well, does that pay well money is a construct but if I had to use it to understand the value of my worth
00:11:53Yes, it does. I have over 2 million followers on snapback and I make about 200k a year on that. I'm sorry
00:12:00What yeah, you should totally follow me if you don't already
00:12:04so Haley
00:12:06What do you do? Oh, well, I'm the vice president of operations at mega energy drink. But what do you do?
00:12:12Yeah, they manage corporate relationships branding marketing, right? But what do you?
00:12:23I like hiking me
00:12:27May I share my truth with you? Yeah, sure
00:12:32I'm very much connecting with you on a human level
00:12:36but not on a spiritual level and
00:12:40Not at all on a physical level
00:12:43With your permission, of course, I would very much like to leave this interaction
00:12:48Would you release me so that we can both continue on our journeys?
00:12:52But like separately
00:12:57Yeah, of course, thank you I
00:13:02Am so grateful for what I'm learning from you good journey
00:13:08Good journey exactly. Oh and don't forget to follow me on snapback. I'm doing a shocker bracelet giveaway tomorrow
00:13:30One more
00:13:51Charles honestly, whoa, wait, wait, don't hang up. Listen. This is important. Oh my god. Is everyone? Okay. Yes me mom
00:13:57Okay, you're supposed to text 9-1-1 if
00:14:00She's fine
00:14:01Well kind of
00:14:04Look, I mean she really wants you home and
00:14:07We really need to talk about the ranch
00:14:10The ranch what about it? It's in trouble and things are getting really bad
00:14:16How is that possible? Isn't superwoman Kate there to save everyone?
00:14:21Listen, I don't really want to talk about details on the phone. But can you please come home? Okay, just for a little bit. It's it's
00:14:28Just to see if maybe you can help look, I don't know Charles I have this big project and I
00:14:37Listen to me
00:14:40Meemaw refinance two years ago to cover Papa's hospital expenses and
00:14:46It's caught up with us
00:14:49Yeah, I've been trying to work it out with the bank but
00:14:54So far no luck
00:14:57This is this is really bad timing. I have this huge resolution
00:15:03We have Wi-Fi here, okay, I'm begging you yeah, I've been back for a while and
00:15:09Look, if we can't figure something out, we're gonna have to sell. Okay. Yeah, I see the guilt trip
00:15:18But you always did love Christmas at the ranch
00:15:25This will be a massive massive inconvenience for me
00:15:29So you're coming?
00:15:31I'll have to work remotely. You're coming
00:15:34Yes, thank you. Yes, I'll come
00:15:39You're welcome
00:15:47Biggest place with the least amount of people
00:15:51How am I ever gonna meet someone new here
00:15:55Even if I did, what would I say?
00:15:58I mean, I only talked to horses and now myself currently
00:16:04No, Kate
00:16:06This is sad
00:16:14Listen I don't want to get all Mariah Carey on you or whatever, but all I want for Christmas this year is someone to share it with
00:16:20And that's just between us, okay
00:16:28I just asked Santa Claus for a girlfriend. Yeah, I'm officially losing it
00:17:04Hey Haley, hey, I need to see Eric
00:17:07He isn't here. He's already in Arizona getting ready for the meetings already. That was fast
00:17:11Okay, so I have to go home for a family thing, but I'll have my cell phone. I'll be checking email and I will be
00:17:16working remotely
00:17:17cool and
00:17:20You will let Eric know totally
00:17:24Okay, well, thank you Lauren. Have a good weekend
00:17:43I'm going somewhere
00:17:46Yeah, some hunters said there's a post broken down by the creek, so I'm gonna take a look
00:17:50I got some supplies on my way back
00:17:52Well, you can't do all that in one night. I know that set up camp be back early in the morning
00:17:58No, no, you can't stay outside overnight
00:18:01Sure, I can't I do it all the time camping in the cold to my favorite things to do. Well, I know but
00:18:07There's a bad storm coming
00:18:10You really don't know how to read the weather do you
00:18:13It's coming in a few days look I've got my cell phone and my fancy signal booster
00:18:17Yeah, could you would you just please go to Fox Springs check into the lodge?
00:18:23Would that get you off my case yes if you check into the lodge I'm fine, I'll check into the lodge. Thank you
00:18:30Just trying to save some money
00:18:42Oh, no, I don't believe this what's that Baltimore doing here?
00:18:52Heard you got a fence post down by the creek
00:18:55I think that's pretty generous for me to still want to buy the place even if it is falling apart
00:19:01You slimy little
00:19:05Get off my ranch what I do for you Bert
00:19:07Just thought I'd come by and see if I need any help at the fence post just being neighborly
00:19:12Well Kate here's just packing up to go down and fix it. So we're all good her
00:19:18She's going down to fix the fence all by herself
00:19:21My Frank won't be on the table forever Charles. It's either me or the bank
00:19:26And frankly, I'm a lot more generous
00:19:28You need to make a decision soon. We can't do anything to my sister gets here. It's a family decision
00:19:33Good maybe she can talk some sense into you
00:19:39We all done
00:19:41Yeah, we're good. Come on, Junior. We still got work to do. Oh
00:19:46And Kate you get through at the hayride. Why don't you come on over to our place and help us with ours?
00:19:53Merry Christmas
00:19:56All right, I'm heading out text me when you get there. Yeah. Hey, don't forget to move cattle to the next pasture. Yeah, it's dark
00:20:05Thank God Haley's coming can't wait to see their faces when we tear up those contracts
00:21:14Okay, yeah, no, I just, uh, I just got here,
00:21:16so about to check in.
00:21:18Okay, yeah, bye.
00:21:21Need some help, hun?
00:21:22Uh, no, thank you.
00:21:23I just need a room.
00:21:24The name is Haley Hollis.
00:21:26Oh, my God.
00:21:28Charlie's sister?
00:21:29Yep, that's me.
00:21:30Oh, well, I'll be.
00:21:31It's me, Lucy Brunson.
00:21:33I got married.
00:21:34Charlie and I went together for a while in high school.
00:21:36Oh, my God.
00:21:39Oh, my God, how are you?
00:21:41I'm great.
00:21:42Three kids, that whole thing.
00:21:44Moved up here to Fox Springs about ten years ago now.
00:21:47What can I say?
00:21:48I'm a city girl at heart.
00:21:50That's great.
00:21:51This certainly is a city, technically.
00:21:54Now, what have you been up to?
00:21:55I heard you went to Darts.
00:21:58Yeah, well, now I live in San Francisco
00:22:00and I work at a tech company.
00:22:01Oh, wow.
00:22:02That's wonderful.
00:22:03I've always wanted to go to California.
00:22:04I love L.A.
00:22:06Oh, you must not be used to all this weather
00:22:08that we're having here.
00:22:09No, I'm not.
00:22:10No palm trees and movie stars here.
00:22:12Although, I did a few commercials for the mattress outlet.
00:22:17Well, I think I'm just going to head up and get some rest.
00:22:19Oh, sure.
00:22:20Thank you, yeah.
00:22:21I'll put you in the good room right next to the ice machine.
00:22:23Oh, thank you.
00:22:25You're very welcome.
00:22:26Well, enjoy your stay with us.
00:22:27Thank you.
00:22:28And Merry Christmas.
00:22:29Merry Christmas.
00:22:30See ya.
00:22:41Hey, yep, I just got here.
00:22:45Yep, okay.
00:22:46Yes, Charles, I'm just getting to my room now.
00:22:49Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.
00:22:50Good luck with the bank meeting.
00:22:52Okay, bye.
00:23:27Hey, Kate.
00:23:28I thought I might be seeing you here.
00:23:30Heard about that broken fence post down by the creek.
00:23:32I saved a spot in the barn for Molly.
00:23:34I appreciate that.
00:23:35How's Walter and the kids?
00:23:37Oh, they're good.
00:23:38Driving me to my absolute wit's end.
00:23:40But good.
00:23:41You want your usual room?
00:23:42That'd be great.
00:23:43Alright, here's your key.
00:23:44And the HBO's working tonight.
00:23:47Thanks, Luce.
00:23:48Merry Christmas.
00:23:49Merry Christmas.
00:24:01Merry Christmas.
00:24:16For what?
00:24:17For the best presentation ever!
00:24:20Let's see what the scene is like in the big city.
00:24:35Oh, Lucy, scandalous.
00:24:49I wonder why you and Walter keep inviting me over for drinks.
00:24:53Very progressive, but new.
00:24:58Hello, Joan.
00:25:02Oh, hello, cowgirl.
00:25:06Not married, no kids.
00:25:08Less than a mile away.
00:25:11Cute dog.
00:25:12Automatic swipe right.
00:25:15Yes to hot cat girl.
00:25:22That's never happened before.
00:25:24That was quick.
00:25:27You can do this.
00:25:33I like your dog.
00:25:38Oh, hot cat girl.
00:25:41I bet she can certify her for nothing.
00:25:48And what am I?
00:25:51Choked liver?
00:25:55No, you're cute too.
00:25:59Sorry, I'm bad at this.
00:26:07Everyone's bad at this.
00:26:10It's awkward.
00:26:14They seem to be relatively close.
00:26:19Maybe this would be better in person.
00:26:25Would you want to grab a drink?
00:26:29Oh, my God.
00:26:31She's bold.
00:26:34Do I want to grab a drink?
00:26:36Of course I do.
00:26:37Joan's hot, and I just talk to animals.
00:26:41I guess really just myself.
00:26:50I'd love to.
00:26:54The White Whistle is close.
00:26:56Do you want to meet there?
00:27:04Sounds lovely.
00:27:1030 minutes?
00:27:14What am I doing?
00:27:16What am I doing?
00:27:23Oh, my God.
00:27:24Oh, my God.
00:27:27I have to get ready.
00:27:29I have to get ready.
00:27:30I have to get ready.
00:27:31I didn't bring anything with me.
00:27:33Oh, make it, make it, make it.
00:27:39I have...
00:27:41I have...
00:27:42What do I have?
00:27:43I have chapstick.
00:27:45Jesus, Kate.
00:28:19If I was a liar
00:28:23This is what I would lie
00:28:28Swear I don't love you
00:28:31Not a tear in my eyes
00:28:34But I can't lie
00:28:42I ain't no liar
00:28:44You can tell I'm not like you
00:28:47Uh, a beer, please.
00:28:57I'm not, I'm not usually this bold asking someone to meet so soon.
00:29:01Yeah, I'm not usually this bold in saying yes to meeting someone so soon.
00:29:06But I'm glad you did.
00:29:08I work with animals so I can go days without seeing another person.
00:29:10Oh, that's cool. What do you do?
00:29:12I, um, I work at a zoo.
00:29:15What do you do?
00:29:16Oh, just boring business stuff. PowerPoints and social media.
00:29:22I didn't know there was a zoo in Fox Springs.
00:29:24Oh, there's not.
00:29:26I'm, uh, just traveling through to see a horse.
00:29:33For the zoo.
00:29:35I'm only here for a little bit.
00:29:40I'm only here for a couple days too, so I guess it was good timing.
00:29:44Yes, yeah, what are you in town for?
00:29:47Just dumb family stuff I'd rather not talk about.
00:29:50I understand dumb family stuff.
00:29:53Oh, to dumb families.
00:29:55To dumb families.
00:30:03So, cowgirl, what's your real name?
00:30:12What's a pretty name for a pretty lady?
00:30:15No, why did I do that? That was bad, wasn't it?
00:30:18Yeah, it kind of was.
00:30:21I was kind of cute.
00:30:23Just like you.
00:30:26That didn't mean I wasn't any better.
00:30:36Oh, I'm so sorry I have to take care of this.
00:30:40Oh, crap.
00:30:41I'm guessing everything's not okay.
00:30:43No, it's an emergency.
00:30:45Oh, no.
00:30:46I have to deal with this former social media director who's gone rogue and is just posting.
00:30:50Social media? That's an emergency?
00:30:53Oh, my line of work it is.
00:30:55Interesting line of work.
00:30:57Look, I really want this and I want you.
00:31:01But it's a social media emergency.
00:31:05It's a little bigger than that.
00:31:06See, we have this buyer's meeting and if they say that we have a bad social media footprint...
00:31:12I'm not making this sound any better, am I?
00:31:17I hope you fix it.
00:31:19I'm so sorry.
00:31:21That's fine.
00:31:23It's nice to meet you, Joan.
00:31:29It's nice to meet you, too.
00:31:38Is this a zoo?
00:31:41It's a good one.
00:32:42Haley Hollis?
00:32:45Hi, can I help you?
00:32:47I'm the Uber.
00:32:49The Uber?
00:32:51Your brother sent me.
00:32:52Oh, sorry.
00:32:54Yeah, I was up all night dealing with an emergency.
00:32:58Oh, gosh.
00:33:00I'm sorry, is everybody okay?
00:33:02Oh, yeah, it was a social media emergency.
00:33:05Oh, that's a thing.
00:33:07Oh, in my line of...
00:33:10Never mind.
00:33:10You know, uh, Walter?
00:33:12Okay, Walter, uh, just give me a minute and I'll meet you down there.
00:33:15Yeah, yeah, no problem.
00:33:17Thanks, Walter.
00:33:17I'll be in the truck.
00:33:18Okay, sounds good.
00:33:19Thank you.
00:33:28I was wandering in the falling snow
00:33:32Looking for a place to go
00:33:38Making circles around the evergreen
00:33:43Lit up like a starry dream
00:33:47Somehow you came to my side
00:33:52Like an angel on a winter night
00:33:56You made everything all right
00:33:59Hey, girl.
00:34:01I was dreaming in the never-ending never-ending
00:34:04But you're my guiding light
00:34:07Look at you, cypher sore eyes.
00:34:11My Christmas present.
00:34:12Oh, Meemaw, you're wearing your special earrings.
00:34:14Yeah, Papa gave these to me.
00:34:16Well, I've always loved them on you.
00:34:18You are my sweet boy
00:34:21Hey, Meemaw.
00:34:22Haley's here.
00:34:27The prodigal child hath returned.
00:34:29Don't start.
00:34:30Okay, I'm gonna go finish making lunch.
00:34:37Come here.
00:34:41Good to have you back.
00:34:43Let's get you settled in and grab some lunch, right?
00:34:45All right, that sounds good.
00:34:46Oh, how'd the bank meeting go?
00:34:48Um, we'll talk about that later.
00:34:54Where are you going?
00:34:55I'm gonna go get settled and definitely shower.
00:34:58Yeah, but you're staying in the house now.
00:35:02Um, no, thank you.
00:35:03I'll stay in the cottage.
00:35:04I set up your old room.
00:35:06You know, I don't like staying there.
00:35:08All that therapy and you still can't stay in your old room?
00:35:11I just, I love the cottage.
00:35:14So I'll stay there.
00:35:15It's cozy.
00:35:16Kate lives there.
00:35:19Of course, the perfect ranch hand.
00:35:22She doesn't have her own place?
00:35:24No, she's been a big help around here.
00:35:26So no, she stays here.
00:35:28I know you've only mentioned how great she is in every conversation we've had.
00:35:31Yeah, well, that's why it's so great to have you.
00:35:34Come on.
00:35:38Okay, I'm coming.
00:35:54Come on, dork.
00:35:56I'm coming.
00:36:53there she is.
00:36:54Hi, Mima.
00:36:57Bacon at lunch.
00:37:00Yeah, bacon's good at any meal.
00:37:02You know that.
00:37:08How's your room?
00:37:11It's good.
00:37:14So the Cooper's goats got out.
00:37:18They chewed through the fence and Charles had to go grab them.
00:37:23He's been gone a while.
00:37:25A goat.
00:37:27Okay, Mima, he is not good at this.
00:37:29Well, you were always a better rancher than he was.
00:37:35Remember that time you, I think you were 10
00:37:39and you found that calf with her head stuck through the fence?
00:37:42When it took me, it took me like an hour, right?
00:37:45Maybe over.
00:37:46To calm her down enough to get her head back through.
00:37:50Well, I'm here and I'm ready to help.
00:37:53I'm so glad.
00:37:55Charles has been really stressed this last year.
00:37:58I mean, he thinks I don't notice, but I see it.
00:38:03Hey, there's our goat herder.
00:38:07Oh, man.
00:38:09Those things are faster than you'd think they'd be.
00:38:11Oh, don't let it get your goat.
00:38:14You know, like they don't get your goat.
00:38:16Ah, yeah, I see what you did there.
00:38:19Still got it.
00:38:20Still got it.
00:38:21Thank you.
00:38:22Oh, bacon, nice.
00:38:25Um, I'm telling you, Kate's going to have to mend that fence.
00:38:31Um, fix it temporarily, but it's just not going to hold.
00:38:35Well, come on, everybody, eat up.
00:38:39Haley's ready to get started on things.
00:38:44Let's get to it.
00:38:54So this is where all the revenues come from,
00:39:06and these are all the expenses I've had to cut.
00:39:10Well, Christmas hayride is down 60% from last year.
00:39:15Well, that's what's killing you.
00:39:16You were growing each year from the pumpkin patch and the hayride,
00:39:19and then this year...
00:39:20Well, what's your marketing strategy?
00:39:22Uh, I don't know.
00:39:28Kate can tell you more about that.
00:39:33She's why it's lost revenue.
00:39:34No, um, she's the reason revenue's grown each year.
00:39:39Except for this year.
00:39:40Okay, well, this is the only year that matters,
00:39:42and it looks like she's a huge drain on the ranch.
00:39:45No, no, no, no, no, she's not.
00:39:47All right, you can start by cutting her and rent the cottage as an Airbnb.
00:39:50She's a huge expense, and if the Christmas hayride is 60% down...
00:40:01Yeah, the Berts are running their own Christmas hayride
00:40:04to put us out of business, and it's working.
00:40:06Um, Kate, this is Haley.
00:40:14Yes, it's Haley.
00:40:15Haley Joan Hollis.
00:40:18Oh, you're Haley.
00:40:19Haley is your name?
00:40:21And you're Catherine?
00:40:23And you don't work at a zoo?
00:40:26My friends call me Kate.
00:40:30There are animals here, and people look at them.
00:40:32So, should I call you Haley Joan, or is it just Haley by itself?
00:40:37Just Haley.
00:40:40You two know each other?
00:40:41Okay, well, good, Kate, you're just in time,
00:40:43because Haley and I were just starting to grow over the ranch business.
00:40:45Dumb family stuff.
00:40:47Yes, I heard.
00:40:47I'm an expensive line item.
00:40:49Uh, well...
00:40:50No, I only meant that...
00:40:51Look, we've already had to cut a lot of people.
00:40:56Running the hayride, moving the cattle to different pastures,
00:40:59animal emergencies, and general upkeep with just two people is tough.
00:41:04I was just looking at the numbers on the marketing.
00:41:06Well, I'm sure we can solve this with a little social media help.
00:41:09I mean, I'm just so dumb with this family stuff.
00:41:11What are you saying that for?
00:41:31What's that about?
00:41:32Oh, what about?
00:41:34Haley didn't mean to suggest that we fire you.
00:41:36Yes, she did.
00:41:37Okay, well, that's obviously not going to happen.
00:41:39You know, she's just stressed, like we all are.
00:41:44But I really need her to remember why she loves the ranch.
00:41:48I need her to come back more often.
00:41:50Meemaw really misses her.
00:41:52I don't know why.
00:41:53Well, could you please just try to get along?
00:41:57Just for a few days.
00:42:01But she needs to know that I'm here for her.
00:42:03I'm here for her.
00:42:03I'm here for her.
00:42:04I'm here for her.
00:42:05I'm here for her.
00:42:06But she needs to stay out of my way.
00:42:08There's a lot of work to do, and I don't have time to babysit.
00:42:12Okay, I'll make sure she stays out of your way.
00:42:17Be nice.
00:42:19I am nice.
00:42:28Uh-huh, yeah, no, yeah, not a problem.
00:42:31Okay, I just want to give it one more look over, Eric.
00:42:33Great, we totally have interest.
00:42:34So let's move the numbers up by 20%.
00:42:36If this happens, you can retire early, Hales.
00:42:39Okay, well, that is great news.
00:42:41I'll make those adjustments.
00:42:42I just have to redo all the slides.
00:42:45But I will get the presentation over to you tomorrow.
00:42:47Has to be tomorrow.
00:42:49Eric, it will be.
00:43:05Oh, Mima.
00:43:18You scared me.
00:43:22I just love seeing you sitting in that chair.
00:43:25How's it going?
00:43:28Well, I'm trying to figure it out.
00:43:31But with the move to intense grazing, it's just so much more time.
00:43:35Oh, yeah.
00:43:35Kate and Charles have to...
00:43:36They have to move fencing every two days, and we have to let Adam go.
00:43:40So it's just them.
00:43:42And the Christmas hayride revenue is down because of the Burt's?
00:43:45Yes, they started their own hayride in town.
00:43:48And so folks just don't want to drive as far as us anymore.
00:43:51Burt Jr. is a total creep.
00:43:54And someone's made an offer to buy this place?
00:43:57The Burt's.
00:43:59But they're a couple weasels.
00:44:00I'm not selling to them.
00:44:02Okay, Mima, look, I get that.
00:44:04But they've made a really solid offer.
00:44:08You could take this money and retire.
00:44:10Buy a place in Fox Springs.
00:44:12Stop working so hard.
00:44:14That sounds terrible.
00:44:17Honey, I love this place.
00:44:19I love working with Kate and Charles.
00:44:21But this is a really good deal.
00:44:24It's hard to pass up.
00:44:27I just not signed that loan.
00:44:28You had to.
00:44:31To take care of Pawpaw.
00:44:33I know.
00:44:35I want to give this ranch to you and Charles.
00:44:43Not everything's about money, Haley.
00:44:46No, of course not.
00:44:47I know that.
00:44:49This is where your parents met.
00:44:54It's where they got married.
00:44:55It's where I met Pawpaw.
00:44:57He came one year for the Christmas hayride.
00:45:02And he was standing on a bale of hay.
00:45:06He looked so handsome.
00:45:08He fell into his arms.
00:45:10This is more than a business for us.
00:45:15I'm not going to give up.
00:45:17I will keep trying.
00:45:20That's my girl.
00:45:23You know, you should go talk to Kate.
00:45:25She knows this place inside and out.
00:45:28And she loves it.
00:45:29She's not very fond of me.
00:45:31Well, you can win her over.
00:45:33You know, the hayride's starting in a few minutes.
00:45:34You should go.
00:45:36I haven't had the hayride in forever.
00:45:40And she's done some really fun things with it.
00:45:43Yeah, I bet she has.
00:45:49Come on.
00:46:00Hi, y'all.
00:46:03Welcome to the Hollows Hills Christmas Hayride.
00:46:06There's some hot chocolate in the barn if you want to grab a cup.
00:46:08And we'll get headed out shortly.
00:46:12Hot cocoa's a nice touch.
00:46:15That's nothing.
00:46:16Of course, the Byrds stole our idea for their new hayride.
00:46:19Well, we can agree.
00:46:21They're snakes.
00:46:22Yes, they are.
00:46:24You going on the ride?
00:46:26Want to help out?
00:46:27I can get on a blackboard by myself.
00:46:28I was saying.
00:46:33The trailer shifted.
00:46:35Yeah, they do that sometimes.
00:46:38I'm gonna get some hot chocolate myself.
00:46:44I got it.
00:46:44Thank you.
00:48:53Merry Christmas.
00:48:57That was fun.
00:48:59The red nose looks good on you.
00:49:03Thank you.
00:49:07You really stepped things up.
00:49:09It used to be just a few colored lights on the trees and singing Christmas carols, but
00:49:14that was next level.
00:49:16Thank you.
00:49:16Yeah, it's been fun.
00:49:17Last year we did the Grinch theme.
00:49:20You did a really great job for the final year.
00:49:27Final year?
00:49:29Well, yeah, maybe.
00:49:31I mean, I'm trying to stay positive for Meemaw and Charles, but...
00:49:38So that's it?
00:49:40You're just gonna give up?
00:49:43Apparently, I'm the only practical one here.
00:49:47Look, I have to make sure that my grandma has enough to retire and
00:49:50selling will make that happen.
00:49:52And what about Charles?
00:49:55Charles will be fine.
00:49:56He used to work in tech before he came here, so...
00:49:59He can get a job anywhere.
00:50:00But he loves the ranch.
00:50:06We should have done the Grinch theme again this year.
00:50:07We could have just used you.
00:50:10I gotta put this stuff away.
00:50:27Presentation done.
00:50:31And send.
00:51:42But somehow I'm rooted, rooted to the ground.
00:51:51Inspiration finds me and I am all up in the clouds.
00:52:00Take me, take me.
00:52:05Show me what I need to see.
00:52:08Breathe me, breathe me in.
00:52:16Teach me, teach me.
00:52:23I am listening.
00:52:32So I'll take it, I'll celebrate it.
00:52:36Why not shape this as a sign?
00:52:41Not overthink it and be patient.
00:52:46But something's telling me we're on the right lines.
00:52:50Cause now we know how good this feels.
00:52:58Oh, we needed, we needed this today.
00:53:03Yeah, yeah.
00:53:13This right here is hot cocoa made from your papa's world-famous recipe.
00:53:19It is Kate's favorite.
00:53:21And I'd like you to take it to the cottage and extend an olive branch.
00:53:25She hates me.
00:53:26She doesn't know you.
00:53:27She called me the Grinch.
00:53:28She was just her worry talking.
00:53:31We all want the same thing.
00:53:33To save the ranch.
00:53:34No, honey, it's more than that.
00:53:36It's what this place means to all of us.
00:53:40Are you worried about losing the ranch?
00:53:43Not really, no.
00:53:45What if I don't figure it out?
00:53:47You don't have to worry like this, honey.
00:53:50We just need to do what we can see to do one step at a time.
00:53:55I hope to have that one day.
00:53:58You will.
00:54:01Now stop stalling.
00:54:02I'm not stalling.
00:54:03You're stalling.
00:54:03Well, where's my cup?
00:54:06Come on.
00:54:09All right.
00:54:11Just for you.
00:54:13Okay, bye-bye.
00:54:25I'm coming, Kate.
00:54:26I brought hot cocoa.
00:54:29Are you nuts?
00:54:30It's freezing outside.
00:54:34And you came over here dressed like that?
00:54:36Yeah, in retrospect, it was a bad idea.
00:54:39Oh, my goodness.
00:54:40I can't believe you walked over here in this weather.
00:54:43I brought hot cocoa.
00:54:44Oh, well, maybe I'll have to pour it all over you to warm you up.
00:54:48Thank you.
00:54:51Meemaw said it's your favorite.
00:54:53Oh, you city girls.
00:54:55Give us some cups.
00:54:59What are you cooking?
00:55:00It smells amazing.
00:55:02Oh, deer stew.
00:55:04It's your papa's recipe.
00:55:06Meemaw gave you his recipe?
00:55:09She did.
00:55:11Here, have some of your olive branch.
00:55:29That's good.
00:55:34So, hold on.
00:55:36You walked over here in this weather dressed like that just to bring me hot chocolate?
00:55:41Meemaw asked me to.
00:55:43She said you might be able to give me some insight on how to save this place.
00:55:48That's hopeful of her.
00:55:50I don't think I can.
00:55:51I've looked at those numbers and that bank loan should be illegal.
00:55:54I know.
00:55:56They need to sell, right?
00:55:58I mean, I don't see any way around it.
00:56:00But I didn't go to Harvard or anything.
00:56:02But you don't need an Ivy League education to see how much trouble this place is in.
00:56:05Well, Dartmouth.
00:56:07Maybe if you got to know the ranch again, you'd come up with some great idea.
00:56:12I went on the hayride.
00:56:14There's more to the ranch than just the Christmas hayride.
00:56:16Look, you never know where inspiration will come from.
00:56:19Besides, I'm sure you could use a break from the city.
00:56:22I like the city.
00:56:23You know I'm right.
00:56:27Um, what is happening?
00:56:29Power's out.
00:56:31I can see that.
00:56:32A snowstorm.
00:56:34Do you have a generator?
00:56:36Small one.
00:56:36I don't have to get the lights back on.
00:56:38It's fine.
00:56:38I have no cell service.
00:56:40Yeah, the tower's probably down.
00:56:41It's pretty typical.
00:56:43Okay, so we're just stranded here with no power, no heat, and no cell service?
00:56:47It's fine, okay?
00:56:49It'll be fine.
00:56:51I'll call the house.
00:56:54Told you.
00:56:57Ranch Babe to Big Mama.
00:57:00Ranch Babe?
00:57:01This is Big Mama.
00:57:02Go ahead, Ranch Babe.
00:57:03Just wanted to let you all know that the power's out, but we're safe and sound.
00:57:07All right, good.
00:57:08You got everything you need?
00:57:11Generator kicked in, so we'll just wait the storm out.
00:57:1310-4, Ranch Babe.
00:57:14Call if you need something.
00:57:15Over and out.
00:57:17Problem solved.
00:57:22I did not pick my handle.
00:57:23Mm-hmm, I'm sure you didn't.
00:57:27Now it smells just like I remember.
00:57:30Want a taste?
00:57:32Thank you.
00:57:38Want a cup?
00:57:48Okay, thank you.
00:57:53So, Ranch Babe.
00:57:58Let's try this whole getting-to-know-you thing again.
00:58:06Okay, fine.
00:58:07What would you like to know, Joan?
00:58:09Well, since you don't work at a zoo, just tell me about yourself.
00:58:15Oh, you want to know about my dumb family stuff?
00:58:17You know all about mine.
00:58:19I'm originally from Kentucky.
00:58:23My parents bred and raised horses.
00:58:25Isn't there a lot of money in that?
00:58:26Yes, and a lot of entitled rich kids trotting around on champion horses
00:58:33that they never have to brush or saddle.
00:58:35Like the little helmets and riding pants and whips?
00:58:38Yep, the whole deal.
00:58:41Private schools, pageants, lavish parties disguised as charity fundraisers.
00:58:47And Kate the rich princess.
00:58:51That does not seem like you.
00:58:52It's not.
00:58:55I tried to be the perfect daughter for a while.
00:58:57What happened?
00:58:59I love the horses and the work, but not the pretentious people.
00:59:03My parents wanted a junior league beauty queen.
00:59:08And I just wanted to be a cowgirl and date the other princesses.
00:59:13Their money, their rules.
00:59:15I couldn't do it.
00:59:17Anyway, so I left.
00:59:21So you haven't talked to your family at all?
00:59:24No, but I haven't really tried.
00:59:26I mean, we got into a huge fight before I left.
00:59:29We're all too stubborn to pick up the phone.
00:59:31You're too stubborn.
00:59:34Sorry, that's really tough.
00:59:38What about you?
00:59:39What was the teenage Hayley like?
00:59:42Well, I spent a lot of years being a sullen teenager.
00:59:46I've seen some pictures of you and your parents enjoying the ranch.
00:59:50You did.
00:59:53But that was a long time ago.
01:00:00I'm gonna head back to the house.
01:00:02But thank you.
01:00:03Thank you for the stew and for warming me up.
01:00:06I'm gonna go get some more food.
01:00:07I'm gonna go get some more food.
01:00:07I'm gonna go get some more food.
01:00:08I'm gonna go get some more food.
01:00:08I'm gonna go get some more food.
01:00:09I'm gonna go get some more food.
01:00:10Thank you for the stew and for warming me up.
01:00:11You shouldn't leave.
01:00:14The storm, you should just crash here tonight.
01:00:17Oh, no.
01:00:18Well, look, I walked here.
01:00:19I can walk back.
01:00:19It's easy.
01:00:20Don't worry.
01:00:22All right.
01:00:22Good night.
01:00:31I'm gonna need pajamas.
01:00:40How's it going over there?
01:00:45Fine, yeah.
01:00:46I'm just super comfortable.
01:00:48Well, you sure are moving around a lot.
01:00:51It's fine.
01:00:52I'm just trying to get situated.
01:00:54That's all.
01:00:56Okay, well, I'm not gonna be able to sleep if you're gonna be tossing and turning all night.
01:00:59Well, I just...
01:00:59Look, I've never really slept with people here.
01:01:02So it's fine.
01:01:04I'm fine.
01:01:05I'm fine.
01:01:06Well, now I feel bad that I took your bed.
01:01:09Just get up here.
01:01:10This is silly.
01:01:12Well, I feel bad that you feel bad.
01:01:13Well, then come on.
01:01:15If you're not gonna do it for your own comfort, can you just do it so we can both get to sleep?
01:01:26Well, I don't know.
01:01:27Maybe if we sleep back to back.
01:01:30Can you just scooch in?
01:01:33I don't sleep next to the wall.
01:01:36Well, me too.
01:01:42What do you mean?
01:01:54Come on, excuse me.
01:01:56Look, I just...
01:01:57Can't you just share the blankets?
01:02:01I'm just trying to get comfortable, okay?
01:02:03Okay, now you're...
01:02:05Can you not do your arm in my back?
01:02:06All right.
01:02:07Sorry, I didn't mean to.
01:02:08I'm just not used to sleeping to the wall.
01:02:22You good?
01:02:27No, I am.
01:02:30I think we're in.
01:02:34It's toasty.
01:02:36Yeah, it's kind of nice, right?
01:02:39Yeah, it is kind of nice.
01:02:42I mean, we're warm and we're not freezing and I'm not sleeping on the floor, so...
01:02:47Yeah, no, that part.
01:02:48That part's nice.
01:02:49Yeah, you're sad.
01:02:56Good night, Kate.
01:03:00Good night, Hayley.
01:03:20♪ Slip, slide, away I go ♪
01:03:24♪ Falling like Tennessee snow and melting slowly in your hands ♪
01:03:32♪ Tangled lights and evergreen, you're the prettiest girl I've seen, so pardon me if I seem to stare ♪
01:03:44♪ Ooh, there's magic all around you ♪
01:03:53♪ All around you ♪
01:04:01You alive in there?
01:04:02Oh, yeah, we're fine.
01:04:08Just a second.
01:04:24Good morning.
01:04:43Coffee, please. Thank you.
01:04:53Actually, I was thinking that maybe I could tag along with Kate today and get to know the ranch.
01:05:00You're gonna ride out with Kate?
01:05:02Oh, yeah. You never know where inspiration can come from.
01:05:10Huh. You okay with that?
01:05:13I am. I'll take care of her.
01:05:19Okay. Stay warm out there today.
01:05:22It's a cold day. Have a good day.
01:05:25All right, you too.
01:05:32Um, I bet you didn't bring any riding clothes, did you?
01:05:35Nope. I bet you can start a fire from nothing.
01:05:42Oh, I just, oh, I used to know this girl who said she wanted a husband who could
01:05:46build a fire from nothing.
01:05:48Well, you can't build a fire from nothing.
01:05:50No, I mean, like, you could just find stuff and make a fire.
01:05:55I don't know. I just, I guess it made her feel like she could be with someone who
01:05:59could take care of her in dire circumstances.
01:06:02Yeah, well, that's dumb.
01:06:08I mean, I can start a fire from nothing, but I would never put us in a position where I would
01:06:13have to. Here, you can use my riding gear.
01:06:20Thank you.
01:06:29Now, Bucky, this is Haley. She's going to ride you today, so you'd be nice.
01:06:36Uh, you're giving me a horse named Bucky?
01:06:39Yeah. She doesn't know what it means.
01:06:42But she understood what you just said to her?
01:06:44Probably not.
01:06:49Okay. Look, I'm not, I'm not a total amateur.
01:06:55Oh, okay. I'm sorry. By all means.
01:07:06Yeah, well, I haven't been to Pilates in over a week. What do you expect?
01:07:10Yeah, that's totally fine.
01:07:12Yeah, that's totally it. Um, you know, there's no shame in using the stool, Haley.
01:07:20There's nobody here to impress.
01:07:22Okay, well, I'm not trying to impress you.
01:07:23Good, because you're definitely not.
01:07:32Okay, fine. I'll use the stool. Thank you.
01:07:37Tell me it's just the clothes. They're limiting my range of motion.
01:07:54You good?
01:07:55Yes, thank you. All right, then. Here we go.
01:08:02All right, Bucky.
01:08:40Uh, my favorite tree is the Grand Oak.
01:09:03It's my favorite tree, too.
01:09:04I want to show you something.
01:09:05What is it?
01:09:06It's a surprise.
01:09:07A surprise out here? Is it a Starbucks?
01:09:10I found it a few years ago. Let's see. Ah, here. There it is.
01:09:17Meemaw and Papa's initials.
01:09:20I'm going to take this one out.
01:09:25I'm gonna die.
01:09:39I have to go.
01:09:43Haley, wait!
01:10:00There's no saving it. We have to sell.
01:10:05Like, I've been through this a million times, and
01:10:09it's just, it is crazy and it's reckless to try to save this place.
01:10:15This is our home, Haley.
01:10:17That's the problem. That's the problem.
01:10:20You keep putting all this sentimental value on a business.
01:10:23You can't see what is so obviously clear to anybody with a calculator.
01:10:27This is our family home, and once they died, this was your home, too.
01:10:34This was never my home.
01:10:37You love this place. I get that, but I don't belong here.
01:10:41You know that you do.
01:10:43Like, you loved this place once, right?
01:10:45And I think that you belong here just as much as he does.
01:10:48I don't know where I belong.
01:10:53Maybe I don't belong anywhere.
01:10:55No, you know that's not true.
01:10:57You know you belong here with us, okay?
01:11:00Hey, we're your family.
01:11:20I don't know what to say.
01:11:23How old were you?
01:11:28Oh, here?
01:11:32I'm not sure.
01:11:35No, I mean when they...
01:11:39The car accident.
01:11:43They died three weeks before my 13th birthday.
01:11:46I bet high school was tough.
01:11:49It was.
01:11:50I thought that leaving this place would fix everything.
01:11:54Did it?
01:11:55No, that took thousands of dollars of their time.
01:11:57Oh, well, you're totally fine then.
01:12:04I don't think you really hate it here.
01:12:07Tell that to my brother.
01:12:10I think you love it, but it reminds you of your parents.
01:12:15That's painful.
01:12:16You don't come around because it reminds you of them.
01:12:18You don't know me, Kate.
01:12:20That girl had her parents.
01:12:25Look, I know there's a lot of pain for you here.
01:12:28That's understandable.
01:12:30But there's joy, too.
01:12:34That's a great speech, Kate.
01:12:37Maybe you should take your own advice.
01:12:40We're not talking about me.
01:12:42Well, let's talk about you.
01:12:44Because you can stand there and you can judge my life and my choices,
01:12:47but you're too stubborn to call your own family.
01:12:50Listen, that's different.
01:12:53Yes, it is.
01:12:54Because you still have family to call.
01:12:56And they may not be perfect, but they're still alive and you can just try to talk to them.
01:13:02I can't.
01:13:04I can never tell them how much I love them.
01:13:09Or if my dating life sucks or if I'm even in love.
01:13:16They're gone.
01:13:20They're gone.
01:13:34Hey, uh, I need a flight out.
01:13:37Right now.
01:13:38That's impossible, Haley.
01:13:40It's not like a major airport.
01:13:41Best I can do is tomorrow afternoon.
01:13:43Okay, just...
01:13:45Fine, whatever.
01:13:46Just can you just get me out of here as soon as possible?
01:13:49You okay?
01:13:52Yeah, I'm just...
01:13:54Just don't fail me, son.
01:13:57Can you just send me the details when you have them, please?
01:14:01Thank you.
01:14:34Family meeting.
01:14:43So honey, um, Charles told me what you said last night.
01:14:47And, uh...
01:14:49And I know you tried so hard.
01:14:52So we're gonna take your advice and sell to Burt.
01:14:57I'm sorry, Vima.
01:14:58No, it's not your fault.
01:15:01Not your fault.
01:15:04Wait, uh, where's Kate?
01:15:07Well, I mean, yeah, isn't she part of this too?
01:15:09Yeah, she left early this morning for town.
01:15:14You know, I was thinking that maybe I could come back for Christmas.
01:15:20Last one at the ranch.
01:15:22That would be so nice.
01:15:25I'm so glad you came.
01:15:31I still believe in you, Haley.
01:15:44I'm sorry I couldn't figure anything out.
01:15:53I'm really glad you came home.
01:15:56Well, I miss me ma.
01:16:01And you.
01:16:06Well, yeah, then you should come home more often.
01:16:10I will.
01:16:11But just because I, I realize that maybe I do have a little cowgirl in me.
01:16:17More than I thought.
01:16:18I bet.
01:16:20So what are you gonna do?
01:16:23Uh, I don't know.
01:16:26I don't think my go-to-earning career's off to a great start, so we'll see.
01:16:29Yeah, we can agree on that.
01:16:31But after we get things settled here, then I'll decide.
01:16:35We lost a whole lot, but we still have a whole lot.
01:16:39I love you, dork.
01:16:41I love you, dork.
01:17:03Heard anything from Eric?
01:17:05Uh, no.
01:17:05No, he's been in meetings since I got back.
01:17:08That's a good sign, right?
01:17:16Speak of the devil, Eric wants me upstairs immediately.
01:17:20Ah, moment of truth.
01:17:23You got this.
01:17:23Y'all go, I'll call you when I'm done.
01:17:29Come on in.
01:17:31Look at it, Hales.
01:17:35What's up, universe?
01:17:38Hales, we sold.
01:17:43We what?
01:17:44Wait, wait, no, we...
01:17:46You're not joking, right?
01:17:47We did.
01:17:47We did.
01:17:50And this is for you.
01:17:52Oh, thank you.
01:17:53Oh, thank you.
01:17:54Thank you.
01:17:54Thank you.
01:17:55Thank you.
01:17:55Thank you.
01:17:56Thank you.
01:17:56Thank you.
01:17:57Thank you.
01:17:57Thank you.
01:17:58Thank you.
01:17:58Thank you.
01:17:59Thank you.
01:17:59Thank you.
01:18:01Oh, my God.
01:18:05I know, right?
01:18:06But you earned it.
01:18:06We all totally earned it, you know?
01:18:08Your presentation really sealed the deal.
01:18:10This is amazing.
01:18:12Right on.
01:18:13Consensual hugging.
01:18:17Thank you.
01:18:18Yeah, I mean, the retreat was a dud, so you really saved us.
01:18:23The retreat was a dud?
01:18:24I thought that was a great idea.
01:18:27Me too.
01:18:28When we got there, it was all, like, brunches and parties, champagne, just constant pampering.
01:18:35And that was bad?
01:18:37Yeah, I wanted to rough it.
01:18:38Sleep under the stars, rope cows, like, ride horses.
01:18:43Tough guy stuff, you know?
01:18:44Like, mmm, just rugged man bonding.
01:18:48Like Brokeback Mountain, you know?
01:18:50Um, Eric, have you actually seen Brokeback Mountain?
01:18:55Just the first half.
01:18:57But it looked really cool.
01:18:58Just some macho guys out in the wilderness becoming best friends.
01:19:05Oh, oh, there was one part that was actually really cool.
01:19:07They brought in this, uh, energy healer, and she did this, like, Chilean butterfly naming
01:19:13party or something.
01:19:15Oh, you mean, like, a naming ceremony?
01:19:23Yeah, yeah.
01:19:24You heard of her?
01:19:24She's amazing.
01:19:25She's amazing.
01:19:26That was the first time I felt truly connected.
01:19:28Just out there by the fire with the sounds of nature, you know?
01:19:32No screams.
01:19:33No distractions.
01:19:34Just nothing.
01:19:35Yeah, I do know.
01:19:37I actually know exactly what you mean.
01:19:40So, did the universe give you a name?
01:19:52If it was.
01:20:02I know, right?
01:20:05That was, uh, I really felt my own power that night.
01:20:11Yeah, right.
01:20:12Of course.
01:20:13Anyway, Masonry, she's like a genius.
01:20:16She's got, like, three million snapback followers.
01:20:18Oh, oh, dude, dude.
01:20:19If you stay, you should bring her on to do some social media stuff.
01:20:23Yeah, with that check, you don't have to work here anymore.
01:20:26If you don't want to, you can do whatever you want.
01:20:32Yeah, I guess.
01:20:36Oh, my God.
01:20:36Oh, my God.
01:20:41You're right.
01:20:42You're right.
01:20:53Well, everything we discussed is in here.
01:20:57Lawyer's made all the changes yesterday.
01:20:59All you got to do is get your Meemaw to sign her name.
01:21:02Then I take it to my lawyers this afternoon before they close today.
01:21:08Where's Kate?
01:21:11We still have Christmas hayride.
01:21:13Oh, yeah.
01:21:22They're all the same Hay Rides.
01:21:25Not for long.
01:21:28You can't take away our Christmas spirit.
01:21:31No, we're gonna continue doing these Hay Rides for the joy this season until...
01:21:39Until we have to leave.
01:21:46All right, Bert.
01:21:48Go ahead and sign them.
01:21:49Thank you, Charlie.
01:21:50I'm sending y'all to the end of the year to vacate.
01:21:52My Christmas gift to you.
01:21:55You're real Santa Claus.
01:21:57Boop, boop, boop.
01:22:22Here she comes.
01:22:25I don't know who that is with her.
01:22:44Whoa, that's what I wanted to see.
01:22:50What do you think you're doing?
01:22:51We're not selling.
01:22:53Haley! The environment!
01:22:55Oh, I'm sorry, Mason. I was going for, like, you know, a thing.
01:23:01But Haley, really, what are you doing?
01:23:04And who is that?
01:23:06That is our new energy healer and social media director.
01:23:09Your what-a?
01:23:11Oh, I'm sorry, Bert. This doesn't concern you since you don't own this place.
01:23:14And as of this moment, you're officially trespassing.
01:23:18Tell that to the bank, honey.
01:23:20Oh, I just did.
01:23:22See, I went there first, and I settled all of our debt.
01:23:26And I went to the lawyer's office.
01:23:29They should be contacting you shortly.
01:23:32Meemaw, would you do the honors?
01:23:41And Mini-Bert.
01:23:44Get off my ranch.
01:23:46This isn't over.
01:23:48Oh, yes it is.
01:24:04Did you really pay the bank back?
01:24:06Yep. We're debt-free.
01:24:08How'd you get the money?
01:24:10Remember that huge presentation I was working on?
01:24:13Well, it paid off.
01:24:15Wow, you didn't have to do that.
01:24:17I know I didn't have to. I wanted to.
01:24:20I love this place.
01:24:24And I belong here.
01:24:26Yes, you do.
01:24:30It's so good to have you back here.
01:24:33Really, who is that?
01:24:37Okay, let's be honest.
01:24:39You're not great at this whole ranching thing.
01:24:41But you are great at, you know, operations, numbers.
01:24:45And if we just have enough of a ranch experience,
01:24:48we can make this place really profitable.
01:24:52And I have an idea for that.
01:24:58You're right, Haley.
01:25:00It's perfect.
01:25:02The energy surrounding this place is like a feminine power goddess.
01:25:08I can feel it everywhere.
01:25:11There have been some really powerful women who've come through here.
01:25:17Who is this?
01:25:18I'm Masonry.
01:25:23You are so authentic.
01:25:26Thank you.
01:25:29Listen, why don't you come with me and we'll go make a peach pie to celebrate.
01:25:34Oh my god.
01:25:35Peaches are my lunar cycle fruit.
01:25:37Oh, even better. Come on.
01:25:47Haley, really?
01:25:49Yep, yep.
01:25:51It was a blind date.
01:25:54Okay, so what is this big idea?
01:25:57Hollis Hills Outdoor Ranch Experience.
01:26:01Give overworked city slickers like me a break from the smog in their screens.
01:26:05They can come here, they can ride horses, play cowboy, and reconnect with nature.
01:26:11That is a really good idea.
01:26:13I know.
01:26:16Well, does that mean you're going to come back then?
01:26:18Well, I can't let you do all the ranching.
01:26:22Come here.
01:26:23It's going to be so good to have you back.
01:26:27And Kate's going to love having you here too.
01:26:29Wait, Kate?
01:26:31Where is she?
01:26:32She's getting the hay rides ready.
01:26:36I have an idea.
01:26:42What do I do with masonry?
01:26:49Um, whoa.
01:26:52Your energy is like...
01:27:41Merry Christmas.
01:27:42Merry Christmas.
01:27:43Merry Christmas.
01:27:46Merry Christmas.
01:27:47Merry Christmas.
01:28:24You came back.
01:28:26Just swooping in at the very last second to save the day.
01:28:30What do you mean?
01:28:32The ranch.
01:28:34We're debt free.
01:28:40I took your advice.
01:28:42I called my parents.
01:28:43Oh, yeah?
01:28:44How did it go?
01:28:46It went really well.
01:28:47You were right.
01:28:50I haven't stopped thinking about you.
01:28:53Me too.
01:28:55Uh, me thinking about you, not you me thinking about myself.
01:28:58Because if I thought about myself, that would be really weird.
01:29:03This is the part where you stop talking and kiss me again.
01:29:10You like this part?
01:29:11You like this part?
01:29:41I can't see you.
01:29:44Never forget you are loved.
01:29:47And the more grateful you are the more beauty you'll see.
01:29:53And I can't see you Never forget you are loved.
01:29:59Connect any time Cause I'm right behind you
01:30:05I've got your back
01:30:11I've got your back
01:30:18I've got my back door closed
01:30:21Wearing my indoor clothes
01:30:24Feeling comfy in my skin
01:30:27Expressing my phoenix from within
01:30:30Together we'll burn and rise
01:30:34Shooting stars across the sky
01:30:37This is our kind of love
01:30:40Not conventional
01:30:43But damn it's beautiful
01:30:46Our kind of love
01:30:52Our kind of love
01:31:11We'll play in the woods
01:31:14We'll swim in the lake
01:31:17And when it's your birthday
01:31:21I'll bake you a cake
01:31:24Oh I will celebrate you
01:31:27And you will celebrate me too
01:31:30See all our bruises and scars