• last year
Washington sophomore wide receiver Denzel Boston speaks with Inside The Huskies before fall camp begins.
00:00So what's this offseason been like, because obviously last season well documented in the
00:05national championship run, you were effectively, if you take out even one of those three guys,
00:10you would have been the next guy, seemingly, I know Jeremy was also there, but how much
00:15was last season a motivator for you, knowing you, aside from any other year, would have
00:19been on the field a lot more?
00:21Yeah, you know, last year was a big motivator, you know, like it honestly kind of taught
00:26me how to stay humble, you know what I mean, like, don't get too level headed, you know,
00:30I got a little bit of playing time last year, of course, I felt capable to play a lot more.
00:34But, you know, it's, it was fortunate that, you know, I had three NFL receivers ahead
00:38of me, you know, I had some really good players around me.
00:41And that, at the end of the day, has helped build to what I can do this year.
00:44So, you know, I don't look at it as a motivator, I look at it as a learning point, you know
00:49what I mean, I learned, I was able to learn from those guys ahead of me and be able to
00:53take that into my own game and to be able to push that into what I can do this year.
00:58If you had to pick one or maybe one or two things from Rome, JP and J-Mac, for each guy,
01:04what would you say that you've ingrained into your game or that you picked up from them
01:07in your time?
01:08Okay, so, from JP I'd say just the mindset, you know, he's a savage, when he'd get on
01:14the field he was an absolute savage.
01:16Rome, I'd say the level headedness, the calmness, to be able to do the tough stuff when the
01:22pressure's on, you know what I mean, such as high points of ball, and we can bring up
01:26the Oregon game for instance, you know, double coverage, catching the back shoulders, you
01:30know what I mean, things of that nature.
01:32From J-Mac, just the quickness and the elusiveness that he brings to the game, you know, just
01:36twitchy, he's a real twitchy guy, but also, not only that, he's a great person, you know
01:41what I mean, so also I'll take that actually with him as well, just to help build the team
01:45And now, you're an in-state guy and staff's trying to make some in-state roads, how much
01:50of an honor is it for you knowing that when you did come in there wasn't necessarily a
01:55massive emphasis in the old staff with in-state guys in that respect?
01:59Like, could you repeat that again?
02:00So, just being an in-state kid with the last couple of staffs, not necessarily, they were
02:03current in the state, but not necessarily a bunch of jet heads, how much of an honor
02:06was that for you to be basically one of the two in-state guys that they had been taking,
02:09I think it was you and Ryan, basically.
02:11Yeah, you know, it's a big honor, you know what I mean, like, it just shows like, alright,
02:15you gotta put on for your area, you know what I mean, like, you're from here, you could
02:19do a lot of big things here, you know what I mean, I had every stage or every platform
02:23to put on for the PLF area, so, that's really just what it comes down to, you know, I got
02:27the chance, so I just gotta make something out of it.
02:29And how's it been working with Will and Jamal, and obviously, Will said, do you guys, I think
02:33it was 5am workout in Dempsey with no lights on?
02:35Yeah, we did.
02:36How did that come about, how did that work versus?
02:38Well, it comes about just, you know, just trying to bond and get that connection, you
02:44know what I mean, and we're just like, alright, well, we gotta work out at 6 or 7, let's go
02:49get a throwing in before that, and you know, just happened the lights weren't on, and we
02:52figured it out, but you know, it was an early bird one, and you don't, not every time you're
02:58gonna have like, every fortunate situation happen for you to do something, so, that's
03:03just where that came about.
03:04Was that your first workout in the dark?
03:05No, nope.
03:07When was your first workout?
03:08My first workout in the dark, my friend Julian Mason, he's over at Idaho State, basically
03:14we were just at Emerald Ridge at the field, and we was out there just throwing the ball
03:19in the dark at like 11 o'clock at night in the winter, just working on tracking the ball
03:23and stuff like that, so, yeah, it was really, that was my first workout in the dark.
03:27Was that back when you were at Emerald Ridge?
03:28Yeah, that was my senior year.