• last year
William Guile organizes a team of martial artists to take on a criminal who's stolen a dangerous biological virus.


00:00Colonel William Goddard, one of the greatest martial artists in the world,
00:05travels the global tournament circuit,
00:07using it to conceal his top-secret mission
00:10as leader of an elite group of international crime fighters
00:13known only by their codename,
00:15Street Fighter!
00:17The heroic man-beast,
00:22Hard-kicking fighting machine,
00:31And the team of the most amazing warriors ever seen
00:35have joined forces with Guile
00:37to combat the criminal empire of Shadaloo
00:40and its superhuman leader, Bison.
00:43They have their own code of honor,
00:45discipline, justice, commitment,
00:48and together they will triumph against the forces of evil.
00:53Street Fighter!
01:23You waiting on the transfer to Dallas?
01:30Yeah. Cup of coffee, please.
01:32And now a special report from our senior correspondent, Chun-Li Zhang.
01:37Anticipation runs high here at NASA,
01:40where scientists are studying the approach of the Millennial Comet.
01:44Hey, come on, Violet. I thought I told you to put the game on.
01:48The comet's orbit is so large that it is only visible from Earth
01:52once every thousand years.
01:54Yeah, who cares?
01:57Do you mind?
01:59Yeah, I mind. You want to make something of it?
02:01Maybe some other time.
02:15Why, you...
02:17Sonic Boom!
02:25Your bus is here.
02:35Get bored?
02:37Try it.
02:45Not exactly mass transit.
02:48I've seen that already, thanks to Chun-Li.
02:50So you've heard of the Millennial Comet?
02:52Yeah, every thousand years and all that stuff.
02:55Exactly. Only this time something's different.
02:58According to NASA, its orbit is not what was projected.
03:01Something seems to be redirecting the comet's orbit toward Earth.
03:05The scientists think it's some sort of electromagnetic force.
03:09What could be strong enough to do that?
03:11We don't know. It's up to you to find out.
03:14NASA's tracked the energy source to the Himalayas.
03:17You have to find the source and destroy it before the comet hits the Earth.
03:22I want Blanca.
03:24What about Chun-Li? She's already familiar with the comet.
03:28If this comet is aimed at Earth,
03:30we'll need an insider in the press to try to keep people from panicking.
03:35Well, at least they're in the area.
03:38They'll have to do, Colonel.
03:42The Millennial Comet
03:55All right, kid. Let's give the folks a good show.
04:03And that's it, kid. Yeah, work the crowd.
04:17That wasn't part of the plan.
04:19Hey, sorry, kid. Plan's changed.
04:33I thought we had an arrangement.
04:36You know the fight game, yo-fat. Anything can happen.
04:41I'll pay you so I'll know what will happen.
04:44Maybe you need some reminding of that fact.
04:47Listen, yo-fat.
04:49Maybe we can make another arrangement.
04:52Sonic Boom!
04:55Let's go.
04:57After them!
05:02So, where are we going this time, Colonel?
05:07I don't care if it's Timbuktu as long as it's away from here.
05:24Dhalsim. He's nearby. I can sense it.
05:28The rage. It grows inside of me.
05:32When Dhalsim transformed you back in Shadaloo City, it was terrible.
05:36But Bison's the one who forced him to do it. That's who we're after.
05:40I try, but I can't forget what I was.
05:44Or what I've become.
05:51We should have taken our chances with yo-fat.
05:54Why can't Bison ever hide out in Acapulco?
06:05A few more steps, Tovarich.
06:08You won't have to worry about the cold.
06:11Detonate the charges!
06:31Where's Kan and Ryu?
06:34Kan! Ryu!
06:37We've got to find them!
06:42The ice is too unstable. We'll have to find a way around.
06:46How could anybody survive in there?
06:55Dig them out! Bison will want them alive.
06:59For the moment.
07:03Maybe Kan and Ryu were right.
07:05Maybe they should have stayed in Bangkok.
07:07Now they're gone, and we're no closer to completing the mission.
07:11Two lives wasted.
07:14Don't blame yourself.
07:16There wasn't anything natural about that avalanche.
07:19I could smell traces of an explosive.
07:22I brought them here.
07:24If it wasn't for me, they wouldn't be buried in the snow back there somewhere.
07:28They knew the risk and accepted it.
07:31The words we live by aren't easy.
07:34Discipline. Justice. Commitment.
07:43Look at that!
07:48Bison's stronghold?
07:55I don't think so.
08:03Maybe we shouldn't have left Bangkok either.
08:17Blanca! No!
08:22I will not fight you, Blanca.
08:25No talk. Tonight, you pay, Dalzim!
08:34I am not your enemy.
08:39You made me this way.
08:41Any other man would have just destroyed me.
08:51Fight me, you coward!
08:54You give me no choice.
08:56You're the...
09:01You see that chain?
09:08I took away the man you were when Bison forced me to experiment on you.
09:13But I refuse to destroy you a second time.
09:16We don't have any choice, Blanca.
09:19We've got to trust him.
09:21For now.
09:23So be it.
09:25Come. There is still much that needs to be explained.
09:50What the...
09:54So good to have you with us.
09:56What happened to Blanca and Kyle?
09:59The Deep Freeze.
10:01You're always looking to make a quick buck, Masters.
10:04Interested in a little business venture?
10:07A little beachfront property in Kansas?
10:10There's no beach in Kansas, duh.
10:14Not at the moment.
10:16Oh boy, visual aids.
10:19The Millennial Comet is speeding towards its thousand-year rendezvous with Earth.
10:24Only now, using this complex to increase my magnetic chi powers,
10:28I have been redirecting it on a collision course with Earth.
10:32The target? Defense headquarters at NORAD.
10:36One more adjustment to the comet's orbit, and nothing will be able to stop it.
10:41As an added bonus, the impact should produce an impressive crater.
10:45And drop the western United States into the Pacific.
10:50And guess who owns most of that new waterfront?
10:54A brilliant plan.
10:56A crippling blow against my enemies, and a tidy profit.
11:00A pity you won't be around to see it.
11:03You're right. We should have stayed in Dankark.
11:07Find Kyle and Blanca.
11:09If they survive the avalanche, destroy them.
11:12Tonight is the crucial moment to divert the comet.
11:15I want no interference.
11:21You were the turning point, Blanca.
11:24I saw the evil science can do, and it sickened me.
11:28I've turned my back on science and technology forever.
11:32It doesn't change what you did, Dalsim.
11:35No, Blanca. You are right.
11:38If there was anything I could do to set things right...
11:42My students and I have devoted ourselves to the Chi.
11:46We have learned many secrets.
11:48The comet that approaches was forecast in the ancient writings.
11:52I feel it may be an important sign of what's to come.
11:56It's a sign, all right. A signed bison must be stopped.
12:01I hope you're comfortable.
12:03I've had better rooms.
12:05Not much of a view.
12:07On the contrary. You've got a ring-side seat.
12:11The cyclotron channels my Chi energy
12:14and magnifies it a billion times as it travels through the accelerator.
12:18There's millions of innocent people that'll be destroyed.
12:21I wouldn't be concerned about those millions.
12:24I'm sure you'll be.
12:26I wouldn't be concerned about those millions.
12:30It's billions I'd worry about if I were you.
12:34When the cyclotron is activated,
12:36you'll be incinerated by a few billion watts of energy particles.
12:49Crash the comet into Earth?
12:51Impossible. The science does not exist.
12:54The science to turn a human being into an animal didn't exist
12:58until you found a way.
13:01Perhaps. If bison has found a way to enhance his magnetic Chi powers,
13:06it would subvert all the laws of the universe.
13:09But it could be done.
13:11It would tear the fabric that binds the cosmos together.
13:15He has used technology to violate the cosmic order.
13:18He must be stopped.
13:21You keep my company, tovarish.
13:24Better company than bison.
13:48I should have smelled you coming, Zangief.
13:51Bison cannot be stopped.
13:58Flash kick!
14:06Keep after them!
14:08They will lead us to bison.
14:11As the Millennial Comet makes its closest approach to Earth,
14:15there has been an unusual amount of activity here at the observatory.
14:19When questioned about it, a NASA spokesperson would only say,
14:22no comment.
14:24Well, actions do speak louder than words.
14:27Ready the cyclotron.
14:29Full power.
14:31Full power in five seconds.
14:34Four, three, two, one.
15:27Bison's started. There isn't much time.
15:32Course shifted, bearing 093 degrees.
15:35Impact in five minutes, 30 seconds.
15:38It's coming right at us.
15:40Come on, Guile. You can do it.
15:42You've got to. You've got to save us.
15:45Save the country.
15:48Sonic Boom!
15:51Hold them. Don't let them get through.
15:56I'll take the big one.
15:58Think you can handle all the little ones?
16:00Hey, what they ain't got in size, they make up for in volume.
16:29Sonic Boom!
16:36Going somewhere, Bison?
16:39I'd hoped Zangief buried you in the avalanche.
16:42Sorry to disappoint you.
16:44You're too late, Guile. The course is set.
16:46The comet will smash into the Earth in four minutes,
16:49and you can't stop it.
16:51Maybe, but I'm not too late to make you pay for your crimes.
16:56Bison is mine.
16:58What do you think, Guile?
17:00Suits me, as long as you pay, Bison.
17:03You tampered with the cosmic order.
17:05You turned a thing of wonder into a weapon.
17:09Everything bends to my will, Dalsim.
17:12Even you.
17:27Now, Bison, you pay.
17:34Dalsim, your chi power is strong,
17:37but I will always be stronger.
17:42Another time, Guile.
17:44One day, there will be a reckoning,
17:47but for now, we have failed.
17:50You give up too easy.
17:52There's still time to knock the comet off course.
17:55Are you kidding, man?
17:56You ain't even got time to find the on button.
17:59I couldn't, but Dalsim could.
18:02Even I haven't mastered the magnetic chi powers Bison controls.
18:06We don't have to attract the comet.
18:08Just hit it, knock it off course.
18:10If you'll operate the controls...
18:12I cannot.
18:13I have sworn never to use science again.
18:16Back at the temple,
18:17you said you would set things right if you could.
18:20This time, you'd be using science for good, not evil.
18:25Someone must restore the cosmic balance.
18:29I'll do it.
18:31Then let's get to it.
18:38Better pull this one off, Guile.
18:40Powering up.
18:49Beam away!
19:11I never saw anything like that in Bangkok.
19:13Thanks, Dalsim.
19:15We couldn't have done it without you.
19:17Using technology sickens me,
19:19but it was necessary.
19:21The balance has been maintained.
19:23You know, Dalsim,
19:25your power would be a great help in defeating Bison.
19:29Perhaps we'll meet again,
19:31but I fight a different battle
19:33to free the spirit from the materialism that binds it.
19:36Now, go!
19:38I'll see that no one ever uses the cyclotron again.
19:49Well, that's the end of Bison's cyclotron.
19:52We were lucky to have Dalsim on our side.
19:55Maybe it wasn't luck.
19:58Maybe Dalsim was right.
20:00A comedy is a sign.
20:03The past can't be changed,
20:06but there's always hope for the future.
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