• last year
The cat you adopt in college is ready for ANYTHING. We talked to this cat's mom about how they went from walking around campus together to kayaking as a family with her kids ❤️


00:00He'd just let her pick him up.
00:07He'll just let her play with him.
00:22She'll take him on the trampoline and jump with him.
00:25She's put lipstick on him. It's really sweet.
00:34So pretty. He's very loyal to my daughter. He loves her.
00:44Whenever me and my daughter go out to play outside, he always follows us. He like never wanders. He's just always by our side.
00:55I got Winston when I was in college. He was a rescue. I was really amped to bring him around with me everywhere.
01:16The first time at my parents' house on the lake, he was just sitting in the water kind of checking
01:20it out. We put him on a paddleboard and he just jumped right in. It shocked me.
01:26If we go to the lake, he'll come with us and he'll swim for a little bit.
01:37He just is super adventurous and is willing to do literally any activity.
01:41My kids appreciate having a cat that's more interactive and goes outside.
01:57Winston's super important, especially to me.
02:02He's been through all those milestones with me. He was there
02:05when I got him in college and he was there when I got married.
02:09He was there when I had my first baby.
02:18He would snuggle with my daughter Lily.
02:22He slept with her almost every night.
02:28He would be giving her like a sweet little kiss.
02:30He was always there for her. He's definitely a glue to our family. We love him.