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1. The Teachings of Abraham: The Master Course CD Program, 11-CD set
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2. The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
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3. Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
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4. The Law of Attraction Cards
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5. The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
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6. The Essential Law of Attraction Collection
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7. Getting Into The Vortex: Guided Meditations CD and User Guide
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8. Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
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9. The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships
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10. The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing
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11. Manifest Your Desires: 365 Ways to Make Your Dreams a Reality
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12. Sara, Book 1: Sara Learns the Secret about the Law of Attraction
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13. Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends
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14. Sara, Book 3: A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words!
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00:00Someone is refreshed. Are you now? What? Hi. I'll make this nice and short. I'd like to
00:22talk about my reaction to things. And so when maybe someone verbalizes something to me and
00:27how I react to my body and start to shut down, for example, you know, a lot of people have
00:32said to me, you know, over the years, you know, you don't smile much, you don't smile
00:35much. And it, and that really frustrates me. And maybe I start thinking, maybe I overthink
00:41too much, but in moments I know that I'm really happy. So I guess my question is, how do I
00:52learn to control my overthinking and, and going into the stories because they seem so
00:57rapid sometimes. Well, we don't think that there's a better topic for this point in our
01:05conversation than reaction, because that is in fact, the reason that so many of you don't
01:13offer the vibration that you mean to steadily. And we cannot talk about reaction without
01:22talking about law of attraction, because your reaction is because of law of attraction.
01:31So it feels to you like what you're reacting to is a circumstance, or maybe what someone
01:38said that you're reacting to the condition, but really, really what you're reacting to
01:45is your vibrational habit that caused the condition. And so what we would like you to
01:52do is to learn to react to the vibration before it's a condition. In other words, we want
02:00you to react. It's like, if you're driving and the bumps on the road, let you know that
02:07you're going off the road into the ditch. We want you to react from the information.
02:14And so getting yourself in alignment is about reaction. Isn't it? It's about using your
02:21guidance system. How could anyone effectively use their guidance system if they're not reacting
02:27to the guidance or adjusting to the guidance. So when you talk about reacting, if you are
02:35talking about reacting to a comment or reacting to a situation, we want to say it's natural
02:41that you would, it's just a little too late because once it has come so far that you're
02:47having that experience, of course, then the reaction becomes part of your experience.
02:54So it really is about catching it earlier. It's about caring about the way you feel and
03:00catching it as early as you can. Yes. I've been using meditation as a practice for that's
03:07a really good way to practice a vibration. How do I tell the difference, you know, between
03:14that gut feeling and that head and those different thoughts that are coming in on, on maybe a
03:18decision to make or something to go for. We've been talking a lot about inspiration, but
03:26we want to remind you all here today that that feeling of inspiration is that feeling
03:32of being called. It's really a feeling of momentum. So you can be inspired from the
03:38receptive mode, from the receiving mode, from source, or you could be inspired from.
03:44Your resistant mode from trouble. In other words, sometimes if someone is behaving in
03:50a way that causes a reaction to you, you feel like responding in the way you do. And so
03:55you are inspired. You might say, you just want to be aware of from what vibrational
04:03stance, the inspiration is coming. You see what we're getting at. So there is no way
04:10around this other than to consciously acknowledge what the receiving mode feels like compliment
04:17When you are there, acknowledge the benefit of being there, not just because of the results
04:23that happen, but because of how good it feels along the way. And before you know it, you
04:29just become less willing to think the thoughts that will eventually lead to the more unwanted
04:37experience. It really is about practicing it, but we've never known anyone who was successful
04:46at shifting their vibration, who did not understand vibrational basis of things. Almost everyone
04:53in your world is reacting to situations. So it's just a reaction to this and a reaction
04:59to this and a reaction to this. And we want you to realize that you didn't come as a reactor.
05:04You came as a creator. And so what you're wanting to do is first thing in the morning
05:11before there has been anything really for you to react to do your best through meditation
05:16is a really good way to tune in to who you really are.
05:18And then after you've tuned into who you really are, then you can begin reacting to
05:23the impulses that are coming from that. Such a good word. We haven't talked about reaction
05:30in this context with much depth. Is it a value to you? Can you feel it?
05:38Awareness has been something which is built over time as my frequency has changed and
05:43I've done more meditation practices. And oftentimes now I may react and I'll go, damn it, I knew
05:48I should have caught it. Then how can we, how can we, is there any strategies or anything
05:53that we can implement to be able to catch things quicker?
05:55Yeah. Acknowledging that you didn't catch it quicker is a good step in queuing yourself
06:00up to be ready earlier, but we want to insert another word into this conversation so that
06:06you can look at this in a different way. Let's use an example, not necessarily one that you're
06:10offering where someone is suing you or negatively affecting you in some way. And you have a
06:18reaction about that. What we would like to say is that really what it is is a continuation
06:24of a vibration. The things that are manifesting in your experience are actually reactions
06:30to a vibration that you've got going on. So in a world of law of attraction, isn't everything
06:38a reaction? Everything's a reaction to the vibration that you've got going on. That's
06:44really important to acknowledge. Can you feel how important that is? So in this continuum
06:51of reactions, you just got to decide to what do you want to react?
06:57And what vibration do you want to practice to which, you know, the universe will respond
07:05or react. And so someone sort of has to break the evil cycle. We're being playful with that
07:12word because otherwise it's just a chain of pain and someone has to decide, wait a minute.
07:18I'm not going to go the way of this momentum. I'm going to do something else, but I can't
07:22do it right now because the momentum is taking me. So I'm just going to take a hiatus from
07:26this conversation or from this topic. And I'm going to focus upon the things where my
07:31reaction and the universe's reaction to my reaction is what I want it to be. So let's
07:37not condemn reaction. Let's call it a natural consequence of the vibrational universe in
07:42which we are all focused. And instead, let's just talk about getting better at focusing
07:48and better at sending a signal to which the universe is going to react.
07:55And just be playful about it. That's really important. Esther started playing a game with
07:59herself where when wonderful things would happen, she would say I did that. And when
08:04not wonderful things would happen, she would say I did that too, because there's something
08:11so empowering about accepting that you are doing it all. And the universe is reacting
08:17to you. Now it's fair to say, yeah, but I reacted to something else before I was offering
08:22a vibration that universe was reacting to. And we say, doesn't matter. Doesn't matter.
08:28So your questions are so important because you're saying, so how can I stop being that
08:32reactor? How can I change the vibration? We say, you just got to practice. And what's
08:36at the root of that is really carrying how you feel finally, once and for all, not being
08:40willing to put up with negative emotions, even if they're not that strong, most of you
08:46put up with stuff until it gets really big.
08:49And then you react in a stronger way. In other words, I'm just not going to put up with that
08:53anymore. Well, you could have had softer, subtler reactions all the way along that would
08:58have been less impactful for your experience, but it's all good. Isn't it really, isn't
09:03it all good. Isn't it all part of the process. Don't you kind of like figuring things out
09:07as you go. And so maybe the strongest thing that we'd like to say to you is if you can
09:12resist the temptation to beat up on yourself about things and just say, well, this is good
09:17or I needed that, or that was good clarification for me, or I'm glad that happened because
09:21now I understand this, or now I've put more into my Vortex or, or, or another, just find
09:26a way of making peace with yourself.
09:28Do everything you can to make yourself feel better about yourself. Is that the same one
09:34fear arises and that takes over. Doesn't matter what it is. Fear is just a stronger momentum
09:41fear as opposed to frustration or fear, as opposed to even overwhelm. Fear is an indicator
09:48of a stronger discord, which could mean some different things. It usually means this really
09:55matters to you and you're in opposition to it. And it also usually means that you've
10:00been practicing the vibration and you've allowed the momentum to become quite strong. That
10:05usually means that you could have stopped it at many opportunities at an earlier time.
10:13There's a lot of justifying that almost everyone does about why you didn't. And usually it's
10:18just because you didn't take the time or because you're too busy. That's a big factor for so
10:22many of you, you get yourself. So task oriented and so time sensitively task oriented that
10:30you don't feel like you have the luxury of time to process things or to find a better
10:35thought, but you can soothe that a lot with a very small habit. And that is. If we were
10:42standing in your physical shoes, the first thing in the morning, we would decide before
10:47we sleep, even that in the morning, we're going to get this day off in a more deliberate
10:52vibrational pattern. And we would wake up, drink and eat something, brush your teeth
10:58and wash your face and get yourself feeling comfortable.
11:01And then we would sit and quiet our mind for 15 minutes until any resistant vibration
11:08is no longer pressing. And then we would set forth gentle intentions about how we want
11:17to feel for this day. Esther will write things. We encouraged her some months ago to just
11:23pick one emotion that you really enjoy and focus on it for maybe as much as five minutes
11:29after you've meditated. And so Esther started out with the word fun, fun, just focused on
11:35fun and just really said the word fun until the feeling of fun sort of began coming over
11:41her and what she began to notice is that after a day or two or three of spending about five
11:47minutes, just focused upon the idea of fun, fun things would occur to her.
11:53And she started scheduling more fun things to do for herself or for herself with others,
11:59just more fun things. And then once she had found the fun of that, then the word that
12:05she chose was clarity. I like the feeling of clarity and in order to really amplify
12:12how nice the feeling of clarity is, she put it up against the feeling of confusion and
12:20she played that game confused or clear-minded. And there was something about that feeling
12:26of confusion. And then just to make sure that she was focusing at the way she meant to,
12:30she thought about that foggy feeling or that unfocused feeling where, what did I do with
12:35my keys or where is my phone or what have I done with something?
12:38And then she thought clarity. I know where my keys are. I know where I've put them. I
12:42know where my phone is. And then after a while, it went further, that feeling of being in
12:47the right place at the right time. And the timing of saying something just right. And
12:51the meeting of other people who were there and the parlaying of the idea up and up and
12:55up and up and up till that feeling of clarity became sort of an intoxicating addiction.
13:01One that she almost was not willing to leave her room until she was sure that she had accomplished
13:07the feeling of clarity. And even though oftentimes she left her bedroom where she had been meditating
13:13and doing her processes before she had accomplished the feeling of clarity, because the feeling
13:19of clarity is a reaction to some things, isn't it? But just playing that game, she started
13:26noticing how clear she was, how easy the day unfolded, how good her timing was, how many
13:31things rendezvoused with her.
13:33And she knew that this process was working for her. You see Jerry and Esther have a friend
13:38who is a therapist. She's has lots of credentials and she counseled, or at that time was counseling
13:45quite a few people. And we were talking about the idea of scripting, which is like telling
13:54the story the way you want it to be, putting the components in it, the way you like it.
13:59I did this and it felt like this. And then I did this and it felt like this. So this
14:04woman had some people who she was assisting. One of them, her son, who has a really good
14:11carpentry makes finished furniture. He was the best around, but he didn't have any business.
14:18And so she just began focusing on him and thinking about his success because it was
14:26pleasurable to do much more pleasurable than reacting to his reality.
