• last year
"Namak Haram" revolves around the lives of several characters whose destinies are intertwined by the threads of love, betrayal, and familial obligations. The story primarily focuses on the lead characters who navigate through the challenges posed by societal expectations and personal ambitions.

Key Characters:
Areeba: A strong-willed and independent woman who faces numerous challenges in her life.
Saqib: Areeba's love interest, whose loyalty is constantly tested by circumstances.
Nimra: Areeba's best friend, who plays a pivotal role in the unfolding events.
Zeeshan: A complex character with shades of grey, influencing the lives of the main characters.
#PakistaniDrama #HumTV #FamilyDrama #Betrayal #Loyalty
#LoveStory #Relationships #SocialIssues #Contemporary #Drama #Areeba
#Saqib #Nimra #Zeeshan #PakistaniCulture #TelevisionSeries #EmotionalDrama #Sacrifice #Friendship #RomanticDrama #humtv #pakistanidrama #namakharamep02 #TrendingHub #USA #NamakHaram


