• last year
What happens to the soul when a person dies? How does a person get new life and how does charge - discharge of karmas take place?
00:00What happens to the soul when we die? The last breathing was going on the soul
00:06with electrical body and causal body. Leave this body and physical body remain
00:12here. Causal body, electrical body and pure soul. According to causal body next
00:22father and mother in next life automatically get pulled by
00:27electromagnetic force like that. Soul with electrical body and causal body.
00:33Causal body will find out father and mother for next life and in the womb of
00:38mother when this soul with causal body electrical it will elongate from this
00:46body to the next mother's body and when reached to that body then soul leaves
00:52this body and causal body will absorb. Electrical body is there, causal body is
01:00there. It will absorb its sperm and ovum meeting union for fertilization
01:08whatever happen that will absorb as a food and causal body will change into
01:14effective body and growth will start. After nine month baby will born. Then
01:21discharge karma will start and whole life this mind, speech and body there are
01:30three batteries. Due to ignorance we are believing that I am Andrew, I am thinking,
01:37I am speaking, I am doing. So due to doership we are charging karma of mind,
01:45speech and body. So whole life whatever happen thoughts or speech or actions we
01:52are believing that I am doer. So mind, speech and body that's three battery
01:56getting discharged. At the same time we are charging new batteries for next
02:01life due to ignorance, due to doership. So this battery as a causal body it will
02:09come in next life and in next life automatically after birth this batteries
02:16get discharged. When discharge gets finished then it's called death and due
02:23to charging of new karma next life will automatically comes. When charging stops
02:30who am I and who is the doer will stop charging of new karma. Within one or two
02:37life when we finish all discharge karma then soul without body, without atom will
02:43get ultimate liberation.
