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00:01:20Guarda come a no rid of two in one
00:01:22We can talk a little e-mail any of it. I thought I may be a district. It'll be stolen
00:01:27I guess most are in a parlour. Do they live in the door?
00:01:30No, they don't. It's a universal euro that just couldn't buy it. I'll go get a photo
00:01:35This is the school. They're gonna miss a little bit
00:01:38Mom, I'm not part of it. He never moved. I mean, you know to a level up
00:01:43in the middle unit
00:01:45Him a little bit when they don't eat
00:01:59Westie professor finis connoisseur per confondere tutti con le loro profezie apocalyptic
00:02:06Kissa cosa direbbe dio se dovesse sentirli
00:02:15E con questi I finito di pagare quello che mi doveva ma farlo
00:02:21Avevi detto che il debit era stato soddisfatto con l'ultima consegna. Si ma il prezzo del grano
00:02:29Eccalato come quella cosa importante che adesso è tutto pagato così poi
00:02:38Lo sarebbe meglio farlo di notte così se vedono anche le luci più deboli le palle di fuoco messi notano di giorno
00:02:44Mi occupo io delle questioni pratiche penso io a tutto
00:02:55Forse c'è ancora qualche speranza per loro
00:03:12Padre dobbiamo parlare ogni anno fatichiamo sempre di più mentre invece ci pagano ogni volta di meno
00:03:18Si la terra diventa sempre più arida padre e purtroppo non abbiamo neanche finito di pagarla
00:03:24Non stiamo facendo le cose come si deve abbiamo disturbato qualcuno
00:03:29abbiamo fatto del male a qualcuno qualcuno soffre per causa nostra
00:03:34No, no, beh allora non andiamo tanto male
00:03:39E se abbattessimo la foresta intorno a casa nostra così potremmo guadagnare parecchio
00:03:43E a fette fu mio padre ad aiutare mio nonno a piantare tutti quegli alberi
00:03:48Ma quando soffia il vento e fa flusciare le foglie mi sembra quasi che stiano insieme a me non gira tutto intorno al denaro
00:03:57Non vi preoccupate
00:03:58Ti veremo avanti benissimo staremo sempre meravigliosamente bene se rimaniamo insieme così come siamo
00:04:05una famiglia
00:04:07Si una grande famiglia
00:04:10Come sarebbe tuo padre di nuovo indebitato e per liberare uno schiavo niente di meno
00:04:15Silenzio tazzi da basta discutere
00:04:18Giunto il momento mio caro di prenderti cura della famiglia
00:04:22Non ho alcun dubbio che tu sia il più capace dei tre figli
00:04:25Il più capace e perché?
00:04:27Il mio Sam è capacissimo di occuparsene tanto quanto tuo marito
00:04:31Ma Sara tesoro si dà il caso che Sam sia l'ultimo nato dei tre fratelli
00:04:36Il più piccolo non toccare per cena
00:04:39Se è una questione di età Jaffet è il più grande
00:04:43Ma prima bisogna sistemare Noe e per questo mia cara Edith dobbiamo
00:04:48Un momento si tratta di mio padre non ti permetta come ti rivolge la mia mia
00:04:52Non ti azzardare a maltrattare mio marito
00:04:55Non sapete fare altro che urlare
00:04:58Non sto urlando, non sto
00:05:00Stai urlando con me
00:05:02Mi stai azzordando, mi viene il mal di testa
00:05:07Hai liberato uno schiavo vero?
00:05:10Si, non è meraviglioso
00:05:12Si, però Noe, i ragazzi sono
00:05:15Si, non sono meravigliosi anche loro
00:05:18Noe, per tutto il nostro matrimonio ti sono stata fedele in tutti i sensi
00:05:24Sai meglio di chiunque altro
00:05:26Ma certe volte mi sembra che forse
00:05:28Viaggiamo su piani diversi e tu non ti rendi conto che cosi
00:05:42Avvicinati Noe
00:05:44Immagina che sia il tuo occhio di cue personale
00:05:49Per caso sei quello che penso che tu sia
00:05:52E chi pensi che sia?
00:05:54Tu chi pensi che io pensi che tu sia?
00:05:57Io penso che tu pensi che io penso che tu pensi che io sia quello che tu pensi che io sia
00:06:02Perché io penso che tu pensaresti che io
00:06:05E basta
00:06:06Sono io, Dio
00:06:10Ti ho chiamato perché ho deciso di darvi un'ultima opportunità
00:06:15Manderò un diluvio
00:06:18Hai detto diluvio?
00:06:21Una pioggia torrenziale ti allagherà tutto
00:06:25Lo so che cos'è un diluvio signore
00:06:27Ma quello che vorrei sapere è
00:06:29Perché a noi
00:06:31Tu sei un bravo uomo
00:06:33Ma non tutti sono come te
00:06:35Ascolta quello che ti dico
00:06:37Devi costruire un arca
00:06:39E metterci dentro la tua famiglia finchè non cesserà la pioggia
00:06:43Se ti muoverai con saggezza
00:06:45Quando tutto questo sarà finito
00:06:47L'umanità ricomincerà di nuovo
00:06:49Da zero
00:06:50Andare in un... un'arca?
00:06:53Tutti noi da soli?
00:06:54Non da soli
00:06:56Porterete con voi una coppia di ogni specie animale esistente
00:07:00Ma come faremo a comunicare?
00:07:02E come la costruisco un'arca?
00:07:06È impossibile
00:07:08Nulla è impossibile per coloro che hanno fede
00:07:11Navigherete verso il tramonto
00:07:13Se rimarrete uniti
00:07:15Il mondo potrà rinascere
00:07:17Altrimenti sarà la sua fine
00:07:23Va bene, sarà fatto
00:07:25Non ti deluderò, mio signore
00:07:37Allora, come è andata?
00:07:38Siete convinto che sia lui quello giusto?
00:07:40Lo spero vivamente
00:07:42Ora dimmi, la mia voce andava bene?
00:07:44Mi sembra sempre un po' troppo portata
00:07:47No, no, signore, era perfetta
00:07:50Oh, spegnete le luci, niente straordinario oggi
00:08:00Io prendo altre patate
00:08:04Madre, nostro padre detto di aver parlato con Dio oggi nella foresta
00:08:09E che cosa ha detto?
00:08:11Che avrebbe mandato un diluvio
00:08:13Un diluvio?
00:08:14Si, una pioggia torrenziale che sommergerà tutto
00:08:16Lo so che cos'è un diluvio, Iaper
00:08:18Ciò vuol dire che moriremo tutti
00:08:21No, ha detto che noi no
00:08:23Noi siamo i precelti per essere salvati
00:08:25Beh, finalmente una buona notizia
00:08:29Certo, però per poter sopravvivere dobbiamo prima costruire un'arca
00:08:34Si, una barca enorme a forma di...
00:08:38Un'arca, ma che originale
00:08:41Si, soprattutto visto che abitiamo qui nel deserto
00:08:45Scusatemi, ma come si scrive hippopotamo?
00:08:51Altre due patatine schiacciate, tesoro
00:08:59Ma nostro padre ama quella foresta più di ogni altra cosa al mondo
00:09:06Noe, posso aiutarti in qualche modo?
00:09:09Qualcuno deve chiamare tutti gli animali
00:09:12Chiamare tutti gli animali?
00:09:14Tutti quanti
00:09:16Un maschio e una femmina di ciascuna specie
00:09:26Ah, finalmente una casa estiva
00:09:30E in cambio di una manciata di pezzoni
00:09:33Come diceva sempre mio nonno
00:09:36Se al primo colpo non ci riesce, imbroglia di nuovo
00:09:40Povera, ma l'ha ucciso il suo socio
00:09:43Ah, davvero, che peccato
00:09:48Mie piccole colombe, è quasi l'ora
00:09:52Posso capire che la casa sia stata scambiata per qualche pidocchiosissimo piccione
00:09:56O anche che una foresta centenaria venga abbattuta per costruire una nave
00:10:00Ma non capisco il fatto che tuo marito ha parlato con Dio
00:10:03Non gli e venuto in mente di chiedergli una minima cosa, almeno
00:10:06Volate, mie piccole colombe bianche, volate
00:10:10Volate via, mie messaggere del nuovo mondo, volate
00:10:14Volate, volate
00:10:17Libere, finalmente siamo libera
00:10:20Dobbiamo assolutamente festeggiare
00:10:25Scusatemi, ma la giungla non e da quella parte
00:10:28Mudai, pietro di preoccuparti
00:10:42Guarda qua, e il libro di Buda, a delle immagini meravigliose
00:10:47E questo e in cinese, e a più di 1800 bellissime pagine
00:10:52Guarda come la copertina
00:10:54Allora, quando sara pronto il nostro ?
00:10:57Beh, signore, siamo solo all'inizio
00:10:59Loro sono il primo capitolo
00:11:01Ci vorrebbe qualcosa che catturasse l'attenzione del pubblico
00:11:04Non pensi che il diluvio possa bastare?
00:11:06Non so, se riusciamo a mantenere l'attenzione del lettore
00:11:09Ci vorrebbe più azione, forse
00:11:12Te ne vado a fare una consegna, non e statette
00:11:18E mica faccio lo fattore
00:11:24Volate, mie piccole colombe bianche
00:11:26Ascoltate, ascoltate
00:11:28Mio caro amico Pumbaro
00:11:32Non siamo i messaggeri del nuovo mondo
00:11:39E se la storia del diluvio fosse reale?
00:11:42Ma che tonto, ha scritto concadrillo con una L
00:11:47La verità, avete mai visto un uvolo acce, acce, acce così?
00:11:51Ho sentito tuoni, uoni, uoni così
00:11:53Ascolta un momento, te lo faccio sentire io tuono
00:11:58Corre l'altro, arriva
00:12:05Scusa, possiamo ordinare un altro giro?
00:12:07Si, ma senza malto, perchè ne fa venire aria
00:12:11Brindisi a tutta la pappagallina del mondo
00:12:13A tutte le fonte
00:12:17Amici, vi porto un messaggio
00:12:23Ma e giorno di pranzo?
00:12:47No, no, no, no, no
00:12:59Finalmente dei volti amici
00:13:06Aspetta, aspetta, mi faccio la doccia prima
00:13:17Cos'è sto rumore?
00:13:20C'è qualcuno alla finestra?
00:13:23Ah, guarda qua
00:13:26Sembra una lettera
00:13:27Oh, no
00:13:28Un'altra pubblicità
00:13:30Non sanno più che fare per attirare l'attenzione della gente
00:13:33Ma tu...
00:13:35Non preoccuparti di nulla
00:13:37Rilassa i tuoi muscoli
00:13:42Rilassa i tuoi muscoli
00:13:46Così, adesso sciogliamo questi nodini
00:13:51E ricordati quello che ha detto la regina Orina
00:13:57Ui, papà, chi sei tu?
00:13:59Che cosa ti è successo?
00:14:01Che ti hanno fatto?
00:14:03Che cosa hai qui?
00:14:10Oh, bravissimo
00:14:13E adesso lasciati andare
00:14:17E lasciati andare
00:14:19Così questi oli naturali possono fare il loro lavoro
00:14:25E torno fra un minuto
00:14:27Un cipuccio
00:14:36Per 40 giorni
00:14:38Una grande opportunità
00:14:40Una pioggia torrenziale cadrà sulla terra per 40 giorni
00:14:46Dio ci sta dando un'ultima grande opportunità
00:14:50Mi ha chiesto di costruire un'arca dove viaggeremo tutti
00:14:56La mia famiglia con altre coppie di animali affinché si compie il disegno del vino
00:15:04Imparare ad amarci l'un l'altro
00:15:06A rispettarci
00:15:08A essere giusti
00:15:10A praticare la solidarietà
00:15:13E a moltiplicarci
00:15:15Un'arca per imparare ad amarci l'un l'altro è opportunità
00:15:19Chi è? Mi dico!
00:15:21Ai prescelti per compiere la volontà del Signore
00:15:25Faremo incontro nel deserto di Ciasira oltre la grande foresta
00:15:30Firmato Noè
00:15:35Ci vuole orecca?
00:15:37A me
00:15:40Ascoltami, se non sono su quell'arca quando salpa, te lo giuro, papà, papà, non te lo perdurrò mai, ma mai e poi mai
00:15:47Sei sicuro di quello che stai dicendo?
00:15:50Non è che stai facendo l'ennissimo capriccio?
00:15:53No, beppe, ci ho pensato di quello che voglio fare
00:15:56E ora che io voli via dal nidio e che abbracci nuove sfide
00:15:59Non ti pare, sono il figlio del re
00:16:02Il re del trono
00:16:05Qualcuno ha qualcos'altro da aggiungere
00:16:09C'è qualcosa che non mi torna
00:16:11Dal giorno in cui è andato, povere
00:16:15Che li sai, bigoti dei miei
00:16:17Io vado a dare la notizia anche a Divino
00:16:20Adesso dobbiamo dirlo a tutti gli altri animali
00:16:24Tu, orina mia, sei incaricata di trovargli una compagna di viaggio
00:16:31Cara lei, sarebbe un onore
00:16:34Preparo un'audizione con tutte le ragazze di tango
00:16:43Noe, e tutta la notte che lavori, non dovresti riposarti
00:16:49Non c'è tempo per riposarsi
00:16:51Il temporale potrebbe iniziare da un momento all'altro
00:16:56Attenzione, l'onorevole re parrucco richiede la presenza di tutte le specie di animali
00:17:04Riunione d'emergenza
00:17:10Ma perchè ancora d'età vetta, femmina?
00:17:13Perchè arti insopportabile
00:17:15Tesoro, non sei mica colpa mia
00:17:17Non la finisco piu da sudar
00:17:19Mi sento come una spugna zuppa
00:17:22Ma che me frega in mente sto diluvio
00:17:25Per Polo Norte non c'è piove mai
00:17:27E' ridicolo pensare che andava a fondo
00:17:30Ecco che me diventa peron
00:17:32Ci mancava solo questa
00:17:34Ci stiamo avvicinando, vero?
00:17:36E questo è il posto dove me pensa dietro
00:17:40Cominciano ad assembrarsi
00:17:42Come sempre, i miei fedeli animali hanno risposto divertente
00:17:47Perchè non dovrebbero rispondere a un re tanto generoso?
00:17:50Giusto il presidente parrucchino mio?
00:17:52E' un po' per i bambini
00:17:54In fondo si sapeva che sarebbe giunto il giorno in cui Tanga ci avrebbe sostituiti
00:17:59Beh, speriamo che sia all'altezza delle circostanze quel bambuccione
00:18:04Devi avere fiducia in nostro figlio
00:18:06Quando verrà il momento sarà pronto
00:18:10Idratante per la pelle, tonico per la chioma, maschera per il viso
00:18:14Ah, incenso, si, un po' di indumenti che si vuol per il pomeriggio per far colpo sulle ragazze
00:18:19Ah, ci vuole qualcosa di sci che nel caso ci fosse un galà
00:18:23Mi pare di avere tutto
00:18:25Ah, e qualcosa da leggere, naturalmente
00:18:27Ne ho letti molti di quest'autore, ma qui siamo proprio al top
00:18:32Saputo niente della tua compagna?
00:18:34Sai chi sarà?
00:18:35No, nessuno mi ha detto chi
00:18:37Ma sono state tutte intervistate per affiancarmi la migliore
00:18:40E vieni anche tu, vero?
00:18:42Ah, ma è ovvio, è uno spettacolo da non perdere
00:18:46Ma non è una cosa per coppie?
00:18:48Te l'ho presentata, Lalla
00:18:55Lalla, permettimi di presentarti il principe Tanga
00:18:59Ciao, Lalla
00:19:01Non è uno schianto?
00:19:03Ci vediamo nell'arca, tesoro
00:19:05Non ce sto, sto nemmeno da spiegazioni
00:19:09Benvenuti alla riunione d'emergenza in detta d'arri, parrucco da questa parte
00:19:14Prendete una brochure per scoprire qual è il posto che vi è stato assegnato
00:19:17Scusate i disagi, stiamo lavorando per voi
00:19:21Benvenuti alla riunione d'emergenza in detta d'arri, parrucco da questa parte, prego
00:19:40D'anni ormai abbiamo atteso di avere notizie dell'unico animale
00:19:48Che non ha mai partecipato a una delle nostre riunioni
00:19:58Ebbene ora uno di loro che si chiama
00:20:02Che si chiama
00:20:06Si è messo in contatto con noi
00:20:09Ci sta invitando a salire sulla sua arca
00:20:15Un'arca costruita per salvarci da un diluvio
00:20:22Ora voi siete prescelti per dare inizio a una nuova era
00:20:29Quelli di noi che sono giunti alla fine del viaggio
00:20:35Vi vengono avanti con la speranza che voi costruirete un mondo migliore
00:20:42Ma io sono contrario
00:20:46Io ritengo che questa non sia altro che una trappola per darci la caccia
00:20:50Ma ce ne sei?
00:20:51Pianta la divisare nel mondo della fantasia
00:20:53Silenzio per favore
00:20:55Il nostro amico usporno alla parola
00:20:58L'uomo è sempre stato il nostro nemico naturale
00:21:02Niente scuse se rispondete a questo appello
00:21:05Vi ritroverete di sicuro con la testa appesa sopra un cammino il prossimo inverno
00:21:10Sta zitto e levati dalla testa quel cappelletto ridico
00:21:14E infatti dove è la festa di compleanno?
00:21:17E' una screscenza ossea che mi sto facendo curare
00:21:21Non togli retta Filippo
00:21:26Nessuno è obbligato a intraprendere questo viaggio contro la propria volontà
00:21:31E' possibile che sia un altro trucchetto degli uomini
00:21:38Ma se non lo è
00:21:41Sopravviverete solo aiutandovi l'un l'altro
00:21:45E seguendo un leader sicuro
00:21:49Ma ho il momento per prendere una decisione adesso
00:22:05All'arco, all'arco, all'arco, all'arco, all'arco, all'arco, all'arco, all'arco, all'arco
00:22:16Saggia parola mio re
00:22:18Qui tartaro e un piacere rivedirti
00:22:22Anche per me re parrucco
00:22:24Scusa se ti interrompo
00:22:26Ma vorrei solo sapere chi verrà scelto per guidare tutti gli animali in una missione così difficile
00:22:33Com'è possibile che nessuna delle mie scelte va bene come mia compagna in questo viaggio
00:22:37Chi è il responsabile delle selezioni?
00:22:40Io voglio una di quelle che ho scelto
00:22:42E la voglio subito
00:22:44Ehi tartaro che tigrone che sei
00:22:47Quel mantello strisciato ti sta da dio
00:22:50Sarà un grande viaggio
00:22:52Forse un nuovo inizio può voler dire anche un nuovo re
00:23:04Oh, grazie
00:23:06A quanto pare i tuoi figli hanno deciso di aiutarti
00:23:09Credo che stiano studiando le carte nautiche
00:23:12Io non sono molto bravo con quel tipo di carte
00:23:15Questa offre un ottimo servizio
00:23:17Però è parecchio distante da qui
00:23:19Come si chiama quel posto dove sta il padre di Edith?
00:23:22Tramonto sacro
00:23:24Ma non lo consiglio perchè non sono ammesse le visite
00:23:29Il tuo comportamento è inaccettabile
00:23:32Da notizia in prima pagina guarda tutte le mie proposte sono state respinte
00:23:36Deve esserci una buona ragione
00:23:38Ma certo che c'è
00:23:40Ma certo che c'è
00:23:45Ma vuol sentirmi
00:23:47Nube, grandette niente cervello
00:23:49Brama, troppo magra niente cervello
00:23:52Mouina, troppi fianchi troppe tente e niente cervello
00:23:56Come si chiamava l'ultimo
00:23:59Non mi importo, non mi passa manca pa la capa
00:24:02Quando in qua ci vogliono tanti requisiti per fare un viaggio
00:24:05Chi è l'incaricato di questa scelta scriteriana?
00:24:08Oh, who is this Karalei to do the interviews?
00:24:12Oh, I imagined it.
00:24:15You're the only one who could refuse all these super sexy girls.
00:24:19But you didn't read the brochure.
00:24:22Travel in pairs, learn to love each other and multiply.
00:24:26All words that Karalei doesn't even know by heart what they mean.
00:24:30I have a plan and this is it.
00:24:33But who are you? Do you know what you're going against?
00:24:37You must have faith. I will listen to the voice of his lineage.
00:24:45Don't you think it's a little suspicious, Farlock,
00:24:47that Noah was willing to sell you the house so easily?
00:24:52What can you do about it? The world is full of idiots.
00:24:56And I have a special gift for them.
00:24:59Farlock, run!
00:25:13Can I remind you that your people expect to be guided by you?
00:25:18You? What are you doing here?
00:25:21Didn't they say it was only for couples?
00:25:24Exactly. They said couples, not too many.
00:25:27I don't want to bother you, you understand?
00:25:30Just because I respect the person who accompanies you,
00:25:34I won't respond to an unrepentant woman.
00:25:38What? Listen, I was very young.
00:25:41I didn't know what I was doing. And my private life is...
00:25:45Private? You're insulting me!
00:25:49Prince Tanga, the wig king asked me to escort you to the ark
00:25:53to make sure everything goes smoothly.
00:25:56We're left behind, so you'd better hurry.
00:26:15Here, my lord, your ark is now complete.
00:26:21Do you think there will be enough space for all the animals?
00:26:25Of course not!
00:26:27The ark has a sector for animals with 1,300 double cabins
00:26:33plus five towers for the birds.
00:26:37In addition to the upper levels, there is a large platform for fishing
00:26:43and four cabins for the animals.
00:26:47In this journey, we will create a loving community
00:26:52without hatred or resentment,
00:26:54that will sail in peace towards a new world
00:26:58where there will be no place for pain and suffering,
00:27:03according to the will of our lord.
00:27:06It's beautiful!
00:27:08It's beautiful!
00:27:11It's beautiful!
00:27:14It's beautiful!
00:27:17Mother, father, even if it's over,
00:27:20you'll have to get used to the idea that the animals won't come.
00:27:39Oh, Papa, it's true!
00:27:42Here is the ark that will protect you.
00:27:44Inside you will find shelter and food.
00:27:46But do you think these animals will be enough for us to eat during the journey?
00:27:50I don't think so.
00:27:52Look down there.
00:27:59You can't expect us to share a roof with those beasts.
00:28:03Animals are good only when they are hungry.
00:28:05Either you eat them or they eat you.
00:28:07Wait a minute!
00:28:08Are you sure these animals won't eat us during the journey?
00:28:13Don't say it like that.
00:28:15Thank God I brought some salad for the journey.
00:28:18I'm hungry!
00:28:20And I'm on a vegetarian diet.
00:28:23It's beautiful. Let's move. We don't have much time.
00:28:27I insist.
00:28:28Second, we still have to get on the ark.
00:28:32Hey, shut up, you bastard!
00:28:35Who doesn't want to be our new king?
00:28:38What a great idea!
00:28:40Let's ask for protection from a wild beast with a murderous instinct.
00:28:47What's going on?
00:28:49Why don't they move?
00:28:51I'll go get them.
00:28:53Be very careful, my dear.
00:28:56Go with your father, please.
00:28:58Don't go. You have to protect me from those beasts.
00:29:05Your Majesty!
00:29:07I'm sorry to bother you with such important matters,
00:29:10but the animals would like to know
00:29:12if they are allowed to interact with each other during the journey.
00:29:16I have to eat the bacon for breakfast, don't I?
00:29:19A little pig won't make a big difference.
00:29:22Well, I...
00:29:24Do you want to make this decision, Your Majesty?
00:29:27All right.
00:29:30Maybe it would be wise to listen to other opinions.
00:29:33I absolutely agree.
00:29:35If I express my opinion openly, I will annoy someone.
00:29:46It's not the time to start internal conflicts,
00:29:49which sooner or later will end badly.
00:29:51We have the opportunity to create a new world,
00:29:54and then let's create it on a basis of respect and tolerance.
00:29:57I say here now that if only one of us
00:30:00touches our brother with a fingernail,
00:30:02I will personally inflict the right punishment on him.
00:30:06I really like his larynx, it's so sharp.
00:30:09I like it.
00:30:10Now go ahead.
00:30:12From now on, it will be our hope to guide us.
00:30:16Welcome to all of you, creatures of God.
00:30:19Welcome to our humble ark.
00:30:22We living beings must prove
00:30:25that we are able to build a just world,
00:30:29only if we learn to trust each other.
00:30:32It's a pity that you will never see that world.
00:30:35That's why nothing could make me happier
00:30:38than your decision to get on our ark
00:30:42and join us in this magnificent adventure in peace.
00:30:45And how do you represent...
00:30:47The rule!
00:30:48We are not allowed to talk to humans.
00:30:50Well, what do you say?
00:30:54Do you perhaps need a sign?
00:31:13As you wish, sir.
00:31:25The time has come!
00:31:27The time has come!
00:31:36Look at you!
00:31:37I don't think your sudden act of kindness towards animals is sincere.
00:31:41Shut up, or I'll take you to a better room.
00:31:44Above all, remember those who, with love and sweetness,
00:31:47will lose their lives on the roof,
00:31:49without ever having found a moment of joy.
00:31:51I want a room with a view.
00:31:54You can spare your preachings for another moment.
00:31:57Now that you will die denied,
00:31:59I want to tell you a few things.
00:32:01First of all, I have always hated your efficiency and intelligence.
00:32:05And in case you don't know what a mirror is,
00:32:07you are a pussy!
00:32:10You... you...
00:32:13Oh, my friend, my faithful messenger,
00:32:16you have fulfilled your duty,
00:32:19but... but why these bandages?
00:32:22It's time to ease your pain.
00:32:28I hope that old fool won't let the animals travel here on the bridge.
00:32:32Don't talk to my father like that.
00:32:34He's not crazy.
00:32:35Look, it's raining.
00:32:36Oh, it's just a summer rain.
00:32:39What are you doing here?
00:32:40You're not coming with us on the trip.
00:32:42You weren't chosen,
00:32:44because you're boring and you're a...
00:32:47Please, shut up once and for all.
00:32:50Hey, you, you're too hard on her.
00:32:53Don't defend her.
00:32:55And you're not just fat,
00:32:57you're also an imbecile.
00:32:58I'll tear your feathers off.
00:33:00Do you want me to tear off your support?
00:33:03Oh, you hurt yourself.
00:33:07Oh, the pig smells.
00:33:18And you!
00:33:19Don't even try to defend her,
00:33:23Oh, my little doll,
00:33:25did you hurt yourself?
00:33:27I lost my balance.
00:33:29My feet are so small.
00:33:31That's how you left the sweet and tender future mother of my children.
00:33:35Hurry up, these are the last two pairs.
00:33:38All aboard!
00:33:47Oh, Papa.
00:33:52Carolei, you don't have a choice.
00:33:54You have to stay on board.
00:33:55But my orders are to return.
00:33:57I have to write a report, make a list.
00:33:59What are you saying?
00:34:00Who cares about the report?
00:34:01There's nothing for you to decide.
00:34:04Let's go!
00:34:08Of course it's gonna rain.
00:34:10Yes, and here I could put one of those bath tanks.
00:34:14For my feathers.
00:34:17But how did they live in here?
00:34:20Ah, I don't care!
00:34:22As far as I'm concerned,
00:34:23they can go and live in an incredible,
00:34:31You see what I see, too?
00:34:34It's not possible.
00:34:36That old man is crazier than we thought to build an ark in the middle of the desert.
00:34:44You see, he thought he would throw it down,
00:34:46because the whole world would end up under an ocean of water.
00:34:51Like on a moon!
00:34:55And if it were true?
00:34:56We have to get on that ark!
00:34:59Yes, yes, yes, but how?
00:35:01Swim, father, swim!
00:35:14We have disowned the will of God.
00:35:17Now we will save ourselves!
00:35:22We are not going to believe it, we are still tied!
00:35:31If we don't cut the top, we will drown!
00:35:34Calm down, you fools!
00:35:35It's not the end of the world!
00:35:38The end of the world?
00:35:51Come back!
00:35:53You lost your glasses, but at least you see us!
00:35:56Absolutely yes, my dear Nama!
00:35:59We are heading for the new world!
00:36:03Don't call them anymore!
00:36:06If we don't do it, they will prepare it for us!
00:36:20It's moving again!
00:36:29Father, let me stay at the helm!
00:36:31No, I will lead the ark!
00:36:33Can I do it?
00:36:34You can do something else!
00:36:35Let her lead it to us!
00:36:36My poor dear, you made yourself good!
00:36:38What a family, my lord, what a family!
00:36:40Don't interfere, Mama, she can hardly see anything!
00:36:43Please, stop fighting!
00:36:44I beg you, father, I'm going to fight against something!
00:36:47Against what do you think I'm going to fight, my son?
00:36:50Don't be a child, there's nothing in front of us, just water!
00:37:09Oh, Santo Cielo!
00:37:30We did it!
00:37:31We're saved!
00:37:34Let's go to the sunset!
00:37:35No, father, the sunset is that way!
00:37:37Ah, yes, yes, of course!
00:37:39Very well, that way!
00:37:49I hope we didn't make a mistake!
00:37:55Did they make it?
00:37:56They still have to live with it, the rain is the last of their problems!
00:38:00By the way, they just called the special services,
00:38:03they said all this rain and more in the desert will cost a fortune!
00:38:07Tell them it's okay, tell them the boss will pay!
00:38:10I'm going to get some rest, you work a little on my book!
00:38:45Oh, my God!
00:38:50It looks like there's going to be some discipline problems!
00:38:59Hey, love, come and see, we have a view of the sea!
00:39:14And this door!
00:39:25Have you seen the rooms?
00:39:27They're spectacular!
00:39:29And this is my room!
00:39:31You mean our room!
00:39:33I just wanted to tell you about this!
00:39:37Maybe it would be better, at least for a while!
00:39:40You know, I suffered a really painful loss,
00:39:45and it wasn't very important to me!
00:39:48Good, that's what I said!
00:39:49Anyway, if we both give each other a little time,
00:39:52I'm very young and I could lose my image,
00:39:55I would say, if I don't show you the right company!
00:39:58Are you insinuating that I'm not tall enough?
00:40:00Well, I wasn't exactly referring to being tall enough,
00:40:04it's rather a matter of ...
00:40:07You see?
00:40:08And it's not so much what you are,
00:40:10but rather what you are not!
00:40:16Tell me, what do you see?
00:40:18A young and handsome lion,
00:40:21who is full of vitality!
00:40:23This answer is wrong!
00:40:25You should see a king!
00:40:26But I am a king!
00:40:27You will only be a king when you start
00:40:29taking priority for the good of everyone,
00:40:31when you will not be worried about appearances!
00:40:33And in the meantime,
00:40:35there are many to think that you do not have the requisites
00:40:37to be the legitimate king!
00:40:39You say I have to change my shampoo?
00:40:41I've always had a little greasy hair!
00:40:42Do you think that's it?
00:40:43Do you think I'm talking about the saint?
00:40:45It could be the balsam!
00:40:47I've always told Divina that coconut oil dries my skin!
00:40:53What happened?
00:40:54A terrifying lion!
00:40:56I am this now!
00:40:57I have a face covered in nails!
00:41:00There is nothing!
00:41:01Neither outside, nor inside!
00:41:05There is one important thing that I think you did not understand,
00:41:08and I felt forced to make you notice it!
00:41:12It's better if you come and sit down!
00:41:14Well, I think it's time to go and see
00:41:17how things are going in the ark!
00:41:19A check around before going to bed!
00:41:24Au revoir!
00:41:25Au revoir!
00:41:30Do not worry, I'll do it myself!
00:41:32I swear I saw a lion!
00:41:35Not even that idiot of Christmas would put animals
00:41:37alone in the ark!
00:41:39It's better if we rest for a moment,
00:41:41and then we continue to climb!
00:41:45It's very high and we do not even know what's up there!
00:41:49It can not be worse than what we saw down there!
00:41:55And then Esopo, since he had sick teeth,
00:41:59he would never have been able to eat
00:42:01everything that the fountain said!
00:42:04That's why he never trusted the storytellers!
00:42:08This papaya is too good!
00:42:11You see, it's funny!
00:42:13It's incredible!
00:42:17Tell us more about the animals!
00:42:19The fountain!
00:42:21The big beak will be back soon,
00:42:24but now I'm proud to introduce you
00:42:26to our great superstar artist,
00:42:32We were terrified, we were frozen!
00:42:35To think of our world,
00:42:37that there is no one who will save it!
00:42:40I want to take you out of the light,
00:42:42in the new world, without more rain!
00:42:44I want to live!
00:42:46I want to live more than you,
00:42:48never escape!
00:42:50There is no escape!
00:42:52Come with me, I will be the one
00:42:54who will taste your stench!
00:42:56But stop if you can!
00:42:58I hope you understand
00:43:00that if I eat you, it's not bad,
00:43:02because it's part of a great flame!
00:43:04I want to live!
00:43:06I will survive!
00:43:08No, no, no one will tell me
00:43:10what to eat so as not to die!
00:43:12If I eat you, I'll go crazy,
00:43:14because my teeth are sharp!
00:43:16I will survive!
00:43:18I will survive!
00:43:22I will survive!
00:43:26I will survive!
00:43:38I will survive!
00:43:42I will survive!
00:43:46I will survive!
00:43:52Does anyone know where we are going?
00:43:54I think in the direction where the sun sets.
00:43:56This during the day.
00:43:58But I mean at night!
00:44:10Why don't we kill them right away and that's it?
00:44:12But of course! I don't see why we should
00:44:14worry about that idiot of a lion
00:44:16and his stupid friends!
00:44:18I see that the fat has weakened
00:44:20because of the screaming of the cockroach.
00:44:22Don't you realize that we have earned
00:44:24the respect of all the animals
00:44:26at the door of this house?
00:44:28And what do we do about the respect of the herbivores?
00:44:30Because they worry about not having
00:44:32the respect of the salad!
00:44:34Get up, imbeciles!
00:44:36The world that will come will have new rules!
00:44:38Don't be stupid to have to run
00:44:40after your food!
00:44:42You will never have to do it again!
00:44:44It will be heaven to run from us!
00:44:46When we get to the mainland,
00:44:48we will take the animals to a place
00:44:50where we will be able to choose
00:44:52the ones we want to fatten them up
00:44:54until the time
00:44:56of their
00:45:14Tenga won't allow it!
00:45:16But it's the right thing to do!
00:45:18What we can't allow is that
00:45:20for the simple fact of feeling frustrated
00:45:22in front of a failure,
00:45:24he gives up without reproaching us.
00:45:26Then we'll do it from here!
00:45:28I'll take it!
00:45:32I'll take it, give me one!
00:45:34Hi, Orre. It seems that all the
00:45:36chanterelles have come to have fun.
00:45:38Tenga, I'd like to invite you
00:45:40to have a drink.
00:45:42No, thanks, I'm with old friends.
00:45:44They seem to be exchanging
00:45:46new friends with you.
00:45:48It's not my case.
00:45:50For me, my friends are fundamental,
00:45:52a reason for life, a precious good.
00:45:54Hello, beauty.
00:45:58Why don't you want to come with us?
00:46:02You don't mind, do you?
00:46:12it's really humiliating.
00:46:14I have to take a bath.
00:46:16The lion could hear us.
00:46:18Don't exaggerate.
00:46:20It's probably just your imagination
00:46:22working. I've seen a lion again.
00:46:24Don't be an idiot.
00:46:26Animals don't go on a boat.
00:46:34There are no animals here.
00:46:36What do we do?
00:46:38With a lot of discretion,
00:46:40without disturbing them,
00:46:42let's run away!
00:46:50One of the most stimulating things
00:46:52when you rule is discovering
00:46:54your own ability to give.
00:46:56For example,
00:46:58all the food I get
00:47:00is free.
00:47:02And your friends should learn
00:47:04to relax, you know?
00:47:06Who gave you permission
00:47:08to do this?
00:47:10What is it?
00:47:12I don't know.
00:47:14I'll tell you.
00:47:16You can't approve this place
00:47:18with your presence.
00:47:20Calm down, darling.
00:47:22This place has all the permissions
00:47:24you need.
00:47:26Did you sign the permission
00:47:28to open a bar?
00:47:30It's just a temporary concession
00:47:32for 40 days.
00:47:34Does anyone else have a concession
00:47:36signed by a seal?
00:47:40Is this your idea of government?
00:47:42Can you please everyone?
00:47:44I care about those I love
00:47:46and you should do the same.
00:47:48A little fun has never hurt anyone.
00:47:50You don't always have to do everything
00:47:52according to the rules.
00:47:54This is not just a pleasure trip
00:47:56and you should be worried about this.
00:47:58The rain doesn't tell you anything.
00:48:06I guess you know now
00:48:08that we all depend on what you decide.
00:48:10You are the king.
00:48:12The only survivor of your lineage.
00:48:14And what about
00:48:16worrying about those I love?
00:48:18I've done nothing else.
00:48:20I've never done anything else.
00:48:24Here's your lunch.
00:48:26Let me guess.
00:48:28We eat fish and salad.
00:48:30I think we ate fish and salad yesterday.
00:48:32Heavens, be patient.
00:48:34Better times will come soon.
00:48:36It's really too much.
00:48:38What do you think?
00:48:40I think there's just one in mind.
00:48:50How are you, sir?
00:48:52Here I am, working like a mule.
00:48:54Yes, I can see that.
00:48:56How are things going down there?
00:48:58More or less well,
00:49:00but what we haven't seen for a while
00:49:02is Farlock.
00:49:04Farlock? Farlock on the ark?
00:49:06Why did you let him go up?
00:49:08You can push from all sides,
00:49:10but not until you crush.
00:49:12Perfect. What a nice phrase for my book.
00:49:14We are surrounded by beasts.
00:49:16Are you sure it will work?
00:49:18I'm pretty sure
00:49:20that to get out of here
00:49:22we'll have to do something.
00:49:24What makes you think they won't eat us,
00:49:26even though we're animals?
00:49:28You're always so negative.
00:49:30Shut up and get dressed.
00:49:34Come on, let's go.
00:49:36All right, maybe I'm a little angry.
00:49:38It's not easy for him to solve so many problems.
00:49:40But things will work out on their own.
00:49:42You don't have to worry.
00:49:44I don't have to worry?
00:49:46It's the end of the world,
00:49:48and I thought it was a relaxing trip.
00:49:50Ah, it must be dear to her.
00:49:52Come in.
00:49:54Excuse me if I interrupt.
00:49:56Have you seen my husband?
00:49:58No. Has he given you the pennies in the pockets?
00:50:00I haven't seen him since this afternoon.
00:50:02If he sees him, tell him
00:50:04that the eggs have to be hatched.
00:50:06Thank you, sir.
00:50:08I should be the king.
00:50:10I have to put things in order
00:50:12and make decisions.
00:50:14You see, it's not that hard.
00:50:16At least you know what you have to do.
00:50:18What animal should we be?
00:50:20I don't know, but it doesn't matter.
00:50:22We just have to get out of here.
00:50:28Good evening, sir.
00:50:30Hi, how are you, donkey?
00:50:40we have a lot of things to do.
00:50:44I think we should find a name.
00:50:46Don't make any noise.
00:50:48They might find out anyway,
00:50:50despite these costumes.
00:50:52And in this way, I will become king.
00:50:54And what good will come of us?
00:50:56Good, but it's possible
00:50:58that you really don't understand.
00:51:00I think we have to go this way.
00:51:02We have to go this way.
00:51:04But all the other animals
00:51:06will support Tanga.
00:51:08Tanga is not a problem,
00:51:10especially when the animals come to know
00:51:12that he ate one of his vegetarian friends.
00:51:14And what about another animal
00:51:16when it's forbidden?
00:51:18You don't have to eat one,
00:51:20just make the others believe
00:51:22that he ate it.
00:51:24And for this,
00:51:26we only need a dead animal.
00:51:28What kind of animals are these two?
00:51:30They look like a kind of...
00:51:32They have a disgusting smell.
00:51:34They smell like humans.
00:51:38And they are absolutely disgusting.
00:51:40But they talk.
00:51:42Yes, they talk.
00:51:44And we are...
00:51:46We are...
00:51:48We are...
00:51:50We are...
00:51:52We are...
00:51:54I think when I was little,
00:51:56my mom used to tell me
00:51:58about certain creatures...
00:52:02I'm getting hungry.
00:52:04Excuse me,
00:52:06but I have to go to the bathroom.
00:52:08Yes, me too.
00:52:10The toilet is empty.
00:52:12And fresh from the bath.
00:52:14Do you want me to keep the doors
00:52:16to eat them?
00:52:18It's not necessary.
00:52:20I don't think they can go very far.
00:52:22Wake up, animals
00:52:24with two or four legs.
00:52:26Finally, the forecast
00:52:28of a sunny day is more beautiful.
00:52:30How can it be a more beautiful day
00:52:32if I can't find my husband?
00:52:34All right, all right.
00:52:36Before we go on,
00:52:38all our friends, animals,
00:52:40desperately look for us.
00:53:30I'd say we need something more incisive,
00:53:32maybe something shorter.
00:53:34Work on it a little.
00:53:36Yes, we are interested.
00:53:38And if we modify the court's code,
00:53:40we will be able to reduce the detective penalty
00:53:42for all the detainees.
00:53:44And investments in foreign currency
00:53:46must be well respected, you know?
00:53:48Because all my savings
00:53:50are invested in the stock market.
00:53:52Credits for small businesses
00:53:54would be indispensable.
00:53:56At least today.
00:53:58But one day, in the future,
00:54:00they could be useful again.
00:54:02And in my opinion,
00:54:04we should regulate the use of drugs
00:54:06so that they are used responsibly.
00:54:10Let's see, open a little.
00:54:12Good, well opened.
00:54:14You have to hold on tight.
00:54:18Father, is there something wrong?
00:54:20How could it be?
00:54:22We are the three chosen ones,
00:54:24and this is wrong?
00:54:26Listen, old man,
00:54:28don't lock me up here
00:54:30in this den for 40 days
00:54:32to feed and clean
00:54:34these disgusting animals.
00:54:36Be a little more respectful
00:54:38when you talk about our children.
00:54:40Exactly, don't talk like that about us.
00:54:42I understand your concern,
00:54:44my children,
00:54:46but this is God's will,
00:54:48and this is what we must do.
00:54:50The discussion is closed.
00:54:52I say that it is time
00:54:54that we take the lead
00:54:56before this journey
00:54:58turns into a nightmare.
00:55:00Is that clear?
00:55:16The animals are tired, hungry
00:55:18and generally discouraged.
00:55:20I'll show you our plan tonight.
00:55:22You, Boomerang, go and wait
00:55:24for that fool of Danga.
00:55:26It's almost time,
00:55:28and I found some tomato sauce.
00:55:30I'm fed up with all these problems.
00:55:36I told you that our fortune
00:55:38would turn around.
00:55:42Is there any news?
00:55:44Among all, there is already impatience.
00:55:46Perhaps we should send
00:55:48a message to my lord.
00:55:50First they must show
00:55:52their strength,
00:55:54otherwise they can say
00:55:56that I have given the hat
00:55:58to a person without a head.
00:56:06A bowl full of mud
00:56:08with two piglets.
00:56:10It must have happened, right?
00:56:12It's not a bad idea.
00:56:14We will consider the suggestion.
00:56:16It's incredible what we have to hear.
00:56:18At least it was a suggestion.
00:56:20And then, Alvaro,
00:56:22he's a good boy.
00:56:24This is the fundamental point.
00:56:26To put everyone's interests
00:56:28before your friends'.
00:56:30Yes, I know.
00:56:32To govern and improve what is wrong.
00:56:34To straighten out what is wrong
00:56:36and to build a better world.
00:56:38A perfect world.
00:56:40A perfect world.
00:56:42It's not bad.
00:56:44Where do we start?
00:56:48would you like to have lunch together?
00:56:50Okay, I'll be there soon.
00:56:54can you finish to unload everything here?
00:56:56See you later, okay?
00:57:00What a smell in here!
00:57:02This is the last place in the world
00:57:04where we should be.
00:57:06A new floor?
00:57:08Another one.
00:57:10You're so spirited,
00:57:12so funny.
00:57:14If only we could spend
00:57:16more time together,
00:57:20Especially at night,
00:57:22when I'm crushed by a deep,
00:57:24but inconvenient...
00:57:26But if you ever need me...
00:57:28What did you say?
00:57:30Call me if you need me.
00:57:32There's no need to call.
00:57:34The door of my heart
00:57:36is my room.
00:57:38Come here,
00:57:40just for you.
00:57:46What's going on?
00:57:48You're breaking everything!
00:57:50Thank God you didn't break
00:57:52the carousel!
00:57:54Someone's a little jealous.
00:57:56You can't throw me out.
00:57:58This is my room, too.
00:58:00This is the room of a king,
00:58:02not of a womanizer
00:58:04who doesn't realize her duties.
00:58:06I thought you'd become
00:58:08a real king,
00:58:10but you're just an imitation
00:58:12of a real king.
00:58:16Listen to me carefully.
00:58:18Let's hide in the abyss
00:58:20and wait for them to pull us up.
00:58:22As long as they don't eat us first.
00:58:24There are new jumpers.
00:58:26I told you they had to eat sooner or later.
00:58:28You'll see,
00:58:30no one will ever find us here.
00:58:34Are you sure
00:58:36they'll take us to the bridge?
00:58:38Have some patience, baby.
00:58:40Who turned off the light?
00:58:42Hurry up with the soup, bear.
00:58:48Can't you hear
00:58:50we're heating up the derretano?
00:58:53Can't you hear
00:58:55we're heating up the derretano?
00:59:00Who wants to eat, baby?
00:59:08Thank you.
00:59:22Thank you.
00:59:32You'd better go after them.
00:59:34I don't want anything to happen to them
00:59:36before we kill them.
00:59:38The costume is coming off.
00:59:40Maybe because it's wet.
00:59:42Here they are.
00:59:44I think they know what we are.
00:59:46Do you think that animal
00:59:48has figured out
00:59:50that we are a miserable people
00:59:52without principles,
00:59:54with a heart devoured by vengeance?
00:59:56I don't want to be here
00:59:58when they find out.
01:00:00All I do is scream all day.
01:00:02I did this,
01:00:04I did that.
01:00:06She wants you to be well.
01:00:08You just have to give her some time.
01:00:10I'd like to give her more time,
01:00:12but she follows me like a noisy shadow.
01:00:14Have you ever been worried about your shadow?
01:00:18She knows that no matter what happens,
01:00:20she will never leave you.
01:00:22Do you think that she...
01:00:24You should listen to your heart.
01:00:26Sometimes I think that she is the woman for me,
01:00:28but she is so sophisticated
01:00:30and she makes me snap.
01:00:32When I'm close to her,
01:00:34my heart beats so fast
01:00:38She doesn't even let you listen.
01:00:40Have you two eaten
01:00:42the soup of saltapicchi?
01:00:46It's all over.
01:00:48I'm in a hurry.
01:00:50I'll be right back.
01:00:52Do you have a newspaper?
01:00:54No, wait.
01:00:56I'll go first.
01:00:58I'm running away.
01:01:00What's going on?
01:01:02What are they giving away?
01:01:04It's the soup of saltapicchi.
01:01:06It seems to have generated a chain reaction.
01:01:08Give me some newspaper.
01:01:10It's all right.
01:01:14It's all right.
01:01:16I think so.
01:01:18At least someone has cleaned in here.
01:01:34It's disgusting.
01:01:40Watch out!
01:01:42There are animals running away.
01:01:44I'll go and get the net.
01:01:52I don't know what you think,
01:01:54but tonight I want to eat
01:01:56the meat patty.
01:01:58Leave me alone.
01:02:10My food!
01:02:12My food!
01:02:14What's going on?
01:02:16My food!
01:02:18These animals
01:02:20must go back to the barn.
01:02:40My Lord!
01:02:50We have to go and look for him.
01:02:52Over there, with those animals.
01:02:54I'm the eldest son.
01:02:56I'll go.
01:03:28You go first.
01:03:32Mother, there's nothing to do.
01:03:34The barn is full of fierce animals.
01:03:40It's mine!
01:03:42Let's see what you can do.
01:03:44It's mine!
01:03:54I'm falling!
01:03:58Oh, no!
01:04:02Take one every eight hours.
01:04:04Give it to me.
01:04:06I'll never eat it again.
01:04:08I've made a right decision.
01:04:10What are you waiting for?
01:04:12Tell him.
01:04:14First, the important things.
01:04:16I have to tell Giobella
01:04:18that our relationship is over.
01:04:22Harlock, Arcilla,
01:04:24is that you?
01:04:26Of course it's us,
01:04:28old bones.
01:04:30Why are you among the animals?
01:04:32I need your help.
01:04:34It's a pleasure to ask
01:04:36when one can get it by force.
01:04:40Now that you're here,
01:04:42you'll save me
01:04:44time throwing you under.
01:04:48Wait here.
01:04:52Since I lost his house,
01:04:54at least I can keep
01:04:56his boat.
01:04:58You speak too loud.
01:05:00The animals can hear you.
01:05:02They could attack us.
01:05:04Don't forget, woman,
01:05:06that we are the most intelligent
01:05:08of all creatures,
01:05:10and that these beasts
01:05:12are nothing more
01:05:14than stupid, stupid,
01:05:18Tell me I didn't do
01:05:20what I think I did.
01:05:22Excuse me,
01:05:24but do you know
01:05:26which is the fastest way
01:05:28to get out of here?
01:05:30I'll catch you both soon.
01:05:32But for now,
01:05:34that's enough.
01:05:44It's mine!
01:05:46It's mine!
01:05:50You should be ashamed of yourselves.
01:05:52Your father brought you here.
01:05:54You would have been denied
01:05:56for your faith,
01:05:58but now the only thing
01:06:00you worry about
01:06:02is taking control
01:06:04without even deserving it.
01:06:06Now that he's gone,
01:06:08you could at least
01:06:10honor his sacrifice
01:06:12and his intuition.
01:06:14Hi, handsome.
01:06:16I was waiting for you.
01:06:20I think we need to talk.
01:06:24Be careful.
01:06:26It must be suitable for all ages.
01:06:28What do you want?
01:06:30Forty days have passed.
01:06:32My book will be very boring.
01:06:34We need more action.
01:06:36I don't know,
01:06:38a little blood,
01:06:40a love story.
01:06:42Don't take it so badly.
01:06:44You must learn to accept
01:06:46that someone may not love you.
01:06:52take this.
01:06:54He ate it!
01:06:56He ate it in front of me!
01:06:58And then...
01:07:00What are you saying?
01:07:02What's the matter with you?
01:07:04Are you crazy?
01:07:06You're a murderer!
01:07:08He ate it!
01:07:10He ate it in front of me!
01:07:12It's a joke.
01:07:14I'm sorry.
01:07:16She's completely crazy.
01:07:18I came to see you.
01:07:20Darling, don't you believe me?
01:07:22You know that I...
01:07:26Darling, please stop!
01:07:28You must believe me!
01:07:30You're crazy.
01:07:32You broke the law
01:07:34by eating one of us.
01:07:36I didn't eat anyone.
01:07:38You must believe me.
01:07:40It seems to me that Tanga is a worthy king.
01:07:46And then...
01:07:48What are you doing?
01:07:50Go back to your room.
01:07:52It's all over.
01:07:54I hope everything went as planned.
01:07:58It couldn't have been better.
01:08:04We must go to Divino.
01:08:06Without the wall,
01:08:08we can't change the route of the arch.
01:08:10If we can't change the route,
01:08:12we can't even turn.
01:08:14Maybe it's better if we pray.
01:08:16Wake up!
01:08:18Wake up!
01:08:20Why are you crying, sir?
01:08:22Usually, when I'm in trouble,
01:08:24I remember that I exist.
01:08:28Are you sure?
01:08:30I'm innocent!
01:08:32I'm innocent!
01:08:34I'm innocent!
01:08:36I'm innocent!
01:08:40What are you waiting for?
01:08:42He says he's innocent.
01:08:44Listen to him, Tartaro.
01:08:46Copone, do me a favor. Lock him up!
01:08:48Yes, yes, all right.
01:08:52I swear, Tartaro,
01:08:54you'll get what you deserve.
01:08:56That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.
01:08:58Besides, I'll know what I deserve,
01:09:00and maybe I'll get what you deserve.
01:09:04If you dare to lay a finger on the king,
01:09:06you'll regret it!
01:09:08You can't threaten me, Tanga.
01:09:10You're nobody.
01:09:12You're nothing but a crown.
01:09:14You're a king, and you take what you want,
01:09:16and now the animal kingdom is mine.
01:09:18Come on, it's time to eat.
01:09:20I'm sorry, my boy.
01:09:24No, no!
01:09:26Tanga not only disappointed me,
01:09:28but all of you, too.
01:09:30But it's not fair!
01:09:32Tanga is absolutely incapable of doing that.
01:09:34Exactly, Tanga is absolutely incapable.
01:09:36He's incapable of doing something like that.
01:09:38We all know that.
01:09:40You, more than anyone else.
01:09:42But we've all seen it.
01:09:44Maybe what we've seen
01:09:46isn't as important as our feelings.
01:09:48What do you say?
01:10:02I'm getting cold.
01:10:04Cold? What are you talking about?
01:10:06I'm talking about the cold.
01:10:08The cold.
01:10:32You really touched the bottom.
01:10:34Now, listen to me.
01:10:38You are the voice
01:10:40of my lineage.
01:10:42We've begun this journey with you,
01:10:44and we'll finish it with you.
01:10:48Don't stop.
01:10:50Don't rest.
01:10:52A new world is waiting for us,
01:10:54and you will be our guide.
01:11:02Are you hurt?
01:11:04I'm fine.
01:11:06Why are you asking me?
01:11:08Did you know what would have happened to me?
01:11:10You want to tell me the future, don't you?
01:11:12Darling, forgive me.
01:11:14You're right.
01:11:16I'm nothing but a bunch of losers.
01:11:18I wasn't even able to realize
01:11:20how great your love was.
01:11:22And what's worse, I didn't understand my love for you.
01:11:24I just thought that...
01:11:26You just thought that a little fun
01:11:28wasn't the end of the world.
01:11:30There's no time for this nonsense.
01:11:32Come on, you two.
01:11:34Let's go to the kingdom.
01:11:38I heard a voice inside.
01:11:40Straight ahead.
01:11:42A little to the right.
01:11:46Take them all and lock them up.
01:11:48Don't let them escape.
01:12:06Get up!
01:12:08There are people who got up quickly.
01:12:10They need your help.
01:12:34A, B, C, D.
01:12:36A, B, C, D, E, A.
01:12:38A, B, A, B.
01:12:40A, B, A, B, C, D, E, A.
01:12:42A, B, A, B, C, D, E, A.
01:12:44A, B, A, B, C, D, E, A.
01:12:46Destroy this bunch of animals.
01:13:00I'll take care of it.
01:13:12It seems that the matter
01:13:14is between me and you now.
01:13:24I want to see if you can
01:13:26beat the real king.
01:13:34Are you so cruel
01:13:36to kick him while he's on the ground?
01:13:38Yes, exactly.
01:13:44Should I stop giving you ideas?
01:13:46Surrender and accept
01:13:48your defeat.
01:13:50Maybe I'll give it back to you
01:13:52after I'm done with her.
01:13:58Clean your mouth
01:14:00before talking about my dear queen.
01:14:24Where did they go?
01:14:26They won't be a problem for now.
01:14:32Did we touch the ground?
01:14:34Are you serious?
01:14:36Of course I'm serious.
01:14:38This is our chance.
01:14:40Come, the new world is waiting for us.
01:14:44What's going on?
01:14:46What was that noise?
01:14:48Calm down, calm down.
01:14:52We have to stay calm.
01:14:54Look at me.
01:14:58Listen to our king.
01:15:02What should I tell him now?
01:15:04I don't know.
01:15:06Tell him you're the king.
01:15:08Be positive.
01:15:10What a wonderful trip!
01:15:12We haven't sunk yet.
01:15:16Save yourselves!
01:15:20Wait, don't leave me!
01:15:36Come back here!
01:15:38You have nowhere to go
01:15:40and we have no food!
01:15:42I have a suggestion.
01:15:44What is it?
01:15:46Let's eat the predator!
01:15:48That's enough!
01:15:50What happened was not a coincidence.
01:15:52It happens when people don't have a path to follow
01:15:54We won't get involved.
01:15:56Not even the strongest ones
01:15:58can survive.
01:16:00We'll reach our goal
01:16:02only if we help each other
01:16:04and respect diversity.
01:16:06It's the only way to save ourselves.
01:16:08But he uses words well,
01:16:10this young man.
01:16:12He's a champion.
01:16:14But sir,
01:16:16it never rains in the South Pole
01:16:18and then it's very cold.
01:16:20Don't you think
01:16:22we punished them enough?
01:17:20Hey, look!
01:17:22It stopped raining!
01:17:24What are the animals doing?
01:17:26I don't know what they're doing
01:17:28but we can start
01:17:30by adjusting the rudder.
01:17:32Poor animals!
01:17:38Stay back!
01:17:44Stay back!
01:17:56I think they've calmed down a bit.
01:17:58They're waiting for you to tell them what to do.
01:18:02I don't know if I'll be able to be their guide.
01:18:04I'm probably not the right one.
01:18:06You wouldn't be here
01:18:08if you weren't the right one.
01:18:26We have a job to do!
01:18:32It seems the animals have gone mad!
01:18:44We have a job to do!
01:18:46We have a job to do!
01:18:48We have a job to do!
01:18:50We have a job to do!
01:18:52We have a job to do!
01:18:54We have a job to do!
01:18:56We have a job to do!
01:18:58We have a job to do!
01:19:00We have a job to do!
01:19:02We have a job to do!
01:19:04We have a job to do!
01:19:06We have a job to do!
01:19:08We have a job to do!
01:19:10We have a job to do!
01:19:12We have a job to do!
01:19:14We have a job to do!
01:19:16We have a job to do!
01:19:18We have a job to do!
01:19:20We have a job to do!
01:19:22We have a job to do!
01:19:24We have a job to do!
01:19:26We have a job to do!
01:19:28We have a job to do!
01:19:30We have a job to do!
01:19:32We have a job to do!
01:19:34We have a job to do!
01:19:36We have a job to do!
01:19:38We have a job to do!
01:19:40We have a job to do!
01:19:42We have a job to do!
01:19:44We have a job to do!
01:19:46We have a job to do!
01:19:48We have a job to do!
01:19:50We have a job to do!
01:19:52We have a job to do!
01:19:54We have a job to do!
01:19:56We have a job to do!
01:19:58We have a job to do!
01:20:00We have a job to do!
01:20:02We have a job to do!
01:20:04We have a job to do!
01:20:06We have a job to do!
01:20:08We have a job to do!
01:20:10We have a job to do!
01:20:12We have a job to do!
01:20:14We have a job to do!
01:20:16We have a job to do!
01:20:18We have a job to do!
01:20:20We have a job to do!
01:20:22We have a job to do!
01:20:24We have a job to do!
01:20:26We have a job to do!
01:20:28We have a job to do!
01:20:30We have a job to do!
01:20:32We have a job to do!
01:20:34We have a job to do!
01:20:36We have a job to do!
01:20:46A Paradise of food and abundance!
01:20:50Welcome to the dream.
01:20:52Almost there.
01:20:54Later on.
01:20:56We wish you success.
01:21:03Oh, dannate, per fatto è vero, no?
01:21:08E adesso ancora una volta verso il tramonto!
01:21:13Di giorno e di notte!
01:21:17Oh, how happy I am!
01:21:21Oh, how happy I am!
01:21:25Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
01:21:28Noe, it's still freezing outside.
01:21:31You'll catch a cold.
01:21:37I can't take it anymore!
01:21:48No, no, no, no, no!
01:22:06At this point, I think it's time to go to bed.
01:22:09We have a lot of work to do tomorrow.
01:22:12It's just another glass. It won't be the end of the world.
01:22:15Oh, my God!
01:22:17Noe, it's still freezing outside.
01:22:21You'll catch a cold.
01:22:25Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
01:22:29No, no, no, no, no!
01:22:33At this point, I think it's time to go to bed.
01:22:37Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
01:22:40Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
01:22:43Remember, we have to create a perfect world.
01:22:46Maybe a thousand worlds can be enough, my king.
01:22:53I like to dance so much, with so many people behind me.
01:23:16I like to dance so much, with so many people behind me.
01:23:22Bibio, you left the rainbow on. Why?
01:23:25I'm sorry, my lord.
01:23:27I'm sorry, my lord.
01:23:45What do you think of this? Pray, even if you are in denial.
01:23:49Why not?
01:23:51Trust the Lord, and he will save you.
01:23:57Trust the Lord, and he will save you.
01:24:02May God grant you what you desire for me.
01:24:05But it will cost you a fortune.
01:24:07Don't worry, my lord.
01:24:09Then I can always add the Lord gives and the Lord takes.
01:24:13No, no, I can't afford it.
01:24:15All right, but I don't understand you.
01:24:18Then why did you make me insert the man proposes and God disposes?
01:24:22Bibio, why do you always contradict me on everything?
01:24:25Remember, we will not drink less to the discipline of the Lord.
01:24:30Stop it, for the love of me.
01:24:38Now that you are so confused.
01:24:41Now that the world is in danger and only you are the witness.
01:24:45I want to be the one who takes you somewhere where it doesn't rain.
01:24:49I want to live, survive you.
01:24:53There is nothing behind you.
01:24:55Don't be afraid.
01:24:57If you accompany me, I will be the one who takes you to the slaughterhouse.
01:25:02But at the end of the journey.
01:25:04I hope you have understood.
01:25:06That if I eat you, it is not so bad.
01:25:08Well, you will live inside me.
01:25:10I want to last.
01:25:12I will survive.
01:25:14Don't tell me that this world is going to end.
01:25:18I have my eyes wide open.
01:25:20I have sharp teeth.
01:25:22I will survive.
01:25:43Yo quiero estar bien satisfecha.
01:25:47Quiero vivir como me gusta.
01:25:49Y la balanza no me asusta.
01:25:51Quiero llegar al mundo nuevo.
01:25:53Con el vientre bien repleto.
01:25:55Que no me vengan con mas dieta.
01:25:57Yo necesito una chuleta.
01:25:59Quiero un cordero bien adobado.
01:26:02Viajo en un arca que se hunde.
01:26:05No me vengan con legumbres.
01:26:07Si a mi me gusta mas la carne.
01:26:09No me vengan con verdura.
01:26:11Si no me dan una hamburguesa.
01:26:13Voy a perder la compostura.
01:26:17No tengas miedo.
01:26:19Si me acompañas lo seré.
01:26:22Para que te lleve al matadero.
01:26:24Y que Noe no me prometa un mundo nuevo ni mejor.
01:26:28Yo ya no quiero mas promesas.
01:26:30Quiero jamón.
01:26:32Dame jamón.
01:26:49Jamón. Jamón. Jamón.
01:27:02Allahu Ekber Allahu Ekber
01:27:32Allahu Ekber Allahu Ekber
01:28:02Allahu Ekber
01:28:04Allahu Ekber
