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Season 2 | show | 2024| S2 | Official Trailer | dHNzX21PVmthcC1wQUIw


00:00Today, I fight.
00:11You have been selected to compete with the best of the best of Naked and Afraid.
00:16This challenge will weed out the weak.
00:20It's every survivalist for themselves.
00:23I came here to win!
00:28Let the games begin.
00:30Every day is a competition.
00:31Every minute is a competition.
00:32You either have the primitive skills or you don't.
00:36To do these challenges, it's brutal.
00:40Money to make people do some unpredictable things.
00:43You're talking to the legend, bro!
00:47Oh my god!
00:48I'm not going home!
00:49Last one standing.
00:50The battle begins Sunday, July 14th at 8 on Discovery.