Starcast of the upcoming Stree-2 movie Shraddha Kapoor, Rajkumar Rao, Bhojpuri star Pawan Singh reached Lucknow for promotion. During this, the starcast of the film told many stories related to the film. Rajkumar Rao told what is special in the film and how much comedy there is.
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#stree2 #stree2trailer #shraddhakapoor #rajkumarrao #trendign #ians #viral #intrview
00:00Definitely, I think in this, you will get to see more comedy than that, as you must have seen in the trailer.
00:10People's reaction to the trailer is that it looks more funny than the first one.
00:14And it is, it is very funny.
00:16In this, of course, the same world, as I say, the same world, the same people.
00:19You will get to see the same love, the same honesty, the same truth.
00:23In this, there is a great song of our Pawan Bhai, which is already getting a bumper hit everywhere.
00:28And there is a lot of comedy, there is a bit of horror too.
00:31I think because women have not received so much love from people already,
00:34so we have tried to take it a little further in the world.
00:37So, of course, we have made it bigger, we have made it slightly more adventurous, more thrilling, more funnier.
00:42But you will see that, you will tell.