• last year
Les scientifiques ont mesuré l'ensoleillement sur le plateau de Chajnantor, où se trouve le réseau d'antennes millimétriques Atacama Large Millimeter Array, et ont constaté qu'il était de 2 177 watts par mètre carré. Ce niveau d'ensoleillement est similaire à ce que l'on ressentirait si l'on était à 79 % de la distance de la Terre au Soleil. Comment un endroit sur Terre peut-il être aussi ensoleillé que Vénus ? Il se trouve que les nuages dans le désert d'Atacama sont à blâmer. Au lieu de bloquer la lumière du soleil, ces nuages peuvent parfois concentrer les rayons du Soleil sur la surface, comme une loupe. Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00Hi, there is a place on Earth that looks like Venus.
00:04It's the Atacama Desert, in Chile.
00:06I don't think you would like to spend your holidays there.
00:10Like many other deserts, it is not a very welcoming place.
00:13It is a long stretch of land close to the Andes mountains.
00:17It is in fact one of the driest regions on the planet.
00:20In fact, it is so dry that only a few rare places in the Antarctic know less rainfall.
00:27But this hostile environment has some advantages.
00:30As it is located at an altitude and there are not many clouds or light pollution,
00:35it is the ideal place for modern telescopes.
00:38These telescopes help us explore the cosmos.
00:42A new study carried out in June 2023
00:45revealed that this desert is even stranger and more extraordinary than we thought.
00:51It is logical that a desert as dry as this one receives a lot of sun.
00:56On average, it receives 308 watts of sunlight for 0.9 square meters.
01:01It is almost twice as much as in Europe or the east of the United States.
01:06Raúl Cordero is a scientist.
01:08With his team, he measured the sunset of the place where the largest observatory ever built is located,
01:14the vast network of millimeter antennas of the Atacama.
01:17Well, it is the sunniest place on the planet.
01:20It is hot, as if we were 79% away from the sun and the earth.
01:26Of course, if you were on Venus, you would have other problems than that of sunlight.
01:33Now, let's try to understand why this place is almost as sunny as Venus.
01:38It's because of the clouds.
01:40In general, the clouds block the sunlight and keep us cool.
01:44But sometimes, they can act like magnifying glasses and concentrate the sun's rays.
01:49This is what is called forward diffusion.
01:52This occurs when certain types of clouds appear during the South American fog in the middle of summer.
01:59During the summer, in the southern hemisphere, we are a little closer to the sun.
02:03And there is also less ozone in this part of the world.
02:06These two facts combined would explain why other high regions of the planet, like the Himalayas,
02:11do not benefit from a sunset as intense as that of this desert.
02:16Let's talk a little more about Venus.
02:18What effect would it have on being on the surface of this planet?
02:22The more we learn about this suffocating world, the less we want to imagine it.
02:28It is not at all a welcoming place, because it is a torrid heat, and the air there is very heavy.
02:33So heavy that it would crush you.
02:35But imagine a moment on Venus.
02:37The air there is thick and heavy, 93 times denser than the one we have on Earth.
02:43The air exerts a pressure on your body.
02:45Imagine a small car placed on the nail of your thumb.
02:48This is the feeling you would feel.
02:50Or imagine yourself very far below the surface of the ocean.
02:54The pressure there is extremely strong.
02:56But on Venus, it is as if all the pressure of the atmosphere crushed you and flattened you.
03:05What time is it on Venus?
03:07Super hot.
03:08Even if Mercury is closer to the sun.
03:11It is Venus that wins the palm of the hottest planet.
03:14The thick air of Venus is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, which acts as a cover.
03:20When the sun shines on Venus, the heat is trapped by this air cover.
03:25And the planet heats up a lot.
03:27The temperatures on Venus are close to 460 ° C.
03:31How to explore Venus without being removed or crushed?
03:34Well, there is no question of going there in person.
03:37Robots can handle it.
03:39But even robots had difficulties on Venus.
03:42Only a handful of them managed to reach its surface.
03:45And they only survived a few hours before being destroyed by extreme conditions.
03:50The good news is that we are finding ways to study Venus without putting anyone in danger.
03:55Future missions will allow to observe Venus from a certain distance.
03:59The new space machines will be able to see through the atmosphere without any problem.
04:04NASA has launched the Veritas mission.
04:08Its goal is to draw up detailed maps of Venus from its orbit.
04:12Which will give us a good overview of the planet.
04:16We have therefore examined the most arid desert on the planet.
04:19The Atacama Desert.
04:21It is therefore not surprising that this region is used as a test ground for space missions.
04:27But despite the aridity of this region, there is life there.
04:30It is the kingdom of flamingos and lagoons.
04:34There are salt marshes that extend over 12,000 square kilometers.
04:38And dive to a depth of 25 meters.
04:42It is a place of geysers, hot springs, volcanoes, llama herds and arid areas.
04:49Which have not experienced any rain for more than half a millennium.
04:54All this is 3 or 4 kilometers above sea level.
05:00What other species survive in the Atacama Desert?
05:03It is difficult to imagine that plants can thrive in such inhospitable conditions.
05:08However, there are all kinds.
05:11Take for example the Tillandsia Landbeckii.
05:15This plant challenges extreme climatic conditions.
05:18By extracting the moisture from the fog that comes from the coast nearby.
05:22This water can also serve as a sustainable source for humans.
05:26This plant does not have normal roots.
05:29Instead, it sinks into the sand with dead stems.
05:32And forms small structures similar to dunes.
05:36It draws moisture into the fog through its leaves.
05:39And its thin shoots that swell at contact with water.
05:43The nocturnal rose also provides it with water.
05:46Especially during the summer when the fog is rare.
05:49It is called the flower that lives in this place the vegetation of the Lomas.
05:55The presence of this vegetation in the Atacama Desert.
05:58Is limited to a narrow coastal area where there is regularly fog.
06:02Factors such as distance from the Pacific.
06:05The direction of the dominant winds and the topography.
06:08Limit the distribution of foggy ecosystems.
06:12The analysis of satellite data reveals.
06:14That the plants grow between 800 and 1250 meters above sea level.
06:19And up to 45 kilometers inside the land.
06:23They are mainly found in sandy plains.
06:25Along foggy corridors or on slopes.
06:28They measure about 0.5 meters high.
06:31And generally form a line.
06:33This clever alignment allows them to capture a lot of moisture.
06:37And all the nutrients they need.
06:39The arrangement of these cliffs depends on the amount of fog water they manage to capture.
06:45These robust plants are a bit of the magicians of the plant world.
06:49Their solution to survive in the desert.
06:51The Atacama Desert gives us many ideas to develop similar capture techniques.
06:55Water is a precious resource in places like Iquique.
06:59As well as in villages near the desert.
07:02In addition, the extraction of materials such as copper and lithium.
07:05Which allow our batteries to work.
07:07Needs a lot of water.
07:09In general, people draw drinking water in the basement.
07:13But these small plants make us a huge service.
07:16Thanks to them, we can map the places.
07:18This is the place where fog clouds are most likely to pass in sufficient quantities.
07:22Once determined the most suitable places.
07:25We just have to put our nets.
07:27Here is another region that will give you the impression of being on another planet.
07:31Pelican Point is located in Namibia.
07:34You may not know it.
07:36But it's a great place to surf.
07:39Every year, it only rains 0.8 centimeters.
07:43But it does not prevent surfers from enjoying the waves.
07:47The climate is quite unique.
07:49It is never too hot or too cold.
07:52This place benefits from a rather unusual dry climate.
07:55Because of the cold ocean currents close to the bay.
07:58The Skeleton Bay, also called Anne's Bay.
08:01Is an emblematic place for surf enthusiasts.
08:04The waves come to break on the sand.
08:06About 8 km northwest of Walvis Bay.
08:10A famous port city for its sand dunes and its mooring.
08:14Would you try the adventure?
