• last year
Meet the skilled craftspeople at Kaneshichi Shoten in Makurazaki, Japan, who meticulously create katsuobushi, also known as bonito flakes — a key ingredient in Japanese cuisine. Made from smoked and fermented tuna, bonito flakes give dashi broth its striking umami flavor. Following the traditional method, the craftspeople treat each step like an art form. Every fish is deboned by hand, smoked for nearly a month, and fermented in a room with Mozart playing in the background. The result is a high-quality product beloved by world-renowned chefs and restaurants like Nobu.
00:00Okay let's see. You guys ready? Oh look at that piece. So look at that beautiful piece
00:22of meat. This is T-bone, one of my favorite meats. This is the tenderloin
00:28which is a little corner of the beef tenderloin, delicious meat. And this is
00:33the stripe right here which also is delicious. So this part right here we're
00:37gonna make a tiradito and right here we're gonna do chaufa. So we are
00:43inspiring on this chelada which is piña. We have it right here but we're also
00:49gonna add some beautiful and delicious Peruvian flavor. This is aji amarillo, one
00:55of the most important chili pepper of Peruvian cuisine. A little touch hot but it's
01:01really delicious, fruity flavors. Okay so we're gonna start the process. We're
01:06gonna flip this piece of meat and we're gonna do the cut just right here on the
01:11bone. Okay that's why it's called T-bone because it's actually a T. This is the
01:18beautiful part which is gonna salt and pepper and we're gonna pan sear to make
01:23the tiradito. And right here let me show you guys okay. You can do this at home
01:29but please be careful right. Look at that. Two different flavors here, two
01:37different pieces of meat. So I always say seasoning is an art. Make sure you do
01:43this on top. Be generous with salt okay. Don't be don't be afraid guys.
01:47You get this valve right here full of flavors. Beautiful. So now black pepper.
01:54This is ready to pan sear. Very important we make sure it's really hot okay. The
02:02only way you're gonna know it's really hot you have to put your finger in. No just
02:05kidding. That's the way how you know it's hot. It's nice right. Come over here guys.
02:13This is what we want. We want it pan seared. Look at that beautiful color right here. You see
02:18that sear. That's what actually keep the meat juicy inside. Beautiful pan sear
02:23okay. So now you're gonna sear every single part of this meat. Okay now we're
02:31gonna do this. Look at that. We're gonna add some butter. These two pieces of garlic to bring some
02:42flavor. This is like French technique coming in here. It's gonna help us to sear
02:47properly and then we're gonna add some flavors okay. So I'm just gonna put the
02:51meat here. We're gonna let it rest. And now is where pineapples come. Look at that.
02:59Flavors here. So now look at this. Aji amarillo okay. Peruvian chili pepper.
03:05We're gonna add it okay. Now we're gonna deglaze okay. Check this out.
03:17Okay all the flavors come from the pan. We're gonna add this to our pan. Just a
03:23little bit to create that kind of glaze. Okay I'm gonna add some pepper. So now
03:34what I'm gonna do is just hold down this. We're gonna process it and we're gonna
03:39make the tiger meal. Okay so after you do the preparation you have to put some ice
03:48and we want to have it cold because tiger meal is synonymous of it's fresh
03:54right. So it has to be cold. When it's ready we're gonna proceed to do the tiger
03:58meal. We're gonna add our base here, the pineapple base. Okay straight to the
04:03blender. We cannot make tiger meal without this guys. Lime. Fresh lime.
04:10Leche de tigre is the base of ceviche. We got fresh celery right here.
04:16A little bit of celery. We're gonna half of garlic. Fresh garlic. Boom. Let me add a little bit of
04:23salsa flavor here. This is red habanero. Boom. I'm gonna add a little bit of salt. Okay so now we're
04:31gonna add some ginger. Take a little piece. Ginger is bringing freshness to the tiger
04:36meal. Then we do that. Then we do this. Let's go. So now let me use a little piece of cilantro.
04:48This is a, como se dice tallo? How do you say it? Stem. Look at that.
05:07Muy bueno. So this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna strain this sauce just to make sure we don't have any
05:16you know little pieces of maybe the ginger or cilantro or the garlic. But this is the texture we want guys.
05:22I'm gonna get my baby right here. Look at that beautiful Japanese knife. It's very important to have a good knife for this type of meat.
05:32Delicious guys. Listen, this part right here is gonna be the best one. You know why? Because you still have some of the fat.
05:41Alright. That's with the flavor. Look at that. This is what we want. One cut. Like a samurai.
05:53Okay. Save this. So now it's time to plate. The plating part is very important but we don't need to stress you know this.
06:02This is an appetizer so we're gonna do five bites. Ready? We're gonna add the sauce.
06:10We don't want to cover the meat. Okay? I like to think that people when they see the plate they will understand.
06:16They will know that it's a behind. It's a reason why we cook that way.
06:22And right here, in case you guys like spicy, I'm gonna put these little pieces of verdadero. Be careful. It's really hot.
06:30Then we're gonna add some olive. T-bone, tiradito, pineapple, and aji amarillo tiger meat.
06:48Next is gonna be the chaufa. So let's start with the bok choy. This part, the leaf. Okay? So we're gonna do some chifonade.
07:03Which is very easy. We're just gonna roll it up like that. And we're gonna cut.
07:10So the way how we cut this, we use these two fingers to protect and make like a barrier.
07:16Then with this finger, you hold the product. Right? So you can cut and then you can look what the other guy is doing.
07:22You can see from the window what the neighbor is doing.
07:27Same we're gonna do with the bok choy. Fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast.
07:31Just be careful. You don't want to leave the finger there. So now we're gonna do the same with the scallions.
07:36You can do the snow peas too, but this one I'm not gonna cut it too small. Okay?
07:39And then red bell pepper. So hot on fire.
07:45Stop guys.
07:48Palmito. This palmito, I'm just gonna put it fresh on top of the plate.
07:53Next step, we got the peas. Look, it looks like a filet mignon. I'm actually doing a little trick here.
07:58I just cover it with scallion. Just to keep it tight. Okay?
08:02And we're gonna do the same that we did before. Right? We're gonna make sure the piece of meat is perfectly seasoned with salt.
08:10Black pepper. Olive oil. Listen, listen.
08:13So now let's see. There we go.
08:18So beautiful. You can see the meat is perfect here.
08:22People who work with meat, they can feel the meat and know what temperature.
08:28Right now, for me, this is temperature.
08:30So I'm gonna put the meat on top of the scallion.
08:33And I'm gonna put the scallion on top of the meat.
08:36And I'm gonna put the scallion on top of the meat.
08:39You can feel the meat and know what temperature.
08:41Right now, for me, this is telling me it's medium rare.
08:44You see that? It's right here.
08:47And then a little bit of olive oil.
08:49We're gonna add a little bit of sesame oil.
08:52Sesame oil is a very particular, very unique flavor, right?
08:57And for me, it's a clear smell and flavor from Asian cuisine, right?
09:03So here's the mise en place.
09:06So we started with the ginger.
09:09Scallions here.
09:11The bok choy.
09:13All on top.
09:15Red bell pepper.
09:16This is the rice from yesterday, actually.
09:18Right here, we're gonna add one egg.
09:28Now we're gonna add some soy sauce.
09:33Oyster sauce a little bit.
09:37You guys remember the bok choy, the leaf?
09:43That's it.
09:45We're ready to go.
09:49So here we go.
09:51Filet mignon, which is actually not filet mignon.
09:55It's t-bone.
09:56That t-bone, believe me, is filet mignon.
09:58And like I told you guys, we have a rare meat right here.
10:02It's perfect.
10:03We're gonna plate.
10:05This is actually a rug.
10:07This is a Peruvian rug.
10:09This is a guy who made this beautiful plate handmade.
10:12We're gonna put our chauffeur right here.
10:18Beautiful flavors.
10:21Like I said, more vegetable than rice.
10:24We have these two beautiful pieces of meat.
10:26We're gonna put it right here.
10:29Showing the perfection of the plate.
10:31This right here is a demi-glace.
10:35But I say it's lomo saltado demi-glace.
10:38Lomo saltado is where you sear the meat with onions, soy sauce.
10:44Smells so good.
10:45Okay, so we have this fresh pineapple here.
10:49Olive oil.
10:50Aji amarillo, we are gonna use it one more time right here
10:53just to give it some kick.
10:55So now we're getting back to the chelada,
10:58and we're using pineapple, aji amarillo one more time,
11:03some black pepper,
11:05and then we're gonna bring this beautiful freshness to our chauffeur,
11:13which is making a nice combination,
11:15bringing sweet to the dish
11:19and a little spicy, too.
11:21So now,
11:23palmito encima,
11:25so like a micro salad on top of this dish.
11:36Then we're gonna,
11:37we're gonna top it with leaves.
11:39Ladies and gentlemen,
11:42this is our T-bone chauffeur
11:45with pineapple and the aji amarillo.
11:51Yeah, no, I'm actually very surprised
11:53how this T-bone was able to create these beautiful dishes.
11:57I'm very curious about the flavors of this chiladito.
12:01I'm gonna have the whole piece
12:03and make sure you get the sauce.
12:07I'm gonna close my eyes
12:10and I'm gonna feel this trip.
12:20You can get the fat,
12:21you can feel the saltiness,
12:22freshness inside.
12:27This is beautiful chauffeur.
12:30Very tender.
12:31Try the meat first.
12:40The combination,
12:41the flavors,
12:42and then the pineapple.
12:44This is a nice combination.
12:46I didn't think it's gonna be made.
12:48It's delicious, guys.


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