• last year


00:00Last stop for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
00:21in the story of the rescue mission.
00:26The Space Force Operations Building on Earth is the control center for all space traffic.
00:31Jupiter 7, you are clear for blastoff.
00:34This is Saturn 4-5 requesting automatic entry program. Over.
00:38Mars 173, your trajectory is good. Cut power in 15 space units.
00:43Mayday! Mayday! This is Survey 2 calling all stations.
00:47We have been hit by micrometeorites. Control out. Power out. Over.
00:52Lieutenant, we have a mayday from Survey 2 on the interstellar frequency.
00:56Get to position. I'll notify Master Control.
00:59Survey 2, this is Earth Control. Give us your position. Over.
01:03Master Control, we have a mayday on interstellar channel 3-7.
01:07Right, Lieutenant. Give me 3-7.
01:09Earth Control, this is Survey 2. We are in sector 7, subsection 3-9-0, orbiting Prometheus at 18,000. Over.
01:18Give me sector 7 on the astro chart.
01:20There they are. They're awfully near the surface.
01:23Survey 2, this is Master Control.
01:25We have you targeted. We'll dispatch rescue ship immediately.
01:28Keep us advised of your condition and location. Over.
01:31Roger. We'll comply and thanks. Out here.
01:35There doesn't seem to be any ships in the immediate area of Prometheus.
01:38No, sir. I guess the Space Force station orbiting Pluto is the closest.
01:43That's about 25,000 astroleagues away from them.
01:45Good. Tell them to dispatch two ships immediately and notify the Chief.
01:50Just below in the Chief's office, Scott and Torres go over the flight test plans for the new dart.
01:55All the wind tunnel and vacuum chamber tests checked out, eh?
01:58That's right, Chief. We're ready for actual flight check.
02:05Pardon me, Chief. We have a mayday from the Prometheus area.
02:08We've dispatched two Space Force ships from the Pluto wing.
02:11Yeah, that must be the Survey ship. We'll be right up.
02:15You can see on the astro chart the ships from Pluto are on the way.
02:19Good. Good. They sure are moving fast.
02:22Survey 2, this is Pluto 4. We have you on our scope.
02:26We'll arrive area destination at 12 space periods. Over.
02:31Pluto 4? Well, that's only a local recon ship designed for Pluto environment.
02:35Major Todd to Pluto 4. What happened to the regular Space Force?
02:39Come in, Pluto 4.
02:41They're all off the base. We're going out to do what we can.
02:44There are two of us, sir.
02:48This is Survey 2. We're losing orbital velocity. We're falling into Prometheus.
02:53Are you tracking us?
02:55Major, tell them to eject as soon as they register atmosphere environment.
02:59Master Control to Survey 2. Advise you eject at buoyancy level. Please acknowledge.
03:04We read you, Major. Will do. Acceleration 2 G's. Approaching ejection level.
03:11We'll contact you later by relay. I hope. Out here.
03:26The light's out. They're down.
03:29I hope they ejected in time.
03:31Even if they did, they can't last very long on that planet.
03:34Its atmosphere is poisonous gas, and the gravity is almost six times that of Earth.
03:39How about the Pluto ships? They'll be there in a few minutes.
03:43They'll be of little use on that planet. They haven't the escape velocity to get off.
03:48Pluto 4 to Master Control. We are in the area last reported by Survey 2.
03:53Pluto 4, this is Master Control. See if you can spot the capsule.
03:57It should be in Section 12, but don't get in too close. You haven't the power to sustain an orbit.
04:02If you get closer than two astro-leagues, you'll fall in.
04:05Roger, Master Control. We are 2.5 astro-leagues out and starting search.
04:11Now that's a mean-looking planet. Seems to have a heavy gaseous atmosphere.
04:17The terrain is really rugged. Hey, I've spotted them.
04:20The capsule seems to be intact, but we are not getting any signals from them.
04:25It's possible their signal isn't getting through the heavy atmosphere.
04:28If we could get in a little closer, we might be able to pick it up.
04:32That is, if they're alive.
04:34No, Pluto 4. Don't chance it. Even if they are, there's nothing you can do to help them.
04:40Professor Mace on the Evening Star calling for the Chief.
04:43Put him through.
04:44I just heard that Survey 2 is down.
04:47That's right, Professor.
04:49Chief, Scott, crystals on that ship.
04:53Oh, no. Crystal is one of the crew on Survey 2.
04:57How can they survive on the desolate planet Prometheus?
05:00Don't miss the next exciting episode with Scott McCloud, Space Angel.
05:07Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel, in the story of the rescue mission.
05:19Last time, a Mayday call was received from the rocket ship Survey 2.
05:23It's a good sign.
05:24It's a good sign.
05:25It's a good sign.
05:26It's a good sign.
05:27It's a good sign.
05:28It's a good sign.
05:29It's a good sign.
05:30It's a good sign.
05:31It's a good sign.
05:32It's a good sign.
05:33It's a good sign.
05:34A call was received from the rocket ship Survey 2.
05:36The ship was orbiting the planet Prometheus with its controls out and power out.
05:41The crew had to eject and land on the desolate, uninhabited planet.
05:45Professor Mace had just informed them that Crystal was on that ship.
05:49That's right, Chief.
05:51Survey 2 was launched from the Evening Star.
05:54Professor, I thought she was on the Evening Star with you.
05:58Survey 2's regular navigator wasn't feeling well, and Crystal asked to take his place.
06:03Who else was on that ship?
06:05Captain Rogers and Flight Engineer Bentley.
06:07We'll get back to you, Professor Mace.
06:09Pluto 4 is reporting on them now.
06:11You can tune in interstellar frequency and get the reports.
06:14Master Control, this is Pluto 4.
06:17We are getting a signal from them.
06:19They are all alive.
06:20Landing not too severe.
06:22Environment registers 20 atmospheres.
06:25Oxygen content negligible.
06:27Mostly heavy gases.
06:29Get the exact gravity reading.
06:31Pluto 4, can you give us an exact gravity reading?
06:34Roger, Master Control.
06:36Gravity reads 5.5 Gs.
06:41Five and a half times that of Earth.
06:43How about a Jupiter ship?
06:45Their escape velocity is great enough, and a ship could be there in 30 space periods.
06:50It wouldn't work, Taurus.
06:52Remember, they need additional boosters to get off Jupiter, and there are no boosters on Prometheus.
06:59DART 2 could get in and out of there.
07:02We have 10 million pounds of thrust and very little weight.
07:05There are lots of holes in that plan.
07:07The DART 2 hasn't been flight tested yet.
07:10Even if you got there in 50 space periods, you could only bring out one at a time.
07:14You'd never make it.
07:16And if the DART didn't work, we'd lose another man.
07:18A Jupiter ship could drop the oxygen they need.
07:21That would give us the extra time.
07:23Might work.
07:25They'd have to drop in a man in a motorized suit to hook it up.
07:28Remember, gravity's so strong, the crew can hardly move.
07:31Space Force from Neptune can do that.
07:34Aye, O'Hara's out there.
07:36He's the man for you.
07:38How about it, Chief?
07:42This is the Chief.
07:43Yes, sir.
07:44Call out DART 2 and load it on the Starduster, ready for testing.
07:59Starduster to Control.
08:01Dispensing countdown.
08:03Clear me for blast-off.
08:05Roger, Starduster.
08:06You are clear for immediate blast-off.
08:08Here we go, Taurus.
08:10All set, Skipper.
08:12Blast away!
08:14Starduster to Master Control.
08:16We're off and tracking.
08:34Almost at the same time the Starduster breaks into space,
08:38a needle-like ship with a great booster blasts off from Jupiter.
08:49In their bomb bay, they carry the life-giving oxygen for the downed space crew on Prometheus.
08:55And from a space station orbiting Neptune,
08:58a Space Force ship blasts off for the same destination.
09:02In its bomb bay, it carries a man in a motorized space suit ready for the drop.
09:06Master Control, this is Space Force 7.
09:09We are off and tracking.
09:10Roger, Space Force 7.
09:12We're tracking you.
09:13Control to Pluto 4.
09:15Relay message to Survey 2.
09:17Oxygen drop and rescue ships en route.
09:19ETA 40 space periods.
09:21Please acknowledge.
09:22Roger, Master Control.
09:24We'll relay message.
09:25They'll be mighty happy to hear it.
09:27Professor Mace on the evening star again.
09:30Chief, I've been observing the planet Prometheus.
09:33Yes, Professor.
09:34There's a meteor cloud in orbit around that planet.
09:37That's what hit Survey 2.
09:39What's its orbit type?
09:41It comes around every four space periods.
09:43Pluto 2 has been there almost that long now.
09:46Thanks, Professor.
09:48Tell Pluto 4 to get out of there.
09:51Master Control to Pluto 4.
09:54Master Control to Pluto 4.
09:56Come in, Pluto 4.
09:58There's a meteor shower due at any minute.
10:00Come in, Pluto 4.
10:02They're fading out.
10:04Come in, Pluto 4.
10:06Come in, Pluto 4.
10:08A meteor shower.
10:10Did the message get through to Pluto 4?
10:12Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angels.
10:23Last stop for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
10:38in the story of The Rescue Mission.
10:42Last time, Crystal and the crew of the Survey 2 ejected and landed on Prometheus.
10:47They had precious little oxygen and could hardly move
10:51which was five and a half times that of Earth's.
10:54Scott McCloud's new ship, the untested Dark 2,
10:57was the only ship powerful enough to escape from this gravity.
11:00Scott and Taurus blasted off in the Starduster with the Dark 2 aboard.
11:04Another ship blasted off from Jupiter with oxygen for the survivors.
11:08And still another ship blasted off from Neptune with Captain O'Hara aboard in a motorized space suit.
11:14Master Control to Pluto 4. Come in, please.
11:17Control's out.
11:19Transmitter's gone. No use fighting it, Vic. We're ejecting.
11:22Let's go.
11:26Pluto 5 calling Master Control.
11:28Orbiting meteor storm directly below us.
11:31Pluto 4 is out and falling.
11:33I repeat, meteor storm orbiting below us.
11:36Pluto 4 is out and falling.
11:39Crew has ejected.
11:41I read you, Pluto. Can you accomplish pickup? Over.
11:44Shouldn't have any trouble.
11:46Meteor storm is tailing out.
11:48Good. Then return to your base.
11:50The other rescue units will take it from there.
11:52Okay, Chief. Out here.
11:54Major, alert the rescue units on that orbiting meteorite storm.
11:58They're to check it out with Professor Mace.
12:01Will do, Chief.
12:02All units moving in on schedule, Chief.
12:04Let's hope this works.
12:06We get the message, Professor. We are approaching target now.
12:10The meteor cloud is in elliptical orbit.
12:13It will sweep through target sector again in four periods.
12:17We have just time to make the drop.
12:19Going into orbit. Out here.
12:28Space Force 7 calling Survey 2.
12:30We are on search. Give us a signal.
12:33I repeat, we are on search.
12:35Give us a signal. Give us a signal.
12:38Survey 2 to Space Force 7.
12:42We're sure glad you're here.
12:45Hey, how are you doing down there?
12:47Oh, could be better.
12:49Oxygen low and we can hardly move in this gravity.
12:55Well, hang on. Someone will be down soon to give you a hand.
12:59You better hurry.
13:01The other two are out, I think.
13:05Here's our signal.
13:08Got a fix on them. Correcting angle of approach.
13:11All set, O'Hara?
13:13All set, Mac. As ready as I'll ever be.
13:16Let's lay this egg and hope it hatches.
13:20Target coming up. Standby for retro.
13:25On target. Standby for drop in five seconds.
13:29Four, three, two, drop.
13:44So far, so good. Coming in right on target.
13:57Landing okay, Mac. Better check on that oxygen freighter.
14:01Will do, O'Hara. Out here.
14:05Landing okay, Mac. Better check on that oxygen freighter.
14:09Will do, O'Hara. Out here.
14:11Space Force 7 calling Jupiter Big Shot.
14:14Space Force 7, this is Big Shot. Over.
14:17Man drop successful. You're next. Please give us your ETA.
14:21Approaching target at full acceleration. ETA five periods.
14:26That'll be a tight schedule. Meteor cloud due here in six periods.
14:30Meteor cloud due here in six periods. Better. Hold it.
14:34Come in, O'Hara. What's up? Situation desperate down here.
14:37Can't arouse anyone. Oxygen rating nil.
14:41Jupiter Big Shot due in five periods. Coming in under full power.
14:44That'll be too late. I'll hook in my spare tank.
14:47What'll you do for oxygen, O'Hara?
14:49Well, if I run out, I'll hold my breath. Out here.
14:55Space Force 7 to Jupiter Big Shot.
14:57Come in, Space Force.
14:59Situation desperate down below. Make ready to drop oxygen on orbit approach.
15:02Zero in on survey two signal.
15:04Okay, okay, Space Force. Will do.
15:08Will the Jupiter ship be able to drop the oxygen in time?
15:11Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angels.
15:30Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud,
15:35Space Angel, in the story of the rescue mission.
15:41You remember last time the rescue units made contact with Crystal
15:45and the crew of the survey two downed on the hostile planet Prometheus.
15:49Captain O'Hara in a motorized space suit, which enabled him to move in the heavy gravity,
15:54was dropped from the Space Force ship.
15:56The situation was desperate.
15:58O'Hara hooked up his spare oxygen tank,
16:00and Jupiter Big Shot made ready to drop the precious life-giving oxygen
16:04in a race against the meteor shower, which was due at any moment.
16:08We'll only have time for one pass before that meteor shower comes.
16:12We'll skip into the atmosphere and make the drop.
16:14Good luck, Big Shot. See you topside.
16:18Here it comes, O'Hara, right on your tin head.
16:21Chutes set to open at 10,000 feet.
16:28Here they come. Hmm, I can taste that oxygen already.
16:42Oh, no! The entry friction exploded the tanks.
16:46Space Force 7, what's going on out there? Was the drop good?
16:50Space Force 7 to Master Control. Negative, Chief.
16:53The tanks exploded in the heavy atmosphere.
16:55How about Big Shot?
16:56He's here and okay.
16:57Roger, Master Control. Soon as we cool off, we'll try another drop.
17:02We will go in slower and lower.
17:04Do you have time?
17:05That asteroid cloud is due again any minute.
17:07We'll have to. O'Hara says situation desperate.
17:10Okay, Big Shot. The decision is yours.
17:13Roger, Master Control. Starting run.
17:17Stand by for drop.
17:25Come on, Chutes. Open.
17:36Oh, the drop's good.
17:39Oh, the drop's good. It won't be long now, Chutes.
17:42We'll get the tanks and be right back.
17:44Thank goodness.
17:46Best news I've ever heard.
17:51Beautiful drop. Thanks, Big Shot.
17:54Don't mention it, O'Hara. It's a pleasure to give you the air.
17:58Come on, Big Shot. Asteroid cloud coming up fast.
18:01We're moving upstairs till it blows over.
18:04Can't miss the asteroid cloud, though.
18:06We'll just have to plow through it and hope the shielding holds.
18:09So far, so good.
18:11Just like flying through a hailstorm, breaking through.
18:15No damage to ship.
18:18Good shoe, Big Shot. That's no small feat.
18:21We'll have to do it again.
18:23We'll have to do it again.
18:25We'll have to do it again.
18:27We'll have to do it again.
18:29We'll have to do it again.
18:31Good shoe, Big Shot. That's no spaceship. That's a bulldozer.
18:35How's O'Hara doing down below?
18:37This baby should solve our breathing problems for quite a spin.
18:41Just in time. The oxygen reading is down to zero.
18:45I know. There you are. All the comforts of home.
18:49Thanks, O'Hara.
18:51When we get out of here, remind us we owe you a party.
18:54Pinned down by five and a half Gs isn't much fun.
18:59I'll be glad when this is over.
19:02Hey, upstairs. Hookup's made.
19:05Now all we need is our taxi.
19:07Great, O'Hara. I'll see if I can get an ETA on the Starduster.
19:11Master Control, this is Space Force Seven. Over.
19:14Go ahead, Space Force Seven.
19:16Was the drop successful?
19:18Roger, Master Control. Drop successful. Survey crew okay.
19:22When is the Starduster due here? Over.
19:24Starduster is due in one space period.
19:27Contact them direct on this channel.
19:29Roger, Master Control. Out here.
19:31Starduster, this is Space Force Seven.
19:34Space Force Seven, this is the Starduster.
19:37We've been monitoring you at big shot.
19:39Well done on your operation.
19:41We'll be in your area in one space period.
19:43Great, Scott. I guess it's up to you from here on. Out here.
19:47We ought to have them all safe aboard in another two space periods.
19:51I hope so, Taurus.
19:53If DART 2 hangs together.
19:56Remember, she's never been flight tested.
20:00A flight test that means life or death to those trapped on the hostile planet.
20:05Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angels.
20:24Blast off on another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud,
20:29Space Angel, in the story of The Rescue Mission.
20:35Last time, O'Hara hooked up the oxygen tanks dropped by the Jupiter ship
20:39to the escape capsule where Crystal and the crew lay unconscious.
20:43Scott and Taurus, meanwhile, readied the new DART
20:46in an attempt to pick them up from the heavy planet.
20:49Space Force Seven and Big Shot, we're approaching rendezvous area.
20:59How are conditions down below, Mac?
21:01Just talked to O'Hara. Crew's okay.
21:03He's hooked up the oxygen that Big Shot dropped.
21:05Big Shot, what was your entry speed?
21:08I had to maintain about 8,400 to keep from falling in, Scott.
21:12But it was mighty hot, even with our shielding.
21:14Coming out, we had everything open but the toolbox and just barely made it.
21:19Hope your landing ship has plenty of power.
21:22I, uh, I think it has. We'll find out soon.
21:26Okay, Taurus, take the controls and stand by to launch the DART.
21:32All set, Taurus. Pre-flight check out, okay?
21:36Aye, Skipper.
21:37Lower away.
21:38Good luck, Skipper.
21:57How's she handle, Skipper?
21:58Just great so far, Taurus.
22:00This is probably the toughest flight test the ship ever had.
22:04Coming in, O'Hara. What's the condition of the surface?
22:07You're doing fine, Scott. It's straight for the sphere.
22:25This gravity is really something.
22:29I see you've got a package for me, O'Hara.
22:32Ah, that I have. And a pretty one, too.
22:35But she's sure heavy. Guess she ought to go on a diet.
22:39O'Hara, after what you've done, you could say anything about me you like.
22:46And I wouldn't get mad at you.
22:48Well, now, if this little ship has enough power to get us all out of here,
22:53we'll just hold you to that bargain, Chris.
22:55Be back soon, O'Hara.
22:57All right. You've still got two more packages, you know.
23:00And me. Don't forget me.
23:01Can we make it, Scott?
23:03We'll soon find out, Chris. Hang on.
23:11Hey, anybody upstairs?
23:13The darts disappeared in the overcast.
23:15Can you see them from up there?
23:17O'Hara, this is Torres. I can't see them.
23:20You sure they didn't burn?
23:21You don't know, Torres. The ship was awful hot.
23:24I see them. I see them.
23:26They just broke through.
23:27Dark to starduster. Stand by for pickup.
23:30Aye, aye, skipper. Have you got Chris?
23:33She's fine. I see Chris. Chris?
23:35Oh, yes. I was just enjoying being able to move again.
23:39Bombay open. Stand by for hookup.
23:46Three more times, the Dart 2 proves its capability
23:49as it returns through the poisonous atmosphere
23:51where O'Hara, in his motorized suit, loads the precious cargo.
23:55And the Dart again struggles against the heavy gravity
23:57into space where the starduster waits.
23:59And finally, the big Irishman himself is picked up
24:02and carried into the safety of space and the starduster.
24:06Master Control, this is the starduster.
24:09Go ahead, Scott.
24:10Rescue mission completed, Chief.
24:12Survey's crew are all okay.
24:15Notify Professor Mace, will you?
24:17Right, Scott.
24:18Starduster, big shot in Space Force 7, return to base.
24:22All right, Chief.
24:23All right, Chief.
24:24Starduster returning to base.
24:26Big shot returning to Jupiter.
24:28Space Force 7 returning to Neptune.
24:36Oh, come on now, Taurus. Get me out of here.
24:39What's the matter, O'Hara?
24:41You've got motors. Get yourself out.
24:44Well, my batteries are dead.
24:46I think we ought to leave him in there, Taurus.
24:48No, Crystal.
24:49You promised to be good if we got you off that planet.
24:52Aye, Chris.
24:53Maybe when we get back to the base, we can find him a can opener.
25:02And so ends the story of The Rescue Mission.
25:05Don't miss the next exciting adventure of Space Angel.