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00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
00:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
01:00On the first day of the world, the world was full of filthy creatures.
01:04These disgusting, repulsive giants, called titans.
01:09It was a real kick.
01:11We didn't know what to expect.
01:14The whole world trembled under a real fire, a fire of hell.
01:18Little cat!
01:19They were suddenly on a boat.
01:20We believed in a nuclear.
01:22It could have been a stunner, a stunner.
01:24Robert, don't imitate this, it's clear.
01:26To hell!
01:28It could have been a stunner.
01:30It could have been a stunner.
01:33Everyone made a plan.
01:35Go ahead, my lady.
01:36All this, so every creature, even if it's hard, is immature.
01:40It's a real stunner.
01:42All the time, we stole their pleasure, so that they could be cured.
01:47Even if they're just murmuring, it's a real stunner.
01:59Hey, yeah, yeah.
02:02Hey, hey, hey, hey.
02:05Hey, yeah, yeah.
02:28Be wise, my angel.
02:32Look at him.
02:34How cute.
02:38Oh, he's strong, like his father.
02:42Oh, excuse me.
02:43Careful, hot wind.
02:44Excuse me.
02:45Lower your guard.
02:46Oh, Ernest.
02:47They are splendid.
02:48Yes, I asked Orpheus to make the composition.
02:50He will send you the note.
02:52Fabulous reception.
02:53I had never seen so much love since Narcissus had discovered himself.
02:58Very dear, don't let him play with these things.
03:00Oh, he won't hurt himself.
03:02Let him have fun.
03:07No, no, no.
03:11On behalf of my son, I want to thank you all for this magnificent gift.
03:16And our gift, my dear?
03:17Let me think.
03:18Let's see.
03:19Yes, a drop of Sirius,
03:21a tear of Nacostratus,
03:23and a cloud of Cumulus.
03:29His name is Pegasus,
03:32and he is for you, my son.
03:38Thank you.
03:44Be careful.
03:45He is too cute.
03:50My boy.
03:52My little one.
03:53My poor Hercules.
03:55How tender.
03:57I have never been so...
03:59Isn't it obvious?
04:00Since the day I had this piece of foam stuck in my throat.
04:03What is it?
04:04Is it a public or a mosaic?
04:05Oh, how are you?
04:06Very elegant, my dear.
04:07So, Hades, finally out of your hole?
04:09How are you in the other world?
04:11Very, very, very well.
04:12Slightly black, a little dark, as always.
04:14Dead everywhere, it's life.
04:15Oh, here it is, my little thunderbolt.
04:17How strange.
04:18Here, have a sausage for the nice snack.
04:20It's good.
04:25He is vigorous, the moron.
04:26Come on, Hades, don't be so deadly.
04:28Join the ceremony.
04:30I would like to, Grandpa.
04:31But unlike you, God, who is an Olympic laziness,
04:34I deplore him.
04:35A little job, as long as you don't forget me so kindly.
04:39So, I would like my little cabbage.
04:41Take the time to live.
04:42You're going to kill yourself at work.
04:45To kill yourself at work.
04:48I'm sick of living.
04:50And if only it were true.
04:52If there is a god that should not make smoke of anger,
04:55it is Hades, because he has a demonic design.
04:58He is the god of hell.
05:01With the dead, the dull and the perverts.
05:04It's just a wound, it burns.
05:07It's pure gospel.
05:10He throws monsters to beat.
05:13It's pure gospel.
05:27I come, your Luke Brunois sister.
05:33Sorry, it's okay, it's okay.
05:43We are your happiness.
05:45Well, well, well.
05:46Let me know as soon as the Moors arrive.
05:48No, they are here.
05:50The Moors are here and you didn't say it?
05:53We are tears.
05:55Poor tears.
05:57Don't forget to remind me to spray you after my appointment.
06:02Honey, hold this deadly trap of life firmly.
06:20I'm sorry to be late.
06:22But we knew it.
06:23We know everything.
06:27It's time.
06:28The WC will change the face of the world.
06:31Anyway, it's very expensive.
06:32I was at this ceremony and I lost the notion.
06:33We know it.
06:34I know.
06:35You know.
06:36So, here's the deal.
06:38Mr. Almighty.
06:39Mr. Aeminus Tirpoet Montubinus.
06:40Just inherited from a little baby.
06:42We know it.
06:43I know.
06:44You know.
06:45We know.
06:46Okay, I chose the concept.
06:47So, just a question.
06:48Could this loop put my control in danger?
06:50What do you think?
06:53You know, we are not used to revealing the future.
06:57I'm sorry.
06:58Wait a minute.
06:59Can I ask you a question?
07:00Would you like to cut your hair or something?
07:01But I can't.
07:02You're fabulous.
07:03I mean, you look even more cadaverous than a natural.
07:05But it's disgusting.
07:06I don't like it.
07:07I don't like it.
07:09Ladies, please.
07:11My destiny is now in your beautiful hands.
07:18In 18 years.
07:22The planets will be in perfect alignment.
07:26It rhymes.
07:27Finally, the time will come.
07:29We will free the titans.
07:31These disgusting monsters.
07:33Well, well.
07:34Then Zeus the Proud will win.
07:38And you, Hades, you will reign.
07:43Yeah, Hades, I'm the best.
07:45A little warning to this story.
07:48Don't lose hope.
07:50Win the victory.
07:57Okay, okay.
07:58There's no fire.
08:03I have a little riddle for you.
08:04How does a god die?
08:06I know.
08:07I know.
08:08We can't.
08:09He's immortal.
08:11He's immortal.
08:12So, first you have to make the little lightning strike.
11:15The only Liga
11:21Merci movies cos a de via penelope se foule a la chouiche a bien cru qu'on arrive ray paul boo
11:25Pas de problème pas ne décharge pas encore je dois d'abord faire affaire avec fidez
11:32Dez a l'air penelope seulement hercule je t'en supplie reste d'accord reste prêt de la charrette
11:39de la beau petit
11:48Merci beaucoup pas de problème quoi c'est toi c'est toi hercule attend laisse-moi t'aider
11:55Je m'en tire tout seul tu peux t'en aller t'es sûr oh oui absolument
12:03On va par ici et je peux jouer moi aussi
12:08Désolé herc
12:10Nous sommes déjà cinq et nous voulons une équipe avec un nombre père et attendez une seconde cinq ce n'est pas un nombre
13:10T'as gagné hercule nul
13:15Cette fois-ci je n'ai pas enfant en fitriol
13:20Il ya trop d'enjeux pour vivre avec des gens normaux
13:23Il ne vous veut aucun mal ce n'est qu'un enfant qui ne sait contrôler sa force
13:29je te préviens il faut absolument que ce
13:32crétin disparaissent
13:47tu ne devrais pas prendre trop à coeur les moqueries de ces gens mais pas et aux raisons je suis un crétin et j'essaie
13:52de m'intégrer et je te le jure
13:53je ne peux pas
13:56il ya des moments où j'ai le sentiment que ce pays n'est pas le mien et que
14:01je devrais aller vivre
14:03quelque part ailleurs
14:06Fils je sais que ça n'a aucun sens
14:10Je suis un crétin
14:16J'ai souvent rêvé d'un lointain pays
14:21où tous les gens m'aimeraient comme le plus précieux des amis
14:25mille échos de leur joie
14:27montent à l'infini
14:29et leur voix chantent en moi tu es né pour cette vie
14:34Je prends le chemin
14:36de mon rêve d'enfance
14:38Faire des lendemains
14:40au glorieux destin parmi les étoiles je cherche idéal
14:47Ce monde auquel j'appartiens qui est encore
14:53Bien loin
14:59Hercule il y a quelque chose que ta mère et moi depuis bien longtemps voulions t'avouer mais si vous m'avez trouvé
15:06Alors d'où est-ce que je venais pourquoi m'a-t-on abandonné ceci était autour de ton cou quand nous t'avons trouvé
15:15C'est le symbole des dieux oui c'est ça vous voyez peut-être bien qu'ils ont la réponse et j'irai au temple de ce c'est
15:23Maman papa vous êtes les meilleurs parents qu'un fils puisse avoir mais je dois être sûr
15:35C'est un beau matin pour saisir cette chance qui m'emmène au loin vers d'autres destins afin qu'en chemin je découvre enfin ce que mon coeur cherche en va, le monde qui est le bien
16:20Puissant jus s'il te plaît
16:23entend moi exhaust ma prière j'ai besoin de savoir
16:27qui je suis à quel monde j'appartiens
16:40Mon petit mon gentil hercule
16:46Attends gamin pourquoi cours-tu après toutes ces années et j'ai une façon de saluer ton cher père
16:52Mon père tu ignorais que tu avais un père célèbre pas vrai surprise
16:58Ce que tu as grandi tu as les yeux de ta mère c'est magnifique et mon menton volontaire
17:05Je comprends pas et si vous êtes mon père
17:08alors ça fait de moi un dieu oui un dieu un dieu
17:13Tu voulais une réponse et mille tonnerre tu es assez grand maintenant pour connaître la vérité
17:17Pourquoi m'avoir laissé sur terre vous ne vouliez pas bien sûr que nous voulions de toi ta mère et moi t'aimions de toute notre âme
17:23Mais quelqu'un un jour t'a enlevé t'a rendu mortel seul les dieux peuvent vivre sur l'Olympe
17:29Et vous ne pouvez rien y faire moi non mon petit mais toi tu peux c'est vrai
17:33Mais quoi qu'est-ce que je peux faire
17:35Si tu arrives à prouver que tu peux être un vrai héros sur terre tu redeviendras un dieu un vrai héros et génial
17:41Mais comment deviens-tu un vrai héros d'abord tu devras trouver philoctet l'entraîneur des vrais héros
17:52Mais j'y pense
17:58Tu ne te souviens probablement plus de pegas et pourtant vous connaissez depuis longtemps
18:09Vegas c'est un magnifique cheval mais qui a une cervelle d'oiseau
18:15Je trouverai philoctet et deviendra un vrai héros tu es sur la bonne voie père vous ne serez pas déçu
18:22Bonne chance mon fils
18:28Je tiendrai la distance
18:30Je braverai la mort
18:32Je serai fier et fort au bout du chemin
18:34Maintenant ma récompense
18:36Au pays des héros qui demain
18:38Se balader
19:02Tu es sur qu'on est au bon endroit
19:22Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe mon mignon tu es coincé
19:24Hey balais pas de blanc bec
19:26Hey les filles arrêtez arrêtez vous
19:28Renez renez renez
19:34C'est naf
19:36Elles sont complètement folles de moi
19:38Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe
19:40T'as jamais vu de satire ma poule
19:42Euh non
19:44Est-ce que tu peux m'aider
19:46Nous cherchons un dénommé philoctet
19:48Appelle-moi Phil
19:52Oh mince que je suis heureux de te rencontrer
19:54Je m'appelle Hercule
19:56Et lui c'est Pegas
19:58Les bestioles c'est dégoûtant
20:00Désolé petit je peux rien pour toi
20:02Hey attends
20:06Deux mots je suis à la retraite
20:08Ecoute c'est très important
20:10N'as-tu jamais eu de rêve
20:12Quelque chose que tu veux tellement que ça te rend dingue
20:16Petit viens par ici
20:18Je vais te montrer quelque chose
20:26Fais gaffe ça appartenait au mag Largos
20:28Le Argon
20:30Avec qui crois-tu que j'ai appris à naviguer
20:34J'ai entraîné tous ces pseudo-héros
20:36Odyssée, Persée, Thésée
20:38Tout un tas de ces
20:40Et il n'y a pas un seul de ces ploucs qui ne se soit dégonflé, rétamé, ramassé
20:42Ils ont tous été distancés
20:44Alors arriva Achille
20:46Ça c'était un gars qui avait tout pour lui
20:48La force, la vitesse
20:50Il savait cogner, il savait encaisser
20:52Il savait comment balancer un crochet
20:54Mais cette foutue cochonnerie de talons
20:56Il soufflerait un jour et boum
20:58C'est de l'histoire ancienne
21:00Oui j'ai fait un grand rêve une fois
21:02J'ai rêvé que j'allais entraîner le plus grand héros que la terre ait connu
21:04Si grand que les dieux accrocheraient son image dans les étoiles
21:08Tout en haut du ciel
21:10Et tous les gens diraient
21:12C'est plein de films
21:14C'est ça
21:16Ah mais ces rêves sont pour la blousaille
21:18Je n'ai plus envie de subir toutes ces déceptions
21:20Mais je suis différent de tous ces autres gars Phil
21:22Je peux tenir la distance
21:24Regarde ça
21:28Au nom d'un bourg
21:30C'est vrai peut-être que...
21:32Tire-toi de la vieille bique
21:34Je ne suis pas client pour autre monde du service
21:36Mais si je ne deviens pas un vrai héros, je ne pourrai jamais rejoindre mon père Zeus
21:38A t'en voir
21:40Zeus est ton père, c'est ça ?
21:42Zeus la montagne
21:44Ton bon poney
21:46Monsieur crache la foudre, raconte-moi une histoire mon petit papa
21:48Zeus il était une fois
21:50Si je t'assure
21:52C'est à moi
21:54Comme ça tu voudrais être un héros petit
21:56Bout petit doux
21:58Laisse tomber, j'ai fait le tour de la question
22:00Ça ne vaut pas le coup
22:02Je n'ai eu que des déceptions qui font mal
22:04J'ai perdu toute illusion
22:06Même quand un fils de Dieu
22:08Un peu trop ambitieux
22:10Me demande encore de replonger
22:12Je ne dirai que deux mots
22:18Ça veut dire que tu manges
22:20Tu ne vas pas le regretter Phil
22:22On ne commence pas, on ne peut pas commencer maintenant
22:24Quel calvaire
22:26J'ai toujours rêvé de trouver un champion du monde
22:28Et pas une cloche qui se fait sonner
22:30Par le gong
22:32Un gagnant de trophée
22:34Pas un catastrophé
22:36J'ai bien cru triompher
22:38Mais non, j'ai mis de la blousaille
22:40Je n'ai plus le moral du vainqueur
22:42La nuit bas gareur
22:44J'ai coupé les ponts, je préfère tondre mon gazon
22:46Il te faut un manager
22:48Un bon marchandiseur
22:50Ça tire super viseur
22:52Et ouah!
22:54C'est encore mon ulseur
22:56Il me reste un espoir, cet espoir
22:58C'est toi
23:00Bien que tu ne sois pas encore prêt pour l'Olympia
23:02J'ai vu tant de tocards
23:04Tomber dans les choux
23:06T'es mon seul espoir, ne rate pas ton coup
23:08Règle numéro six
23:10Quand tu secoures une damoiselle
23:12Ne secoue pas pour la belle
23:14And you're number 95, girl!
23:18And you're number 96!
23:22When the gods are braving the skies
23:24All the girls are chatting
23:26Don't believe the flattery
23:28That you read on the potteries
23:30To shape a true hero
23:32Is a dead-end art
23:34Like wanting to paint a painting
23:36It requires the heart
23:38A karate-kid
23:40Would become a kai
23:42Would become a kai
23:44It would be a tailor-made painting
23:46Yeah, it's starting to come!
23:48It's my last advice
23:50Last shot
23:52Your heart
23:54Before hell takes me away
23:56And misery
23:58Mustn't let me fail
24:00Use your jaws well
24:02Go into battle
24:04And unify victory
24:06My last hope
24:08Because this hope
24:15Did you see that?
24:17Next stop, Lollapalooza!
24:19Right, but...
24:20Go easy, champ!
24:21I'm ready!
24:22I've got to get off this island
24:23to get my hands on some monsters!
24:25Save the ladies!
24:26You see?
24:27The hero's routine
24:29Be nice!
24:31Right, right
24:32Do you want to try it?
24:33Let's go, kid!
24:34On our way to Dave!
24:36Say, what's up, Dave?
24:38No problem!
24:39It's the capital of sharks
24:40and the best place I know to make a name for myself
24:43That's the signal for your DED alarm!
24:45Miss in distress!
24:52Don't be so fast, my heart!
24:54Stop it!
24:55Let me go!
24:56That's just my fury!
24:59Don't forget, kid
25:00First, you analyse the situation
25:01and don't rush into it without thinking
25:05You've lost a point!
25:10Get undressed, biped!
25:12Forgive me, my dear...
25:15I must beg you to release this young...
25:17Drop it, junior
25:19But you...
25:20Are you a lady in distress?
25:22I'm a lady
25:23I'm in distress
25:24and I'm going to get out on my own
25:25So, good luck!
25:29I'm afraid you're overreacting in this real-life situation
25:33What are you waiting for?
25:34Grab your sword!
25:35The sword?
25:36Right, rule number 15
25:37A hero must only use his sword!
25:45Wait, wait!
25:46He needs to get out on his own
25:47Come on, kid!
25:49Use your head!
25:58Not bad, kid!
25:59Not quite what I'd expected
26:00but not bad
26:02Excuse me, I'm...
26:03I'm sorry
26:04It was stupid
26:07I'll be right back
26:13Nice work!
26:15Is your super-evil really real?
26:17What are you talking about?
26:18Of course it's real!
26:21And since we're talking about it, pretty girl
26:23I'm real too
26:57How was I, Finn?
26:58Calm down, kid!
26:59You might be able to make such a mess in a junior championship
27:01but here, you're playing in the first division
27:03At least I beat him, don't you agree?
27:05Next time, don't lower your guard in front of a pair of big eyes
27:09Still, I'm dying to tell you
27:10you have to stay focused
27:11and you...
27:20Is everything alright, miss?
27:23My friends call me Meg
27:24but the problem is that I have no friends
27:26Your brains have come out of your impressive pectorals
27:32Are you still as eloquent?
27:36My name is Hercule
27:37Hercule, wow
27:38I think I prefer super-evil
27:42How did it happen with the...
27:43The soap bubble
27:44You know men
27:45They think that if you say no, they'll say yes
27:46and if you say no, they'll say
27:47I'll always love you
27:50Don't worry, the dwarf over there will explain that to you later
27:53Well, thanks for everything
27:55I'm a real delight
27:58Can we drop you off somewhere?
28:02I don't think your pony is right for me
28:04Who, Pegasus?
28:06No, don't believe that
28:07He'll be more than happy to...
28:10It'll be alright
28:11I'm a big girl
28:12I know how to tie my sandals on my own
28:16Bye, super-evil
28:22Don't you think, girl?
28:23Yeah, yeah, yeah
28:25Like a bullet in your pants
28:26The earth is calling, Herc
28:27Let's go, let's go, let's go, Herc
28:28We've got work to do, remember?
28:31Peg's always waiting for us
28:32Yeah, yeah, I know
28:43Oh, they're so cute
28:44A pair of rangers looking for an amusement park
28:46Who do you call a ranger, my sister?
28:48I'm a rabbit
28:49And I'm his princess
28:52Oh, that felt like a trap
28:55When you talk about the devil...
28:56Meg, my mega-girl, my mega-beauty, my mega-lady
28:59Moop, what brings you here?
29:01I thought you'd convinced Centaur to join my team for the big offensive
29:04And here I am again, without Centaur, without reason
29:06Actually, I put the package, but he made me an offer that I had to refuse
29:09Good, so instead of deducing your sentence of two beautiful years...
29:11Hey, I'll add two more
29:12You see, Moop, if I put the package...
29:14I'm not doing it for nothing, it's because of this super-evil, Hercule
29:18Doesn't that name ring a bell?
29:20I don't know!
29:21Maybe we owe him money!
29:22What was that name again?
29:26He landed with his air of being micro-t
29:28But I understood his game in less than a minute, like that
29:29Wait a minute!
29:30Wasn't it Hercule who called himself the rabbit that we became a...
29:32Oh my God!
29:34We're dead!
29:35Like that?
29:36You told him to settle his account?
29:38As dead as you can be
29:39Those are your exact words
29:42Maybe it's another Hercule
29:43Yes, you know, Hercule is another
29:45And popular nowadays
29:46But remember, a few years ago, a boy was called Jason
29:49And thousands of girls...
29:50And I'm about to reorganize the cosmos
29:53And this bastard of Donneray
29:55Is trying to waltz and flirt in the woods!
30:02Wait, Your Majesty!
30:04We can still make him want to waltz!
30:06At least we made him mortal!
30:07It's a good thing, isn't it, Sam?
30:11Fortunately for the three of you, we still have time to correct this ten-year-old negligence
30:15And this time, no more mistakes
30:22Is that a city?
30:23Yeah, a city, and a million problems
30:25The only and unique land, the jewel of Greece
30:28The one who loses in Greece will cry Greece in Persia
30:36Don't give up on me, kid!
30:37The city is a real footpath
30:40Look where you're going!
30:41Wait a minute!
30:42Don't let him get away then!
30:43You see what I mean?
30:44That's all there is here
30:45You're crazy
30:48Hey, man
30:50Don't you want to buy a solar dial?
30:52I don't care, get out!
30:53Come here
30:54The end is near!
30:55Can't you feel it?
30:56Yes, yes
30:57Thanks for the info
30:58Yes, we'll think about it
30:59Don't worry
31:00You, fix the sidewalk
31:01Come on, and avoid looking at them
31:02The people here are bloody
31:03It's because they live in this mess all year round
31:05Believe me, kid
31:06You're the magic potion they need
31:08It was tragic
31:09We lost everything in the fire
31:11Lost everything
31:12Except for this old white girl
31:14Was the fire lit before or after the earthquake?
31:17It was after the earthquake, I remember!
31:19Before the earthquake?
31:20I don't even want to talk about crime
31:22You're going to sink into a dizzying decline
31:25Tell me about it!
31:26I feel like a new monster is waiting for me every corner of the street
31:29You'll always find me
31:30All we need now is a central invasion
31:35I'm off to Spartanburg
31:37Excuse me
31:40It seems to me that you need a hero
31:45And who are you?
31:47My name's Hercule
31:49I happen to be...
31:50a hero
31:52A hero!
31:53A hero!
31:54Have you ever saved a town, tell me?
31:56No, not exactly, but...
31:57Have you ever overcome a natural disaster?
32:01Oh, listen to that!
32:02It's another one of those nonsense!
32:04We need that
32:05You don't get it, do you?
32:07This kid is a unique article
32:09Don't you think of that old girl who trained Achille?
32:12Watch out, mate
32:14Yeah, you're right
32:16He tore his heel off with a heel strike
32:19Take the heels off his stomach!
32:25But he's sick
32:28Young man, we need a professional hero, not an amateur
32:33Hey, wait!
32:39And how can I prove I'm a hero if no-one gives me a chance?
32:42You'll get your chance
32:43What you need is a good disaster
32:45Oh, please!
32:47Help me!
32:48There's been a terrible accident!
32:50Speaking of disasters...
32:51Oh no!
32:52Hercule, may the gods be with you!
32:54What's going on?
32:55Oh, in the mountains
32:56Two kids are playing in the gorge
32:58This rock has slipped
32:59A huge rock
33:00They're prisoners
33:01Children? Prisoners?
33:03That's great!
33:04Looks like this new table has been spilled
33:05Come on!
33:07I've always had a headache!
33:13I'm behind you, kid!
33:15I'm far behind you, kid!
33:17Oh dear, very far behind
33:24Are you alright?
33:25I'll survive
33:26Help me get down before I ruin your adventure
33:28Help! I can't breathe!
33:30Get us out of here!
33:33Someone call the X-ray!
33:35Don't panic, it'll be alright, kids
33:37We can't last any longer!
33:38Get us out of here before we get crushed!
33:55Are you alright? Are you hurt?
33:56I'm fine now
33:57Great, sir! You're really, really strong!
33:59Try to be a bit more careful next time, alright kids?
34:02Count on us!
34:08Impressive performance!
34:09That really moved me
34:13Sir, I gave him the blow of...
34:16I gave him the blow of two thumbs up!
34:18Well done for our fireman!
34:19What a talent, she's burning the tables
34:21Get out of there, fatso, while there's still time
34:23Oh, Phil!
34:24That was great!
34:25They even applauded me!
34:28Sorry to deflate your throats, kids
34:30but they barely tapped you!
34:36It's over!
34:37What do you call that thing?
34:42I'm going to break it!
34:45Let's go for the first round!
34:53That's it! Turn around!
34:54Throw it far!
34:55Watch your teeth!
34:56Watch your teeth!
34:57Turn around!
34:58Come on, throw your left!
34:59Throw your left!
35:00Your other left!
35:44You're a world champion!
35:45Sorry, Phil
35:46It was...
35:47It was easy
35:48Hey kid, kid!
35:49How many turns do you see?
35:52Ah, don't worry
35:53Come and take your turn, Turk
35:57Guys, guys, relax!
36:00It's only half time
36:04It doesn't smell good
36:11Not good at all!
36:35Can't you see?
36:36The more you scratch his head,
36:37the more he's headless!
36:38Come on!
36:44I can't believe I saw this exercise in training!
36:55Finally, my favorite part of the game
36:59The sudden death
37:18And another hero of mine
37:20Just like my daughter
37:46Phil, you have to admit
37:48it was rather heroic
37:50You did it, kid!
37:51You did it!
37:52You won by seismic chaos!
37:56Come on, we're sick!
37:59That's a hero
38:05From that day on,
38:06our beautiful Hercules
38:07became the idol of the crowd
38:08He was full of flame,
38:10and so cool
38:13His giant
38:14Hercules in the wind
38:16The fat boys sing
38:17that he's the biggest
38:18He's a pro
38:19The audition
38:21A sacred monster
38:22who puts all the monsters in chaos
38:23He's not a person
38:24It's a hero
38:25It's a hero
38:26He shoots the target
38:27It's a hero
38:28He's a marmot
38:29who doesn't say no
38:30It's a real hero
38:31He changed the world
38:32It's a real hero
38:33He's Lich King
38:34He smiles to all the possesed
38:36He's a real hero
38:37He's a real hero
38:38He hits the hero
38:39on every side
38:40On every side
38:42He starts a battle
38:43against our idols
38:44He flies forward
38:46He flies forward
38:47and shoots a fucking bomb
38:49to get rid of the fat
38:50and his men
38:51to get rid of the fat
38:52He's Opéra King
38:53He's the real king
38:54of the musicals
38:55for the oldies
38:56He deserves 10 out of 10
38:57All fat
38:58won the audition
38:59My revenge
39:00drew him
39:01in that converse
39:02He's a hero, he's a hero He's a hero, he's a hero
39:09He's a hero, he's a hero He's a hero, he's a hero
39:16He's a hero, he's a hero He's a hero, he's a hero
39:23He's a hero, he's a hero He's a hero, he's a hero
39:30He's a hero, he's a hero He's a hero, he's a hero
39:35He's a hero, he's a hero He's a hero, he's a hero
39:40He's a hero, he's a hero He's a hero, he's a hero
39:45He's a hero, he's a hero He's a hero, he's a hero
39:50He's a hero, he's a hero He's a hero, he's a hero
40:01It's a royal blow.
40:02He's not a real scholar. I launched an entire army against him, and he didn't even...
40:07What is... that?
40:10I don't know, I found them quite flashy.
40:13I have 24 hours left to eliminate this debauchery,
40:16or the machination I've been up to for 18 years will fly away in smoke,
40:21and you, you're dead.
40:23It's merchandise!
40:30A little kick?
40:40Looks like the game's over.
40:41Superman has never bent his head in front of you.
40:44Oh, yes.
40:47I wonder if he wouldn't bend his heart in front of other curves.
40:51Meg, my beautiful...
40:53Not even in a dream.
40:55Wait, he must have a weakness,
40:57because everyone has a weakness, you see.
40:59For the Avendors, it was the Amaryllis box.
41:01For the royals, it was having bet on the wrong horse.
41:03We must discover that of our Supermarble.
41:05I did my part. Ask your two horrors.
41:07They failed when he was a baby. I need someone who knows.
41:09Take him in your arms.
41:11I'm not taking any more men, I'm throwing them away.
41:12Well, that's not done, because that's what got you in trouble from the start.
41:15You remember, you sold me your soul to save the life of your little friend.
41:18And how did you thank me for that, you idiot?
41:20By filling the Peloponnese with mesaline.
41:23Oh, yes, it hurts a lot, doesn't it, Meg?
41:24That's enough, I got the sound, okay?
41:26That's exactly why.
41:27I'm convinced you won't refuse my new offer.
41:29You give me the key to eliminate Superballo,
41:32and I give you the thing you want most in the whole cosmos,
41:37your freedom.
41:42Oh, if you could have seen that, father.
41:43I slaughtered the Minotaur,
41:45and gorged the Gorgon,
41:47as the movie taught me.
41:48I analyzed the situation,
41:49controlled my strength,
41:50and hit.
41:53People were going crazy.
41:56Thank you, thank you.
41:58I congratulate you, son.
41:59Your old father is proud of you.
42:01I'm glad to hear it, father.
42:03I've been waiting for this day for so long.
42:05But what day is it?
42:07The day I'll join the gods.
42:09You've done wonders.
42:11I'm sincere, my son.
42:12But you're not there yet.
42:14You still haven't proven that you're a real hero.
42:17But father, I fought one by one every monster I had to face.
42:20I'm the most famous character in all of Greece.
42:23I'm a gold medal for playing in the abyss.
42:25I'm afraid that being famous
42:27has nothing to do with being a real hero.
42:30What can I do?
42:31It's something you'll have to find out for yourself.
42:34But how?
42:35Unravel your heart.
42:39Father, wait!
42:53On your left, the Hercules Palace.
42:54Our next stop, the Pic de Costeau gift shop
42:56where you can buy the daily Herobic exercise book,
42:58Hercules Muscle.
43:00At one o'clock, you'll meet the king Ogias.
43:02He has problems with his stables,
43:03and I advise you not to put your new sandals on.
43:05Son, I told you not to move!
43:07The liberation movement of the Hellenes.
43:15I'm stuck!
43:16Don't break our bones, master!
43:20What do you mean by Aquabon?
43:22Do you want to go to the abyss, yes or no?
43:23Yes, but all this nonsense seems to lead nowhere.
43:26You can't give up now, I'm counting on you!
43:29I think I'm out of courage.
43:32Listen, son.
43:33I've seen heroes, and I'm the one telling you this.
43:36I swear on Zeus' head.
43:38There's something about you that the others don't have.
43:39You think so?
43:40I can feel it up to the tip of my old beak.
43:43And there's nothing you can't do, son.
43:47Slowly, slowly!
43:48Calm down!
43:49Hey, don't rush!
43:50Don't rush!
43:53Come on!
43:57He's here!
43:58On the terrace!
44:09Let's see what's behind the curtain number one.
44:13Everything's fine.
44:14The dragon of the hormones has calmed down.
44:16I'm glad you're here.
44:18I've been looking for you everywhere.
44:19So that's what heroes do on their days off?
44:22I'm not a hero.
44:23Yes, you are.
44:24Everyone in Greece thinks you're the biggest event since the invention of the pita.
44:28I know.
44:29It's a shame I can't go anywhere without being harassed by the crowd.
44:31It looks like you need some rest.
44:33Do you think your nubikette wouldn't turn into a goat?
44:36Your nubikette wouldn't turn into a goat if you ran away this afternoon.
44:39Actually, I don't know.
44:40Phil organized a rather busy day for me.
44:42Oh, forget Phil.
44:43You go out with me through the window without telling anyone.
44:46You pick up a wall from the villa and we're out.
44:52Wow, what a day!
44:53First, these restaurants on the bay.
44:55And then this room and these little things.
44:58I thought I was in trouble.
45:03Stop your marathon!
45:04Stop your marathon!
45:05Work hard, my sister!
45:06I didn't know that being a girl was so fun.
45:09Yes, we're two then.
45:11Thank you, Meg.
45:13Don't thank me yet.
45:16Watch out!
45:17Sorry, my ankle.
45:19Really? Maybe you should sit down for a moment.
45:23So, do you also have problems with this kind of thing?
45:28I'm talking about your ankles.
45:31No, none.
45:32No weakness.
45:33Never, ever.
45:35No knee that comes loose.
45:38Piss off!
45:41No, no, no, I'm fine.
45:43I'm wearing myself like a charm.
45:45Super, you're perfect.
45:47Thank you.
45:52I think it's better like this.
45:54Yes, it's true.
45:56Thank you.
46:01Meg, when I was little,
46:03I would have given anything to look like a mortal.
46:06You wanted to be mean and loyal.
46:08Not everyone is like that.
46:10It's a shame.
46:11You're not.
46:12You don't know anything about me.
46:14All I know is that you're the most surprising person
46:17with a wrinkle that was given to me by you.
46:23Meg, when I'm with you,
46:25I feel less...
46:28Sometimes it's better to be alone.
46:30What do you mean?
46:31No one can hurt you.
46:37I can swear to you
46:39that I will never hurt you.
46:41Me neither, I don't want to hurt you.
46:43Please, do me a favor.
46:45Let's stop this, okay?
46:49Hey, you two!
46:50That's enough!
46:51The game is over!
46:52I've been looking for you all over the city!
46:53Calm down, my lamb.
46:54All of this is my fault.
46:55You're already on my list, chicken,
46:56so don't worry about it!
47:00And as for you, poor apple,
47:01you're going to go like a man to the stadium
47:02and accomplish the work of your life.
47:03Now get on this horse!
47:05Okay, okay.
47:07I'm sick of it.
47:08He'll get over it.
47:15Go, go, go, go, go!
47:21Watch out!
47:22Watch out!
47:23Watch out!
47:27Next time, I'm driving.
47:35What's wrong with you, Meg?
47:37And you thought you knew the song?
47:40If there's a price for lack of judgment
47:44I think I have the winning ticket
47:47No man is worth suffering so much
47:50This ancient story, I throw, I chain
47:53Who do you think you're fooling?
47:54Your heart is on fire and your love
47:56But it's not to hide
47:57The passion for the identity
47:59Of your weight in the thousands
48:00It's in you, it's in you
48:02It's in you, it's in you
48:03It's in you, it's in you
48:04It's in you, it's in you
48:05It's in you, it's in you
48:06Oh no!
48:08I won't say no, no
48:09Your heart is suffering
48:10Why lie?
48:11Oh oh!
48:12It's too banal
48:13To be sentimental
48:15Je ne, je ne
48:17J'avais pourtant appris la leçon
48:21Mon cœur connaissait la chanson
48:24Mais tout bassit
48:25Accroche-toi, ma fille
48:27Ta gueule trop fragile
48:28Évite les idilles
48:30Poignée, c'est aimant
48:31Le tourment de tes sentiments
48:33Rembat ton compliment
48:34Quand tu mens, c'est passionné
48:36Tu l'aimais, c'est normal
48:37La passion normale
48:39Et ça fait très, très, très, très mal
48:42Je ne, je ne
48:43Non, non, jamais
48:44Je n'avouerai
48:45Non, non, merci
48:46Tu n'y, tu souris
48:48Car tu l'aimes
48:49Laissez tomber
48:50Je ne suis pas amoureuse
48:52C'est inolèble
48:53Tu m'engueules
48:54Car tu l'aimes
48:55Jamais, jamais
48:56Je ne vous dirai
48:57Jamais, jamais
48:58Jamais, jamais
48:59Je n'oserai
49:01C'est pas la peine
49:03Car tu l'aimes
49:05Oh oh oh oh
49:07Oserais-je un jour
49:10T'avouer comme j'aime
49:13Je l'aime
49:27Alors, qu'est-ce que tu me racontes, hein, Meg ?
49:29Où est le point faible chez le beau Superman ?
49:32Trouvez-vous quelqu'un d'autre, moi j'abandonne
49:34Excuse-moi, mais pourrais-tu s'il te plaît me répéter ça ?
49:36Je dois avoir une petite boule de soufre qui me bouche les oreilles
49:38Alors, lisez sur mes lèvres
49:39Hors de question
49:41Mec, mec, mec, mec, mec, ma tousse
49:43Petite mignonne
49:44Aurions-nous par hasard oublié un gentil mini mais pourtant si crucial léger petit détail ?
49:48Tu m'appartiens
49:51Voilà qui m'ont poussé nos milieux
49:53Je vais lui faire faire des acrobaties à cet idiot pendant au moins un mois
49:56Si je dis chante, tu réponds
49:57Et quelle chanson ?
49:58Et si je dis
49:59Je veux la tête de super-athlète
50:00Sur une super-assiette
50:01Tu réponds
50:02À point ou saignante ?
50:04Je savais qu'elle était dangereuse
50:05Cette fille va lui briser le cœur
50:07Je vais m'entraîner
50:08Attends une seconde
50:09Tu entends ce son ?
50:10Le son de ta liberté
50:11Qui s'envole par la fenêtre pour toujours
50:13Ça m'est égal
50:14Je ne vous aiderai jamais à lui faire du tort
50:16J'ai du mal à croire que tu t'emballes à ce point pour un mec
50:19Celui-ci est différent
50:20Il est honnête
50:21Il est doux
50:22Et jamais il ne fera rien pour me blesser
50:23Il est comme les autres
50:24En outre, oh, Altesse
50:25Il est imbattable
50:27Et sans aucune faiblesse
50:29Il va vous...
50:31Je crois qu'il en a, mec
50:33Sincèrement, je crois qu'il en a
50:41Oh, oh, oh, oh
50:54Hey, Finn !
50:55Où étais-tu ?
50:56T, il faut qu'on parle
50:57Oh, Finn !
50:58Je viens de passer le plus beau jour de ma vie
51:00Je n'arrête pas de penser à Meg
51:02Elle est fantastique
51:03T !
51:04Je suis en train d'essayer de te parler
51:05Tu dois bien descendre et écouter
51:06Comment peut-on redescendre quand on monte au septième ciel ?
51:11T !
51:30Perdu !
51:31Extraordinaire !
51:32Mais ce que j'essaie de te dire, c'est...
51:33Si tu ne m'avais pas aidé, je ne l'aurais jamais rencontré
51:35Relâche-moi !
51:36J'étais dans mon bonheur, petit tirant
51:37Tu voudrais pas arrêter de délirer et m'écouter une seconde ?
51:40Allez, Phil, j'ai encore deux mots pour toi
51:41Cogne !
51:42Écoute-moi !
51:43Pas vraiment
51:44D'accord, mais à part ça...
51:46Elle te trompe !
51:49Elle t'a pris pour une poire !
51:51Je t'en prie, ne ris pas avec ça
51:52J'ai pas envie de rire
51:53Je sais que tu n'as pas eu une bonne journée
51:54Tu ne comprends donc pas
51:55Je comprends que je l'aime
51:56Oui, mais elle, non
51:57T'es singule
51:58Ce n'est qu'une petite hypocrite
51:59Arrête !
52:00Affidèle, menteuse, perfide
52:01La ferme !
52:05Phil, je...
52:07Je suis désolé
52:08D'accord, compris
52:09Tu ne veux pas voir la vérité
52:11Phil, attends
52:12Où est-ce que tu vas ?
52:13J'embarque sur la première galère qui lève l'encre
52:14Je rentre chez moi
52:16Très bien
52:18Pars !
52:19Je me débrouillerai tout seul
52:22J'espérais qu'un jour tu deviendrais un super champion
52:25Pas un vulgaire pion
52:29Molos, le colosse
52:30Quel bouc de pique, hein ?
52:34Mon nom est Hadès, dieu des enfers
52:35Ça va, toi ?
52:36Un autre jour, d'accord
52:37Ça te prendra qu'une minute, j'ai un débit d'enfer, d'accord ?
52:38Tu vois, j'ai cette importante transaction au four
52:39Une opération immobilière, si tu préfères
52:40Hé, Herc, toi, petit démon, je peux t'appeler Herc
52:42Tu sembles être constamment à travers de mon chemin, d'accord ?
52:44Je veux tromper de personne
52:45Écoute-moi !
52:46Non, c'est rien, c'est...
52:47Tu m'écoutes, d'accord ?
52:48Donc je te serai éternellement reconnaissant
52:49Si tu voulais juste prendre une récréation
52:51Loin de ton entreprise de démolition
52:52Je veux parler des monstres, des tremblements de terre
52:53Foutre rien qu'une petite journée
52:54Vous êtes complètement fou
52:55Pas si vite
52:56Parce que tu vois, c'est normal
52:57Mange une jolie petite carte
52:58Il ne manquera pas de te plaire
53:00Mais !
53:01N'écoute pas ça !
53:03Laissez-la !
53:04Voilà, marché
53:05Tu renonces à ta force pour environ 24 petites heures, d'accord ?
53:07Disons les prochaines, hein
53:0824 petites heures
53:09Et mec, ça va vibre comme un oiseau
53:10Et hors de danger
53:11On chante, on danse, on chasse, on s'embrasse
53:12On rentre à la maison, elle est pas belle la vie ?
53:14Personne ne sera blessé, n'est-ce pas ?
53:16Non !
53:17Enfin, il y a toujours une possibilité que ça arrive
53:18Tu sais, c'est ça la guerre
53:19Mais que veux-tu que je te dise après tout ?
53:20Qu'est-ce que tu dois à tous ces gens, hein ?
53:27Bon, d'accord
53:28Voilà ce que je t'offre
53:29Pas touche à Meg
53:30Ou bien tu retrouves ta force immédiatement, etc
53:31Persistez, sinon bas de la page
53:32Boum, c'est fait
53:33Et pour le décès, on se la serre
53:34J'ai pas beaucoup de temps à perdre avec ces ergotas
53:35Je suis très occupé
53:36Je ne peux pas attendre jusqu'au canon de Greg
53:37Je fais une réponse maintenant
53:38Une fois
53:39Deux fois
53:40D'accord !
53:41Oui !
53:42Bongo !
53:48Tu vas peut-être te sentir un peu barbouillé
53:50C'est normal
53:51Tu devrais t'asseoir
53:53Maintenant tu vas ressentir ce que c'est que d'être comme le commun des mortels
53:56Est-ce que ce n'est pas...
53:58Extra ?
54:00Encore un tout petit détail
54:01Meg !
54:02Meg à moi
54:03Un accord est un accord
54:04Ton rôle est fini
54:05A propos, héros
54:06N'est-elle pas une fabuleuse et géniale actrice ?
54:08Arrêtez !
54:09Que voulez-vous dire ?
54:10Je veux dire que ton grand amour ici travaillait pour moi
54:11Tout ce temps
54:14Vous mentez !
54:15À l'aide !
54:17C'est ferme, monsieur, vous êtes pour être fort !
54:19Je n'aurais rien pu faire sans toi, mon chou
54:21Non ! Ce n'est pas ce que tu crois, je ne voulais pas
54:23Je pouvais...
54:25Je suis désolée
54:27Le héros est un zéro !
54:28Le héros est un zéro !
54:29Le héros est un zéro !
54:30Le héros est un zéro !
54:31Eh bien, poussons les feux, il y a toute un super cosmos qui n'attend plus que moi
54:34Avec elle, mon nom marqué dessus
54:37Terminé les préliminaires, maintenant en route pour le grand combat !
54:41Les frères !
54:42Titans !
54:43Regardez-vous dans votre sortie de prison !
54:46Qui vous a mis là ?
54:48Seul !
54:50Et maintenant que je vous libère, quelle est la première chose que vous allez faire ?
54:55Le détruire !
54:57Bonne réponse
55:00Le détruire !
55:01Le détruire !
55:02Le détruire !
55:03Le détruire !
55:04Le détruire !
55:05Le détruire !
55:06Le détruire !
55:07Le détruire !
55:08Le détruire !
55:10Détruire Zeus !
55:15Refroidir Zeus !
55:22Brûler Zeus !
55:24Balayer Zeus !
55:30Détruire Zeus !
55:33Eh, les gars !
55:35Et le linge, ça sort pas plutôt par là ?
55:37Zeus !
55:38Refroidir Zeus !
55:40Attends, Koukou-Beloeil, j'ai un travail spécial pour toi, mon cyclopote
55:51Détruire Zeus !
55:53On a des problèmes, oh, d'énormes problèmes !
55:56Votre majesté, les titans se sont échappés, ils sont pour inciner à nos portes !
55:59Sonnez l'alarme ! Lancez immédiatement une contre-attaque !
56:02Tous les dieux, au front !
56:04C'est marné, babouche
56:09Chargez !
56:11Zeus, à l'ennemi !
56:21Oh, mon dieu !
56:22Gros plateforme !
56:23Lancement réussi !
56:30Hercule !
56:33Où es-tu ?
56:35Où es-tu ?
56:39Nous sommes perdus !
56:40Où est Hercule ?
56:41Hercule nous embrasse !
56:44Hé, Hercule ! Allez !
56:47Viens m'affronter !
56:51Que veux-tu faire ? Sans ta force, tu vas te faire tuer !
56:54Il y a pire que ça
56:56Courez !
56:57Attends !
56:59Hé, regardez ! C'est Hercule !
57:00Les dieux sont loués ! On s'en saute !
57:03Alors, toi être puissant, Hercule !
57:16Oui, du calme, cheval de plomb
57:19T'excite pas !
57:20Écoute, Hercule est en danger !
57:23Il faut qu'on trouve Phil, c'est le seul ami qui puisse lui faire entendre raison
57:27Tenez, attention !
57:32C'est bon, ça !
57:38Phil !
57:40Phil, Hercule a besoin de toi !
57:41Pourquoi aurait-il besoin de moi alors qu'il a des amis comme vous ?
57:43Il ne veut pas m'écouter !
57:45Il a finalement appris quelque chose !
57:47Écoute, je sais que ce que j'ai fait est mal, mais il ne s'achète pas de moi, c'est pour lui !
57:50Si tu n'y es pas maintenant, Phil sera tué !
57:53Donnez-moi plus de foudre !
57:55Un invasion s'est fait capturer, majesté.
57:57Tout le monde s'est fait capturer, j'ai été capturé !
57:59Hé, t'as pas les lunettes !
58:06Dezune, coucou, me revoilà !
58:08Atheus, tu étais derrière tout ça !
58:11Exactement derrière !
58:16Un microbe !
58:19Un microbe !
58:24Hercule !
58:26Allez, petit, vas-y, bats-toi !
58:28Je sais que tu connais cent de minable, ce gars-là !


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