• 5 months ago
During a press conference on Thursday, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) spoke in support of VP Kamala Harris’ nomination.

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00:00to have a gavel back in our hands.
00:05Let me just say that the response is so great until we have in Los Angeles tomorrow morning
00:14at 10 o'clock several thousand people who are showing up to endorse.
00:20Not because we had to organize them, they bugged the hell out of us, they've been calling,
00:26they've been trying to get connected and so finally my daughter and I said okay we'll
00:32get a place, we'll send the information out to the press and so I'm anxious to get home,
00:39to get on the plane because tomorrow morning in Los Angeles there will be this great outpouring
00:45of individuals supporting Kamala.
00:47We know her, I've known her for years.
00:50We know that she's competent, she's capable, she's had a career that leads her right to
00:55this moment.
00:56This is transformative for America.
00:59What we're seeing now is someone who's going to help unify this country, someone who is
01:07at the right time, at the right place to do the right things, having not only had a career
01:14that led her here but she had a partner in Biden.
01:17I love Biden and I did not want him to step down but he did it the right way.
01:24He stepped down and he endorsed a woman, a woman of color and it threw everybody into
01:34a new kind of possibility that could happen in this country.
01:38So I'm delighted, anxious to get out of here.
01:41We're going to be jamming tomorrow morning.
01:45Thank you, thank you.
