His Man S 3 Ep 11 Engsub
TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00Hey, whoa, I wanna let go, but I think too much and I love to let go
00:07Hey, why am I on this road? I love myself, but I love you more
00:12I stay close, I feel a bit old, I've been too young like a vintage car
00:17You make me wanna let go, I'm gonna let go
00:22I love you, can you see it right now?
00:52I love you, can you see it right now?
01:23I did write down a meal
01:26Are you gonna do it right away?
01:28Are you gonna make it right away?
01:29I'm gonna make it right away
01:34I think one bag is enough
01:39It's enough for 4 people
01:42Are you gonna eat it all?
01:44Let's do it
01:46I'll do it for you
01:47Mix the rice here
01:53That's enough
01:54Okay, that's enough
02:05I should have cut the bacon and mix it together
02:10I'll do it
02:23Do you want me to help you?
02:25No, it's enough
02:33Oh, it's broken
02:35You can't tell, can you?
02:37No, I can't
02:44I thought you were gonna do push-ups
02:47I thought you were gonna do push-ups
02:53Look at this
02:56It's broken
02:58I'm good at it, it's weak
03:03It's broken again
03:05Let's throw away the fried tofu
03:07No, no
03:08Oh, that's broken?
03:09No, that's broken
03:11Only fried tofu is broken
03:14He kept putting fried tofu sushi in it, but he tore it up
03:19That's why I made it
03:23He helped me a lot
03:26He helped me a lot
03:31I'd give him a perfect score
03:39I'm gonna take a shower
03:49I'm gonna take a shower
04:20I'm gonna take a shower
04:33Are you done?
04:35Did you take a video?
04:38What are we gonna do?
04:40If we have to wear the same clothes, should we change?
04:46We can change
04:48I know
04:52Who's taking a shower already?
04:55Min-seon is
04:58Min-seon wakes up early
05:00I think so
05:01I think so
05:02Yong-gyun said he wakes up early
05:06That's why he used the same bed as me
05:10I should wake him up
05:12Wake up, Yong-gyun
05:18Min-seon is out
05:25Take a shower and have a meal
05:28We made it
05:29I saw it
05:30It looked so good
05:31Fried tofu sushi
05:33We made it
05:35We can't eat a lot
05:36Let's eat 2-3
05:382-3 to 5?
05:46Wake up
05:49Everyone is getting ready
05:59They all woke up
06:05I'm gonna take a shower
06:07I can't
06:10Min-seon is getting ready
06:15I was upset because I had a hard time last night
06:21Min-seon is getting ready
06:30Min-seon is getting ready
06:35Min-seon is getting ready
06:40Min-seon is getting ready
06:57We decided to go on a date
07:00No way
07:03You don't have to rush
07:06I want to know if I'm happy or not
07:11It's raining
07:12I'm so excited
07:16I'm glad
07:19I knew it
07:28I was surprised that there was a secret in the mailbox
07:32I was happy that there was Myeong-gyun's name
07:36We had a date
07:38I was happy that I could go on a date with Min-seon
07:43I was glad that I could go on a date
07:48Min-seon is getting ready
07:54Min-seon is getting ready
08:00I found it right away
08:02What is it?
08:03I found it by the direction of the mailbox
08:11What should I do?
08:12I don't know
08:13I don't know how I chose
08:15The three of us got along so well
08:17We had a good relationship
08:26Seung-jin, it's 9.30
08:28Why is it 9.30?
08:31It's done
08:36Myeong-gyun, I think you can go with me today
08:40What happened?
08:42I interviewed you
08:44Who am I?
08:49Wake up, Seung-min
08:50Who am I?
08:51I don't know, you have to decide
08:52Seung-jin, Hwi, Hyeong-min
09:03It's a lie
09:08I'm so sleepy
09:09I'm so sleepy
09:14I think it's okay to take a shower
09:18I'm so sleepy
09:33You put a lot on the left
09:40Seung-jin, Hwi, Hyeong-min
09:48It's fun
09:50It's fun
09:52It's so fun
09:54It's so fun
10:00To be honest, I was a little annoyed
10:03Why is it so hard for me to do what others are doing easily?
10:11I think I'm really unlucky
10:22Did you see that?
10:23Which one?
10:24I don't know, I think it's you, me, and Seung-jin
10:32Seung-jin, Hwi, Hyeong-min
10:42I'm not in a good mood
10:43I can't go on a date with Seung-min
10:46Is it you?
10:47And Hwi is in a lot of pain
10:52What should I do?
10:54Seung-jin, Hwi, Hyeong-min
10:58Should I get a gun?
11:01I think jeans will look good on you
11:06Should I wear jeans or jeans?
11:09What's on top?
11:10The one on top?
11:13Put it on
11:15If it's not the right tone, it might be better
11:19Both are better
11:22You have to wear cool shoes with jeans
11:26If it's a bit bright, a black walker would be good
11:33I feel more comfortable when I talk to Myeong-gyu
11:40I don't feel annoyed
11:44I feel more comfortable
11:46I knew it
11:51I wouldn't put two papers
11:53It's not like the paper is thick
11:58I thought the left side would be the most likely
12:01Do you know that?
12:02People usually go to the left when they cross the road
12:08That's 70% or 80%
12:10I was really close
12:17Oh my
12:19Take care of your swimwear
12:20I got a text
12:21Take care of my swimwear?
12:23Or not a swimming pool
12:25A valley?
12:27Are we going to ride a yacht?
12:29A water boat?
12:30We're going to do something related to water
12:32A water boat?
12:34I like a swimming pool
12:37I like a leisure boat
12:40You guys swam
12:43We had a lot of fun yesterday
12:45Lee Young-ji
12:49How are you going to wear it?
12:54I'm not sure
12:56Isn't it different?
12:58It's like this
12:59But the pants are a little long
13:05Should I bring a sleeveless top?
13:07I'll just wear it as a top
13:11I won't wear a cape
13:12I'll just take off the sleeveless inside
13:16I think it's okay
13:18I think it's okay
13:19I think it's better than me
13:21It's more sporty than me
13:26But you have to bring your swimwear
13:32So I think it's better to just bring this
13:37Shall we go eat together?
13:38I ate a little
13:40It's so good
13:41It's so good?
13:44It looks so good
13:45Are they different?
13:47I want to eat this
13:49I want to eat both
13:51It looks good
14:01It's good, right?
14:08This is crazy
14:11This is crazy too
14:20What did we have for dinner?
14:21Pork cutlet?
14:23I'm full
14:25You're full?
14:26I keep drinking water
14:27I'm full
14:32I'm eating too much
14:33I can't help it
14:34It's good, right?
14:36I have to scold you
14:37I'm going to scold you
14:39I'm going to scold you
14:43I'm going to eat one more
14:45I'm eating too much
14:50I can eat all of this by myself
14:52Let's say there wasn't anything
14:54Let's say there wasn't anything
14:56I have to hold it
14:57I'm going to the swimming pool
15:00I can't
15:08It's pretty
15:09It's not too much
15:11It's more than I thought
15:13It's too much for me
15:14It's too much
15:18Is this right?
15:22Is this right?
15:25It's different when you play in the water
15:29Because of the pants
15:31Right, I have to wear a necklace too
15:39What is this?
15:40You're wearing mesh today
15:44You're wearing mesh today
15:54You have to wear white pants
16:15Thank you
16:22Do you have any clothes left?
16:23Something fancy
16:25I think it's too plain
16:26I want to wear something fancy
16:27I want to wear something fancy
16:29The fancy lights are wrapping around me
16:32Where are you?
16:33Where are you?
16:35In the middle
16:38The clothes I wore are all here
16:40They're inside too
16:42The clothes have changed
16:43There are a lot of clothes that don't have anything
16:45There's no arm
16:48There's a pocket here
16:52I can't wear this
16:55You have to wear the shoes
16:57That's right
17:09Just Dance
17:13Please dance well
17:34This is your debut stage
17:37I changed my clothes
17:38You did well
17:39You want me to change?
17:41I want to change
17:42Did you go to the bathroom?
17:45I don't know
17:46Should I change?
17:56Are you ready?
17:57No, I'm going to do my hair for Seungjin
18:00I don't think the water will go in
18:03I don't know
18:05Where is Seungjin?
18:12Is Seungjin inside?
18:15It's really hard
18:16Be careful
18:20I think it was okay
18:22After I got rejected yesterday
18:27I thought about it alone
18:31I feel better now
18:32I feel better now
18:33I feel better now
18:36This much
18:48Barefoot Seungjin
18:49Yes, barefoot is good
18:54Thank you
19:07Are you filming me?
19:10Are you filming me with the camera?
19:11Stand up
19:13No, not us
19:14I'm filming you
19:16I'm filming you
19:19It's annoying
19:21I was so excited
19:24From the clothes we're going to wear together
19:26To the props
19:28I was so envious of him
19:31Deciding and discussing
19:33One by one
19:46Bae Seungmin
19:50Bae Seungmin
19:53I thought you were taking off your pants
19:58I'm done
19:59You're done?
20:00I'm cleaning up
20:02I wanted to clean up the room
20:04So I did
20:08Do you know the Gemini shot?
20:13You're talking about this
20:15That's right
20:16That's right
20:17That's right
20:19You have to close your lips
20:25Are you going to wear it like this?
20:26Yes, I'm going to wear it freely
20:33This is an in-show item
20:36I look free today, right?
20:38We're all dressed like we're going to a water park
20:44No, if we fall into the water
20:46I don't want to fall into the water
20:50Let's fall into the water
20:53I want to fall in love
21:06I have another pair of pink sunglasses in my car
21:08I know
21:09I want to bring them
21:11I'm a crocs fan
21:12How is your hair like this?
21:14Can I bring them?
21:15Please give them to me
21:16You didn't give them to me on purpose, right?
21:18Please give them to me
21:19They're pretty
21:21From yesterday to today
21:23I think I've changed a lot
21:25I've been thinking a lot about
21:28Who I'm interested in
21:32We have a good conversation
21:34It's comfortable when we're together
21:35I've been thinking about
21:37Who this person is
21:40I've come to the conclusion that
21:43I'm interested in Wheein
21:47I'm going
22:01It's raining so much
22:02It's good that it's not hot
22:06Be careful, Woong
22:08Be careful
22:11Choo choo
22:13Be careful, Woong
22:16Be careful, Woong
22:17Be careful, Woong
22:18Be careful, Woong
22:19Be careful, Woong
22:20Be careful, Woong
22:21Be careful
22:24Where should we go?
22:28Why are we split up?
22:33Everyone, follow me
22:35I felt uncomfortable with Wheein
22:36But I didn't show it as much as I could
22:38I was just going to act like a friend
22:41I think I was a little worried about Wheein
22:44Because I thought
22:45I had the biggest interest in Wheein
22:49I was wondering if the relationship between the two
22:52Was perfectly organized
22:58It's a bowling alley
22:59Is it a bowling alley?
23:00It's a bowling alley
23:01I think it's a bowling alley
23:02I'm not good at bowling
23:03It's going to be fun
23:04It's going to be fun
23:22Didn't someone say they wanted to play bowling yesterday?
23:24I really wanted to play bowling yesterday
23:25So I sang
23:26You're doing what you want to do
23:29I said I wanted to go to a bowling alley
23:32I was so happy to go to the place I wanted to go
23:40Of course, it's me
23:44I'm so happy today
23:45I'm looking forward to it
23:46Let's go study
23:50You want to hit me first?
23:52I'll look forward to it
23:59I'm so embarrassed
24:00No, no
24:01Don't collapse
24:03Don't give up
24:04I don't know
24:05I don't know
24:09Oh, you're going to do that?
24:12I think my brother will be so embarrassed
24:16Wouldn't it be the ugliest?
24:22Oh, you're going to do that?
24:25Oh, you're going to do that?
24:28Oh, you're going to do that?
24:37I'm so embarrassed
24:40Aren't you going to do it again?
24:42Oh, that's right
24:44No one knows the rules
24:46Hurry up
24:49You can do it
24:50You can strike this time
24:52It's so funny
24:53I think it's going to go well
24:55It's going well
24:56Oh, what is it?
25:04I'll show you
25:17Oh, I'm screwed
25:21Oh, I'm screwed
25:23I remember it, but I can't do it
25:28He's so confident
25:30How good will he be?
25:32I saw him, and he was more sloppy than I thought
25:35I heard he's been playing a little bit
25:37Honestly, I don't know
25:38I don't know if he's good
25:44I was good at it when I was in high school
25:47But I don't know because it's been a while
26:03How do you do it?
26:04I'm so embarrassed
26:05I'm trying to hit it like this
26:07I'll do it
26:15That's right
26:16That's right
26:17That's right
26:19It's like a curse from behind
26:22It's so funny that I keep getting zero points
26:25I'm really screwed
26:28First of all, Seung-jin's form was so cute
26:32Sung-min was so awkward
26:34So everyone just laughed
26:38So how do we make a bet?
26:41Let's make a bet
26:42What should we bet on?
26:43Do you want to make a wish coupon?
26:45Wish coupon?
26:46Instead, don't say anything, just do it
26:50Do you know what wish it is?
26:51No matter what wish it is, just do it
26:53Actually, I didn't want to do it when I heard about the wish
26:56I thought I could be more complicated in the area of the wish
27:02Because I was very tired
27:05I thought it would be nice if Hwi-min could win
27:09Hwi-min had a hard time because of Sung-min
27:13I just wanted to take this opportunity to win with bowling
27:19The person who wins can do everything to the other person
27:21What if I ask you to go up to the table and dance in the evening?
27:24I won't do it
27:25No? You have to do it
27:27You have to do it
27:28Okay, I'll do it first
27:30That's too much
27:31Okay, so the person who wins has to do everything to the other person?
27:41This is really
27:42This is a bit cheating
27:45Why is this going well?
27:47Why is this going well?
27:50Let's go
27:51This is ridiculous
27:54He's good right away because it's a bet
27:56Wow, this is really
27:57I was fooled
27:59This is driving me crazy
28:00No way
28:15This much?
28:17I don't have much interest in it now
28:20I almost lost my interest
28:21I'll try it with my glasses
28:27Is it going?
28:37You don't have sunglasses
28:40I have
28:47It's a two-time difference
28:48What's wrong with me?
28:50Let's just do it
28:55You have 46 points right now
28:56Remember this
29:08You have 46 points
29:11You have 46 points
29:13You have 46 points
29:14Can you throw the ball like that?
29:17What's wrong with me?
29:19The screen is surrounding you
29:26This is driving me crazy
29:27You have 46 points
29:30You don't have that
29:31It's okay
29:32You can do it
29:35This is so funny
29:36You can do it
29:43You have 46 points
29:45Don't do it
29:46You have 46 points
29:47Don't do it
29:48You have 46 points
29:56So you have two wishes
30:00When are you going to write to us?
30:03Until the last day
30:05Until the last day
30:08I was going to ask Seungjin to just lie down on the pool and do nothing
30:15But I wanted to be a good friend to Seungjin
30:22That's my wish now
30:26I lost
30:28He lost
30:29Did he really lose?
30:30Why is he two times better?
30:34Let's go
30:35We had fun
30:36Let's put the ball back
30:37We have to put the ball back
30:38When I was bowling, I was tired and I couldn't think straight
30:42I wasn't in a good mood
30:44But all three of them were bad
30:47It was so funny
30:50When the bowling was over, I felt less awkward with Hwi
30:54I was glad that Hwi kept smiling
31:03It was fun
31:06Let's go
31:17It looks so good
31:18It's crazy
31:19I think it's going to be better than yesterday
31:22Of course
31:23It looks like gnocchi
31:24I know, it looks like gnocchi
31:25I'm so happy
31:28Thank you for the food
31:32How is it?
31:34Is it good?
31:36Is it good?
31:37Is it good?
31:43Is it good?
31:49It's good
31:50I'm so happy
31:51It's amazing
31:55How did the three of us put the ball on the right?
31:59It was so amazing
32:01Why did the three of us put the ball on the right?
32:04I thought people would put the ball on the left
32:10I feel comfortable when I'm with you
32:12I feel comfortable
32:13I'm not lying, I feel so comfortable
32:15Today was a healing day
32:17I think I bowled with sleepy eyes
32:22I don't have a soul
32:23I don't have a soul
32:24I don't have a soul
32:25I feel comfortable
32:26Why did you do that?
32:27That's how comfortable and precious you are to me
32:32Do you have any memorable moments while you were here?
32:42Did you go out yesterday?
32:45Why did you go out yesterday?
32:48The reason is a secret
32:53The date I went to the pottery workshop with Wheein yesterday was the most memorable
33:01It's a little embarrassing to say it directly on the spot
33:05I just said it was a secret
33:08For me
33:13The most memorable moment
33:14Do I have to pick just one?
33:16Of course
33:17Why just one?
33:19The most memorable moment
33:24The most memorable moment
33:27If I don't think about it and just think about it
33:34I want to say that the first date with me was the most memorable
33:44To be honest
33:47The exhibition
33:51It was the tone of the space that I really like
33:54The space itself
33:56You said you wanted to keep going
33:57I wanted to keep going
33:59I was a little sad to go with Hanbin
34:02Hanbin doesn't like places like that
34:04That's right
34:06He was like, why are you going?
34:08I know
34:09I was a little sad about that
34:10He wasn't the person I wanted to go with
34:14Who did you want to go with?
34:17Okay, next
34:19What do you want to say to Sungmin?
34:27There's something I want to ask Sungmin
34:30What is it?
34:31I don't know what it is, but do I have to ask?
34:33Do I have to ask now?
34:34Ask me
34:36No, this was really my pure curiosity
34:40I don't know what it feels like to be with Jaeseung
34:47I've been wanting to ask since yesterday
34:51Because Jaeseung is the person that Seungjin likes
34:56I wanted to ask about the relationship with Jaeseung
35:01What kind of feeling do I have for Jaeseung?
35:04That's right
35:07I'm feeling a lot of affection right now
35:12The most in the house?
35:14For Jaeseung, I'm feeling the most affection in the house
35:21I think he's made up his mind
35:26I think he's the most honest person I've ever seen
35:34Not the secret letter we sent yesterday
35:38We sent each other questions anonymously
35:43I asked Jaeseung if he had a firm feeling for Sungmin
35:48That's right
35:49You wrote that?
35:50You're a villain
35:52I was really surprised
35:54I was really next to Jaeseung
35:56After reading that, everyone was looking at me
35:59I thought it was me
36:01It wasn't me
36:02Do you know what I was a little upset about?
36:05He picked it
36:08That's right
36:09I picked it
36:10I was so upset
36:12Youngjin was staring at me
36:14I was like, he went that way
36:16Jaeseung must have felt the same way
36:20Tell him that Seungjin asked you
36:25It was a complete twist
36:27I thought Hwi wrote it
36:30I think Jaeseung must have felt bad about it
36:34On the other hand
36:36Is there anything you regret the most while you're here?
36:42Why yesterday?
36:44The deepest moment is a secret
36:48What I regret the most is
36:50The letter I wrote yesterday
36:53When I wrote that letter yesterday
36:56My thoughts and today's thoughts have changed so much
37:00I really want to burn it
37:02I don't have it
37:04I want my letter to be gone
37:11The moment I regret?
37:14There's no moment
37:16It's just that I was too narrow-minded
37:22Until now, whether it's dating or flirting
37:27I've met people who like me first
37:31It's the first time I've liked someone more than that person
37:36I think I was too narrow-minded
37:40I couldn't see anything else
37:42So I think I regret that kind of behavior
37:47That's possible
37:49But through that, I get to know myself
37:54I think I was a bit narrow-minded
37:58Because unlike yesterday
38:02I think there were a lot of subtle jokes
38:08I think I've found myself again
38:10I should work harder
38:14It's 46 points
38:16It's 46 points, can you throw the ball like that?
38:19Of course, it could be my own feelings
38:25I thought about that a lot
38:27I told him that I've sorted out my feelings for him
38:31I don't know, maybe I have feelings for someone else
38:34Maybe it's not me
38:40Time really flies
38:45The past 5 days
38:47How long has it been?
38:48It feels like a day
38:50I think the past 5 days have come together
38:53I don't even know what happened
38:57It feels like I've come to my senses
38:58It feels like I've come to my senses
39:00But each day was so hard
39:04But it went by so fast
39:08Unlike the hard days
39:11It was so spectacular
39:14I think I've learned a lot about myself
39:19I was surprised
39:23It's scary to go back to reality
39:30My goal is to have no regrets for the rest of the day
39:34Let's do our best for the rest of the day
39:40It's hard
39:42I think we're so attached to each other
39:44Me too
39:45I think I'll be sad
39:47With my family
39:50I don't think I'll ever forget this
39:52I don't think I'll ever forget this
39:56Me too
39:57I don't think I'll ever forget this
40:03They're the only two people I think we get along well
40:07Seungjin and Hwi
40:09I like that we're so close
40:14I think it was great that the three of us were able to have fun together
40:20I think we all had an honest and simple conversation
40:27I thought Hwi was a really good person
40:32I thought Hwi was a really good person
40:39I thought Hwi was a really good person
40:43I thought Hwi was a really good person
40:44Let's go after we eat
40:47It was a really good meal
40:49Let's go
40:50Good job
40:52Let's go to the hotel
40:54Let's go
40:55Let's go
41:09Let's go
41:14Let's go
41:15Let's go
41:17Let's take a picture before we change
41:19Let's take a picture
41:20I was really excited
41:22I was really excited to go to the swimming pool that I used to sing at
41:28I was really happy when I found out that we were going to the pool
41:31I was really happy that I got to do activities with Hanmin
41:36I think we're going to have a lot of fun
41:40The view is really pretty
41:42The view is really pretty
41:451, 2, 3
41:471, 2, 3
41:50I think I'm pretty good at taking pictures
41:51Did you improve?
41:53I'll take a picture of you
41:55Do you want me to take a picture of you?
41:56Do you want me to take a picture of you?
41:59I have to smile
42:00It's a typical feeling that a couple feels when they're alone
42:06It's a feeling that we're together but we have to walk
42:121, 2, 3
42:20That's you
42:21Stand where you want
42:22I think it's pretty when the boat comes out
42:24I think it's pretty when the boat comes out
42:25I think there was a time when we said let's just play together
42:29I think there was a time when we said let's just play together
42:34But I don't know how Jaeseung felt
42:44It's annoying
42:45Just thinking about it makes my face explode
42:47Just thinking about it makes my face explode
42:53Shall we change our clothes?
42:54Shall we change our clothes?
42:56Let's change
42:58Why are you guys all like this?
42:59Why are you guys all like this?
43:06I think it's not a body that you can't take off
43:09I think it's not a body that you can't take off
43:12I think it's not a body that you can't take off
43:15I don't think it's that good
43:18I don't think it's that good
43:19I just hear a lot that it's pretty
43:25I didn't exercise
43:28I thought that even if I did it short like this, nothing would change
43:33I just didn't do it
43:39I came here to exercise
43:40My head is going in
43:41Why? I came here to exercise
43:46I came out and everyone was exercising so I was a bit flustered
43:49Why are you exercising all of a sudden?
43:51Actually, when I told them to pack their swimsuits
43:55I did push-ups in my room
44:10Ready, set, go
44:11Shall we go?
44:12Shall we go?
44:13Let's go
44:16Let's go
44:24It looks fun
44:25I'm nervous
44:26I'm nervous
44:27It's my first time riding it
44:28I'm nervous
44:29It's my first time riding it
44:30Min-sun, move your waist more
44:31You're the only one who can do it
44:32Me? Like this?
44:34Drive well
44:42Let's go
45:08It's fun
45:10I'm a driver so I drive in the front seat
45:14It's really fun
45:18I'm a driver
45:19I'm a driver
45:20I'm a driver
45:27Driver, drive
45:40Let's go
45:57It's hard to drive in the front
45:59It's hard to drive in the front
46:01It's fun
46:02It's fun
46:03It's fun
46:08It's about to fall
46:09It's about to fall
46:10I won't let it fall
46:14Min-sun drives so well
46:17Did you see my driving skills?
46:19Are you okay?
46:20Did you see my driving skills?
46:23I think I poured the most water
46:25Do you know why?
46:26Do you know why?
46:27I was like this
46:28We have to drive together
46:30I can't do it alone
46:31I have to go the other way
46:34Is that a duck?
46:35Is that a duck?
46:38It's not flying, is it?
46:39It's not flying, is it?
46:40I'm more scared because he can't drive
46:41I'm more scared because he can't drive
47:00Let's go, duck
47:02Let's go, duck
47:18I was afraid of getting hurt
47:20I was afraid of getting hurt
47:21But it was so bumpy
47:22But it was so bumpy
47:23But it was so bumpy
47:24So I was like...
47:25So I was like...
47:26So I was like...
47:52Are you okay?
47:53Are you okay?
47:56I'm okay
48:08I think Hanbin got tired
48:10I think Hanbin got tired
48:11I think Hanbin got tired
48:12And he was so natural
48:13And he was so natural
48:14And he was so natural
48:16Wow but it flew
48:17Wow but it flew
48:22It flew in the middle
48:24I feel like I'm the only one who's nervous right now
48:27We're having so much fun, I want to ride it one more time
48:29It's so fun
48:31We're having so much fun
48:33You have to try it
48:35What's so fun about it?
48:37Let's go
48:39Where's the front?
48:41He's looking at the front
48:43You know what I mean?
48:45Please take good care of us
48:47Please take good care of us
48:49It looks fun
48:51It looks fun
48:53It looks fun
48:55It looks fun
48:57It looks fun
48:59It's so cool
49:01It's so comfortable to lie down
49:03I'm so relieved
49:05I'm so relieved
49:07Are you okay?
49:09Are you okay?
49:11I think we need to get off
49:13I think we need to get off
49:15It's heavy
49:17It's heavy
49:19It's heavy
49:21Why are you doing this to me?
49:23I'm going
49:25I'm going
49:27I'm so sad
49:29I'm so dumbfounded
49:31I'm so dumbfounded
49:33I feel so bad
49:35I feel so bad
49:37I feel so bad
49:39I feel so bad
49:41I feel so bad
49:43I feel so bad
49:51I feel so bad
49:53I feel so bad
49:55I feel so bad
49:57I feel so bad
49:59I feel so bad
50:01I feel so bad
50:03I feel so bad
50:05I feel so bad
50:07I feel so bad
50:09I feel so bad
50:11I feel so bad
50:13I feel so bad
50:15I feel so bad
50:17I feel so bad
50:19What's the matter?
50:21What's the matter?
50:23It's too heavy to get off
50:25It's too heavy to get off
50:27It's too heavy to get off
50:31We won
50:33We won
50:39Please get off
50:41I'm going
50:43I'm going
50:45I'm going
50:47We flew
50:49We flew
50:55I can hear well
50:57I can hear well
51:09It's so fun
51:17It's so fun
51:21They are awkward
51:27You can see that they are shaking hands
51:29You can see that they are shaking hands
51:31You can see that they are shaking hands
51:33They are excited
51:35I hope they get close
51:37I hope they get close
51:39I was so happy
51:41I was so happy
51:45I was so happy
51:47I was screaming
51:49I was shaking hands
52:01I thought I was flipped
52:03I thought I was flipped
52:05I was holding my posture
52:07I got caught in the net
52:10These are the fish that you've already fished
52:18This is the most fun part
52:19Oh really?
52:20Ride with me one more time later
52:22One more time?
52:23Oh, sounds good
52:35It's fun, right?
52:35Yeah, this is the most fun part
52:37Let's order pizza
52:39I'm so hungry right now
52:40I don't feel like eating
52:41Let's go
52:41Let's clean up first
52:52Look at the visual
52:55I like pepperoni the most
52:56It's pepperoni
52:57It's pepperoni
52:58I think it's bulgogi
52:59Bulgogi and potato
53:00Potato bacon
53:01It looks so good
53:03It looks so good
53:04You have to eat it like this
53:07I think I'm going to throw up
53:09It's half and half
53:10It's bulgogi
53:16I think they make it really fast
53:18The cheese stretches out
53:21It's good
53:23It's good
53:32It's really good
53:33I learned how to ride a ride
53:36I don't care about communication
53:39I want to eat fast and ride the next ride
53:47Myungkyun eats with a lot of sauce on his mouth
53:49I was thinking about what to do
53:52I did wipe his mouth
53:57Do you like activities?
53:58I like it
53:59I really like it
54:01Only people who like it gather here
54:05Do Hwi and Seungjin like static things?
54:11Hwi also likes exhibitions
54:15How could they do that?
54:17I think all the people here like activities
54:19How could they do that?
54:20It's so amazing
54:22But they might not be static
54:24They might all do activities
54:28They might go to ride hot air balloons
54:30They might do that
54:36Let's ask later
54:40It's good to eat while listening to the sound of rain
54:45I can't do it anymore
54:46It's raining
54:48It was raining earlier, but it was a little cold
54:51It's raining all of a sudden
54:54Let's clean up
54:56Are you done eating?
54:58Let's clean up and get on the ride
55:19Is it fun?
55:21I had so much fun
55:23But I'm not feeling well
55:25After playing in the water, my body felt numb
55:28I felt a little fever
55:32Go and rest
55:33Take a nap
55:35We'll be there soon
55:36Take a nap after taking medicine
55:37I'm so jealous
55:41I thought it would be more uncomfortable for us to play together
55:44So I wanted to play with everyone
55:47I thought it would be fun to play with everyone
55:55It's cold
56:17It's cold
56:24It's cold
56:55It's cold
56:56It's cold
56:58It's cold
57:23I missed Sungmin
57:28I missed Sungmin
57:32You always make me feel cold
57:43And you always smile when you look at me
57:46When you look at me
57:54You never smile when you look at me
57:58You never smile when you look at me
58:01When I think of Hwi
58:03I feel so weird
58:06I can't look at you
58:23I was a little flustered
58:24Who wrote a letter to Sungmin?
58:27I'm going to be a little worried
58:29Wouldn't the discomfort have increased by at least 1%?